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<br />&. If he fails to pay any snm or keep any covenant provided for in this mortgage, *_he Mortgagee, at <br />its option, may pay or perform the same, and all expenditures so made shall be added to the principal sum <br />o:s'ing on the above note, shall be secured herehy, and shall interest until paid at the rate provided <br />or in*.he principal indebtedness. <br />7. ilpon request of the Mortgagee, Mortgagor shall execute and deliver a supplemental note or notes <br />for the sum or sums advanced by Mortgagee for the alteration, modernization, or improvement made at <br />the Mortgagor's request; or for maintenance of said premises, or for taxes ot• assessments against fire <br />same, and fax ary other purpose elsewhere authorized hereunder. Said note or notes shat[ tie secured" <br />herehy on a parity ::-ith and as fully as if the advance eridenc-era thereby u=ere included in the note first <br />described above. Said suppiemeuta3 note or notes shall hear interest at the rate provided for in file prin- <br />cipal incieb±edness and sl;all be pay able in approximately equal monthly payments for such period as mgy <br />be agreed upon by the Mortgagee vnd Mortgago=•. Failing t<3 agree on the maturity, the whole of the sum <br />or• sums srr advanced shall he du,= and payable thirty (3t)} day=s after demand by the 3ortgagee. in na <br />event sY:a?I the maturity extend hepond the ultimate maturity of the note first described above. <br />9. Ho herehy assigns, transfers and sets over to the ;Mortgagee, to be applied toward the payment of <br />the note and all sums secured hereby in case of a default in the performance of any of the terms and condi- <br />tions of this mortgage or the said ante, alt the a-ents, revenues and income to he derived from the moth <br />gaged premises during such time as the mortgage indebtedness shall remain unpaid; and the Mortgagee <br />shall have prnver to appoint any agent nr agent,4 it may desire for the purpose of renting the same. and col- <br />lectinu the rents, revenues and income, and it may pay out of said incomes all neeessat•y commissions and <br />expenses i^.eurrzd in renting and managing rh.~ same and of collecting rentals therefrom; the balance <br />remaining, if ang, to be zpptied to::-ard the discharge of said mortgage indebtedness. <br />~. Ite :~•ili ccsttinu„usiy maintain hazard insuranc3s, of :such type or types and amounts as Mortgagee <br />may from titre to tim3' I eartirp, cr. ehe improvements nosy or hereafter on said premises and except when <br />p ayment for ail such pr,•rriums ha_s thereCatfore been made tmdctr (al of paragt•aph B hereof, will pay <br />..