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'll ®' ~s~t~:eerL <br />Leader's written agreement or applicable law. Borrower shat[ pay the amount of al! mortgage insurance premiums in the <br />manner pt'avided under paragraph 2 hereof. <br />Any amounts disbursed by Lender pursuant to ibis paragraph ?, with interest thereon, shad become additional <br />indebtedness of Harrower secured by this binrtgage. Unless Borrower and Lander agree 20 other tet'ms of payment, such <br />amounts shall be payable upon notice frem Tinder m Borower requesting payment thereof, and strati bear interest from the <br />date of disbursement ai the rate payable from time to time on otrtstanding principal under the Note unless payment o#- <br />intertst at such rate would be contrary to applicable taw, in which event such amounts shall bear interest of the highest sate <br />permissible ender applicable taw. Nothing contained in this paragraph 7 shall requite Lender to incur any expense or take <br />any action hereunder. <br />g. iespectiaa. Lender may make or cause to be made reasonable entries upon and inspections of the Property, provided <br />chat Lender shall give Borrarver notice prior fo any such inspection specifying reasonable cause therefor related to Lender's- <br />irteresi in the Property'. <br />9. Cat~~emngtlon. The proceeds of any aw,.rd or claim far damages, direct or consequential, in connection with any. <br />condemnation or other taking a£ the Property. or part thereof, or for conveyance in lieu of condemner"tan, are hereby assigned-- <br />and shall be paid to Lender. <br />fn the event of a total taking of the Property. the proceeds shall be applied to the sums secured by this Mortgage. <br />with the excess, if an}•, paid to Borrower. in the event of a partial taking of the Property, unless Borrower and Leader <br />otherwise agree in writing, there shall he applied to the sums secured by this Mortgage such proportion of the proceeds <br />_- as is equal to that proportion which the amount of the sums secured by this Mottgage immediately prior to the date of <br />taking bears to the fair market valor of the Property immediatey prior to the date of taking, with the balance of the proceeds <br />paid to Borrower. <br />If the Property is abandoned by Borrower. ar if, after notice by finder to Borrower that the condemnor offers to make <br />an award or settle a claim for damages, Borrower faits to respond to Lender within 30 days after the date such notice is <br />ma)IerL Yrnder is atxtitomPxl to sal4ect a._nd apply the proc~afa, at Lender's option. either to restorarlon ni t+-~ir a€ thy. <br />Prapetn- cr to the sums secured tn' this hfongage. <br />Unless I_cndtr and Borrower otherwise agree in writing. any such application of proceeds to prncipat shat[ not extend <br />ar postpone thr due dart of the mantftly installments referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 hereof or change the amount of <br />SaClt )n5tallEr ~`m5. <br />ifr. Borrower Not Released. Extension of the time for payment or mndincation of amortization of the sums secured <br />by ;his Mangage granted by Lender to any successor in interest of 3arsower shat{ not operate to mlease, in any manner, <br />the liability of the original Borrower and Eorsaw€r's successors in interest. Lender sha!i not be required to wmmence <br />proceedings opal est such successor or refuse to extend time for payment ar