80-- ;;;~,~,
<br />together with all rights, interests, easement>, hereditamrnts and appurtenances thereunto belonging, the rents, issues, and
<br />profits rhereaf and revenues and income thzrefr~m. all improvements and personal property noyc or later at*_ached thereto or
<br />reasonabi~ necessazy to the use thereof, inducing, but not limited to, ranges, refri¢erators, clothes washers, clothes dreen.
<br />or carpeting aurehased or financed ir. whole er in part with loan Eu nds, all water. water rights. and water stool: nerzaining
<br />thereto, and all paymenu at any time ooring to Borrower by virtue of any sale, ]ease, transfer, conveyance. or condemnation
<br />of any part thereof or interest :herein-all of which are herein called "the property°:
<br />TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the property unto the Government and its assigns forever to fee sun pie.
<br />80RROWER far $arraayzr's sclt. $orrowcr's heirs, executo ,, administrators. wccc=_scrs and an,z•=n: WARRANTS THE
<br />TITLE ro the property to the Government against all jayvfui claims and demands :vhatsoever except anc liens. encum brand,.
<br />easements, reserve ttons. nr conveyances specified lte; einabove, and COVENANTS AND AGREES as follanvs:
<br />I) To pay promptly whew due env indebtedness to the Government hereby secured and to indem nrr~; and save hann-
<br />less the Government against env lass under its insurance of payment of the note by reason of any default by Borrower.
<br />At all times when the note is held by an insured holder, borrower shall continue to maze oavments .m the rote *.o the <;overn
<br />moot, as collection agent for the ho3drr.
<br />(2j To pay to the Government such fees and other charges as may nosy or hrreaf*.er i?c rryu,*ed by regulations ut the
<br />Farmers Home Admitustration.
<br />;3i if required by the Government. to make additianal monthly '?_vments of I.? ~ of thz estimated annual ;aces,
<br />assessments, insurance premiums and other charges up;;n the ,-orrgaee;i,premises.
<br />'4? Whether or not Lhe note is insured b}• the Government, thz~C;avcrnment mac at anc time pay env other amount=_
<br />required herein to be paid by Borrower and not paid by BoRow t whet. due, es well as any ~. osts ar:d c°sprnses for the prt-
<br />sen•ation, protection, or enforcement of this Tien, a, advances {ar tl!e e~count of Borrower. All ,uch advances ,hall 6ea:
<br />interest at the rate borne by the note which ha.s the highest interest rate.
<br />!~) All advances by the t;overnmznt as described in thi; instrument. wirl: interest, shat' be unmediately due end payable
<br />b}' Barrawer to the Government without demand at the plac. designated !n ;he latest rote and shall he secured hereby. No
<br />such advance by the Gavcrvnzent shall relieve Bomryvcr itozn b-each of Borrower's ::nvenant ro pay. such .rdvan~c., tiyr;it
<br />interest, shall be repaid from the first ~aailabiz ~ollectian~ ertety~-d from Rortowc~e. :lthc•rwuc, any payment ;pad;: ;~.
<br />Borrower zna}' 6e applied on the mite _;r _;:v mdebtedres try tiro Ganrrnutert _c_urrd hotel y it env o-der the t;:wr,-n:nc nt
<br />deiertnineS.
<br />k. ,•..
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<br />1.~
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