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$~~' ~'~6 MORTGAGE <br />TffiS MORTGAGE is made tlris...........TIIIRD , ~ 3,), , , , , ,day of...... JUNE ... . .......... . „ <br />14. BA, btttreen the Mortgagor,.. , I,E4)N~I2 .E..; .$AKFRs . s7R,. ~Ip„Q)rBRA, I,...MAKER;,... <br />, ...... <br />.IiUSEANA .AND. YiIP~ ................ (herein "Borrower"), and the Mortgaga,.TtT$ .F7,fi5~ ,NATI4MN14L <br />.BANK . OF. , GRADIII . ISS BI1II , . GRAND . 25Le'>,ND..:1~8RASKA ... , a corporation ~!~ and exiatirtg <br />under the laws of........ , rlgnuacrrA„ ................ whaae address is.. .. 2~1# . }"!Fr$T . ~~? .... <br />STREET:,, . GItANA .ISLAND , .NEBRASKA .............................. (herein "Lender"). <br />WtrBttEas, Borrower is indebted to Lender in the principal sum- of_ . TI3IRTY-k'I.V.E. ~$PUSAl!1D. ;~~.5, . <br />.HUND13EI5 .ARID. NOj100----°~r---rr.^r---Dollars, which indebtedness is evidenced by Bonrower's,twte <br />dated...:.... ~.~4+:.~ r. ~-9 @Q ... (herein "Note"}, providing for monthly ittstaUments of principal'atrd interest, <br />with the balance of the indebtedness, if trot sooner paid, due and payable on ....JULY . 1,,, _ 2 C ' 7 <br />To Sectnte to lender (a) the repayment of the indebtedness estideneed by the Note, wiN interest thereon, the <br />paymertt of all other sumt, with interest thereon, advanced in accordance herewith to proteM the security of-this <br />Mortgage, and the performance of the ~venants and agreements of Borrower heroin captained, and (b) the telgymeat <br />of any future advances, with interest thereon, made is Borrower by Lender pursuant to paragraph 2f hereof (herein <br />"Frpate Advmoes"'), Botmwer does hereby mortgage, grant and convey to Lender the following descn'bed property <br />located is the tomty of ......... . ..... ~~ ..................... , Stttte of Nebraska: <br />LOT OIaiE 41) ZN HLOi"'K ONE {1) IN H. BREM£R'S SUBDIVISION BEING A RE- <br />SUBDZVZSION OF THE WEST FIFTY-FIVE 455) FEET OF LOT THREE (3) AND ALL <br />OF LOTS FOUR (i), FZ4'E (5) AND SiX (6) AND THE EAST SIXTEEN f16) FEET <br />OF LOT SEVEN (7) AND THE WEST FOt2'T'1'-FOUR (44) FEET OF LOT EIGHT (B) AND <br />ALL OF LOTS NINE 49). TEN 410), ELEVEN 433) A.'3D TWELVE 412) OF BLOCK <br />ONE (i? OF FIRST ARTISTIC HOMES ADDITION TO THE CITY QF GRAND ISLAND, <br />;3AI.L COUNTY, 'NEBRASKA <br />itas the adthecs of, ..... 238..t!r~~ , FI3Ci£Nl at GRA.'vD ISLAND <br />i~cirrs rc:cY@ <br />I~BRI<s,SKA ,_6$801. ..4hr~"f'rrspcrtrrlddrx~c"}, <br />t6gM ssr tti t'~+YI <br />Tdtterrd~ trUh ill t)re imprave~etyts; tfaw ur l+crcafter Cist;ttsl an ttk prsspi'rtt, tsnti a## caarntcnte, ri~,htl, <br />~ rnnpc, res<, snirstral, grit and r~ax ri~te> an:1 lsrafitx. ++~tt::,, vta3rr riglttti, and outer stcx:'k. anJ aiS <br />$ttnrrei nfsw ar I+ereafter attxhcd k~ the proprry, a#i sit wlsich, itsc3rstitng rrplarrsnrntx a.pd aJdittons tlaerrto, .halt ix <br />deertttd #u be apd retaaes i part of the property t tw'crcd lsy ttsix rifarLgaget, and a3'I aS tlsc tr,€:gasrsg, tt?itethrr wnis ,:~iki <br />g~ti {or tb4lratabold dcttric it the Mor3gtAr u tars a ~asc3stx(d} am Ircrcin ,,ferret( tt± us thr "Pnsprrt~'. <br />ll~rc~VCalants<tliat ~rrawtr is ;aw(ully'srisrtt tsf the r ittatc: hcrcbs t.tnue}el ars:f ht thz- rigisk tV :ns,artfa}c, <br />grant 'arid txm~y tlse i:ropcrty. that 'ts+c I'rarprtty is srpErsCtsnsl#trca#. and shat Harrouzr ute9 warraru and defcard <br />slly :~ tint t# tlsa Prrrperty apinxt all clrtirpt~ oral dtrnartds, suhjest =_: any ±~eefasit~~yns, > s~enuzs[:t ;.t resu:, t t.~=,tx <br />=ix€cd itr a ~u#t c'si e+ept~mss tra ~verr~c to any side tti~urasw:~ ~k~rt- :,rknrrnk t.iur#cr t iaztan~s. in thr N,a~ szti <br />'k331f'Y 3t`$0 <br />