<br />I.IN[F4RM 'i;ova>auvrs. Hoaower and Lender snvenant and apex as foftows:
<br />i. Faytariti of Frlnc3gal and I•tretast. Borrower shall promptly pay when dice tlse principal of and iaierast on the
<br />indebtedness evidenced by the Nate, prepayment and ?ate char^zs as pravitied in the Nate, and the prnneipa3 of aatl interest
<br />on ary Future Adrances secured by this Mortgage.
<br />m. Fsads for'~aaes ~3 7tsur$:scr. 3nbject to applicahtz law ar to a tc•ritier, waiver by Lender, 3anawer shaft pay
<br />to Lender on the day monthly installments of ptincipat and interest are payabte under the Note, until the Note ispaid in frill,
<br />a stun (herein "Funds'? equal io on~tw>eifth of the yzariy taxes and assessments which may attain priority aver this
<br />Mortgage, and ground rents on ffie Property, if any. plus ane-twelfth of yearly premium installments far hazard insurance,
<br />plus sitztwetfth of yearly premium installments far mortgage insurance, if any, alt as reasonably estimated initially and from
<br />amz to time by Lender on the basis of asszssmeniz and hilts and reasonable estimates thereof.
<br />The Funds shad be held in an instiiutian the deposits or accounts of which are insured or guaranteed by a Federal of
<br />state agency (including Lender if Lender rs such an institutianl. Lender shall apply the Funds to pay said taxes, assessments,
<br />insurance premiums and ground echo. Lender they not charge for sa fielding and applying the Fuacts, anaiyxing said. account,
<br />or verifying and oompitfng said assessments and bills, unless Leader pays Borrower interest on the Funds and appticahie Saw
<br />permits Lender to make such a charge. Borrower and Lender may agree in writing at the time of execution of ibis
<br />Mortgage that interest an the Funds shalt be paid to $orrewer, and unless suck agreement is made or applicable law
<br />requires such irtorrst to t;e paid, Lender shall not be required to pay Bonower any interest or earnings on the Funds. Lctttfzr
<br />shalt give to Harrower, without charge, an annual accounting of the Funds showing credets and debits to the Fends and-the
<br />purpose for whi.:.h each debit to the Funds was made. The Funds are ptedged as addiiionat security for the arms secured
<br />by this Mortgage.
<br />If tfte amount of the Funds hzld by Leader, together with thz future monthly installments of Funds payabte prior to
<br />the due dates of taxes, assessments, insurance premiums and ground reins, shall exczed the amount required to pay said taxes,
<br />~=•rents, insurance premiums and ground rents as they fa!! due, such excess shat! bz, at Horrowzr's option, either
<br />prtmiptly repaid to Horrowzr ar credited to Borrower on manttly instaf3menis of Funds. If the amount of the Funds
<br />tei.4 by 3..e.^,d° shm;I ^ ~tt~c:e..i to pa, a,. , a;sos.-minis, irsuraa premiu g.v..nd -.is as :hay ..
<br />Borrower shslLpay to Lender any amount necessary to make up the deficiency withinf•3Qudays from ihe~date notice is mailed
<br />by iondzr to $orrowzr requesting payment thereof.
<br />t7gou paymeni is fu13 of all sums secured by this Mortgagz. Lender shall promptly refund to Borrower any Funds
<br />6eid by Lender. If under paragraph i £ hereof the Property rs said or the Property rs otherwise acquired by Lander, Lender
<br />shafI apply. no later titan immediately prior to the Satz of the Propery or its acquisition by Lender, any Funds held by
<br />Lender at rte time of applic:t¢ian as a credit against the sums secured by this Alongagz.
<br />3. Agp$icntrcrn of Payments. Unless applieabfz law orevides otherwise, all payments reczived by Lender under the
<br />Note and paragraphs 1 and 2 hereof shaft be applied by Lender first ;n pa;imem of amounts payabte to Lender ny $orrewer
<br />under paragraph 2 hereof, then to interest payable on the Nate, then to thz principal of the Note, and then to interest and
<br />principal an nay Future Advances.
<br />d. Clta[ges; I:+eets. Borrower shalt pay alt taxe+, aasessntznts and r+[hcr charges, tines and rtupasittans attnbutab3e ec
<br />the Prapzrty wtdct may attain a priority over this S#ortgagz, anJ 3easrhafd payments ur ground rents, if any. in the manner
<br />proviiicd under paragraph 2 hereof ar, it' hat pa;d an such manner. by Barn,+ver making payment, when clue, directly to Lire
<br />payce [hereof. Borrower shalt promptly furnish to Lender all aouces of amounts due under this paragraph, and is the event
<br />Harrower slat! maise payment dueetty. Borrower mail promptly lurntsh to Lender rccztpv evideanng such payments.
