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80---0~t25~6 <br />UNiFOR+t Covtart.+tvis. Borrower and Lender covenant and agree as follows: <br />I. Payment of Principal and Interest. Bonnwer shad promptly pay when due the principal of and interest on the <br />indebtedness rvidenced by the Note, prepayment and late charges as provided in the Vote, and the principal of and interest <br />an any Future Advances secured by this Mongage. <br />S. Fonds for Takes and Ironrance. Subject to applicable law yr to a written waiver by Lender, Borrower shall pay <br />to Lender on the day monthly installments of principal and interest am payable onder the Vote, until the Note is paid in full. <br />a stmt (herein "Funds") equal roone-twelfth of the yearly taws and assessments which may attain priority over this <br />Mortgage, and ground rents on the Property, if any, phts one-twretffh of yearly premium installments for hazard insurance, <br />plus otir-twelfth of year#y premium installments for mortgage insurance, if any. atl as reasonably estimated initially and from <br />rime to tittle by Cettdtr on the basis of assessments and bills and reasonable estimates [Ftcreof. <br />"!]x Funds shall be held in an institution the deposits at arcvums of which are insured yr guaranteed by a Federal or <br />state agency tineluding I,ttndrr if Lendrx is sorb alt institution). Lender shall apply the Funds to paq' said tares, assessments, <br />insurance premiums and grvund rents. Ixndtr may not charge for sv hcid'mg and applying the Funds, analyzing said at:crntnt, <br />yr verif}ing and compiling said asses<ments and bills. unless Lender pays Burrower interest oa the Funds and applicable law <br />permits Lender iv make such a chargt. Borrower and Lender mar' spree in writing ;tt the time of executive of this <br />tforfgagt that interest on tht Funds shag be paid tv Borrower. and unless such agreement is made er applicable law <br />requirts such {ntetest to rte paid, Lander shat! nut tie required to pay Burrower any interest yr earnings vn the Funds, Lender <br />shall give tv Burrower, without charge, an anmtal amounting ~-f the 4'und, shawtng credits and debits tv the ; ,.,;ds and the <br />purpose fur which each debit tv the Funds was made. Thr Funds are p?edged as additional security for the sums secured <br />by this ~iortgagt. <br />If the amount of ihr Fonds held by Lender, tvgeiher with the future moathl}' installments of Funds payable prior to <br />the dot dates of lases, assesrntents, insurance premiums and gmvnd rents, shall exceed the amount required tv pay said fazes, <br />issttssments, insurance premiums attd