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_ ~: <br />80 (1G2~~` • <br />~`I <br />UNIFORM COVRNANTS. Barrawer and L•eadei CpVenanC and agree a5 falIOWS: - - <br />1. Payment of Principal and interest. Borrower shall promptly pay when due the principal of and interest on the <br />indebtedness evidenced by the Note, prepa}mtent and tale charges as provided in the Note, and the principal of and interest <br />on any Future Advances secured by this Mortgage. <br />2. ><uads for Tues and lowraace. Subject to applicable law or to a written waiver by Lender, Harrower shall pay <br />to Lender on the day monthly installments of principal and interest are payahle under the Note, until the Note is paid in full, <br />a stun (herein "Funds") equal to one-twelfth of [he yearly taxes and assessments which may attain priority over this <br />Mortgage, and ground rents on the Property, if any, plus ooe-twelfth of yearly premium installments for hazard insurance, <br />plus otte-twelfth of yearly premium instal{menu for mortgage insurance, if aap, all as reasonably estimated initially and from <br />time to time by Lender on the basis of assessments and hills and reasonable estimates thereof. <br />'Cite Funds shall be held in an institution the deposits ar accounts of which are insured or guaranteed by a Federal or <br />state agency (including Lender if Lender is such an institution 1. Lender shalt apply the Funds to pay said taxes, assessments, <br />insurance premiums and ground rents. Lender may not charge far so holding and applying the Funds, analyzing said account. <br />or verifying and wmpiling said assessments and bibs, unless Lender pays Bonuwer interest oh the Funds and applicable law <br />permits Lender to make such a charge. Barrewer and Lender may agree in writing at the time of execution of this <br />Mortgage that interest an the Funds shall be paid to Borrawer, and unless such agreement is made or applicable law <br />requira such interest to he paid, Lender shalt not be required m pay Borrawer any interest or earnings on the Fonds, Lender <br />shall give Fo Borrower, without charge, an annual accounting . T the Funds showing credits and debits to the _ .,nds and the <br />purpose ter which each debit to the Finds was made. The Funds are pledged as additional securin• for the sums secured <br />by this Mengage. <br />If the amount of the Ftmdt held by Lender, together acith the future monthly installments of Funds payable prior to <br />the due dates of taxes, assessments, inwrance premiums and ¢round rents, shall exceed the amount required to pay said taxes, <br />assessments, insurance premiums and ground rests as .they fall due, Stich excess shall be, at Borrower's option, either <br />promptly repaid to Borrower or credited ro Borrower an momhly installments of Funds. if the amount of the Funds <br />held ray Lender shall not be stifCtcient is pay taxes, assessments, insurance premiums'atid ground rents as they fall due, <br />Borrower shall pay to Lender any amount necessary :o make up the deficiency within 30 dos trom the date notice is mailed <br />by Lender to Borrower rxques8ng payment *.hereaf. <br />i;pon payment in foil of all sums secured by this 3iangagc. Lander shalt promptly refund to Borrower any Funds <br />held by Lender. If under garagraph la' hereof the Prepeny is sold or the Proper) as otherwise acquired lay Lender, Lander <br />shag apply, no later than ttntnediateiy prior to the sale of the Property or