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SO-~?:Sd6 <br />Lender's written agreement ar appticabic law. Borrower shaft pay the strwunt of all mortgage insurance premiums in tfie <br />manner psavidtd under paragrspft 2 hereof. <br />Any amounts disbursed I,y Tender pursuant t,? this paragraph ?. aviih interest thereon, shelf become additional <br />lndtbttdneSC of RarroKrr secured by this Mortgage- TJniess Rorron'er and Tender agmc to ether terms of payment, such <br />amounts shah be pays!?k vpnn notice from i_end<-r to tia~rrou~rr requesting payment tftereof, and she!! bear interczt front the <br />date of dist+urxmtnt at the rate payahit from time to ume on outstanding principa! under the Note unless payment of <br />interest at such raft would fx contran• en appiicabie laa•. in which event such amounts shaft bear interest at the highest race <br />permfasibk under applicable taw. Nnthing contained in this paragraph 'shaft requim Lender to incur any a<pense or take <br />snv action lterevnder. <br />>t. Tw.s(tecAea. Lender may make er cause to bt made reasonatsie entries upon rnd insfxetinnz of the Property, provided <br />that f_tnder shag gi:r Iiait'rowser notice prior to , ny sucfi inzpectinn zntcifying reasonable cause therefnr rotated to T_endtr's <br />~tttrrtr ir, the ~y. <br />9. %-iwrAeiwsrallne. The prxetdz of any aware! or claim for damages. direct nr cnnsequtntial, in connection with any <br />eatndtmnatinn cr other taking of the Presl?eriy, or part thereof, i,r for h~nvtcana't in lieu of condemnation, art herrtby assigned <br />snd shall Ise paid- it+ i_endtr. <br />In the event of a total taking of the Fsvperty. the prxteds shall ht apgiitd m the sumz setnrtd by this-Mortgage, <br />w:th thr excess. if anz•. paid to I3t+rrnwer. to the curet of n partial t.+king of the Proptrti'. nnltcs AnTros and LtnAer <br />nrhtrsvist agrst in wr.[ing, ihrre shalt lx appieed to the sumz secured he this Mongagt sttch propoflian of Yha ptttteceeds <br />a; iz egos! to that Tatnp<~Ri?n wbish the amMrnt of the some eteured he thin lfottgage lmmediateh° prior to the daft of <br />taktnq Scars to !?te fair marktt valrl of the prrrncrtr +mmediatets• pricer to the date of takintt, with the balance of the proceeds <br />paid to Bostt,za=er. <br />It the Aropetts• is ahaatdontd by 13cxrr.~wer. or if. af.