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8Q= y.~°~ <br />To HavE avD To liat,P the samz unto the Mortgagez, as herein providrnJ. Mortgagor represents tn, <br />and covenants with, the Mortgagee, that the 3iortgagor has good right to sell and convey said premises; <br />Yhat they are free from zncurnbrance, except as herzinot<rFeF :vise recited ;that the Hfortgagnr will warrant <br />and defend the same against the 3awful claims of all persons whonxsoever. ~icrtgagor hereby relinquishes <br />all rights of homestead, al[ marital rights, either in Saw or in equity, and alI oilier contingent interests- o;!` <br />the iliortgagor in and to the above-aessrihed premises. <br />??~vznEn F1fw~YS, and these presents are executed and delivered upon the fallowing conditions, to <br />wit: <br />bioF•kgagar agrees to pay to the Mortgagee, or tire}er, fire aforesaid principal sum with interestfrom date <br />at the rate of Eleven and ore half per centum (ll. S `c) per annum on the unpaid balance' until gild. <br />The said principal and interest shall be payable at the office of Mortgage Plus incorporated <br />i~nglewaxd, Colorado , or at such at}rer place as khz holdzr of the note may designate in <br />writing delivered or mailed to the ]tiortgagor, in montl:}y Installments of Four Hundred One and 36jI00ths-- <br />d3ellars (,~ 401.36 ), commencing on the first day of August , 1rJ80 ,and continuing on <br />tlxe first day of each month thereafter until said note is fully paid, except that, if not sooner paid, the final <br />payment of principal and interest shall be due and payable an the frrst clay of Suly 2010 ; aJi <br />according to the terms of a cert:z3n promissory note of even date herewith executed h5, the said 144nrtgagnr. <br />The Mortgagor further agrees: <br />i. He will pay the inrlebter3ness. a,5 J.ereinbefore provided. Yrivitege is rese-F•ved to prepay at any <br />tizue, witixnut preminrrr or fc~e, the ertir'rrn rode}~teduess or any part thereof no`s less than the amount of one <br />installment, or one hundmd dollars ($100.00), whichever is less. Prepayment in full shall be credited on <br />the date received. Partial prepayment, other than nn an installment due date, need not be credited until <br />tl~ next fol3awirg insta3l;nant due date or thirty days after such prepayment, whichever is earlier. <br />Z. Together with, and in addition Ea, the monthly payments of principal and interest payable under <br />the terms of the note sax:ured hr'reby, Aortgagor will pay trr Aortgagee, arc trustee, (under the tetmrs of this <br />trust as hereinafter stated) an the first day of erFCh month until said note is fatly paid: <br />(u) A sum equal to t!;e ground rents, if any, next due, plus the premiums that wiz} next become due <br />and payable nn policies of ti re and ;?that harard insurance covering the mortgagzd property, <br />plus rise's ana9 :,rssessments next due nn the mortgaKCd property tall as estimated by the Mort- <br />gn„gee, an+} csf +t hieEt she 9ortgagor is notttixl) less aH sums already paid therzt"ar dividod by <br />the nuFn6t~r of nutaths to ekapse t7efore' one mouth pru,r to the dmte when such ground rents, <br />tircmrums• <tees and :cs.~._ssmr-¢a,s .a-ti( tn•+'ome +t+=iinquent, such sums to be held by ?dortgagee <br />in tr?rst to par card greurtd rents, p:-cnrturn., irzxe; and special assessments. <br />(v't iFre:aggre~,.ci^ of £"€~:#muuats pa}'aat,le pu7-suc#r?t to tubparagraplr (rF) and those psyahle on the <br />narF :_ ~.-.. ,..-:.•r`-~i-t°, shrxs} ` ~ pai-< .ia :r s. ~ • t,r f-n:a•..,. ~•ach mrt.^.ti.. to be astititCCE is Yh e folIow- <br />.niv items in the urdt~r stn#>-tip: <br />:_ . . <br />__ ....,-~._:«o-~e•.•e+s •,,. r.:`tis,... . <br />,.-_. -.___.. -_,.~, _ >:_:r. - all': <br />[;717 .tiTu`rl1'i#t!,.;, „-I tit+• ;sf'. _ lv#1 i,t !?ti .,..t:-. <br />tender h - uurtgat;,' :Yt ~} -rt_~;ryg,- - , tit,;: AI itt,-ab}T,or xri@ pay a'9atc charge" ex,t tKCeed- <br />.ng ftaet ;~-r ~+,rtranr i } i t ,?