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so- ~~ <br />i_enckr's written agreement or applicable faw. 8ormwer shall pay the ammmt of all mortgage insurance premiums in the <br />manner pmvided under paragraph 2 hereof. <br />Any amounts disbursed by Lender pursuant to this paragraph 7, with interest thereon, chaff become additional <br />ndcbtednrss of Borrower secured by this Mortgages Unless Bnrrawer and (..ender agree to other terms of payment, such <br />amotmts shall rte payable clpon noiict from Lender to Borrower requesting payment thereof, and shall hear interest from the <br />date of disbursement at the rate payable from time m time on outstanding grincipai under the Note unless payment of <br />interest at such rate would be contrary to applicable faw, in which event such amoums shall bear ineerest at the highest rate <br />permissible under applicable faw. Nothing rnntained in this paragraph Z shall inquire Lender to incur any expense or fake <br />any actian hereunder. <br />»;- Ieapect[ar. Lender rosy make or cause m be made reasonah[e entries upon and inspections of [he Property, provided <br />that Lender sha8 giro Borrower notice prior to any such inspection specifying reasonable cause therefor related to Lender's <br />;merest in the Property. <br />9. Cottttkrtration. The proceeds of any award or claim for d»mages, direct or consequential, in connection with any <br />condemnation or other taking of rht Property. or part thereof, or for conveyance in lieu of condemnation. are hereby assigned <br />and sha11 be paid !n Lender. <br />Ia the e~~en2 of a rata! taking a:f the Propery, the pro~^eeds shall ]x app2icd *,o the slims secured be this Mortgage, <br />writh the excess, if ary, paid to Borrower. In the event of a partial taking of the Propert}', unless Bormwe nd Lender <br />ofheruvse agree in u7iting_ there sha}1 Ix applied to the sums secured by this ,Mortgage such proportion of the proceeds <br />as is equal i0 that pmporion which [he antounf t?f the cams scoured hq this Mortgage immediately prior to the date of <br />taking bears to fhc fair market valve o:r the Proprm• immcdiafe;i prior tr+ tfae date of taking, w°ith the balance of the proceeds <br />paid to Bormwer. <br />If the Pmpern- is abandoned M' Aermwer, or if. after notice f*e tender to Borrower that the cnndemnni olftts to make <br />an award or settle a claim €nr dsmages. Botrcwrs fait: to res[x nd io I ender within 30 da}s after the date such notice is <br />maikd, Lender is authorized to coBcri and appl± the prcx'eeecds, at Lender's option, either in restoratfor. cr repair of the <br />Pmpem ar to zhe sums secured hr' this .Ltc+ngaer <br />L'niess Leader and Borrower otherwise scree in ,anrirc, env sash appl:carion of nrncerds ta pnncinaf shall not extend <br />c+r pt?sipone the due date :^f the mrrthly~ installments re.'err~cd to in earaeraphs ? and ~ hcmnf or chsnge tht amount of <br />c:Y'[e installttxnzs. <br />10. lotrorrer =VM RekueA. Lttension of the *.:me !or paament or m~ification of amortization of the sums secured <br />by thrs Mortgage granted ha• [xndcr io any sxnct-csa~r sr. interest et Bormu2r :hail na! otrerate to rofeasr, in any manner, <br />free liabilin• of the onetnal Borro;irr and Borrower's st;,crssc?rt .n interest [order shat} not t+r required to commence <br />proceedings against ctxh sac.: zsor or refuse tti~ exicr,8 t:me for paa~ment . r otfrrrwise m~ifc• amortization of the sums <br />soured by this Mortgage b}° reassxr of any drmasd made by the „rir;,na! Basrnaer ;#nd Borrower's successors in interest. <br />41. Forbearaoee bs• Lewder \d a ktiaiarr. .