*.tr notice tsv i.ender tc, Anrmwer rhat the condemner otfeta to make <br />an award :.r settit a siaim feu damages, &-newer faifz ra> rtsspnrd u. t-trader within 3f! da~5 after the date sttch notice is <br />mailed. I.crrtkr is auifsorirtd to collect and apph~ tfre prtrcmiz. at f_tnder'z option, either to restoration or mpsir of the <br />l'rape!ty or to the sums stcvred hf° this ifarreagt. <br />lin`,tss Ttrrn~r and Sctrawtz c+thz.r;vizt agree .n ~x~riring. am' su:ft spphcatinn of proceeds to principal shall not extend <br />or p=upaute ti>< dix clear =rt the ma'+nrhlt ~r`stailments referred ro in ;~+aragraphs i and 'hereof oc change the amount of <br />Cia[It nlstallmerats. <br />7Q. laatasrer Na Rt~i. F.xttnsran .?f the t,.mt t;,t parmrnt , . mndifi,annn i`t amaruzateen of the sums set:vrtd <br />?+v t3zs Mrt_n =*anted ax• Isvcttr to ~s• ~;x-.:css..r :a iat~re3t of Rorrou~cr ;ha;! nor ntxrait to rrttase, in any manner. <br />£aIt£ ~ - <br />the tah+?it3 of t'xv .zriy:na] &rrr:wer snd Hasrrurr ~ s.rxessors :n inttrext i emier shalt r:at tat rrgttired to eommen.:e <br />prescta3ings agasnzt coact: sucrtssos s rrfusr =.? txterd time f:,r pa?~mtet ,~r rnhtrwice modify :.mnnization of the sums <br />saxtsrty3 bs~ this \ft~rigage ;,y <ason ..t arts demand madt by the .*n:**tnal l3nrn*wcr and }+=ern?wcr's successors in interest. <br />l7. Fortieara~te trF Ianitr Not a 7titFUSer. eras ?rrI*eatan.c b~c l ruder -n c~^.r:.;5me znc right e-r rrmrdy- herrtander, or <br />,?:itmrast atT.^-rdtd >`v appiieahir +sa ,ha!! rapt s,e .: waac'tr of , . ^rrctude Fht exercise ,~f env ss:ch right ar remedy. <br />T7at ,^raa-.urttrtent ;'_! ens=~ra;xt ,tit alsr raytr:tr,! .,f :.;ve+ .,s r;tiser +,en=. ;-, -_itarg: E`a~ !ender chat not t,: s uairer ei I eneicr'e <br />sagkx tr, sccrlteate :.sae maturitt ,ef ttxr sa3er4:a-d.+~4 ...,_:rr~+ ~. tM. R4ti~r„azt <br />1~ Ratseier CrwWisr_ ~f! :rz»cdars. s' .:, a~ : r. rh=, ,I.~rrgaae am .icxtrn_i ::nd run:riatisc to rant. r,Fher right or <br />rrrssei9~- :andtr ;his h7ortgagr cv atTcrdrd a,a. ;,r+. ,~. e„Gav~ e~,f nr•e: +ti ~, a-+rcvrre,t?i~'- ~nt#tpc•r!~9enSic ar suectssivelY- <br />t~. 3tcceaw: awl Ataitws ilsraard; !Derr +wd ~e.ers3 tlatilits; t'apiinns. T'hr ,.,.~rrattis _end :spre:'ments herein <br />csxetatutat .!tall I+ind, snd tlr rightz txaru,~dtr .Bali ;=u:rr ;:. '~hr r~~.nzx;:~.c ,:u:;:aYSx>n anC ,rvvcrs ;-; ! rnc:rr and Borrower, <br />n-,sts;ect tc the T+rr+visrcns .-,# paratrk pn "?ser:r+.' ;s~l ;~.. ena»t. srni .,t+rremrna..*t T~k*rrwsurr ., ,~l! ?,e r=~=rat and sevrra!. <br />life a=bptts aar4 Atadar:~ :*u 'iir pasattrat-'it+ c5 ~?s,. xt+~rvgagr . [a t:,r ;=rnvrn~^,x-e =~nlc ~ra3 .,m art t;, tc rrcacf to <br />--:xaterprcs ;.,; defttx t!tt prtxv:st~^.». `-tresrt. <br />li ~iet+i,t, Fxerpt for arty :xstec'r arttr,itc°t a;ndtr ;1±;*ki:vhte tau t. ..r rt,vcn ::::tne=iher mtannrr. ,ae am' notice to <br />t3et7avNC.r pr~,.ecltai s. -r. ti,.:. ~ir!tgagtt• •,a+: "*€' -.t -...z, sr,: •,u='+ : -.v.:s `'- .rrt,titst +:ra:l .,dil+cs.rd F.