^, ?vher. d3se any pr:>mizams ~herefor- t?pin default thcrenf. Mortgagee may pay the same. All <br />in=urance shalS ]s.~ ca!'r:,>d !n annpanios appco:•n_d lay the iF9~o.t'r~gagee and the l:oiieies and renewals thereof <br />shall be h.=1d he' the ~i,,r? „arc> an4l h:,ve attached Yhereto inns payable clauses inr"avur of and in form <br />aeLepiable €a the :'<i„±tgagtt° h%event cf loss §lartgagor a-il1 give unmediate notice by mail Lo the lMort- <br />gagee, ,:-h<, ma} ma=:r pt~e,r._ ~? ]r~?s if not made pr+.rtsptly by ~l=.rrt:gagclr. and mach insurranee company con- <br />ce~rnc~{i i+ l..~rrh,' tiuthor:~e~i a!xi rilreet~ i Y,s ra.ake pa:°meuL fr_:r suc11 k;~+s ,iirectlS' Co *_hc• :ilorkgagee instead <br />c>f to Cl:a: Efor:gage3r ar,.i ehe ..InrL;tagee t,ainLis, an+i the inwurance psoceeda, ur any part thorcuf, <br />rook' he at3lkficd by t3se kTort,~;:_gee at its option either t« thu !~:ciuctiun of the indebtedness herehy soured <br />er to tha> re~torat!ua or r,tg3an~ ut the prcpa:•ty damaged. [n rtvent nl' iorw~lt+snra of ttris n_ortyYag'e, eir other <br />tranazr uP t:?tee ~>r the a:ur'j{'8t:..i pr>~€rt in ea.rir iistlmwnt of the indahteednen,. ..rr=;z r, :,1 hers=by, all <br />r.€rht, tzt:,. ~.., , ..,.; rr~t : , ...e• ~i..rT,gak'ur :33 ar.3 3 t .::sus'ar:3:3• 1,::,...a,. ,..~ ;! +zrce :,hall fans Co the. <br />pal-~ras~r .,r ~raAr., ~. <br />... er ,r r.r , ~r.-- r .,, ,ai .,:~•at ,; :e .-. , ,i,,f au ,umc-?o x>corrle <br />•i 3:ze, 3 i - - <br />"_._ y ir3i= -_-'•' y~a~, t:;e -3-33~r~e.y~>.s ^, 3~ri''^!s {:" i£._.... ~[. i. :' ..~]. .n.:'+^.+:` •3!t '3 '3... .t PA35G5, 13P~511 (A. rf!F"f?- <br />i:J4.'.:. r~:' # n'^. c. .. .....3 n,., ...... .t.... .. .t.- .}d ~t},:.n - 3 ~... .. ..,,s. •.. ", tt ,..1. ,. .i'a 3E :i <br />• :aa° ., _ ,.• ,,. ...... _ .,~ . ,~..,- ..,can, - ., ,... ._ - - ~._., _ <br />muI`t gage, arad th,• e9't+u-t,~,r?s:=.~ dnap dz•atand, for 3nr1 r '+ruc.•r an3' s!!rh llu>'aa,•n C:: 33-h<•r3 to ue• anti hay- <br />abl,•, but mall ~i)r 1 ~ (dk:!r~et _ .., !o TF !. ~•.glgn. m+•n! .. *_ez-^?! ;: n:d '~•rorat ~?t<fi ,,ltd cr,ai 3i (3o13 <br />talc-~rcz~ of ih is mortg.rye,- <br />ll. Fie s€: a=' r3= - ~tnr;= •,~ ,zc-e*rsit .? ssir; nrd -xP!a_1 .n,t ltairt -'he pterdx>rt -n .1~ t;•it»1 -ruu:i4!an as txt <br />presev3l, rnx~xririi,• =s,~ar anti teat' rxec•pted. t'pun stay' ;allure to 3o, sit,rcgauer. at iLv option, <br />rrtt;} eansx rwss,~crnav;~• matr.t~~urc<, +,r3zr1? Ltr be ~r?,E!-,t3,:,i ut the eo;;t oT 1i„re„agor :?.ny :unut!nts peed <br />ht=.':Y.4ir ~~t't~Y, ....... ii _ _4_ .:ti tt~rx•St ±dt th3- .atx" p3",a'hir-. .... .n `h3` t)rigEt <br />lral :rttl.