gQ..._ ~'~ MORTGAGE
<br />T1itLS M©RTCiAGB is.tttade this.......:ASh ...... . ..........dsy of...~~a~....:.:... ; ..........,
<br />19~ ., between the MoRgagor,. Ili€k-ae~. ,T....Ssfeeu4+Y. ~nd:Cet>ia. A...5vseveY. Hurtbtsnd. attd .Wife.....
<br />...................................... (hereto "Borrower"), and the Mortgagee,....... .
<br />. ~©~. SAF.I~S . SGt~'i~L et'F~r . Il'~.~QSI'1'~R ............. . a corporation organised-std existing r
<br />under-the laws of..........$Td~ .'4~,~8I~4sK1i ..... . .......whosesddress is......... _ .., .........:.:_. ,
<br />. t @; we~t,~ 6th,, , ,~?~Q,. fox .1~4T.. S~o:~t$il~t~'~,. ~is..6936J............tharein"Lender"):
<br />Borrower is indebted to Lendec in the principal sam of .. ~.°.~Y.. Vie; Thousand Five iju;i(i}^pd
<br />........ .. ......................'Dollars, which indebtedness is evidenced by Bormaec's note
<br />... ..........
<br />dated.... J~?.?r. ?~$©......... (herein "Nord'). providing#or monthly installments of principal attd interest,
<br />with the balrsaca of the indebtedness, if not snorter paid, due sad payable on ... JLt1Y. ~.* .2010. .:....:... .
<br />To St?ctntE to Leader (a) the repayment of the indebtedness evidenced by the Note, with interest thereon; the-
<br />payrtreat of fll other sums, with interest thereon, advatn;ed io accordance herewith to protect the security-of this
<br />Mortpge, and the perfottaance of the covYtumts and agreetaents of Borrower herein contained; and (b) the repayment.
<br />of say Emote advsoots, with interest thereon, made to Borrower by Lender pursuant to paragraph 21 hereof {herein
<br />"Frrdsre Adr+aoas"), Bamwer does hereby mortgage, Brant and convey to Lender the following. dasrilfed property
<br />lorasedm the Comty a.......... ~?? ............................ State of Nebraska:
<br />I,ot Thirty (34}, Ie Heights Fourth ~tbdivision, in Hall County, Nebraska
<br />which has the address of, .... ~ y .2io~ags~ ....... . ....... . . . ......... ~ri~d..~$~#4'.......... .
<br />;st~x} (earl
<br />, ~ ~ . _ ... (hertia Property Address");
<br />tstr...a z;r s}.rtf .
<br />ToGarstaa vrith aU the imp[ovcmenis sxtw tsr hueafter arcrtett on the property. and a'si easements, rights,
<br />appttt#eaaocc~, seats. royai>Hes, aaiaerr<l. oii and gas rights and profits, A'ater, water rights, and water stia:i;, and al!
<br />fistum now or henafta tsttached to the property, aii taf which, ittrtudiag tepiacernents and additions thereto, ha33 he
<br />deeraed to be sad teataioH a part of the property eovered by this Mortgage; and atl of she t~~regaing, together with said
<br />proputy (rx the lts>relroid state if thb Atwtga~ is oa a leasehold) axe herein reiern:d t,a as the "Property".
<br />Borrower co4enitsts that Harrower is tasrdully seised of the estate hercb} con4c}cd and hac the right to mortgage,
<br />gtt+at aod.+Xsawcy the Progeny, that the Property is unencumtxxeci, aru3 t}tat 33oxrowcr ,xili warrant and defend
<br />gtsaetaily the xitle 1n the Property againstati eLumx and ciemartcis, subject to any de,;iaxaslons, rasuments or restricticzns
<br />tasted in a schedule of exceptions to coverage in any tgte insutarsix ptriicy insuring t_endcr's interest in the }'raperty_
<br />NMFF 3.x'80
<br />