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USDA-FmHA Position 5 <br />Form FmHA 427-1 NB <br />(Rev. 5-15J9) REAL ES-PATE MORTGAGE FOR NEBRASKA <br />THIS MORTGAGE is made and entered into by ._-_~.1`_l.~.D. D.--LEY-3I1C1-.1~-~1.• -.~~~,,--tlLleib--. <br />,---._---'AK~-_LIl.fOr--PclC}1-1t1-171.4-dDC~.-1K~S'-..C1Wn.Y;~ht-.aC1C~.'3S-Sj~OllS2.-~-. afl@-L~SP.T.,.-------'-------_ <br />residing irt ___-"--°-._-.__-_-.---------'---_-Hal.1-'--------'---------..-..-----_. County, Nebraska, whose post office address is <br />>,9?000~-R1VQ„><'------._-_.-_---~-------. Nebraska ---~$~.~~----• <br />---- ------14.Q~-_[1~t_St#e~t~------ - - - _ - - - <br />herein called "Borrower," and: <br />WHEREAS Barrowe: is indebted to the United States of America, acting through the Farmers Hame Administration. <br />United Staees Depaztment of Agriculture. herein called die °Governmenr," ~•s evidenced by one ar more promisor}' Hotels; <br />or assumption agreement(s), herein called "voce," k•hich has been executed by Burrower, is pa}•able to the ardor of the <br />Government, authorizes acceleration of the entire indebtedness at the option of the Government upon any default by <br />Borrower, and is described as follows: <br />- .-lnnual Rute Dui' Dute of Pineal <br />Date of Insm,ment Principal ,9mount of Interest btstallneent <br />June 24, 1980. $64,000.00 11.08 Jtme •L4, 2010. <br />IIf the interest rate is Less than ..---~-__._` o for farm ownc;sht,-_ ar operating Ican~,s, secured be this instrument, then the <br />rate mac be chanted as provided in the Harr., <br />And the note e,>idenees a loan to Borrower. anal the Govemment. at anv time. mas~ assign the note and insure the p~av- <br />ment thereof pursuant to the Consulidated Farm ;.nd Rurai Development Act. ur Titla V of the Housing Act ~.>} 79.1'7 <+r am~ <br />other statute administered by the Farmers Home Admi:ustratiun: <br />And it ;~ the purpose and intent of this instrumem [hat. among other things. at ~1 times when d:r Hare is held i>v the <br />Govemment, or in the even[ the Government should assign this ins rumen-t without insurance oY the note, this uurrumenc <br />shall secure payment of the note: but when the note is held by :m insured hoiden, this iturrument shall not-secure payment <br />of the note or attach to the debt evidenced thereby-but as to the note and sucl: ;7ebt shall :onatitutr an indcm ni n mart¢age <br />m secure [he Government against loss under its insurance content[ b}' reason of any detach b}' Borower: <br />And this instrutnent also secures the recapture o2 am' interest credit or subsidy which may be Tamed to the Borrower by <br />the Government pursuant to 42 U.S.C. §1490a- <br />NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the ioan;sj artd a; at all times when the none is held lry ti:e Government, or in <br />the event the Government should assign this insrrument without ivsuzana• ~f the payment u? d:e net„ to secure orc:mpt <br />payment of the noxe a,-td arv renewals and extensions thereof and an~~ ataermrnts contavtrd tSruein. ineiudiag any provision <br />for the payment of an insurance or other charge..,bi at all rimes when the Hate is held is ar: insured n..!dcr, to secure pez- <br />formance of Borrower's agreement herein to indemnify and lace harmless rl:e Gavernment .tgainst loss undet vs insurance <br />contract by ceasen of any default by Borrower- and ;c) in any event and at ail times to secure the prompt payment ut ali <br />advances and expenditures mare uy the Government, wick: interest, as hrreinaitzr describedi, and Cite peri otntance ui every <br />Covenant and a~eerrrent of Borrower contained herein or in any supplementary agreement, Borrower Socs hereby g.ant. <br />bargzin, sell, c^nvey and assign, wi*_h general wa__anty, unto t};e Government the idllewin`~ troperty situated in the State n•. <br />Nebraska,Counryiics? ot -----~'1---------------'-------.. ._--------- ----- ----------...-..----- - <br />North Fifteen t15) Feet of Int Eight t8) and all of Int Seven (7) and <br />South Five t5) Feet of Lot Six ifi), all in Block One il), West North <br />Lanai SecoQrl Addition to the City of Wood River. Nehraska. <br />StJH7FX.T 'ro a mortgage in fawn of First Federal Savings and Loan Association <br />of Lincoln in the principal amount of $28,000.00. <br />FnrNA 42'-1 NB `Rec. 5^,-75-791 <br /> <br />J <br /> <br />