+ Rirra,>rrr at <br />the I>rz*t.r r[v 4c4Artts ,-ar of -s2, =warn rdt4r:±. ,:, ~Ror r.,..=.; ..:, xs z3tn,rns.r ?^i ~=_,t a:r a+ t ea:dtr r;v pre+a~ietrv I,ctcist, and <br />#h3 arty n+atrcr its L~-mttr .tsar; ~ .,;cet~z ;'+. :cra,$csi ~.rn=1 reta:+-, c, r:nz t-qur-, tie, +n ; cz,^.ie; , adeirr,.: s: and hzrtrn or to <br />>tra"rZ sNlur aa7drtss is I..err+itr +:eas ;icrKr, air ^ =r=~r.x~c -'.' l3nr -,..ez <rs ~ ra++;siral `:tr=:s ~,.t - - ?:. - - ,.-.ztcai i,,. ;!?is <br />#Siu;Val shall trt ,iet^rnz:d,>n aa.-r'-~cr» ~.+tr: ivy &rsn»c+ .~ .:-.drr ..her g,.. cn to •`r; mn,rnr c;i-g ~a+~! t:eresn- <br />1=, l'ailctr'~r MaitfYa~e; (Aws•rnirrE f sw-: ir-srra~lAt+:. .. ,. _. ,,.r , ± +rx+n;;ae .;.trstt=.xs ;.-.,.. rm :, =a :a<et..r,. Hate=,n:-,: <br />asx an.! ;maw sn~ar,~,e ctsvtxaa=*tt +a ith fimarta , t.rn- n+ ~.!., ... ,: _<a:ar~v;;tr a .,aafazm~s ~-i :=,tr t:;,tra:r: >.?tr[ .eventtg <br />jai Iar€rfrta"fi T3aza k7zn:7 ?',e o= csr,e~ti ''+? zr_ `_ - t;~ . ~s,....t,.-~tz ::, -a =•t.~ ',x 't'rr,prr to ,... ,.red tr Fhe <br />evtna tbmt air. pr,,v,..,.n _s >:s~sa :~i tisi. 'sforga~.r „ ,. x '<,.,~• '=r.{,:., fl , n?i: , =a=.. > :~_;• _,,nri:=., -F,,ilf sa..t aife<t <br />r~~its nt<.o*,~c> .>f inrs Vizrigsi;e .•a t't~• \, n,: .xfi,.~ .., '~s _ _- _tr-. ,th.•=,i ^a ., ...<cat±• A,....,,,. ,rs:i +.,3 tnia <br />tiarr'a i~ ,-,rs -. - ~ , i -~ iii a~`tpz .:ru' i .. ,~ ..,r.-r.: - ~t7~aisic <br />li. tt~tteawer'e Czay~, Iinrrrr«e. rn # x _.z,:g~r..; .. ,_. ~:r;+€~ct _ # '.._ : r,z .. ,... ,. 'si.xtt -,,e ;,. t'se rsmr <br />=.e racc:;n~.n r,r a€rtr r~~-:ri#atncan txxr.~t <br />a., Il. 'TiarwTer c«f lit 1lh~/trti~i Aacr+npt~ I= s+ z t rt iht :rt n;rsn . = a -rzterc,s e•,r[r,t, :. , . u •.,er.frrsa=§ <br />"] I~i4, r7a'r'nCS ti;'35tX'NY~ T.:dkftlfi '~. fs~.r '~S,4Yd=- ._S.iCAS ~a1r.!'Sg •:9 ~r.w~.i.e ;=t ., .~-e _`; t-,.'.imbru rat' .~11h1r,I`n:ttl' F., <br />'.hss ~lzsft~. she t5M cx'ca;~~: 3 ~~xrx a~ a:avxe. ., ~t . x :., - sc.?'.a~,. r;.; ~ :r .. :. a.r i~r s d.-risc_ <br /> rr ha .-~a~eretK;st .,f a« ~p>• ~ try .;c,z.r :-.ti .. „ „ }e;.a.,+ ,-•t _ <br />3 Y'x'xiat Rtsy.. ,;, 3 r:aale. , r t~,,: ,3r, , a~ ,+. ;got ,r -.- .~::c:3+.d ht ,pars ttM1UtgaPt io ba <br />~natnc~s3c;y dur and papaw. T.c:adtt s^a,i tie . ,+,,.,s."a. ~.,... ..1,,,,r, s ... _ - :^-rr. - .. .~ ,a ,. ~,s#e=, t.encler <br />xnl?iac T+ra's.?,. cis >3a,.vte t:tst T'rs:.pts; ,, `t+r ,.=t-: ;m z ~ ,,,,c... ea.h ,=er it .sr .. , , .~r ..~ ., .,.!: xn.:n <br />as aakria>•r`~~ rr- T~.'scr arrd an~ -has :met ~ ~ ^~as.:alx .•_, .h<. ,. _., ,,r, r.,cu -~ .,.:a. eft t~>.e -.: . .. a ..,_ .r .,, 1 eta;zr <br />=-[tali risit~st 7T i Yatitt, ~ssa +.a kau., 7u ,-'v,. ., .. ......~.-.- : ...., ~ , , _.t+~.., lt~r< ..