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SQ-- ~~. <br />Uxmoaat Covearnt:2s. Borrower and Ixnder covenant and agree as follows: <br />I. Payment of Priaeipat and Interest Bonawer stsalI promptly pay when due the principal of and interest as the <br />indefsiedness evidenced by tfie Note, prepayment and late charges as provided in the Note, and the principal [rf and interest <br />nn any Futuna Rdvances secured by this Mottgage. <br />2. 3Caads far 1'~ and Insar~nte. Subject to applicable Jaw ar to a written waiver by Lender, Borrower shag gay <br />to Ltnder on the day monthly iustaltmenis of principal and interest are payable tinder the Note, until the Note is paid in fall; <br />a sum (herein "Funds") equal to one-twelfth of the yearly lazes and assessments whteh may attain priority-over this <br />Mortgagt, and ground ranks an the Property, if any, plus oire-twel#ih of yearly pt>'miam installments far hazard- insurance; <br />plus orte-twelfth of yearly premitun irsstaliments for mortgage insurance, if any, aif as reasonably estimated-inifia!!y and-from <br />time io time by render on the basis of assessments and bills and reasonable estimates thereof. <br />The Funds shall be held in an institution the deposits ar accounts of which are insured or gtmraatetd. by a Federal or- <br />state agency (including lender if Lender is such an insstitution). Lander shad apply the Funds to pay said rases, assessments, <br />insurance premiums cad ground rents. Lender may not charge for ro balding and applying the Funds, analyzingsaid accounE, <br />ar verifying and compiling said assessmems and bills, unless Lender pay's Borrower interest on the Funds and applicabledaxv <br />permits Lender to ma&e such a charge. @orrower and Lender may agree in writing ai the time-of exectrtioa of this <br />Mortgage chat interest on the Funds shah 6e paid to Borrower. and unless such agreemem is made ar applicable law-- <br />requires such interest to be paid, Lender shall not be required to pay Borrower any interest ar tannings an the Footle.. Lender-. <br />shall give to Harrower, without charge, am annuaC accounting of the Furls showing credits-and delsits to the-Funds and.the <br />pur{xist €or which each debit to the Funds was made. The Funds are pledged as additional security for- the sutra secured" <br />by this Mortgage. <br />If the ammmt of the Fonds held 6y Lender, rogether with the futtue monthly installments of Funds payable prior to <br />the due dates of razes, assessments, insurance premiums and ground rents, shaEl exceed the amount required to pay said taxes; <br />a=~_ments, irstrrance pretnituns and ground rents as they fall due, such excess shall be. at Harrawer's option,- tither <br />promptly repaid to Borrower or credited- to Borrower nn monthly installments of Funds. 3f the amount of the Funds-- <br />i`.e.u t... L° <br />~r .der be s,..u h ¢a pay cants, a',m~nts, ins;i,-gnat nramiu~rrs and ~~d ~w as t - - -dull <br />$orrower shall pay toiLender any amount necessary to make up the deficiency within 30 days Yrom the date notice is mailed <br />by Leader to $arrowtr requesting payment thereof. <br />Llpan payment in fu17 of a!I sums secured by this Mortgage, Lender shall promptly refund to Borrower any Funds- <br />held by Ltndtr. [f under garagragh I8 hereof the Property is sold or the Property is otherwise acquirei by Lender, Lender <br />shall apply, na iazer than immediately prior to the sale