~,-,~~;e hG Lender in rzetrising anv~ right err remedy hereunder, c?r <br />niteruise a2Tcerded hr apgiirahle iaw~, aha:l not ~ a waiscr :sf , . ;+-r:,lude tftr esrrcise .ef env such right or remedy. <br />Ttw prx-~_~rcmrnt of insaranix or ihs navmrna of taxes .•, ,,thee ?~cns , - ;barges by Lendcs chaff not he z waiver nF Lender i <br />right <~ accelerate the mat;rrirs of the mdehtrdne+< ,ea-,?rx~s[ h:; rhos \[ertcacr. <br />12_ Reveries Catadatise. Ail remrraes ^re:,ced :a t^s A±,»oagr are ;±isti~_t aoN cumvtiatice to env ,~rher sight er <br />rcnxd: under tfity Mortgage or at3ardrd In isw ,~_.. cyurts. and m3a !t ener;-;ccai .:m.::r;5~ntly ^.adctx:ndcm[v or sucessively. <br />IJ. Srccessors awd :lssiaws Bored; Joint sad ~rsrrai t ialxlits: Captions. ?%tr ::'srnann and agrermenis herein <br />cuntrtuY? shall hind. and the rights hrrruader sh.sif ,rvre t.~. the r_.,rctr r sasc:'.x•rs ar:d a>s:ins I.cndcr and ;3sirruwcr. <br />sub3~°2 Yo the proaisi.~ r_f garag_raph i~ berrni ,iii xt~enams~sn.? sgrtiments of Borro+arr >n,tli be jn~m and sev-eraf_ <br />Tfn:::aptrcns xnd headings at rhr raragraphs xxf th::: '•i~srteage are F+r ,tnvrn?ensr ,+nia :rid ..., ~t .. he ;;sod to <br />;ntet}rrrt or define she prakisioa+ ttcrrsf <br />IL \otkx, Ea:~t for ~ny~ ~itee regztir~e3 ;ender spp[ie.:hfe la.. is ~ g:cen +n anc:ther manner, .a? am more to <br />Ssirssn.rr pneu,3ed ±ixr ,n this Mongage sfna;l he ,err, ha a+a:=ing soh rzoucr hs .ertshcd neu,7 .:ddresxd [o Aerruwzr at <br />the Pro,+crfv t,:talrrss .:. at sash :ether ;s%x}rcas ..s R.:rr,=urr ~„sa dca,gr.:.te T~x n :ssr t,, 1 ender as Fr:jeada^si heron, anel <br />n <br />4lxl ens- nwair ;.= L.cndrr stuwfi h• g+see h. ecrf~fxd mina. retx,rr_ rece,tes f .}ties=c•=f. a.• 1 ~*~'e~ ~ ad4;c5, stated hzre>n :?r ±o <br />ta+th cxhrr add?rc5 as Iernirr r::x; ~e,;gna*e f++ nwst:,e =.,, [i.vr,'~° as prow,3c.t hr-r:.t -1ra,e nr,e,dr.t ?ix .n this <br />M~€aSa" siaaA i+e ri~mrd to h;,;e n ~tia~n t.^ I}i,rruw„ ar 9:nder =:f.en g;arn ie t:a manner dacxgnatru `t-rein_ <br />[~. ~ aq~Mrl ~~Altl~ei CbrrtOinf, I.aM: $ttrt~Ibiidi. ;1••., -` .i :-7 mr, x,°$i' ~..^R,[:..R1 .:- -+w P ~: ,':?3 -, f:=.' nal,onar! <br />Fa'e dnit nG9'-irnltv~rn1 icssYnanrs ,a'xlh 7lmlirt3 4 • 141 v1,,..i. i¢ ,c .>uf 1!r a :._ :,.e r'?. ~,: =,r t. ni35li 6ens_nt ~~'+~ertnE <br />real ptt3j'~rta Th;e ~t.?rt~3ge ->h.s:i #n^. ~,rs:x errs, t't.. s'::a :.t re ... ~n ... .. ..c Prse~rrl. ., i:.,.~atcd 3n the <br />~a'rnt f!:rt xni prt:v-,cx:. r or .~3a,,.r ,; ±i?e ?4a..€xge .,- . , '';.~<< _. n[3,...s ,w,.h a : ~h.r.... ,~h ,_,-..ti,s, cnalf Po: af[ect <br />itffez pr*vnx'+tt. f ^ha bfnty~^r or i'x \ =h,:r >~r t e.t - ~->: _:, ,hr .. ;::ti +.:. , tysd. tcx vhis <br />rttd rfx . xa ~ich its „f the Me rigs.. and t'?c r-1. err .._,., ,.~ ~.. ~ acre ai, e - A <br />I6. Rotnasa~r's Cwpt. ~ ~d€ shx}'; iu , ~., .~ ., _ .. ,.,-t c \c ~ ~ ,. Y 3lcriga sh,- ,<mc <br />r-. <br />.:+t rxr:~ln :s .-3 , he= rt-xrd-s.u~ ?+ia~:#. - - . <br />I7_ Tewwder of tYe frnnprttc; ~.s>:rvepttaa. .. _ , ,=z A .. =k., Prs ;-r€v .. ..:rt¢ratr taxreiie is >,,±d . trnt:sferrect <br />t+y l~scrt r. if.btpier Lrsadesr+ p: tzar urmrn .,.aa++: wr v;? ~, ,~~-,, .`:e .-rear _. ,- ~:~irCn ar~ er,~snahran.e - °hartimata to <br />z,4tts 1+1<'•~gagt. fh3 ffic :.rr~xr.