<br />Borrower shalt promptly discharge any itch which has priority ~+ver this Mortgage: provrJed, ihat $orrewer shall not bz
<br />retluircd to dtsctarse env sur:it tiro ti tang a5 fiperawcr =:h;af4 ~,grYe „t •~tu;f~ to the eavment t•t !bc ohbgatt-gin secured by
<br />such ben to a manner acezpta6lz to (.ender, or shall iu go xf istrh contest +uch tarn hv, ur dz€end entarticmrnt of such lien ut,
<br />fc>„a! pr-eedi:-rgs witlCit opzrate to prevcni the enturczu:rnt ,tf the irrn .+r iorictturc .tf ibe Property nr :thy part therm€.
<br />5. fitetatel Itffissr;thnce. Bonawer sita[f keep nc~ nupre+cments no++ c+-uurg ur hrrcat to erected r*n thz Pr.+penv insured
<br />:i.^.t loss by Fro, hazards ~,ctu.ied x;then t_F.z, csrtt ~ ____nded ,._-_ _:a_t __. it ~tttcr ha= r=f~ __. t r.r!%, rite:. uu?re
<br />sad to x!fh amo_.,ta Inc Las ses_'h {+cnt,~s as L_tider ms ~:turre_ f•o rani, that t odor ,nail ,rt n~y:.uc ihet the s.auu,at rst
<br />,-~ +ruranz c,.rrier groviciing thz tn,ur.,r+.r r be .: -set h> na,na wcr sunicct [u apgn++at ~} i. clot !nuvtdzd.
<br />ttii3v:rth F•Y t:, ar~S3a!ti ~, !'gr€z f - n~t•n~:.jitn xa~h 3~- 1 3-- ! ., rd -.-n•.3:,', .i. ~~!!: ., .,.~
<br />tnStrfanCC CaLrter.
<br />A!! insurance pa!tCit'S and rtttzwafs thcrrc+t shall t?r ;n form a<:rp;aeie to I enS~r .md ,haN r;v: i,:de .r ,tam!:;nl m+,rt:;agr
<br />clausz in favor of and ut form acr:zphd*!c to Lender. Lradcc ,boll hn,c the right r„ hold nc~ pou.res .tad rcucw..,i, thu ro!.
<br />ane'- Barraix~r .hat! grontptly furn:ah to L.zrtder rill rznrw-aS noacr+ :,nJ ail .rierp±s o. pa:J pretnuia. .n ;hr r-.=-nr ,rt lo,,,
<br />&~rrower shall give proatpt nauce t<,+ thz rrz<ura n;:r wart rzr .rut! ! ender L cudra *nao make pt„oi ,~t i ~e .! r,,,r mode prom pu)
<br />by Barrowcr.
<br />Uales~s Lender and &±rrowet athenvtnz ,agree in wtiung, urxutance nrtxecos +halt bs applied a, re,tntauan nr rzp.ru ,~!
<br />the f-'roperty damag+'d, pravrded such resteranun ,,t repair :s a .=m,aafty traaih!e •n:! nc~ , ..:+rn} of tha> M1iertnFgc
<br />=tact itlertxby impatsed. If st;,:h rzsteratlcm ar re}silt snot assnaura.aif;' - orhfz sa + the ,a..mn: u, thrs ~lfitrtgage w;,uld
<br />bs iatparred, ti+c snsurancc pre+ce>;iis shall be aggbed to the suucs s.-.:ur-ed a!+} th:a .-'.ic>-tga4e. .*:tt: ;hc <-a+-e~.s, r', .rn+. i+arJ
<br />to Horrow•zr tt th,; k'n~,{+e.RV a abandranzd ba Hcrrnnvet. ~~t +t $m ewer ta.iv !+r resfx.,nd tv Lrndcr arrthm 5U data tnau the
<br />data - ice t~ -.- - ay l,rrrdsr to Banawer Thai ibc rosuran+:e :.arrret e•ifers ro seuie e +i.enn fo; rnnutatt~c fie nine.. i ender
<br />rs authorired tt i~a!leet need spp,v the ;rrzumucc Faro:, 4s at i cndci + ,rpuun eHtrer to restax.r r..n r,t rrpau .•t rhr Pruf+rrh
<br />or to ttu: aunt.. secured by this Startgage.
