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go ~~~~ ~. <br />(6) o use i l'o`an evidenced by the note solely Eor purposes aurhonzcd by tha• Gen°crnmcnt. <br />(7) To pay when due all taxes, liens, judgments- encumbrances, and assessments lawfully attaching na or assessed <br />against the property, including ::I] charges and assessments i^ ;,-omtetrion with water. +va ter rights, :md :voter stock <br />pertaining to or reasonably necessary ro the use of the real prnperre described abova .ind all tares and assessrn ears levied <br />upon this moagage or the note er any indchteducs_c hercl~c secured nr against ant fegai holder hereof or :tf the note or of <br />said indebtedness under the laws of Nebraska, and pnunpdv deliver to the Government without demand rccc•ipts evidencvlg <br />such payments. <br />~Sj To keep [he propert}' insured as required b}` :nxd under insurance policies approved h+~ ehe Government and, at its <br />request, to deliver such politics to the Government. <br />(9? To maintain improvements in good repair and make repair.: required L,y the G„vernment. operate the property in a <br />good and husbandrnanlike manner. comply with such farm conscnanon prat ^ccs and farm end home management plans as <br />[he Government Erom time to rime ma}• prescribe: anti not io aila nainn the pn>pertc, qtr ;.ease or permit waste, lessening or <br />impairment of the security covered hereby, ur, without the wn_tren ..unseat of nc~ Guycrnmeat, eat remote, or lease am~ <br />timber, gtavei, oil. gas, coai, or other minerals except .u roue be necessarv~ for domestic purposes. <br />(1C) To comply with all laws, ordinances, and regulations atfecnng the f:ropern', <br />(17` To pay nr reimburse the Government for experses reasonably nccessan~ or incidental to the protection of dxe lien <br />and priority hereof anti to [he enforcement of or the compliance with fife provisions '::ezeof :md of the note and anp supple- <br />mentan' agreement 'whether before or .titer default `~, including but not limited tz: costs of ecidenc^, of tide to and sun•ey of <br />the property, cost_ of recording this and other tnstniments, a¢ornevs' fees, trustees' tees, ceurc ~ osts. and expenses of <br />advertising, selling, and conveying the property. <br />(12) Neither the property not any portion thereof yr interest therein shall be ieaseti, assi5med. >old. transferred, or <br />encumbered, voluntarily or otherwise, without the written censem of r-he Guverrunent. The Government shall have the sole <br />an.i esclusiyc rich is as mortgagee ueremt.ier. including !gut nor limited to r.:r power to vra,.t consents, partial releases. <br />subordinations. and satisfaction, and no insured holder shall have anv right, ti[ie or lntnrest in or to the lien ar any bencfiu <br />hereof. <br />'! 3! .At all reasonable times the Government and its agents may inspect the propern- ro ascertain +vhether the covenants <br />:aid aP-ieements contained herein o- sn anv supplementu+- agreement .uc Liurt pe:htrmcd. <br />-14? The Government mat a~ extend or deter *.he moronic ot, anu renew and rrsciieduie the cavments nn, the dr}=t <br />p <br />evidenced bt the note or ant m:iei:redness '- the ~. vern;r,ent .~..,:-.. .,, :-, ,~.a. r-.,: ~.... ,. b .~,~..-.. .,.. ~n~ .clr <br />liable midge dtc note or tar the deaf from liability to '}te Govt rnm,nt- ~ se p~ ~rn,.r..,~ t6r pn,n_at au.i ,ubun;u;asc <br />its hen, and d` waive anv other .at w -i gn tc under :nix in stnJnrn t. ;\nt .~ t Lil the ,en .tot - -•,~ !,~ ~.:=tit ittt-+nn~ <br />the lien or the pnarity of this 4¢tstrumm~t t,r 3arr?wu-> :x .:m :.,-., ,.,,n-s liabditc a the t;occ•rr:mer,t fur ll.n m.nt -,r :hc <br />note nr debt secured by ,his in stniment miLss the Grvenunc nt ,.,: othervtsa~ .n wnring, i1U\VEVER..uir forbe-,.ranee Lv <br />the Goverrunem-whether tmec ar often-m rxerasine snc rr~u ,. rnedr :order this m>trument, :* oth eru-i>r afforded !n <br />applicable law, shall not be a waiver ui or prca}ndc the txercue of :.;: ~. ,uCh nebt or remr<3t- <br />!1~' If at :ac time it sh aU appear ;o rhr ,-:. aern:nent ,h,:t Bt,m:.yr: ;nay Lr ab}e to obtain a loan tram a p*_uuuv rc:n <br />~etlit ass~eianan. a Federal land bsn+, ar other rrsnonsble cooperaztve ur private credit source. •a reasonable cares and terror <br />far fauns Eor similar purposes arxd ;?ertoci.