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."~} <br />I15tJ-:4-Fmfltt Position 3 <br />Form fTnFfA 427-i N8 <br />(Rev: s-S5-74) REAL ESTriTE MORTGAGE FOR NEBRASKA-' <br />~~~' <br />THIS MQRTGAGEis made and entered into by _--~FY'2C{ r1~; Ei ckhOff dnd D2bf'1 A~:_E7tkk:ofia-__--__-,- <br />residing. in -~---.__...._-lid.7-L.--_--°-_._-. _- ---~...._-- •--__e-.County,-Nebraska;..-whose post oEF;ce addrcs is <br />(3CtLtLE.-ii3~.-BIiX.-9fs~-1+14IId.-RiltEr_._._°------._.._._.-_ ._-..------.-. _._-. ~-.-----------, Nebraska ---.6$SE3:__, <br />herein caljed "BorrcnvuJ' and:- - - - - - ,- <br />WHEREAS- Bbfrowtr it indebted to the UnitedStates of America, aetingthrottgh. the-Farmers-.jiome Administration, - <br />IJnixtd Staten Department aF Agticulttut, herein caxfed~ the "Government;'-as-evidenced by-one brtnat~ proritissnrv~xiortfa) - <br />or assrungtion agretmtntis}, hcrcin ailed "noty" which Star- been exetuced- by-Bntrowtr;.~is-pxyxixjr. to the order-of the <br />Gosemment. authorizes. arsekration. of the rntjre ittdebtedntss at thr option of-the-Government_'vpon.any~defaitit:by.- _ <br />,$orrour•, and-is-dzs:..-ibed as folSovrs: - - - ----: - --- - <br />RritruaiRule- DueDateafFixol~- <br />Date.oflnstncmert! - Prrncidrajdmaunr. oflnterest - Irrsraibitertt-_--- _. <br />July ~> 1980 525,500.00 11 percent r}assuary 1-; 2Q11 <br />{jf the interest rite a Stss char. _-_____- u Ear Farm owneisbip ur eperatinfi louli_sj srcurtd by this instrumeelt, then the <br />me may be changed is provided in the note.,' <br />And the note tYtdencts a Soan to Borrower, and rSte t:overnmtnc, ac inv time, neap as<.igit rho nott and insvrt ehe pay- <br />ment drereoE pursuant to the Cansolidictd Farm and Kural Development Act, or Tide V of dte Flouring Act of T949 or arty <br />other sratutc administtrtd by the Farmers Flome Administration: <br />And itv the purpose x-~d intent aE this insrrunlent chat, amana ocher things, ar atl times :vhen thr note is heSd by the <br />fovtttunmt, or its ctit event Clte Government stlavld assign this irstrnrnrnc without insuratlcr ul me rnrt, this itlstrumtrt <br />sbajS secure payment nl the rota, but when the note is held by an uisured S:otdcr, this instrunienr shad not secure payment <br />cr the note or attacl to rile debt evidcnctci thcrcby, i!ur a5 ro the n_,tt and suc71 Sect shah cunatitutr an indemnity merel;3Rc <br />,~. ~._ t?~ rout :°,me:.e ag~t i~~ ! -.- sa a- - -"'- - R ea. k, i,y v._ _ ,.., <br />r cAndAr31 r5 m5trllmt`tlt 3354 Sti:nrt5 ttl^z fef 3ptilTr .)~ 31i4 intr[c'5E [rY33t (,Y 3Yi1:Std}' K"}i tCil idly Frye :anted t:3 ttie tSaTYUwer I1Y <br />mo Governnttnt pvesuattt ro A2 U.$_l . ~I=t4v3. <br />lYCIY.', Tl-IERl7-I- ~ilf::, i. c«t~it _t~~ r ut ehe -aa -;.~ srj ;a: at pit tarts ~-•~~1ts;a tbs Harr ~ ;trl~ ttl thr {:<>vtrtament, cu iv <br />iht tvcn€ the c,tsYCrtrracnr stm - thss eTrsE: _rn_El. ~- - -~.. -,.c .,. rn t:apTncnt .h,. r. sec rare p:~mPt <br />2yrnSelE Etc Et1, ti'34t enS anY `<`ntwals~.atl cxt~n- ~E°: ccai ::ic! . nYa- f ,-,. t=U [~ 1 1 r.` t Y pr:)Y:Sii:;: <br />~at tj;d "j - r........- .. ~t-?'.»- :.it_t _ F ril ,_ ,,.hx ,.-.... I.. 1.1 I :- .. ~i 1;.~ 1. ,., , <br />tormattet iJ to 11 tt(rDwtl'9 ij{rCelnCnC Ittrtm t6 inettninlly 3t1c1 rout naFn!ls SS tilt Cr+> It nsent dl.anoct I.>55 un.tcr ltS m5tlr dnfe <br />coatra~t by rcasan of any .IelaitFt by iartcxwtt. aatd ;_~? ir, ar23 event _nt[ st a~ chore to .test rht yra2npE p _mtrzr uY a1 <br />advances s+ld txpenllitruts tnaut i,y tat Gorrornrntn„ wit.i interest, as ,:reotatter das+..nsra, m;i r, c per orminn of every <br />wvt Want and agretntent u( fiurrawtr ruutaznce3 hercm at is im urup3tmtntarY a~rtccrntnr, Borrower Soca herb+y grant. <br />bargain, rest, convey and assiy~u, with gtncnS warnurp. ante [t.e C+.rver+ueent thr ioliuwmg property uluatrd in Tht lritc t,t <br />Ntbraakx,Caunty{its; ot _.-_..---.-----..._.Ha.l.2..._...-_._ __..._... .. .. <br />q trace of toot: inr tkse South +ial~ of the i4or~"Fxxest Quarter (S~.~~!',) of Section Tti:enty- <br />tttrtee (2~}, ',o>friship Ten (T0,` Cdorth, Fange Telclve {12;, crest of the cfih i'.t'., Haii <br />Coullt:~•r NebrasF:a, descrit~et~ ds foillltrs: cprrencirr at rho point whr.-re the Werth line <br />of the Soutta kial:~ of wick Nurth+h~st Quarter intersects with the East bouritiary line of <br />i:he pljs/iic jgoatf 3ocateti on the 'rkest side of said Section Trienty-'_hree ;"_~), as thtj paint <br />pf beginning; thence running South slang the East boundary line of s<zid public road a <br />Ftcif•IA di.'~I Nb ittc.°- `+-L5,]yl <br /> <br /> <br />