ground rents as they fall due, such'SC shalt be, ai Borrowers option, either <br />promptly repaid to Borrower yr csedited tv Serrowtr on mvrthiy :nstal#ments of Funds. if the amount of the Funds <br />hdd by Lender shall nut be svthcient to pay taxes. assessments, msurance premiums and grvund rents as they fell due, <br />Batrewer shall pay to Lender any amvuut necessan- t,, make sp the dettcicnrs- within 3() da}~s fmm the date notice is mailed <br />by Lender to Burrower t,tquestinC paymrm thrreot <br />L7pon payment ea full of at# sums second bt true <iattrgage. i eudea ,hat( i,rompt#y refund to Burrower any Funds <br />held by l,endtr. If under paragraph i8 hereof rite Progert} t, sold or the pr;*pcrn~ a athrnvtse acquired by Lender, Lender <br />shall apply, no hater than tinmediatel}~ prtvr tv the sale .v the l'ropen} or us acquxsntan by {.ender, any Funds held by <br />Leadet ai list ttttx .7f agplfrarivtt as a credit a_i'amst the sums se - ~ ,„x.. , ;_= i~,+e <br />3. Apgiittiea of .PayatteMn. C;niesa apphcabic Saw provides others, i.e. a1lr pa}mtents reccrved by i.endcr under the <br />>'Qort aad paragraphs I and 2 htmat shall br apphrd by Lradcr first ai pa}ntc;;t of amounu payable to L.endar by Borrower <br />under paragraph _' hereof, thin iv :ntrmst .payable on ihz Vrjtc, rhea t.= the prmetpai of the Vnie, and then to interest and <br />Ixinctpa? vn anv Future Advancts. <br />i, ~ I}ens, Bv;rvwer shal3 g;ay ;rli ta+e-> a.srss;ncn;> an;; ;~tit.r .harz?cs. fitw_s and xotpavuvns aitnbutafile to <br />ilte Property which may attain a pr=otiry r;i~r the ~#szrtgate. ai=d iea,e.^.-oi # pa:mcnis c,r grvund rents. if any, in tha manner <br />nrvvidx'xi under ; atagraph ?hen-oi ,~r. ;1 ,tn: g:~:: sn .uc:h r„an =rt L; Hc:rm:.-c: t*rai::ne pa went, w~htn due. shrecYl}' tv the <br />pa}'Iee thereof. Borrower stroll promptly fvrrixsit to Lanie.= a:? not,cc; . t amc=c:<tis .>;se ::rde; this paragraph. and in the event <br />Bitrr,~+er sflail make payment dtn~t;,. By=.mwe,- ,ka3i mrtpu, .u ;tub Ee, t ender recctpis cvtdenat:g such paymenu_ <br />Hszrro>+~er shat'! prompt#}' discharge anv Sten ~.+':+: a 'sae n;iantc „sc:r tha, Ll,=ngage. ~~rav.:ieti. that Bormu-rr shall n„t he <br />regtured tv das-.hargt any such Ir:c ,~> long as Ba:rr.>uer >h:ui yv: cr to ,::;tx<tt :,, cAc t`.tymcni of the rzhl;aau,•n ,r.'und by <br />strchlttn to a manner acxgtatak to Lrndrr, rv ~?:3II rn as~xrt tanft .otxtc,t .etch ~!:en ctferri eniorc<:meet of strch lien in. <br />#tga7 parecdittgs u'hteh vperatt to prerem t!tC ceiz~r.cment of :ft: k,r^ .,r torfesi?tre ~,! ttte Proprrti t•e am~ pair thereof, <br />_f HazLd Lawraace. B.irratwea .