of the Prope,ny of ins acquisition by Lender, any Funds head by <br />Lender at the time of application as a credit against thr, sums secured try this Mottgage. <br />3, et4ppllr~don of Fsyraenis. SJnless ~gglieabie !aw prawides otherwise, al! paymems received by L-cxtdtr under the <br />None and paragraphs i and Z hereof shall be applied 6y Lender first in payrnent of amounts payable to Lender by Harrower <br />under paragraph 2 hereof, then to mttrest gayable on the Note, then to the principal of the Notz, and then to interest and <br />princtpal nn any Future :\dvancts. <br />3. Chtuges; Lieoa. &?rrower vhall pay aH rants, xssessments and ether charges, ones and Impositions attributable to <br />the property which may attain a priority aver thrs Mortgage, and ieaschold payments or ground rtnts. if any, in the manner <br />provided under paragraph hereof a;. tf eat paid in such manner. 6y Borrower making payment, when due, directly to the <br />payce thertcaf. shall promptly furnsh to Lander all nauees of amounts due under thts paragraph. and is [he event <br />Bor-mwer shalt mane payment dirtctiy. Borrower shall promptly turn[sh to lender reetip[s evidencing such payments. <br />@orrower shall promptly discharge any Iitn which has pnatrty over this !.fottgage: provtdtd, that Borrower shaft not be <br />ra?^utttd In dis~a' t~ an- - rs lie.^, ~, Ieng :as 9orrawer ~t311 =gree in •xr:i[ag t -the paymtni ~-:- ttr_ r,hhg anon stored L=y <br />such lien in a manner ai;xptaalt to I~ndtr. or shall in gusxi Eaith contest such lien try, or defend utfarcement r:f such lien ia. <br />tcga} pn?ceedings whtci[ aprraa ro prtvtnt the eniercement ut the teen or Corfettwe of the Property or any part thtroof. <br />5. Ilarard Ita~tante. $urraw"er shall keep the imprtvemtnts new rxtskmg +n 3trrralicr errztrzi au the Praptrty tosured <br />_ ,~~ _ _ <br />agarrtat lcs by dre, tt~d_~ tr._7 .~;d w,then 1:.. [~.n, ~ =-t:cl~~ _-- - -= r•,t = .. _. - ~. - -- ° tdtr may rags <br />^~d to s~„lt smetEn[.: a~1J for zuc~h ptr_cxls :rs :-cntltr tray seyUtrc; ipreiv[dtd, tha# L^<ndert 3ha11'not renu[t't that ttte a[nouttt i.?t <br />=Ky. ~~,.~, ao _.E_ ~. .,. a._v,.,a. ,,, ..,. ~, ~gc ,'=s ti. =~'*ns =t:^ t <br />Tate insurance atttcr providing ttte tnsurancc ,hail of chustn ny dorrowcr aunltc[ ~to'•,[pptuval ny !.ender, provtdtd. <br />...a, - - _ •---.,3 ?.- ,_ - `_.r:=- . ,~~<°- -- _ ~_~. -_ .-_ n[u:n,z ,•n tnstatancc - ,ii:<:c,< ~i[a)3 ~ - ~a[d .- ..= ~aarrncr <br />-vrf'sl5u~r - ., ~- ~sh~-~ -.. ,€ z ~,e ...>..•nh"rstan•~..'.?f• -n:rv`s'r maF:ag pay~°rz, z.~.., alv'z.•.,..z.=--~ ? th. <br />insurntce earncr~' <br />{ell insuranec policies and rerttwals thereat shall he ut tarn[ accepu[hIe m t,cndcr and ±hall uxhtdc a .tandard ~nouguge <br />clause in favor of and in tcorro ac[:eptable to Lender. Ltndcr +hail have the nght to hold the puhaes .end renewals thtreef. <br />and $orrow~e shah pre?raptly furntsh to Lender all renewal ponces one} :nil reet[pts of ixud lrranuum. In tf.° cvtnt of loss, <br />Borrower oho! tc[vt prompt rauce to the msurancc canter and l.tsndtr. 