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SO-- R ry - <br />prior to entry of a judgment enforcing-this Mortgagevf: ta) Borrower pays tender ail sums which would be then due t!nder <br />this Mortgage, tha Note and trots securing Putttra Advances, if arty. had no accelenfion occurred; (b) Borrower curies aL ' <br />breaches of airy other covenants or agreertxnts of Borrower contained in this Mortgage; {c) Horrtiwwer pays all reasonable ' <br />expensas incurred by Lender in enforcing the covenants and agreements of Bartavuer conninad In this Mortgage and in <br />enforcing Lrnder"s retenaiea as pro+iderf in paragraph 18 hereof, inthiding, but not iimited to, reasonable attorneys fees; and <br />{dl iliarrmver takes such anion as Lender may reasnnabty squire to assure that tM lien of-this Mortgage; Lender`s inter+eat <br />in the-Property and Borrower's abligatina to pay the sums secuteiY by this Mortgage shah contirtuc unimpaired; -- I)par sttdli - <br />paymer+t and cure by Borrovror, this Mortgage and the ebtigations secured hereby shall romain in foil fotca and affect as if. <br />na aaaekratinn had ~occutret> <br />Ifl. Aas~wrwt #>t~ A~aVtdaN st IteeNver (.eater ie Paaseasise. Aa additions/ securityhereunder;-Borrower <br />ltere6y auaig~i to Lender- the rsnat of the Property, provided that Borrower shall, prior ti* accckrrtwn under paragtaph _18 <br />hereof or attandamrtent of the Property, have the right to cailea and retain such roots as they 6eonme-due -and payable: <br />Upon lesariort under paragraph t R hateof or abandonment a# the Property, Lender, in peeson,.- by agent.. or': by <br />;ttdiciaiip appalled reoeisner, shag be entitled to enter upon, rate possession of and manage the Property and ta'colleet'tt <br />rtnts of the Prcy+ettg, inctudirtg !base past due. AFI rents corrected by Lender or the roceiver shall be applied-Rrst'to paym~t <br />of the coats q[ managanent of the Property sad coikctiun of rtnts, ;ncludin;, but not limited to, receiver's -fees; prpuinms o0 <br />receiver's hoods and roawmble attttrneg's fed, atni then to the. sums soured by this Mortgage. Lender acrd trite` tecaiver <br />shall be tishk to account only for those reaau actualh received. <br />31. lrsase Alsauew, Lipnr request of Borrrnver, Lender, at Lender's option prior co release of this MnrtpR, may <br />make Furors Advaeca to Borrower. Such FetGtre Advances, with interW thereon, shalt be secured by thin Mortgage wlint <br />evidetettd by promissory naQes seating chat Baia owes aro secured hereby. At no time :hail the principal anroant of the <br />iudeMedaesa secured' by this Mari;age. oat including sums advanced in accordarux herewith to prates the aequity of the <br />Mort are, eaaead the origiaai amtntat at the Note plus USS. 5.0 Q a OIl ..... ... <br />2t RaYaaa. L`poe payrearu et all stuns secnerea by this Mortgage, 'Lender shall discharge this Mortgage without <br />Marge M Eortosrer. tlnrmsrer shall pav alt coats of ceccudatian, if any. <br />lit Wl?r1El~ WNP160f, Bil[r07rCr has eaeCgtCLt this MOltgage_ <br />1 ~ <br />. .~sAz~'s.I'i $~ .J :y S «L. . , . `..... , . ~iOlrawar <br />fF ~ a.g~at , <br />- i~aCaaiJ~ ~. Y7w6e~, ••: « • • • • --eM1Aef <br />srax~ or~ a-EStusxa3 <br />l ss. <br />ce"~~iSr ~Y H~1.3 1 <br />The ftareg~nutg inst.ruteent uaa acYrsawledged befcre sae: this .day of. , <br />asi~uasa ay tans atsd zataziai seal at, %Z~sici IsL~stt},,;lgbzaska . . , <br />in said Ctsw'tty, Lhe date a`yo_s±ssid. <br />isatary z'°ut+lis <br />lly asion attgar:ar ~r~~a:`>„ /~~~ <br />Fa~~' <br />i~3 ~' liORT~ftGE <br />~1€Ciii 1-~ ttiei HY TitHSft FStE$P~'TS, chat. L'~~> ww ~~~ ~~~~Yd3~,. ~.kR., . . <br />('+lanigtx~?L*l fat gtxad-arid }alural+a cizrtaidazati4es to it in hand said by Loa Ne6raaka rt- <br />y~ags titsanee Tung, erg{aaiaa~d anda+z t:~ta lavs wf the State sf ?+abrasica t*ASaigreb"!. tt;e <br />rit5tta2+i c+t wisr.gta ~iuu~dezaeio~ rat 3taza~} acicaowledy'e3, doeffi herabg assa9n, crarsfer, and <br />sea avatr uaco Asaigttre all iLS zig8is, tin3e, .and itttereat in and tea chat ::ertain teorL- <br />~i! jaz. ekJ[iCti;L~R~ ~ ~~ ;t ~ :~"7 5+'$~tC, ~S,* N`'1?ibly'i:'$~ .II~~~. '"~~ `~.1-f.E . . , irt2kc~ <br />