-'na;l wc`tp the ,tnpxo,zmrn;, zt•r c<;u; r~ <~: ~trrattct r.ecred .,n the f'ratrsrt} msurrd <br />agax;.tst itus by f;~, hazatdx ire#udrd urchin tits trrzr, a.*s:ndr,t :=7, greet sn~ ,~u*. ,~thct iiaxarti, u. i coder teat rryu;rr <br />attd en stash attnaunts anti t. t Guth , crawls .., ! enrrr. etas rryursr. i=r:,, ;ue.:. tt, : ! r:±.:a* ~.e:aii :t.=t rc4urre that trte atn.~unt .;t <br />sax-h cY ~'eragr expctrd that a~mteuni of .=*xcra~^c r~,iusrcd t. j a, rnr ~ ,as> ,c~urri; b; *...,, Ale a~.r4: <br />The znsurancc :attar prertdtng the rnsutan~r ,!tni$ +~ ~,.=+,rn ty B>,rrc:ur: sttb;e~t ?, :epp:r ai ri t cm±et, prtr,td:-d, <br />that such appros-sI s:tal# rtci hr ::rtrrax~a;3-t*?+_ ,fi tt^thrid Ad.; ~:c~t:tsurr ,3a; m.rtrar.,i. y', xc.c:s +t;at! 3•:: l,a,ri the manazr <br />prtx-ided ttitdeta p~rag.^sph ? hrrr+,t ,....r v.*s {taxi? tv +uiix m-s;srta:!- ~E itt+;;,± real,: =t; ; s~nnni. u,trn :iue...:seit3y to the <br />itt]iltt'atXY corral. <br />Ail insurancm I's=,3sc~ sn,: tenc;+ais tac°s - ,iaai: 8vr ;.+ taut . ,..:prat=3e - , I i--;,,, .,t,W ...:-, .-. -r.- c _, .ra- - -: m=,c:yam <br />clause to friar :;[ zad ;n Fc-rrFt a.:,:p:.a9it .. c:c der i.r i.;a a_ ; h;a,c :he zrs; '. .. .. :+d t:.,. -.i =.: .. !hsr,:~xi- <br />atw+ l3ecro»r h'!; pr'~ptty out ten r~ tetra ! aaraeu r n :: p t 1x, xa 3: t n of i.~,s, <br />$f+aRnw- s : gas= gx* ;:.:_LS ,~ _.«, ,..,z., ~,zt....,, ., .. ._" t ~ ; air ? ~.xvi - -,._ ,. _.. ;t - xi ;,:,i .,etc P:'t+tnpti~' <br />by So: rctw~; t • . <br />L'~n'tt5e Lrndrr and Barr:ear xx;xer„ev,: agrsx .-, . -- .-.s.a,,.< t .> ....- ~...._ - ~:d ;. ,_st..~. att..,;: ,,, _^4u ,,t <br />iise Pza;prrt} damaged pn;+-x3rd ;t-~tx es.ta. <~n .^r ~ -; ~x _~x* i. ~ n-. .ts , +„ AS ~. .g>gc ;• <br />toot t}yertb} i@tpatrCd. li :Hitt rr,t:uT~i,.,n .tr cp=s;r ;s .4 < .,., r:.;;nr,..;,e , : .,..,..,.: t. ]it'tgsge u4,uid <br />itc uspaars+d.. the ;nsut;itnx ,^rti'zcits ,hat? tic sjrl?1.rJ : ,~.m; :~.,;, c.i ~.. .., Sf=,,.i,-amt. ..„ .. i,ara <br />tv Nc.7Ti+wea Lr xSe Pri`pcri; r= ac+ara'l.+s~f z-r.*_,.+ , . Hz - _ ,. -caa =t,.., 7 ,..., ,at:u all dx+ rt,nn the <br />date nwcr tr ms,lad b> Lex'nie~t i,, Htrtr.•us .-rs .tee ~ ...: . , _ ..:r. .--:ct ~:rc ,_ ,. a -. ,. •n=u;an~,.• rratent,_ t ea,iet <br />is astlx3rsud a.t c~x#lta:t sod app;a 'be ;ns;;'a.n.t ,,^s,*tcx.., .. , r-..t~. , fir: ,. r„r:_. ., .,.<ta,:.:.. , , cpaat t.c P-. `^en, <br />ar io the tutus se.uttet f+y tAes .b3:artga~,c <br />L:trlrai I.n.nder aad B:>rt;.+u { ,. y,:r..' - -,;z.,t ~ ., .. ..:, , r -red, ~ ~s, , ,hat; . ,,. ,slur..: <br />=iy jf3§t13i"~rxe [tit dtu 3ar,a: L. 'T+ii .v v'i}:- x la .-rC-,-:±. .>a.._a. - .,.,.i ..