its acqutsiuon b}• Linder. any Funds held by <br />Lender at the time of appiicafiati as a credit against ir'te sums sc-euicd by t~ ; Ata~yc. <br />3. ~ppiication of PwaseMt:, Unless applicable law pmytdes otherwise. ate payments received by 1_ender under the <br />Note and garagraphs I and 2 hereof shall be applied by (.ender tltst to payment of amounu payahle to t.endtr by Bormu•e[ <br />under patagraph ~ hereof, then io interest payable an chi Note. Cher. to the gnncipat of chi Note, and then to interest and <br />prfncipal on any Future Advances. <br />3- t3m~ f3eas Burrower shah pay ail taxt> assessments .:nd .>ther charges, tines and tmpasittuns attnbutable to <br />the Property which ttgy attain a griori[y aver thrs Rlangage, and tiasihold pa}meats ur ground rents. if am', in the manner <br />provided trader paragraph '_ taireat ar. if nni paid to such manne.-. s>v Barrawir makine payment. when due. directly to the <br />pays tixreaf. Borrowet shall prompLi}° furnash to Linder all nateccs of amounts due under thrs paragraph, and in the event <br />Borrower alto(( make palvtent directly, Borrawer shall pn?mpth turntsh to I_cnder receipts evidencing such payments. <br />Borrower shall promp8y drscharge any itcn H~hich has pen?nay ,,a-er this llortgagi; pravtded. that Borrawer shall not tae <br />required to discharge any such 3iin sp long as $orrawir shalt sgrci m wnttng to the payment of she ehlteauon secured by <br />Bitch ilea in a tnattner atxeptahie to Liadtr, or shall in goad isath rontrst such iiin hy, er deftrzd enforcement at sucH lien in. <br />legal pmc~a-edings which operate to present chi inforcemem ai the (ten or 3orii:turc of the t'ropen} or any pan thereof. <br />S. llatarri Ifasaraae:. &arrow~er shall keep the tmpr,arntems now cxrsu.:g or hcreafte;r en^cted en the Prapecn~ ensured <br />against lass tax fire, hazards included wathm the term "intended : _>verage'~. and su.h other hazards as tender may require <br />and is such amounts and far such penods .u Lend.:=r rzay reyutre; pro. idtd. that l.en,lrr shall not rcqutrr that tht amount of <br />Stith eovenge exited chat amount .?f cuairaee tequtrrd to pay the sumz ,r.ured by this \tungagc. <br />'The iasurantx carter providing the ><-t>uranci >ha33 tx cinnt^ by Borrower subiect to approval by fender, pravtded. <br />that such apgtoval sltaB oat be :rareasimahh~ withheld. .311 premtutm. on insurance calictes .hail he paid ~n the manner <br />pravtded under paragraph " hereut ::r.:f nut paid m .ueri manner, b} $armw~er mai:mg payment, ?whin due. dtricily io the <br />insurance carrier. <br />All itasttranci poltats anti rtniwals there.>? shah tx to taint ac.tptable to ixnucr and >haii trsclude a ,tandard mortgage <br />douse in fan*ar of and to tarot accegiataie ti? 1_indit. i_cndcr ~harl Raac t;ti rtgnt to o'sd the policies and rercuais thirea,f. <br />anti Borxuwtr ~a~3 pr~mptiy tur~sh to Lt~n~s ~ ritxaai^,ut:res and al! rt[eipis r,f paid nretntum,- in the csem of kns, <br />Bvrra.•er slrail gts;c grpiitpi uottC~ to till trx»r=rice car-.,~-i arty,.1<z.;3-er ;a;a::n:tke : ~-, et 1:~, tt ........__ _,tttprt• <br />by Barrowtr. <br />13ifitas Lender aa~ Botrr?u°ea t+tltens't.L agate ra x a i >< itai.ra 't }-r,k airs hav;i x ppi:el in re+ror soon or repau ,'i <br />ttae Prupert}' datnagtti, pmn?akd >u.:h riStc*ratton cxr -tpa,i s c- -t; nucnilt s~bie anu the x`-uritt at ah,s ~lartgagi :. <br />not thertby imparted, If .s•,iclt reswration or ripaa t> ~ :.,n.xtnt ~ali;- 'ras;hte or ,! ttti .t:urtt) at this !.lortgage ~,aould <br />be ,itipatred, itte iszsuranci proceeds sitail be appiiid t;, tilt sum, ,ecurct ha this ilongage, a,tlx the encess, it :any. paid <br />ie 8t12'rprtier. If the Ptx,pePt} ~ ubanaianid ha Batrnawe^€_ ::r ,; Botmatt ta;!