[ au4' as:ata=.! ,?,•ut°.tti,•r. paid mere than :4ftee?? (1S) dtzysafte.rtha: <br />due ri;3tr 1h+•n-„('u rawer the .-'lira .-apt;a&u ;sn~++la••tt nr luvldtmgdeiuu,ut-tat paprrreuts. but such <br />"Ibte .1?urge' ,}will nuf file pays}ii,~ :utt r,C the l,rce+•,•ds Sri rzry sale mettle to satistp the urdebheKi- <br />ncas seY'eexe•.i !r.'e-,-b>•°°. unk~s:rurh pr+'n=+~•,i. are sutl9t'tsct t; d?se}?arks, t3t~•~•utzre tndrb~dnRssand <br />all prfs}>"=r ra~;ts and , slk-rzsva ,:+•ur4•.i th,•r,•t;;:. <br />f;. if „he total :,. „he pa;nrrnF.s maafe itg• Llee !i,?rtgaaz;r SeF) t;f paz~tgraph '' pzzzeding shat: <br />exC.i ilia a.Yn-~uut uI i~ysn+#t5>~ aCttzu}?•Y rttadc l3} L4:a ~fnr[~ :dry'. as trustf~t~. frtr graruntJ rar;rt.9. Gsx;ss ar..l <br />z~^•.~santents or insurance prc•rniums, as the case mxy 'r?c, such excess atwtl lac cr^zdited by the 1•iartgagrx <br />on aufn+eafuent payments to be made by the bfoetgagt?r for such itcurtis or, at Martgager.'a option, act tr tFSta~a•. <br />shall lxr refunclc^sl to 3fortgagaz•. If., hoerevasr. such ntunth}}' [uiymt=alts shall not btr sult}ctent to p<zY .^turh <br />et€'•tFrs wirer. Lhe s,~rne sh ail b~tame our can:; thin the 'it:rt#;~+ar lue}} (te.' t., ;.;sf• ~itz~f#;;..~., ... <br />ta'Uai~, aFEy Fima3j5 eft Ci'L'd_'a3:~rY t<, n5a}=e tl r, they d.. 7r.-c~t~!~~F aa~tt!',in F_hsr*-t I:Sti) <tr c~ afteP ;, _ tt ri ,•t,:to i"r, ;p; <br />tiYe N{r>ri;lxga!e stating the atnattrzt of the cle('r[~ia*nct•, xFei¢iz r.,at:ie Wray hc• divrn by mast}. }f ;zt rzny' tanze• <br />than iSSogar skYaU teFtder LC) hire azFfaart ,age-, in .aa:ee.rdanct• snth the pra>etvcoua nl the nut:r s,~urc°a: <br />llerel#y, fulf ;iktyTU.ent of the et:tire iird€btrttlness repr,~sa~nted therr•tlg', Lhe 1f=,ri5=sire*°, e2u tra;,wt.x*, ah:rJJ. <br />in etxnprutirilt the utrtuuilt of such tndebtva3ness, etredt£ t.r the t9cluunt uP the tfartyagor ;inv : racalit haJanc•+' <br />ar,~urzrrfal&ted 4nd9r LL!L' prtrlFd2a7n.Y a.T {<FJ aai pat'arrl°ap`tr :; hESrecef. YI tf1E?r,! ,shall tiP a ilt• urt;t-r 3szy <br />a# the proEiaiars of this naort,gage resulting ;n a public uzlr of £:rr trrrmines cot-rr~;tl hertrtry, +cr of the <br />i`~i<)i'tgitgee aea7ulre th€ prupwriy otherwise, a~a•r dr:ftauit, the i4it,tetyTag.:.• au trurt+.•. ,}sail arrtrlv.:Ft iha• <br />tirF~ of the conxmenceFnenT of sash proaecdings, or alt rhea tiTnc tixa p:•aperty is utherwt~e ruvluirtaal, t}u• <br />a~aauG then ra=matrxirxr tip a~redit t4i~ More,gn!!' u,zJF•r iaJ ,at~ n:z#'xgreph s' pre~c:,1?ng, :~s ax cs-~?:tL oF: ?h€° <br />irter.~t ~.~i~:t:~' aittl i3nYasrc3 ;nsi chc tra :ancr, ut the {-scinciptatS then restaaitting unpatt3 on saFa3 nave. <br />4. 'f he lien r=f ~eiti tnstr#enx,alet 3hzili ra:•~uraft? u; '=s 11 f„tee xnrl ,:II~E•ri .luring; zznt p+~st pon+~tns;nt or t>n- <br />siaan esf tkzr Ceane,; of papizFatzt ,ar the urea,€tteaJnt.vti +sr aria tssart ttt,•reWrl second herelcr- <br />P l,~fe wtlf racy ~a}++~r=_afrzt! ra=nts?, ta*gE~:;, 2.~.vfesvuaerrtrw, vral,~,r ratans. and artht•a• £;vca,rnan,•??}~1 err tnnnsca- <br />ftal ~..e¢arlk~, rK~, us amlv„aat x.s~, 1€;a'7~*tl ca~utn ars;d ,tr+~sa`-0,~ r~nd that he s:atJ p. b ,;i! tn•.N.a tt~o~terl n{a~a this <br />nnrxrt~a~ , r-r vim= r?e•~t~- s~a^ure i thsirrixv, z,€~g~~,rv.r w it3e nr :ttter t:1te:; ur' ,a~~et+srn,-n to ar f?a'}a to=yy tae teb•ccxl <br />ttrzdr}s°th~},~ce~~rrf .~f: rtY~a3icR t3fg;;eartia'u isle isEvet.~a~Ct,., v~ b}tr Ix ICexl -?a>i; [rr: .,e K;ta+J ~rrnr,Yaai n~,t,•, ,.n ,u•r+asut a,f <br />r. .,. .~. ,;~x.c ','.cu>nt t•ax its - . .. a. rt?. „s ~~e r .. , x,E „ s3~a++., :+,..F.~t i a F ,. = r,Fi[t- <br />grz_,. -e t.,'~tat,.9 hc• ra[Y ,5r„ac#ystl?~• =#x•Ytve•7 ti+'- -t.tra.+ r-- ac-r~ ~~r - -,~ t„ .. ,• zl ,t5ategNa• Yn ai~e#'att}t <br />tlterr-~+; tt~.~• 3,las-t;ae+~, ra#ay pray th,.,,,z~€a:c. <br />