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~~~~t <br />~R~~~~E <br />St1 iS~ORTGe~~Eismadetlus.... ..30th..._........dayq€....,June , <br />29...., b®tfseert 6he`lti`igrtgagesr, W.I.LClt1?1. R...F.IEFNTFt`~ .A1~: 6ARLENE.I..HUtdiER, . husband. and .wi t~. <br />' . :.::. : . ....... . .........:.....:.. {berets "Borrower"-,- -and.. f3ie id©rtgagee, Hotrra Federal <br />Savmga`azrd Loan fFsaoeiation; a-twrptlaration organized=and exisbietg.uaderthe-laws of 'S'he .United. States of <br />Axtt$ties;.wkosaaddiessis2Zl:~attthT.octtaE,Stt+eet~ Cstand:Ialartd;Netiiaska: {herein'"Ls~ttder"! <br />+'F(tsmat:as, Borrower is indeYited to Y:ender in Ute principal sum of:FF FTY;THOUSI~p.gAip:'jv!OI~.QU----.-- <br />Jane ~0 19$l)~ ~_~~~_ Dollars, which indebtedness is evidenced by r3arrower's pate <br />dated ..:............~. ........ {herein`'Nate"),_providingformonihlyinsGallmentso#~riucip2tandinterest, <br />:with the-balance'o€-the indatitedness, if not sooner paid,. due and payable oil:...:.:lady. 1;i.~Q~g.:...._ .. . <br />Tai Sa+etrae to Lender {a} the repayment of the indebtedness'. evidenced 6y the Note, with interest thereon.the <br />payment o€ aB 'other sums,. with interest thereaa; a3vanccd in accordance hezewith to protect the secnrtty_ of this ' <br />Ivtortgage; and Ehe<performamce.a€ the covenants and agreements of Borrgwer herein rnntained; and {b}.tke;repaymeat <br />of any'furttre advances, wink interest thereon, made to t`3orrgwcr by %ender pursuant to ptiragrapk ~2 kerea€`(hereiri- <br />"Fttttir'e Rdvaaces"?, Burrower-does HALL mortgage, grant and convey to Lender the €ollowing, described-property <br />located is the-County of ........................................... State of Nebraska: <br />L0T ONE {l1, HLOCK FOUR {4} PARi(HILL SECOND SUBDiVISFON, AN ADDITFON TO TFtE CITY OF <br />GRAA'D ISLAND,. iiALL COUNTY, NEBRASFsA. <br />w3dck lzs€ the addtcas of ...... t~~l . W.., .Anna ........................ . ... Grand . F ~i art~t# ..........., <br />i8treatit isttyt <br />,NagrasFe:~ . , ,t~i,F, ...... {herein "Properly Address"}: <br />[ar.~ ~aa rro mat <br />'2` with •;FF the ttow oe lt~r:afirt arrst~ t.n iF~ prat~riy, rand .tIF eas~rtt~rrf3, }t#'n:;. <br />apputtctutmxs, rents, rayaltics, nrinctal, arF attd gas rights sou profits, water, water rights, and water stack, and aFl <br />fi,tSlitr+»'# intro #[ F~reatr attacked to the prapetry, aFF e5€ which, including rcpFae"uments attd additions thercto, strati tx <br />de~cn~cf tc~ Frt oral remain a prat ut the property es,verr:d by tFtis Mgrtgatle; and aiF of the foeesiring, ivgcrFter with s:utF <br />prrrty {qr t~ 7eaaelxtFci rr;tate iE this TAattgege is as a Fcasebnld} are herein tnierre~F to as thc: "Property'. <br />F7ttri15F~r rxrrretcattts thrtt tiorra4arr is FawtnFFy scistd raf tkc: estate hcretty ctntveycd anti [tar tltc. right to morrgag€, <br />grant aril rite Property, that tks Props:rtg is ttttenw.ttattFsrred, snit That l3ortawrr wiFF w~auant .uui +iefcnd <br />g~ ~iy ;~ ir~;'~;*r q a~Ft~. aF1 z::ttt~ a,;: ~.attat,, F:.t€i,~t *.a ttny :Y~iaratiar, :°asan:~n:s ur rs<,srrieriana <br />listu# in a scrudelr- cYf exccptiatts tts iaav,tti§ge ift tray tiiFa artsrrtanr~; poiic'y 6ersurlntr f.endcr'~ icrre-~sf its rFte AmpcrtY. <br />T; tai F~irp-=0f J~--~F14!f tt~~' !!~2!tE~#tT <br />