~~:cs-•~se,. ;. <br />tYiiesest I3se, exez:,;ttd a ~,xt~°ie3 ss4strrtg=i w= .us _me•;, ~.. , ., .,...?~ , t i c,r.:e., i c;+.x.. ..,a., .-.~..e+c tl;+;;=, ;•arr7 ail <br />;,kdigai;tant: aaz:;kr iltas Mc<rzr~+Itt a.^,3 she '..fixate. <br />It I.,tsdas ;-aer>:5t' xh ~-g..,cz. .,..:.e.7~an_ ._ • .,,~ -k,~, £,'+. _,<~. . ,.,<_ . , _.~ ,a.~;,, - . ., _, . ., <br />,^.~mrgt-.~.a ?< art:+.. %w-h :t:r,e... .!~a<.z , '-;,3t .. ,t,.,,;, : -,.., e-s, ,-+a,: =,a, .. .- ,:st ... .........: ..:.,. ~:..t:iru -, <br />~:'= 9e,...,~er :ta3~ t.~a ter :.n,.,s ~~.v, ..» vvez ,: ~ , .., ~..s._ _ ~, .,,., F, -. .. ,. _ ,. a, n:~.:. - , ..- <br />I-t,*sd+r; 4ta ai'-ho;.! tvrt€xr ;~.a.#,.s ,.. ,Sr :.o, .. ,. fs i5c,.. «...-. , - ..r<~.e. , _..• ..r., _ ..s.. , a l e , _ . <br />i..+~- '~i~ric~ tY»<€~n~~ts. Ci1+rsa,w~ei~.n's I-x• "a izrziSr; t,. r:=.aie. s=:G s~rr. ~, :. ,a*e.. <br />fiL >irtderalian; Rtncdies. Easep ~ ptasidtri is parsgraph l r bsrcvi, open $nrr€ar.ra"+ hre.fa l; art un) ruf euaut ur <br />as) Rwtsawet » ~ Nagritta~s, ip.;}rdinrt< ris cee.,rnpawtr tea pad srLtct dot auk suann srxurcd tr; [nth 15ur'IRrylr, <br />l.e.~[r!-iiar b asaderariea+s)s,a{I true! ratite tv 14arrn?+rn xa ptusfdrd in paraaiaaph td hrxrot +prcify+rrrg~. ill tiro lartxb: <br />23>l1Ss afel3a~: IPZtIK ratelr Iracacic 33i a dear. scut. iran 3trau 1ta d;HZ txxaratw the rttNc t§tr tfntice i rrfrilrA irf tirrrrvwtr. <br />~ arliels s~tM #trtati titrr~ 4 caxsvk ~ ill tiua lailrre as Starr ayth Dreaa~3a r+a w tne£rrr t(re Aatt nprcilird tar thr twiiet <br />asay t~nitM, o stty{trdra+tiaatt rd Nat aaarws .rerirrd b+ r3iis 'Niart~y{t, fernlnbart I+s tudicwrl prwrcdipl; and sale at ttrr Pruyert}, <br />17ac •Mkr aWl hrsMtt ed«. Rtrrrosrtt ~ itrr ri~trt ire reia.taia alter asvrlrratiun :rnd tlar rifibt ro asas ri irr shr tnrrrlrasurc <br />Ititw!~#itr~'!ftt #gasi[iNewtx a#-;a 9slsntl~,f er ay a+tAter strfrrec r.f R+rrisrKer trt ~a~rietatirm auai fararctusarre, if rttr brr~c:b <br />is aa~i eavd ~a It~re ants s~ 'sat tte~e r~tier., t r:a3rr a; S ~rasder't s:~isan era, den l•arr aI: a:f ttce suet. stc~ur€•c! !„ <br />t~ic'?+{aaal~ar~rlolrt ltaaaaeallWarh, dire atad pa3ahk sv~twirr fartArr akatatad toad inw) li,rr€laatx ts9 jseAicir7 prrnreding. 1 eitdrr <br />xldl Ar oarnWaal, 3aa t~+a)iat3 la .srcis Pr'prrtd:.; >#tt rxgts ttf f€rrrt:ersnte-. ion-,laadlaa. ±+at nor #rnitrd t,>. a ~+. e,i alai s,rtrenaar } <br />rw l;rlu~ct. tJwacta, aaaA U8t aryzatfia. <br />93, frares~ttYS tc Atirdaie. `f..w,:i-,s=.~zty,rk € f•uc.y, :. -. ,.,. -, _. -_ ,.., ..,:. .. ..,, `~t,- <br />4#.>ar-"~~+:1 .#ra..= wit •trt ~~~ > t,~ r _ , r.;,:ter~~~ .~-~,sis, ~-~ ! :.,3a- ~ „~ X4 -* - .' ;.:t: ....-= ,, ,.. . ,. <br />