1".er?der may make proof ut loss d not made promptly <br />by $orrowtr. <br />Unless LenJtr and Borrower uthtr-v[se agree to ,vnuag, tmm'ance prtwec:ds shall !x apl>litd to rtswrauou ur repair of <br />the Praptriy danutgtd. provtdtd inch rtstorauon or regarr is ecunanvcally icaa+ltle and the ;tcuruy of this Mnrigage ~s <br />rtat tttcrnl?y u-npau'ed, Lf such rtarauon ar rtpnrr is not ccomnvtcalty teusti?ie ar :} t7re sccunty of t}us Martgagt woulU <br />be itupatrtd, the rusura6ce gnx.tuds chill 4e app,etd to the surety -eccratl bg• thts Martgxge. w+th the nxc~>s. if any. Pard <br />to Horrowtr. !f the Proptrt}' is abandoned b±• Burrower, or tt L'orruwer lath to respcmd to t_c•trdet wrthttt 3U days [nom the <br />dale eraace is mailed by Lcndtr to Harrower the[ the tnsurauct currier uflets to .settle ~ ,:ia[rn fur tusurancc htnehts, Lender <br />im uutharittd to cuUtct and apply' the trrsarance laruetads ;u i-trader's opton urthc[ to rtstaruuon ae repra[r of thv F'in}tttty <br />ar to the runts stctu+ed by ttns Mortgage. <br />Unl~ ixn[#rr and Brn'r[awtr othervise agrtc to wnrtag, arty each aplatcauau of pfaa:eeds to pnnapat ~ltatl t[erl extent! <br />ar }r~igana the dtra dais o[ Iht muntttly instattn?cna rnltrred w u[ par~raphc t end i herta( ur chaayc the amount of <br />stub inskaHmtnta. It under paragraph lei here[ti the Praptr ty is act)urrtd t,y i.tnder, all nght, uttt .utd mttrest of t3orntwtr <br />itt sttd to gray insurance pahcies artd iu and to the praci.•td5 therrxrt resuhmg tram damage to the Pnr}xrtg• poor to the salt <br />ar utquisitian shall pass to Lender to tot extent rrt the soma acc;urttl by this !tlangagc nnutndtatcl}• pour ~,~ such sate or <br />_~ ~-e~Ik~.-~srsa? a~s3 ;ilabt#ena~ of Pt•opattp; t,r;a~tu;.Gsa t:o[:tity;titinsos, t'isnrud t;tti. tl::r-etoprmnas. 1Sarrrrr.t-.r <br />wall 4:etp rkic Property in good rtpau annd shall nest commrt waste zest grunt unpwemeot ur clttcnoratuan vt the Property <br />attd shall wtagly with the provisions of any lease :! arts Mortgage is uu e tzasettidd. It this Mwt3;aX•a a ,rat a amt m ., <br />[vftrnirttutst ter a )tlanntd unit dtuclopnsettt, Ika1'rt+wef ;hall Prrl ui rn ,,il .;f €lornxaer's r+hltguin:ns under the ,Ecclut,ruun <br />ar wwetwnts ceeaurrg at' gas:ermttg the u,ndamrnrune or planned amt tlrvcynpntcnt, the by-Ixws anal n.gulauuns .f the <br />umdarninitun or plantteti unit dt•rtiaimtcn6 cad ::onstxurtret dacuntcnts. it „ cundatunuum or planned amt develnpntem <br />rtdet rs ~tcuttd Gy )krerawtt s[nd rtcardtd togatht[ wnh this Mortgage. the .ovenatrn auJ :,g,tecmt*nfe :,t .ucu rniv-t <br />sY.ali Ito tr?cntporartd rata and shin ,unet[d aced sul?plentent [he can-cnants ern! a.e;trtntcnts of this !ltartgagr .[n .1 lire rWt-t <br />ware a p.:rt hereof. <br />7, I'reeaiian rrf Lendue'a s3ecnrify, It LAtrrowtr testis to ncttornt nc~ awtnaats and agrcumen~ .untamed u. ih,. <br />hiartgagt, of i£ nay a;;tion at InoctcUtng is eummenccd whrci[ rat+uenalip affects Lcetder. unarest sn nc~ P*uprn+ <br />including, btsk not liutited ta, e~mintm datnaln, tngalt`tncy, colt cnkxctrncat, ;+r et rangGnttnts !'t pt,tti eedtngs invoirmg s <br />L~kratpt or dr~•edtnt, then L_tnde-r~ ut L~pdtr's upuns:. upe;a na,uct to Hurre>wer.:uay toake +uah d:ahurse ,u.:h <br />suroz gird tike shah a~-tion as is ntt~assrtry to ptntcc[ L-eadtr's .utettse, ;n~ludta?g, but sot tantttcJ Ia. dt+tau!~u?can .a <br />t:arueh4s atturitty's tees and Autry upon the Properly to :nakt repave.. It I-•uctet ra>tise ssi }rtn~a <cu ar?,.t ..., <br />e:andYr~crn ftl' l;rr`t}afng SYkt 14ai} iCt'4ttrid by t1teF Martgagtl. lirirrttwer siix}I (,({} llte :]r~efmlln[3 fl:kidin~ I !t1 Riatnf.t54I 5:ht5 <br />t w# 3t-: sn ca`i$l:i iarttta iUwh th13e cal fequl Gr af'n{ tc3} "tiCli inwY-an[e eCrc!?si}arty ,n .,44tN{lall Y" =ti'~ih fS„E r=,W'ft ~ •t(AI <br />