<br />15t~4}. , , 6etrs•~irt tlreA3otfgAga~, ~1y8~: I,.. ,Ctazrc}x arid. Maxilyt~t. ~,. _~ftur~t`t, . htsah~ttt~. BAdt :~*£~e,. sac h
<br />~• ~c~az~r• suin r#:~;t ant}, sa _apou~~yer~in „F~irro•••1, artrl tree urrga ~iosse- ~`~ieral
<br />~vvurtg~; ar~d ;,a~a^ Aasoc'tStitux, a ~iun mgnaiaeti and ~ under the#awti of Tfse i3nited ^aut:us of
<br />Axner~e;iz: su:lip3@ aaldrerssi#s-221 SoatStl%.oeust $tt~#., Grex:d SeiertdF N>~a {ltereitr "Fender"3: -
<br />R?ttsati2.ss; Barraw~r is indebttd to 3,.ender fn the principal suns of..1'HIR`TY_ 6Nbt: ANi1';$FfY/2t'!Q n-r.~;•-
<br />.. ~+,•----s---~_ --r°_ .... a............ r. r- Ddlars, :vhith indebtedness is evidenced bq ~arr:~wer's nrrie
<br />dated.... Jv3.y..k.'I$S0..y'~} ~`s(Iterein'" iota"}, ptc+c~ding for montbty ittxtaltinenrs of principal and interest,
<br />with the balance oY the indebtedness, ?€ not ,r~rtecr geld, dt>r anti payable on........,Tttly. ~,,. ,+Q09:.. , , . , . .
<br />'Cn SecuaE to T.ctukr (a} the », paymem of the indebtedness cvidene2d by the Nglc, with intcrrst thereon, the
<br />payment aF aEi ot~°r sums, with inr*rrst thereon, advanccc; ;n accnrdancr herewith to protect tho security of this
<br />trR,-and t1:e pVrfattnasssc of the cc;.t rants and agre<ments of Aorrox•cr herein rontait~d, and {h} tlte-rcgaytnent
<br />of any future advatrces, with interest thereon. made to Bbrrawer Isy Cinder gnruant tc paragraph 3i herEof (huein
<br />"~-.~,°e Rd;~a;^}, Harra~r a :~rcbv znor;. gram erect ~nvev t:~ ~ndz: rte €o11aw•snq d~.ribert gtr~rt-y
<br />Istaatzd in the qty of..... _ ...... ice....... .................... State of i+tebrnska:
<br />~ r~ ~ ~~ r~l~~~ o Sri ~~~ ~~ i~ (t~5.~>
<br />6F ~~ lant€>~n ~ Alm ,rte T~I~TilS (z4o.~~ o~ u>g si;~l
<br />(25} Z4i G 3iI4lS2YL4~fiii, It3 '} CI2Y OF GNANIS TSI~,Ni3, HALL COUttt1 Y liEBitASRA.
<br />hm.5 tl~ _...~.". t~...... «'~`:. ~t...~.'~'.'.!~ ... tf~a~-t~' .'.old. ,
<br />F~gr~tj `t'PY
<br />4r ....ro-e`3t'I, ....... (Ix r~-:rt "p:tx_I~rtY ,~,dd~:~r" ; .
<br />tSt~'+ app zi[.- esie;
<br />'Eirs7~t~ttns with ttl} the impruv~trta~nts stints ari tu:.a^attia et2rcteii air, :hc pssrl~rtt, a.;si :itt E~a3ense;at., right°•
<br />rt,~37Y.~:^~-, =:.'~=y.~:~n, ::~.~ r .' s,:? ......'. ~~ .,3~.s c.:,:.t ;. -hta -..~.., ~,.... : ~, .. ~~.s! ' -a~.. ,..s.,a, a..~; uS;
<br />$YRCtt- • th,€~ytr tlt hea~k~'¢r ~:ktazl~t~E p ate. p,etparrtti, aft r,i wht~eis, tar-+ttdtng repla~crartestts .Ync3 a~itclsauna thcricaa r:hsit krs;
<br />ds , ~,,. d t€~ 1?c ar~r3, tin s par€ ct th. pcepnrty eervcrc~t' iry treks ;vtes't~*,a~c. snri a!I s~ ti'se [spa c•,u„nni;, tisy~rthc r ssath raid
<br />i- r, (~ "it'.1C.t3 :r,~i ~:;.2a3- tf thia i4ic?~t~~~;r ~, in ~: t_.ts+:li~~Fieli ,.r~ heccta tc£s:rred tar ~; t'x pr jpt:ttp~".
<br />fir~P ~'4~.4t_a~trts t`atF ~ira>;tass~ a tawf3sllg x...t*~,.4 zi ttia; <a air. tt~>a~'u} .s<fj+r ecs3 xi€~l ha:+ :h~ eig:3t €s> nswtuxz*~'~.
<br />~r~t% utxui °'in.~ ;~. i=ris y, ,tts: ~tuc i'rvpcrte is zut4stL°tiers`3er>.;., aw:.l sir~t nurrux ~-.r scs[i. su.,rt,yni arc{ atzfcssd
<br />~, ~.r;*ity ft~'.#Ik ii; _~ i'i.y Vii,=:t tss e~:rtF: st~...rthst~fa. -. n-a,~...... ,.Lda.a ; ~, s..a..a's:,:~stts s,r z:~tiia~.;zit.sss
<br />>-d ts36'~.~tr ~. & S:c-el~k'ttf#Ir#t#&SOhfi
<br />