otherwise modify amortization of the sums <br />secured by this biertgage by reason of any demand made 6y the original Borrower and Borrower's successors in inteteest. <br />? i. Farttrarxxs by f,eadtr Not a V9airrr. Any forbearance by Lender in exercising any right ar remedy Hereunder, or <br />otherwise affonied by applicabfe law, shall not lre a waiver of ar preclude the exercise oP any etch right or remedy. <br />The procurement of insvrarce or the ,rayment of taxes ar other !itns or charges by Lrnder shall not he a waiver of Lender's <br />right ro accelerate the manirity of tfit indebtedness secured by this :4tartgage. <br />i?. Remsdies Cum»iative. All rmedies provided in this Mortgage are distinct and cumulative to any other right or <br />remedy under this ;bfongage ar atfrn:ed by !aw er rgvny. ,md may be exernsed cnncurr.:nt$'. independently ar successively. <br />13. Surets!ars and Assigns Bound; Soint acrd Sxverat tasbiiEty; Captious. lltt covenants and agreements herein <br />contained shalt hind, and the rights hereunder shall mute tu, the rrsptcuve successors and assigns of Lender and $orrower. <br />sub;rct to the ; mvisicns cf parae.rapi3 tR bettor, ,41i covenants and agrcY mcnts of $armwcr shall tie faint and si;veral. <br />--- °-- - - -° °°~ -- - _ `-----" .,+ .,.., '.4#^.ngaga° a:. .:,: .c;nver-.stove ant, s;n;1 are n_;t tc !x irs2d +., <br />inteepret~or°dcfint the°p: ovrs'sans~~htren{sg <br />f~. 'tiatiee. irxttpt for any nonce rcyuirrd under applicable law to be given in another manner, ta} any notice to <br />--- - ~ --.- -- err .r. t his ~ -rag€ -- n€ yiv€n h-> mailing, .--n na.iai- h- -cz;tied mail addressed e- - -- <br />Fl*.=1,P.r-.'?i _`np Addre> ~t _F`...:°r. - .a ,av 1;3rtt)*W~r tTTS:' dr:`.ik:'tat2 by tecFii_v `T I.. a5 r .i:l~d hw_rs ..+°;~"1 <br />lh) art? n+ ,-lnUCf -na,l „e glscn n) seret5sd mall. eteltil rt('e,pl -t'gllt\led, to lender- addrtt5•)tatt0 herCiii, [+r+i4) <br />such otlter address as Lender rteav desiuiate by notice to Borrawtr ax orovidtd herein. Anv notice oruvided far in this <br />hi7rigage shat[ f~ d€€mai to have t+~r, ytvcn to liorrowcr "r l.rndtr whrn gts°en to the manner designated herein. <br />ts. itnar'ar~s ~©~age; iarrmirrg_ Isw; titveaaarir~r. ifiir form of mnrtuare cnmh[nea uniform covenants far natim7al <br />ace and Wen-uniform. coutnnnts •a•ith limited variaUOns h}' tunsdiuipn to constitute a ttnifa; rt security instntment covering <br />real property. `iltis Mc+rigagt shall tx governed by the law of the iurisdiction in which tfie Property is Itkattd. In the <br />went the! any prevision or clxusc of this hiangagr er the 'dote cantlicts with appticabft law, such conflict shall net :dicer <br />athee provisions of this Mortgab~ ur the ^iotr which con be given etiect without the conflicting provision. and to this <br />end the provision, of the `tiiengaga and the tiote arc declared to ere sevrrab}e. <br />f3. $tsrrc,:errs Capy. 4arrawrt sRafi f>c furnished a conform€d .opy of the iloee and cf this Mar)gag€ at the time <br />cf exrtttdan or after recordation htr€af. <br />t'S. "?'rarxsftr of ihr Property; :4uismptio»° 1( all or any part of the Properly or nn interest [herein is sold ,+r transftrrcd <br />bi' Borrower without Lender's prier written censcnt. txehaiing (a) the cteatioa of a lien ar rncumbrat>`-r sufxa•dinatr ue <br />this ~iongaga. Ib} the rrtation of a purvlt;at ~naney kcut'it}- interest for household appliances, fe) a