=_ :,i ame. Borrowe::+a!:. loon the Gov: rt:mr.^.,'s request. .ippi. ;nr end accept +ucit <br />loan in sufficient ernount to nay the note ..ud ant mdebredncss >rt~.:red i:cre Ut i.i.. r. ,.,e} t,,. -:nt- =roc+ to - _ <br />tlu'chased ill a Ca!,p.^I3ii Yl .21td`.rtk ail r!c\ to ..+ime[*_t a~n \%~: tit +uch ~i G..~.. <br />IA~ IIecault hr:eunder shall ,. ,ti:ute ~ictauit Jndez any r,ther-c-al .stair, ;:z r...._,r .u.y ncrsonal lunnrrr. or odxer. <br />securite instrument ::rid a,.:nsured In he t,o•. er~ment .; r.d s. or :~~umet' ', B. :c.war, and fe: tu~ ,my weir <br />other >eoJntc insrument sh ail constitute default her+-under. <br />.i-, SHOt 'LI? DEF9l'LT -:ccw in the nerfcrm once or disa:harge :,t en~. :,oltS.iuve .:: t„-> ai-:rinmrtr ,.~ .~. .,. _.,,s <br />mst*.um vt. -, =h uuli the n: -, s n~ned as Bctzrou~er lie .tr h..:ruarea -. incom p.: r f ~ ~ .al - tt c ~ rrnez <br />named ao fltirrouer be declared e ..:arxript, or an trscfvcnt or :nnAe mi as~g.~mxnt tvr Sri . ~; ant tit ~-: ~redita a:he t:an~rrn <br />;neat. dt its ,.>ntio r.. yvnt}[ :r ..-about notice. mat-: a'. declare tk:e entie anxuwtt ~miparc under dle :;en• ,;,.J ant' ntdeutedness <br />.o :.,: GcPVernrnenc hereiv >~. :mmtsi iatek t_c.~ .ut cable. .~ ter th:.: :nun: "t iloratw cr _„ ~~ ..,d pat reasonably <br />rCrie`.SZ~ roe tea aa: w maznte_ _- ,, _:nd aa},c posse>stvn al lp grate -t - ..t [i;e r -riy. - ~ - a.:;ln `lti c tnd <br />tnoduuzon +ii r'r. is mstnemu .- t.:. h~.ut „[i:er c-vnienv- and wi*.l; a:ut nt,.i~- !:a,nn lga~ r.. ,~J, lie a,:.. n. ~:.n cri; e^ <br />.Ippoln[rU `GI ;nP ^T(tp:ttt- th ~- a nC.VCrS Jt iCC~il'i-s -n live .: ... ~ '[ii" ltl [ .:.ncnt dS i"":`il ~ C~:::.. <br />U'\` law'. dI:3 -t .. 31:+ 't n .?i'I T lyntS an;+. re:P e(nzS F!rL•Y1deC i Y t ,:. -. enr et u ~ c `aw. <br />' if;i ?'h, ar<,cec-ds .'t toreclasure sale =hail he applied m the fail oscine order ¢+ the pavn~ent -_(: ,~ .. s,_ ....,t ~ ace rases <br />.d>•=rat +., z.,.v.a-n~ a~rxp:. :nq w:t;- tr •ravis,ans t::.teoi 't ~ ;;e+.t> t. .. r.t :t +- <br />`t ill paSrf, `C' ti12 ie^" t'vId2~ICed k'=v The note .t^.L .tlt tt`.debt C1:t25st0 tf:Y i:J!'l'rrlmYr.t st'(J <tt Il. rc+- - 't Crn teriJ ulii•nS <br />~. reeved regasrd 2:y ±sw a comre*_ent coot rat ce so paid, en at the iioccrnn e;at'z- vpcuw. _cn .~ ,xfier indcbtrdnt-ss :+t <br />Borawer owin;} a ear insured by the Govermmxen t, and f; due baan+r tv Bcrr+:vvrr.-dc :-,tree k"urr ::r ~trht: n.+7< ~.:r :dl :.r ., r.t <br />aan at the ~Zropert~~, .*he Government and :ts agents ma}- t>td and purchase as ,1 stranger dad inay pay cite Gcvemmen['s slzaze <br />_ e puzerxase price i:y ere.itiag ,uc~i, amount _~rt any Se*ts .;s Boaowr: ,rv,ag r 'ar to ~un-J bs -..a t,t cerr.mcn:. ~.n ..s <br />order • rescribed above. <br />iyi Bo:rower agrees :.haz the huven;nxent will ni=t 'b. .,._tun<i by dr.c t:rzse ,. ui tutcra ti[atc lair- -dzng ;~- <br />vm3uatron, app:;arsal. home>cc-ad or exenx~,tion ui the prot+e rty, G' pro}: iir.inn, nac:rrnentr :r; .:.....n lot .. ~delictenC'; <br />avig^. rigor r~ iinxiting vnt <mount ti;eteat or the tune wr[hin wh xch .a,.n ac tic,n rnu==_ _. a_ stir- geese riU;rs* ,.rt =~chtr <br />Ratn[e of ?irzxifaztaas- ~d~ :i;lowing ant r?kht ,ai rederupaa^ x possession ioiluwu:g ,tr.c t.~.reuaewrr >aie, ,tr e: aim icing th+- <br />eondixruns whic~t, the i~u Yrnmcrt mug t - rebul..nen i:Jpuse, incii3ing ;hc :vter_st :a!r .` .. ~i:..rgt, .,s .urdi[tun "t <br />ap?orovxng a rraixsTer <,i ~itc' C^opern -_ aY acev Borrower. Be••zuue. :•t.rssit '•c i .c. r i rr. -.. ...n Mere laws. <br />Borrower hereby [elin4ussitc-s. 'd~arve> ~y..riu c.,z:vevs s ,ieh es, mcli _,a:e ,. ,.. iu Jr~n:~.;:r. .. .lc seen e, t~.l <,w rr, a.iu .ur[es}. <br /> <br />G <br /> <br /> <br />