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~~~~ <br />~~~ ~~~ <br />Lender's wrizton agmtmeat ar applicable taw. Harrower shat] pay ills asnaunt of at1 mortgage insurance pttmisns in the <br />mattnet provided u:,der paragraph 2 herta£. <br />Any amount disbursed by Lender petrsuant to this paragraphs 7, with interest thereon, ,}tall become additiona- <br />inde8iedaess c{ Har rawer sa:.urtd by this Mortgage. Unless Borraw~r ;end Lendtr agree io other ittms of payrntnt. such <br />amounts snail be payable upon native from Ltrder m Hrrrrawer requesting payment thereof, and shalt Tatar interest from tlx <br />date of disburstm°ot at ±he rate payable from Nme to time on autszanding r::~ cipal under Cite Noic unites papmettt of <br />-titerts; at such raft wou-d be contrary is appiicabJc law, in which event snth amounts shat bear interest at ifie highest rate <br />ptrmissiEsle under applicab-e taw. Nothing contained in this paragraph 7 shat' require Lender to incur any expellee or take <br />any action hereunder. <br />S. Inspeetioa Lander may make ar cause to be made reasonable entries upon and inspections of the Property, praviiled <br />Yhat Lender shaft give Borrower notice prior to any such inspection specifying reasonable cause therefor re-ated to Lendez's <br />interest in ifie Properly. <br />9. CondrmmtEmn. '-'he proceeds of any award or claim for damages, direct or consequential, in connection with any <br />condemnation or other taking of the Preptrty, or part thereof, or for conveyance in lieu of cordemnation, are hereby assigned <br />and sha11 be paid to Lender. <br />-n the event of a total taking of the Property. the proceeds shad be applied to the sums secured b3' this Mortgage. <br />with the excess. if any, paid to Borrower. In the event of a partial taking of the Property, unless Borrower and Lendtr <br />otherwise agree in writing, there snail be applied to the sums secured 6y this Mortgage such proportion of the proceeds <br />as is equal to that proportion which the amount of the sums secured by this ':£artgage immediattty prise to the date of <br />taking bears to the fair market value of the Pmpeny immediauty prior to the date of taking, with the balance of the proceeds <br />};std is Harrower. <br />If the Property is abandoned by eSOrrawer. or if, after notice by Lender fo Borrower that the condemnor oilers to make <br />an award or settle a claim for damages, Borrower fails to respond to Fender within 3Q days after the dart such notice is <br />mailtd, Linder is authorized to celltct and apply the proceeds, at Lender's option, either to restoration or rtpair of the <br />Property or to the sums seeurex- 6y t2ri<c MarrgagP. <br />Unless Lender and Bcrrawtr othtr'wist agrtt in writing, any such appticatiart of proceeds to ptincipal shalt not extend <br />ar pasipeae the due dolt of the monthly instalments referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 hereof ar change [ht amoum of <br />such installments. <br />lt}. Borrtrvr€r NaF ~.e-lr~Pd. Esie.