<br />Y. ~ t~ ~ l~F..~'~£tA
<br />tie:sxab<Y t5Y3: k°se ppticiW,f.
<br />8eensa tBiP, Tots 86. T1.5.6. -
<br />~. ~t~a 31=41-fl #93.
<br />Txas MDR'rGaOE, mach and executed this Ist day of Suly , A. D. 19 AO ,
<br />hyandbet~-een E4ieHa€b T. Bostick and Sandra K. Bostick. Husband anff'tsi£e
<br />of the Cauntq of Bali ,and State of iehraska, hereinafter called the Mortgagiar, sud`
<br />I~x`tgage P2as Tncorporatad
<br />a cormsration organized and etisting nrder the daa°s of the United Stateas o£ Ai~riaa
<br />hereinafter eslled the \iortgagee,
<br />~VI't'3a~5sSTf3 : That ;clorkgagor, for and iu eattsiderati~on of the sum of Fortp Ttiousanii Five`-
<br />xuttdred and OO~ZOOtHs ---------- Baliars ($ 40, 500.00 3. Paid by l4fartgak*+ee, the receigt of-
<br />i~-ixich is hereby acknox•ied~!c!, has Granted and Sald and by these presents does Grant, Bargain; Self
<br />Assign. Gnatre4- and f;anfit•rt unto ±he 3lart~a, its suec~sors and assfgns; farever; the folla~ving
<br />d:~xcrilxd propet~;-, situated in the Gaunty' of Ha I2 , a¢td State of :Nebraska, to tvit:
<br />The tdort!t 4ialf (T3rt4 of the falla+aina descrilaes2 trac*_ cf Iand, descri'~ed
<br />as fall ,mss: Comaenaing at [ate ~tdarthwest Corner of i,ot r'our (9} ,
<br />Pairncres Sutxdivi=ion. loaat~d on par's of t!^a So,~tkatPsr %+3art~r
<br />(S'Wra} of Seetian THres (3}. To:rnsHic E4nven (11) €~?rth, nee ~i_±¢ (a}
<br />idest of tha 6th P.M., running thence fast -'-I2 rseot:: Mono tha :7orth line of
<br />said I.ot d, tltenec South 2f3~ feet parallel with ehe 'viest line of said Lot
<br />4, tasenee Wiest ~?? get paxslla3 with tka ":aa:tr, litre c._ uuia:; :ct ~ 2_n~~tee
<br />iw'o>:tn ='c::l €Jf^-t _~ti w,e €4~st Li*_,f± cif ~~.d ~fi 4' _. __ rhP _a,~ _ ~.. .. -, ...,~:'t~,
<br />ia.l,'', ta:ttt~'y . ;7@ArH oKB,
<br />tlsra kno+~rt is: g~ 3, Sox 5, Grand Tslatid, .ti ~SA01
<br />czf tha_,rtx.i:; 1'rttt^t,,ai 5lriridint:_ ~c:nlainink in ;ii! county prapcrty
<br />taY~e4lxct' e~itl; the Yjr{tu#`tx~k~~£tKt- aeSe2~z c+a-iva~ruin :bttsi asf Axkarr~„ n,ta ur iiar€~saf0.pr axt2u=hcKd 2htzrc.2e n.
<br />vtau~d atr ~c;nr,v+Y6,at ¢ar.It €bz- przx~ne;~e~.~ t;ar„ts <a~iira2:~eai airnc3 art anai,ls2r.,t~ ih,~r~ie, tts icrl~nstirng-,a~~se•,ek~,-tt
<br />taz'd:=sii= ~e}s#~isa~~, sa~a#rzt s€i~+. tzrx3 s}ar}al L,e d~ntsii €~, kx. sisoxar~ rtui a {t+3r+ of tM~• re~t6ty, anal nt~~~ z3
<br />~rortion E$ th=° Sr~rtx`iiy f`'>r tigm ;ratial.~t~&¢t1t'lha4$ ltnat~rari rnerza;oateei
<br />