>.., ~` ter',: .. _ .>'-,t^€ <br />~n.~ tnsai:mrata. It itader~tra:.g aPis . t bergs: at_re ?' . x e.s, _W _, ...... ~,,:. °:±. ~.. x,...=ke;e- , :~Ho=i.,.aa: <br />n awl=c az: s:t5 tttiw:e pe+l'h.~ att.1 =n :o.b, . ~ Eas i+; =:,v.~r,;, .se .'r-. c <.., , t ~,:r :ix~z t .,r zrz: s ,., ;try ,<, _r <br />or a„yutatitcaa sttai? aaa.+ tv I.c.:t tctr cs.t.t, :. ..:. M,,,.+ ~. K x:,i „ ..., , tx . _ _ . ,.. rc,t:1i t.,, ..,~h ,ale . . <br />a:.qutsstrvu, <br />f:. PttpenAirt a~i ',-4}aita+`r<atK,r a! PrvpRS4.; t.rsat#r~3abs t:'a;ulnat~ia'tet>; FHaurrrd t tua ihccluptuents, iu~rrr=.;<..r <br />sha#3 trip rice Prs~erty an g:.xxi `ej:axr .r;*d ;.ham: r r, .-tr .a:: ~+s -;..-; ,,€trtt . - t -.: rit~~.~ ,,: .ire rt. ts.,rs „: tree pn,acrt. <br />steal? sck".tpfy ;+st$t aiC pry: tss:~"rats ='~ :.zt: ;ra.s. ~. ,. s A,,..g-mc .-~ a _, -.,. ., -. . «;i...- t. ,•n.t t.: u <br />~,..,-a~t.,~txm n n {t?at, ,"f„t :~:rs<.arrren B * ~ •-vr -a-; 'v' t to itn t' :t -y --.. i, a + .rt i. - .at.<,,, <br />alt cvarasnts stcaung v g.izrnxng :ix :,*,:,;.>tar;...t,.cs >...; d .,>, .!t•-..:,.t,ss;.x:-,.. -tar a:~iaw, ^,:,u :~<~t,t,a...,;, ,., ,t,e <br />cc~ts~ ai r'"Sa"~d .ynx..I;;prutt<i ~ :=.z ,*x;tar,.f...: :.tre:u,r!tt, I .. ,.:>;s .~;ntr, ,:, pi ar a,:d : , ~ + `„7:,ucr: <br />r'rdrz :> cai~ateti bt. 8vrr<o~'tt rata ee:'sr+ird i,~getlter >*;tn =hr A1,atfage. d~ ,u+,:~t 'tt,r .;ni p,etttcx;t- c ,tan t~.irr <br />t31aB iii i~.'r3rpar3t[a atfi4= atsd sfiaB ~uerr;:f Fit ,*app.i .utt €;x c~ _s.anu at3.1 agacxi:ta t , . < =r,t. 4ia+;tasa^ ~ c t`,e rte±.r <br />,rrnt~ :t pert hexttat, <br />7 !`r~Mreiioa i+ i.eaier'e ~S~1y. 3i Burusutt trot, :,a {!ett4,trn the rx,vcflrt?t> 3,xJ -•w:rrxrirrnaa ,;=txt<.atef to iu, <br />Mtsi~t, yr if any ~:#eose ca ~,3::~rtdxtti, .?. ,.q'nn~ ysrvt aw aaq:h a2#atets ~t;,1 ~,2u.a:, ~. ..: =.:fetc,t a. ,4a f'rotxt: ~. <br />ttxclt>ding. ~*,:.. ,.a LiTis'.c'3+ ta, c2tYa#Sxitt a'.sissmc „YrYa;e x :=?3e e.,. -:.'.;iii..< ., .,. ~<l.a .; =~=i:idn } -: ~I. ~=,~ <br />hat+~.rugt ar >~asr,.3eru. °hctc t ettarr .t ! ar3u - {. •= e's t ,vt, t~ '- < x f .. _ . n. , .. , <br />"ssirrrtand ia$e airrtt s,:>,i.`us as to rcci' ,<: s,;,ttr=. F...ns.#tr= t„<., ., _ ;...:t,>. nr... ,;.,, !rra,ticr, t<~ -f, r,x.u.;:.;::; <br />re;tsr,+nats8e ertntztrg's tree a ~t.tty :span =.he I'r.tpc.i, t;3 *XY,.ac , :.:ic c_- ,.u .,,,ts:tt„c ,.,>,,:r:..i: .: <br />~. <br />fi.1SNlit3sM3 xt; makukg the, kry:x ~»wY:.i 1'ks :ht~ ~taX:aa~z, 3Sora >a a -..,. -.t: -'s j t u+=,-ti y_. rr : ,•, -rat t,,,:. .., <br />sttt:Ctan~:a en ctlsti tttxfi! xtsei irrUf<_ as .ht r<i{uueu~at :cr ~>;t.-ts - .. -~:r.r :,,.~,_.<~ ._...r:i- „~.. ::;?r tt; ,-~,~,.c: . ..::.. <br />