^.sion of flee time far payment ar modification of amartizatian of fhe sums secured <br />by [his Mortgage granted by Lendtr to any successor in interest of Borrower shall not operate to reltasc. in any manner. <br />the tiabifity of the original Horrowcr and Borzower's suceessars in interest. Lender aha11 not !re required to commence <br />promdings against such successor ar refuse to extend time for payment or otherwise mevfif}• amortiutian of the sums <br />secured by this Mortgage by reason of any demand made by the origins! Borrower and Borrower's successors in 4nterest. <br />f t. Forbearance by Lersdtr tVo£ a Waiver. Any forbearance by Lender in txerrismg any right er remedy fiereunder, or <br />adterwise atfordtd by appii: «ble law, shall not t~ a waiver of ,,^.r preclttdt tht extrcisr of env such dght ar remc-dy. <br />i rte procurement of insurance or the payment of taxes er ntiver hens or ihargcs by Lendtr chap oat tx a waiver of Ltndet's <br />rig-tt to accrlrratt tht maturity of tax irdthredness cecurcd 6y this Mortgage. <br />f~Z. Remedtts Cam}rtatvrt. All remtdits provided !n thi. Morgage err distinct and cumt:l:itivc ha am other nght or <br />remedy wider this Mortgage or afforded by law nr equity. and may hr eu-rnscd axtcurrently. Indrpendentiv or succesxiveiv. <br />f3. Srucrswts sod eisai~ns, Boaad; Joint attd Several t.inbiBtg; Cngifuris, Tltt oavenants end agreements herein <br />contained shat- bind, and the righLS htn.under shell Inure !a, the rcsprcrvr succrsuars and assir;ns of Lender and Borrawtr. <br />suhjeei to the provisions of paragraph t7 hereof .ill covenants anJ agreements of Harrower shall ter joint and stveral. <br />ins captiacs and headings of tit. paragraphs of this Mn;'tgagr are for cenvericn.r only and are not to "Y :sstt- to <br />.„«pr l'~.« '+tr~t~ce. Ev,:ept far arv,~e required ur€dtr apP-ic:ehit Saw tr; he t;ivcn In another manoer. Ii any notice to <br />Barr;-.w€r provide8 far in lefts ~t ottgagt sh~a!t he .Tyco by mas}ing ,uch nonce by ~crni[tcl mcui addres,ed l0 8nrmwer ac <br />..r - .. - r ~ v tie„ti:na,e rv- - t it.~ r os 'r~rt+n_ and <br />t 1 an,• n t'e t, ~c .,,3, ?~ ~ __ ~± .,. ....,_ q.~s..J ............ . n.~..... .n .' <br />- ~ ~,.« e . -_ ~. _ _ ,=.:iKr.nte `- - -+c it crorr=,ss~cr as provided frerem. inv uc€icr en+vic~u inr I,a ~tiiic <br />.Mortgage ~stealt ~Pm~Jetmed uto havr~bern tteven io B.orrawer or f coder when eivrn in the mrsaner l..,;raated h_mia <br />~. a`o:'~ ~a~t~€: ~rr.errir~rLi -.~; 3reea=a~~iry. i'Itl•. #orm ref mortgage ~omtfinos unl#orm .c+vrnants roe naoonai <br />tiu ~.- n ~? ~ -~ ---~~-t F ~C Cnaf:?5 ~~Cn i5J31?CG rte: td:la',n5 i'SY_ ISfrf SY:.~f.a~n t:l :S1nX11 n:t F, it in:i tf,rni SPi: it TiiV inSiriim~nt ~:~YEtln~ <br />real nrc?prny~if«'TTiia hiortgagr shalt fat gosrrnrd by the !aw of the iurndicuoti iu which the Property .s 3axated. In the <br />avert that any provision or clause of this 5.}angagr or the `dote conllic~is ,vita apnhcahfe luw, such ~~unt~ict shall n,+t a#fset <br />athtr provisions at thls Mortgage o; tht Near wh:ch can he raiven affrcf wit(tuut the asnlu.nag provisarn. ,,.t to this <br />end the provisions of the ltiertgagr and the Nr,tr arc ~ctarrd n, he :rveraLslt. <br />i5. Aorravsrr's C€rpy. Borroser snail cr iurm.hed a rc:ttorn€€J cos .~ of the L'cste and nt €his 'vfartgaac at rhr nme <br />of txetertisr- rx at4r r~3atiatt hereof. <br />f7. T'rataf2r of'tbe Prapetty; .Aisasrgt-an. if all .sr am part of the Property or an Inttrest therttn is send e+r transftrrrd <br />by Barea:vrr cs:thiot Lr-odor's prsar w,tiitet: c.~anxa[. excluding ta) the creanon at a t;en .