<br />.;r.`d_, Lcridrr arsd ~r3tr~ssr5 . - ;.rse ?gts.v ,n »tritng, am sr.rn appisaauon .v per +rrGS t r pr= crpai - i r nr,t +,r. rid
<br />of postt_tarrc rite dose data o2 ~ muutbfc utsta!tnteu~ rcret res! t.+ rn Parattr..ghs ! .end ~ hero+! •a ntaan2r ~ne .+, trio of
<br />sucfainataflrrau[s. It ureter pragraph 43 hcsti zt titz Proy~riv rs a.atuirea hx Lender, atI rght, n[!e and snreres! ei t3orrowcr
<br />:n and to any msur.,usz goftcir~ and to and to the prt>LCeds ihzreof renuiung front damage to tttr Pnapet :. per+x io the ,air
<br />or acciui's.f:+on shelf t:axs to Lender to the extrut ut thz xut>, ne,.ured Gp thin 4iuug:rgc nurncdratci} ,: cr •. ,cab ,.t lc ,;.
<br />~r;arr,
<br />e ~. rsssti~ *~ 4lteexnncr rvr I'raP~rly; fy~.:=+sr_y r; S•,as3ixe:lni::ar~a Pt:a:ued !'rill #}: erlr:;taan»:->. !s:,r r,>.>_,
<br />Sndtt a~4g lf:e Yri =A":fY m gasxt repari a'uL' an$rt Writ iian]n33i +~.'a5te, r+t ~; m;t =i;}pd,r inznl r)r d.is(trtl?tluir ~,f the Prr,perl;
<br />and si~arB crympiy wltb the pravlstetta st am tease rt rhr, =~-rlortgugv r, r,u ., -xhofd fr rfrr, ytor is,.rs . - , . .., ..
<br />-~;itu.intram uranu- B=rut -ev-:.?grttet t. €# rrvwer +r.tti pcrtr,r,n .tli ,•Pth...r ,;rr;i -rei !.•ra ri ,tr•...,,r at,.~n
<br />ar aavztuxns creaet~ or gaverntng the cundoan.nwm ur pi,uutc,d .not d +c!opment_ the b}-ia::r and r J.,nons ..t the
<br />r ttr
<br />canJaminium or pianozd unit devztopment. and „rusatuzatt .t tirnrrent, If s .undurnuttum „i PLutned ~: ~~r de.ci,~pwerr:
<br />r-.aier t~ eA~~i:'.eu `ty ~rcraw; an:3 r«crded txacrher •~rth rhr, if r,rr.,,-rgc. rhr• r. ,z~nants :,riri :rgrer:tnr~n.. ~ : ~,,. ra ::
<br />shah ix: mer?r~r~~..: i~o utd ~'tal auicnu auu suppu-:n~nt me su cnmrc...nst a~reententn ,d rhr; S#ortgvgc .., ~! ~ x n.!ci
<br />;vote a Bart ttareat.
<br />7. P'retcctiwz elf [xuefcrs Security. it Baaa-wcr fa,L ru ckthnm the :::.-anants ..nJ .ear eentrr:ts .r,m a: Wed ,n ~nr.
<br />A4ora,.u~;, ur if :~'#y acttota ..r psscr€dersy, ..±tnmztsael +hi..L matcu;ill± .rtta,.,, lender, _t.aiar,, r.a P-,•Fti,r,
<br />irECai£lin$, aul not itnlltad Sa, en4n8nY damalns r noi+ti nay- ..*a3c atkutCUtcnl, t .rr. r;,;Inr b(P , ,,rc, tudern ~. i ofung
<br />"aactkrapt er decrndGit:u chart fender at Leuder's op.uara, upon n ice a,, R€.u.r-c-er m,iy ~ u,kr ++.h ,rf+pr~..trarr. r-~, dia,ui o-r ,u.h
<br />suru's ;tnd a;}ke s5•.Eh adlan as tx neret=etr} to pcotect fcrtder+ -rnctcAt. ud; rig, but nu imrteJ t J,cbut+eurem .~r
<br />rcasattabfe nt-rat't:e4• tes•.s sad runty npettt the f'rap,: rt: to utakr ~I (a ,..,,r ~eyn s..., n,, ty;a±;e ..,.rr..,r...r ,. ,
<br />ca1xJltt~ a; n~aktn#; tr`1r !ami trcurzd ?n) thee ttartga~c, Hc~r=ar+.rr~aiaa !, rhr p: rntrtinr., n~y+u~ra~c a~ ntaun.r,., .:,~:
<br />..~~o~-.a ... _..~...,n..! ..ese ...~av R-. .R r y,..rb~...r. .s,r -.!.... ~ ~,.,.....~,. ..a... .. ...~.., .. -.,.,> ..~,,. ~- . .,.,..
<br />