<t;t>• itit-sti, shaft <br />L,h,~re3w}ye=n •h€~c31?i-s az~,?ar'= _:£ s!?~• ease@~3t&Y~nc•a~ s~>€rrrs~l h~ t..!9 =.n~~truntent.,i>fy : r,,t nn ;? paz•:tc ::;th sit <br />other the#i~bicdnrs w•ruevd P!e~tv~h4•, atttd lr:all ha rd;i}~:it,ie ti3n-ty Gtu'z day's alter +irrnan3i_ <br />l'L. if ef?t• Ikrrtn)sr•s, •,r arty aware thet~nzf, 'tk• ~r3ndem a;rd utnirr cite {as;:c.•r +,1 ~,nr r~,•nt :inmlaur, rr <br />ttr,tusrrz:i i~sr a ~ufsh,' itye ~..., .Is~znatti_h swtcr,~`z~d, th3• OrPe3•<~,Iv f„r cil••'s3=,in :,i. , t b•r <br />st!rlt akcgu v -: zh, ¢ , r- ,trt=i • f t}yr tu'.r =an!3urtt +,1 €hw .ins:razug .!r.t,.,t,i vt i.iv-:!.., sa :. ur:•ti kiu U3!s <br />gt;<t'C'Y.~.~je, r-fi;.r;:: .:.=ti.3~r:ea, ux thtt -t{r,~..,y3c,:'a. .zrcl ~f?1? .,, z€ti .,., r,i r.<tt „f.l ~intt};2tF~'Pr, CO hh <br />@ill;ehe+l ,3#i :33'f'=]3y?7 T> _ :11,• I;aat iS:~f flit^.ng '.•?nt.3l ifi:l'iii5 .5}' -.72t:h t't!clel;trdtt€~.q,~. <br />2;1. if t;ts> 5fitct,-•~.>r tarin t~, zuu;<A~ ~rtts- patisrr ~~s u-ill-zi ice, ua t_ sxrt:,t n z,, a3~,f .t.mpd;r' nsih say <br />:+z .::-~ E..r, .=> ,.. .. - .. ..~..._5 .-z ....a..=~i ,,. ., s ,,. _ _. .~ ,:, ,,.fez ,.,-r > -~_.i3;, cn3>r: tize <br />-ntlr'x= us•tr,c :isti ~3at , .,,5., .tt.r~ ~,-k, ..3lxar' - !. t_,~ti ~ .r,_ - .u - {t .. ,:~.; ,-; -. w :•„ i, !r . ,.,,... 3 .t:c• <br />t'lt;i`t,~~cv _ ..,;5i .. .a .-s_aga~ z t~.. 'h<n+;r tsun ~ z „~.~,<-32 !L in'x~~il7at. d,' ). -,-h,af~ cd[ th-• tacfehti•,1- <br />r..,.3 hc..'~$ ~. . _:3--,,-, ~..-....'i,..~ 11 - .~.. x....-;: ...;n °..e :.t:.t, ~.+: ,. , , .,i.x. ::-,-rr ?a.,..t~_c. }4 tri:Y ~tti,r-t- <br />iFa~~ tts ~e ttax~ ,!t c ~ .~eedir+!r a' €.ch suit, a ra~'~=re t ;., stk.;,t n -e`~ t,•.=, anti a3a:t -uteew Isz ui 4ny~ z-hr1 y~,•tr>rann <br />,ridtnin4stratiiAn :~r: ssarua;nt ,.f the ytuatnntY e:r =user:?e:ce ,,; 'fie ',it:ie.l;,-tea ..v iu,~,l il,~e,~bt..u! ~.1' S>hst°fi <br />sltail tt: ,x3clsr;ft•d s,? €a'ak• ,.t,, -- ,,, f„;•,,. <br />l.~l- l6 Flat? r=rs3r=a~Ray<.tn~n ~tzrure•e1 Rt~ra•c~' tom, guarrntrn,d "r ;rdsst-„d ,en,ir•r 'f3Fi,• 3N. !'nlte•ed :+tc2ti•y r'>.,fa'. <br />~Vt i-~' 's°;ti~c snL: f4r,3ttaixtaaar3 e:=, itis'fl t+r, ,.tSntiuY itxtx~~,' ,r¢ e+'I'tr-r~S „•: t?,r i.xia• )nv~r~nt ataalf h[+)v.•pn _k ^ n,lt7ew, rlxsiarb <br />i'. P#d iAn~'f.>•Fi stta3'.+"i eIl t{3x Fk, i"--#{"R ~'. . :.'z. ti?3d fi3il` [i2',>b"k.:ti tl~ .51 '- ... •,,- .e k!r•Y' i,},d4 r~,,,T1 it _; .-\t'+: tt!t~,l '~il +"r,d4fperr•C tt elf <br />ea°tcla ~taf stuicPask~~Ln~a.~ sht4lx F, iny~.a~r.rhnt aettla -r;A=_l lt!re ,,.' I.a's•i3...t'•__s ,., f..•....? .rn.•r;dr? to <br />=''E~ tai-..tts-f'?€x Fz-•r~'tu s.~,xtE 3e€:ex# rF:rc3'# ):t'.i:3. ~ -.-t '~?e -..-._- ._,.-~ _.. ...., .~ ~1,.... .:tire, t,~. <br />