~: tncumbr-otter ssahoeJinate ts+ <br />th;s !19artgage, tb) tl;e crtmtian at a putclEaar nirnep~ security :atrrtsi f.x tx'rusthaid aPphanres. ice a transfer M~ ?rvisc, <br />d:.sren[ a}r by aperatiatt of taw upon €hz Jrath et a lornt tenant or tJi tits grant of any ieas€shoid :nitrest of [bra vc<irs of le'Lti <br />not caniaininp an option to purchase, -.endrr mayv, at Lender'. aptwn, Jcciatr ail the sums =toured }>y thls Mont;asie tit tx <br />infmtdiaiefy due and payahlt. Lender shalt have :salved such opnem to arocicrate :f, poor to the salt «r transfer. tender <br />.snJ Litt person n, whom ifie Property is to bt aalJ or tmnstt:rred reach agrrrment In unung that the .reu'It ++f s:h~h pctc:+n <br />is satisfaaarp to LtndEr end thus Fite i;tittts.t payable an the sum=_ areured by this R4rriXage ilr:~tl b€ at aunt r~tc 3. Lsea,tr, <br />shsl- request. If LetzJrr h°us watvtJ fire option to avV:cie; attl pras'ideJ ut then paragrapi€ :7. anal It t#I?aruwrr> sue:~csser .r <br />intttr t h^,.s e-vtcuted a wrsttert us,s-a_r„p:ian ::g'rc-mc;xt ats~spt_•u in '.s citing by Landt't. [ zn+!er ,hail t~:,°:c~ r~crr:cs+rr Fra,.r ai; <br />att3i$atians under this -49ottgagt atxt the'+att, <br />-f h.tntkr t.'srrci:xs such option to aa:xkf aft, L.eudtt +hall nxait Harrower nathce rd accrkrratton In aeocrd-znor: ,!.xth <br />paragraph 24 hc.ent- Stt+:h noricr abaft provide a pe*i€vt of nix (mss tf;an ?tl xis}-t fr+,en thz c-ate the rut<rr (s nra:.~- u~:.h+a <br />-maA±: ;E _ d. ~cr`e -a s - ,arv - (,.:, . +. e:4r a - - ~r:.~;- <br />Ls"".~itiri ter, w.aeza. rii x,zr..c i<b..-t. _, u~?,«Gii ue+s~f[ - •rY. nvi~'is5 4n, rlmFN345 [€€rity,fEC6. _y .~.#i"$,~-3~P. •iF .r~S~e3f <br />tdr?*t--.ititroxxr tovruat•:r's- B;±rrcr:;rr and LtrtJer further ru. want anJ agr*x as C+sflr,sws <br />Ld. ~teaEtrrn ~xarvdies. -{acu~pt ;rs ftrnvyebed in garsgra}rh t7 hzr~+sf, u}s€an Barrawer's breach of nn} enresnat or <br />r~re€rnent oC -iuazovrrr ->t t&~ dfot'i~a~r, encfnd4ag flee ro4rnauts to pa3 wt+rn doe any sums (:rcured by th-tr Sfurtg~+~r. <br />f„+rrn&r Pri+rr to arerltrtttion sha+1! toad tnrtirt to Horrawtr ~ prosfded in par~gra;tft i4 hereof spec-£y-a~: itf t2se breach: <br />t~3 t sMatt rk~uiirrd t€r suer wc6 tk'rscicz t3} s data crest -tsux thss 47 days form for doer the uaaticr i3 etrnt-rd to Anrrmwcr. <br />by win if~b ftrzmc# mt~s be cured; and f~f} t4aet feffrue to eves s:ach b; t.>a;it as ur zscfetrt tt4r daft sgecs"t#ed :n tAn ac#c~e <br />easy rFanlt in atrrkrat-mn rf for saaw nacurcd 6r this 4to:tgaygs, Eurcclawre by jtrdiaiid ptxtcv.:di~ and saEr o£ rtes Pris}aeray. <br />`yhr istttix^t sfra-- ftut#mr -sEf area Brarrarxee at t6,r rght to rcirattsnt aHrr ~ xlerataTn and the rtgtre to assaxH in ibis totrc-uaruc <br />pr'rter-acting !tpo xroa~rxle3€-.:vx ;ap a tktf~tult ear ass ertbtr drfzase ref Bueruwee in aceeferat:an alai turn-smam. tf fix trrsrc•4 <br />f5 rrJW c:nttri o® ar tsefare tie: starer sprs xi !hr nutk-c, t.rcrdsr at Letxder`x optiaxn rnn+ dav:tare ail of fbt stxnp xx•ared by <br />6$£a :vStsttgxgr tar her 4tatnar4-atr-y drtx: aase>3a~ wftbant furttbttr ditat:md sad teray forrrinsr 6y jrn3ic-e- paurerdl~. [.coder <br />t~ nnt3t~d to c+a~ci i,r ~6 t-rac~ ~ rxxptrrrees ref loteefrranra, inx-!u `c6aft. taasE mart lirtsiiad ra, rtes of Br,cu~emtare <br />uritcre. abaft-asas sus} lFr-s rtpsnm. - . <br />~`~. e~.tF.irarrcfiik 1atight f9 ~Yilaetffir'e. i+ekrrtt.hslandrnp -.end='t.r ,acretrraF;en c,C the vin+~ s.^.:vrest (*p ttx.s 4i+,;r <br />T-c. _ ~~t m _ __ ~ ._ -. a ~-: . 4 s _r z ...Y., .,.,..~ , __ ..,,~ .n_ __ ,.s...: .n~W ., .,? r.-r <br />