iransfrr hp devise, <br />dtscrnt er by operation ul' law upon the death of a )aint tenant cr tdt the grant of any itssehald utterest of three years ox less <br />oat containh:g art option to purchase. Lender Wray, at l.rndcr's aptron, dcelart ail the coons scaurcd by this Murtgagt to be <br />immediately dur and payable. l..ender shall hoe-c calved such upuon to xcccleratt ,f, pric+r w thr 4ae or trnnsfer, !.ender <br />and the trtrsnn to whets thr Progeny is w br said .rr tranaterred reach agrretnent in writing fhst the credit of such person <br />is satisfactory eta fender and that !fit intrstst payable un the sums secured by this 4lartsagr shat[ he at such rste ss t-ender <br />stnsii rrdettst. Et I_ersttr his waived the option to aectierate providrd la !hr`s paragraph [?, atxd ii Boxrrawi:€'s su~eesscr to <br />inferrer has txecutad s written usmnptian agreement accepted in writing by [.ender, Lender shall release Horrawtr (ram ati <br />abtigatians under this ivdartgaga+ erx-1 thv hTazr, <br />If Lendrr exercises sta~h aptiatt to as~~ekratr, Lro<kr .half mats Borrower native of svYtktration an a,.,curdatn:r wuh <br />i ~i'agrapr: 5-s i°4rear. :s'.Y :~ fiViie'C strati priri'iile a fr~riiizt nit itc'i teat kflkti #fi dug3 Frehn tfic Bair ifiv iRittzY i. matieal i~Yintii <br />wi7ieh Butn)wrr tray t'ay the sums declared due. ii i€arrvwrr faits ni pay such sums pror is the rspirmtinn +,f Sikh pcrnid, <br />Lrnder may, k•itrs~ut further tiati Y or demand on ttorrt,wer, ~nvv+kt any retnedtes per'mnted by paragraph i'i hereof. <br />tti aN•Ltii•tta*t <°ov~,:+kv-rs. Bc,trrwcr and t.rnber funhti•;r c+~venant eked agrtt as follows: <br />18. ~}.trtirratiu»; ittmcdicr. Ftts°ept as prasirlyd to paragraph it ttrrraf, upon Borrawrr's brrarfi of ear rvivrnant oc <br />agrortnerd ai Borrower in thbt \iurigage. iucfadlgg the cuvrnanis W pay when doe uuy sums s'r=r»rcvt by this Mortgage, <br />i,radrr grriar to accttrrn shtafF ettaiE raotite to Narmwrr as provided In paragraph 14 tirrrwt spetifyl»g; f i} the breach; <br />i2) tk~ att#o~ rtq~red to rsra rsrb brrarb; 431 a date, oat tee than 3t1 days trarn the date ttrr roller is trwikd to Rarnrwer, <br />t?g wkk:h sorb breath mgt ba rurrdi amt t4) that fadwa to curt sorb brrurb an or befarc the date specitird is thr trntfrr <br />spay rca»tf in arc'eleratkr» of lbtt snr~ rra•arrd by this Murtgagr, faristasure by juddcfai proceeding nod sate u1 the Pmprtty. <br />Tda r„tfitire oft (brt4sxr laiarru Bimamer aS thr right ra rtirwtrie afirr arceteantian and ifnr rittbt to u+c.rrt in the fnrerfosaez <br />Iaractrdi~ tPtr turaxafa8eais:e of a driaaft or a»y Whet tfelrtrse of Harrower to areekratiaa acrd forrrMm~urr. If the brrarh <br />bi au?i r~3•r:.9 ern err bedtxe tip dente spee:~ret in fise tretira, [.trader at Lansirr's option may daclxrr a!! of thr Cutts snared by <br />i4lc ILic»iaxsea to rte imrrasaiatr3r doe arui pavaltie wit€rrrat fatitttr demand and nta_s /arecbse ity jt»tiriat amrtrdittg. C.rtsdrr <br />sisst6i t~ e~-^#~d £n crs#lect €n swb pre+ccasiisi~ .a[f est;•rm~s »t lurtrt.fas+rrr, isrriu, bpi out Eiattited ta, veers of daru»reutary <br />¢rfdrucr, r~u»rts tout ttttt reperrYS. <br />r-su`a~au~r&-i ° n~ i Tu w - - ..,.:rvil`tai~ttding- zrKi¢t`° it~:cE'r€r~t:i,n ,,, i;e , +o,s titiurcci i }' this ,;: tirtg.-,~e <br />$utrascr ahn1S have thr riprht to hav;, map lat,x etriiu~ t:egart bs~ t-under to enfnrue tFe~e 'i urteeve ,tearonnnuetii at znv nnx• <br />