> :., :esponv to {.crnler wati3tn 3u da}b from 4he <br />dart natioe as s~utied b}' Lender to Borrautr that the .a>utan~r ,,tier, t.+ .etrke .; .-i„rm for to;ur.~nua- henetits, i ender <br />is sut}tenrtze:tt to wiled and apgJ}- the tn>i3ra2KC ~J> ai i ru.trr's :Ypu~>:: rtth>rt t ~ :cstor,;te,r: ~., repair n# the Praf~ett}- <br />ar mthe auras stxitted b} tins Morigsge <br />Lialess Linder and Borrr,xir .>therwt~c agree :n srt~ wih app;t.:uon .>j p, s,* to {>rirt~tgai ,hail nix ea.end <br />gpstpone rite dui ;late eel ;he nxart;nil tnstsiintertt~ =_...r,d ;. .n y-+nra,ra;.iu .,nd _ Hire.,: -, ,. ar~.e ,:.: - r= trot a:t <br />soh tnstalimeents_ ii unairs pps~agragh !B ner~t tom. Praperr.:> scqut;ial I^} Linder, ,all nght, rtle~~anu e.,tirest ..~rt Borrnaau <br />ux and to ra} insitras~:e paltcaes am3 iu ar>.i t., tht pr.tiiids tbiru~R rc,ustmg t;.>m uamngc t,? tTie i'rnperts prof to tae sale <br />ar acquisiaua shall past to Lender ?.? alai eattm ,•i ttai ,um> sccurrS bn t!tis lfangagc :rnn,ed;ate(; ! rtt,r t, ruck Baia: or <br />acgtti~iialt_ <br />i. lseaerraiinn and iltaiaraaate ref Proptns-, t.u-asitt.+tdF; €~uttAoiainitims; Piaoneri €.:rii1 i3eneioptuinis, Bo:r;rua~r <br />shall lrtp ttte 3'rapiriy is gak«d artd sYwl rant rcr•+mit ~.:asts= ~;r pirmn :mpa.;rniait c;r :3etino.auu;t c=, the Prapirt5 <br />and s1saB szrnpiy with rite ginvisaans tri arev (case ;t t:nt, htthtgaa: „ on n _ase.natd. :r ant: !.9nrtgae .,::. ;,net :,~ <br />:~inwru r~ a planned ~t dzv~};~1~-rat, Lt_=ra,ria shai3 pesiGrmt a'-i ~,t~i3orrower's uhitgcuan> c:ndit tr,e atc7;a~at,,,^ <br />~,. ~+. <br />ar covenants ctetung .?r gortrntttg tix .,nda? ..rrcu rim; di:nti.~pntytni, chi by-laws .,ud rrgu7att,,:r; t,i ;he <br />=mimist or ~unKd i~tit s~'4r~-}:mc=?i. ~3 s=_~_-?.;.t-~e:s .ia4atmcrt,- It ,., .;:n..i.mtrrium ;,r 1•i,tuarcu ,:.:u ,t,:sa~;.rptntnt <br />ride is ixetuted lay Bortt7wta and r~^4rdtx; tc~ethit v.:tft this 7af«rtgaye_ *.ht .c.enants and e~tectnents nt ,tnh r,du <br />shall be iixxatporxted #nta amt shall aittttid st>; su~tp=rmi;et ahi c.>+inants utt:i ragtii:mratc o th+s 4lurtRSge ae tt t!tc oiler <br />were a part hereof. <br />7, !'aNeclirr sit Lawitr`C SsaWYy. it Buarrc>u,r tails tar part:+tm the Covtnams .rnv~ agrtemerua .ontau4d r<t chi, <br />luttutgagt, #r-if any a.Mwmt sat gr+drng tri ootnrracu~d Match ntaiiriail}' .tffias t,taa;ie= ruitssr as, the Prt,perts. <br />irsttudtr;. 3urt nut lirarttl ia, emir~reent. tianlair.. +r,.sat';e~ru;,. ~+.>de >:nfc+rccmcrrt. or nrrang:.'inzn„ ,.r 1>r.,.rx•ilings ;::vasts:ng ., <br />kgp7KZUpt ux dc~cdent, then Linder at Lender`s crpWtin, apan ru,txci :;x 13otsr+wer, alit} tt?al.c Ouch alypi.uactia>, a1r,i5t,t>c •+..,: <br />stwtk oral lake sczshretu'aa as it naxasaru t., Ptut~t Ltndzr's anttre t, ,r2incimg. tai}, ,:ar t?mucd t.,. dr+burtmrra , . <br />reasanalile atitsrrtey~s Pcis oral lorry upon chi Przi;t3 to make ,cs>wir.. it' I_crder rayu:rcd nr.~ngagy ,.tasrsnce sy <br />ctmdition tai making tax ittan srxutid !} tits T+ts?ngagz. Botr.ia;nr ;hail pay chi prcmtursta rsilr;:rr.i , , ntai:u.,;t: +.~.t; <br />iriswaisce in t$er[ until t;uc;la time, as .`are caq;tiritaeftt for ±.uch t.:r:ttt:tati, :n :., _otdatt<+: ,:: ii Bnrr.r„c: , ..;,,1 <br />