--•, . % ~ t. ~.r=.r,a~ ai:yrri .c.. -._. .,. r x., -, ... x a: -P. ian=rs ~ t..xat•ter !+ - ue,isc. <br />3rs:-rna,r; ba aa{ar,rafeon a?t ;u:s =.aps+n !'u „'a tc -. 'z3:tc .~~~ - <br />t.cnafez :nea_ :nt~l =:ndc: - .,_ ixdase x., tba .gin„ .t~,eeza£ `, the 'tis,rt a;ayc t„ he <br />;mttxslxatcla due grid pay~2.7r [.rid;. ,.~a17 Ma:, :._ .. , ,,o ,<r.. .,_~.. ~ ..te .n . ,. , _, ,~ „s.... :!ides <br />atxd fltt persi?to t>: ufts?m tfr Pr ~'k:a,. ,... ;+e ,_~*, ,..t ia: ,.,. ~:h . _. z-c~r n.. .~ +h.,:.._. _.x,t:t .:sh ,tit,: <br />a Yai:iSfa:'Ei+r~. +l.t,`.n;Aer sad ?_,~, .° .-.: ; n ,,,... ..t-., .wed . „'kf,~ _a.r ,. 1„ R s..... ,_ .,, , _„aic''r <br />sltctif rrL~_'+tx i; i.r~r h~._ x>za-.3 ~ :-,.. ._., Ks:t,... _ - -~ + .; n,: :...,ar, ... .,.._. <br />~~ ;., <br />intt*est hex CarnsuSC3 a wr,*,t:t~ a;,vtsr.3plie~tt ttrs,'rc`rm~,^.t s.:t,. ,~;~' ~. , na+,~ !~,+ f ..;kct '~:- _,.+. [~,`i-:. cr : +:m, m'st <br />=~ksligath~zs ur this Jinrthxgc a.:9 the *:•[xa. <br />If Loxadea nxtri~es -sat ~~+1rian [. arm^e'~cAr~. Ita.{_t :;.ts ,nest' €i,eerciw:- ,:,,?,. - ~~,.eEnrs,: .. ,. _.~ .1:,. - w,th <br />tsaragraPh ±.i -+rrr€ei fic~::a n.:.r~.c ,,Ira:E nco.,~ ~ ;~.r:.*~ . -.:..,t ;an, t:m:. pit ?.a:.:,. r:; .:a*.r rho -. ,..~ .. , ,...d u;.rh,n <br />u?et,:3t B:xrt:.ser ex,.aY .tae ~==mc oleo i..:ri'. wc:e 7; $c ,,. .. , 4:-i ...-m, , ..-.~ .. ., ., :ti.,,,.'d. <br />L.txsdrr mss u•aha*;.t f.rrfi'~t ruxts.... timstii . ?;a,a... ,. =a~i. .._..=i. ..,,,, ... ; , f.~. ,., <br />~s . <br />sri-L`!~tFrtc.'t7 f-aaa-F~s?.±s Bars.:w:r as,n4 i :xxuz: '.,=r>'x: -«.-.rrxaxs. 3nci .t~r..~ .z., t,,:i.nxs <br />IK. ~tttlttat4itve; Reveeira. E.iaept r proaidrd a paragrapA i i (retool, upuu Burruwcr's #trracb +tf atw+ rile roan! nr <br />aBt~rtaaera of lwrowft it zA~ )lortrasr, ac°fudiw(t tGtr :vvraants to Pa} when dnc ens suru..rsnrrtf by t'ais \lorfkattr. <br />1-eta~ft' ~irFt' N.aacrrkCgfiwa 5iriaii agssrl! rolaCC ba Rwtt^owrr xa pruaided in praragnph iJ brrraf .pxa: i#s1ug: i i l tttr hrracb: <br />424 tie atiirr tcwrireA to cute seed 6rexiu iii a date, stet ks+ [itau Jif dais Prow the date the ttutitr i. nutted to Borrower. <br />fy ='~k arcs l~:rwr1Y veep Oe rvetA; aw8;i! that frBprt tea 'ewe +acb Itrea.•b utr or brfurr the date sprr-iiirA in ihr tnNia•e <br />wwtg easel!! iA wrcelrraaiatt of t-e xrwp xc~rrrA by live ~ientittGr, furrrbsarr by jtxiiclai ptvrerditta acrd •arir xrt for Pruprrtt. <br />'11ie rAttlll;e sltwM frttlttt irlrtttt of tht rlit4N W rrioawtr after accritrafitar and tiro riKitt su a.srrt in the [wreck»arr <br />f~ Hit ftrl,^rGtclYr~.x d w Atfra4t ar ave. atYrr Aefrwtt cwt lbrro»x to aceritratH,n and fexea[cnarr. if the lrreat.'fi <br />is titti rwte~ or tit bel9te tMt. AttM t~irs`iffted In tie entice, ibrdtt at 4xodtr'w< optitat nary d,tiiarr ail u# tttr :urn. secured ha <br />dtiC llwtfiaBe W frt itwveeiirtdl Art awd pat'ablr witharw further demand and may lureritwxr b+ }udic+li prsaeredltttt. Lrndrr <br />rlaN -t rwtilkA w r•tr~urt iw ratrb prot'eNktt! aN ripetnx+ td fa.rrecftasrrre, incfudiwa. irt:t oot tiadtrd ta. lush .tf dreteutrntary <br />eriAewrt. aMatrrca ,veNl this rapnsts. <br />71, IlwtturFttii Rf~l rr fkeitiwatrtr. k;.rty. ztk:tcs Ae!„ty, ttcsc s r;<ra .,. _, z: ,., _~ ,s? !•, 'rt„rs-,«, <br />Btxtttwzr ihaf? fis+~r Sly rigftA h• fxare xny prCxttdatri;r ii;,,e, -:; t „=s,c. t.- , .,.. , ,x '.t, g>.::; , ,.,. ,- .._ <br />