<br />9. Cawtkmttatkro. The proceeds of any award or tlaam for damages, direct or caasequensial, in connection with any
<br />coRt#erftnatitan ar other taking of xhe Property, or pan thereof, or far conveyance in lieu of condemnation, are hereby assigned
<br />'and shad be pain to lender.
<br />In the surer of a torsi taking o€ xhe Propen}•, thz pracec:Ss sha.l he applied to the sums sceurzd by this Deed o[ Tntst,
<br />with the ezct.~, if any, paid fa Harrow-rr. in thr :vent :~f a partial taking c,f the Pr+iurty, untess Br,rrnwer and Lettder
<br />otherwise ogee in writing, there shah he appl=ed to the sums secured by this tired of Trust such praportian of the proceeds
<br />as is squat to that proponian which the amount nt thr set,-ns sz=sued by this 17ecd .+€ Trust irnmediareip prier to the date of
<br />taking hears xo the fair market value of the Propert}• immzdiate!}' prior to tfiz date of taking, with the ba3ance of fhe proceeds
<br />paid to Bormwcr.
<br />if the PropetYw is ahantA ncd bi° Aorrower, or if. after entice by t ender to Horrcwer that the condemner offers to make
<br />sn award or u2tle a claim for damages, Borrower tails to respond tis i.ender within ii7 da}'s after the d2He such noEiee is
<br />mu'iej, letader ro authorized sea sollecE and apply rite proceeds, at Ler_drr s option, either m restaratiaR or tzpair of the
<br />Pmptrry or to the sistYYS secured ray this Deere of Trt€st.
<br />Una LtRder seed &xrau;cr othznvise sgrcc in writing, aerv such ;,ppkication .?f proceeds io prineipai shat! eat exttnd
<br />or postpone the due doer of the manthiv installments re€err<-d to :n lriragraphi stet 2 hereot' nr change the amount of
<br />such irtstaiitnents.
<br />11. banawer Aial Releaul. Extenzi,xt at thr ttirrc Lear pas^aseni or nacta3iflcatis,n of antoniz;ttion of the sums secured
<br />by this Dead of Tzust granted by i_rr+dex to an}: sstcx:zssex to intzrtst o; Harrower ;halt nc*t operate to release, in env moaner.
<br />the liability o€ the origins! Bon+avvrr and Bt~rrawer'> succrss,~r, ,n zntcrrst.;der shall not he requsr tz commence
<br />prcaetediRgs aaaimt sorb stsccessr+r <ar rrtuse t=" estend s,mz tz>r paymznt or .,therw;sz modify amet2izatmn of the sums
<br />srttrett b}' this Deed of Traci by reason t+; ant demand ,r,a;tc h} thr ar,gtnai B.~:rrower and Barrawer'~s suc.'essats in intet~E.
<br />11. Fottirrawtr bx (.:ales tint a 14aier, .tat t,-,rtz:uance !?v i-enter in evzrcising an} oche ax rrmtdy hereunder, or
<br />athesvetist atTordatl by app#icahie taw. shaft naE =r a wsever of or ;roclude thz cser,isr of ativ such right or remtedy.
<br />The procureasrent of nsu:aexz c>r :hz pa}sneer c±€ eases or ottsrr :lens or ~harees h} i.erdzt <hait rut i?e a waiver of lender's
<br />fight to acx-a#eraie the mah:ritc ,,f tree :ndri,irdness uc urcx# h} then t3zed of 'irast
<br />12. Reme~ec C+t~taiatisr. .4!! remec#ees pr.,v,isrd in tlta+ ilc•:.i ++f T.-ust are dunnct un.! cumutative za any other tight
<br />ar rtarsedy under thix £Seed :ef Trust os :siiord>,d by ,a~w ;,r rquatp, and ana}~ >k ezer.:sed ,axm^rently, independently ur
<br />sttccessive#y.
<br />13. 5weratwars awl ~trdRw RsswA: leiwt aced Strerai laaitplh, d"aptiaws. Thr c,versants atsd agrrements herein
<br />axttaitte~# shst# ?s,sad, and fhe r:ghty #terrtrndrr +haii :sure tr.. ih- rec}x s. a~z succrau,rs and assigns at 1. zndzr azxl Borrower,
<br />sttb}tsi to Ehe prt+vssratu u3 paza'traph `.' rrr.+° ~:t ;;orrnanrs and agsr-~cntc :, tin t,*w~-rr xha?I t+e point and several.
<br />Ttte ~ixians and Tsradings of the pvtragxa -#es ~f ihz €JCrd „t Trust arr t ~,,n,rn;r c +n>} aRCi are not ta+ he used m
<br />tsrterpret er drfinr xht pMvrsu-ms hcrcc:i
<br />ii, \isa'ert. except fw aa5 naseee rrstsr'rsud vnaMt appi,.ah!r :au t.= hr sestet ir:.inothrr manner, tai any neNice is
<br />9arraacr pmvxizd for m this t3eea::+f T'r4~s slaali i+e gtvet; by rna;Izng ±tt:h ncn:r 5v ccr<arint :noel addressea# ic, Borrnw•et ni
<br />the Pirpern~ Rddr¢ss or at stsa~..h other addrezs as Barx:*wrr rnrt~ atnagnate h,- notice to !_c^drr as prz,v-tded hrrein, and
<br />Ebs ors} ttoriee ia~e i.etukr strait 2x ~:vtr: by :crtxfird rtssil, txtur t,.~•rzpt rrauc.te:I. t;, Lenoer. addttxss sr^:.d hrrein or tc
<br />such cxdeet a&i:ns :~ t_endcr rnsv ;Irsagrtste ha nat;«e :., 8c.rre,.-rr as t:rc}+zd:~i hrrr:n ~nr n;3oCr provided for in this
<br />Derv'! of Trust shah °,xe a3eesned ",', have been gt>rca tv Eicrr,xver ,~: ! cc;icr whet g?z~en as the sraanaer designated hrrein.
<br />is. l'twdsts Deed d Teat,: CwFrre-iw~ i.sw: 1r.eratiititr. F~* i,>;nY ; :~~e`' ;~=r tr,.a .,,mhrnes. xan,torm c. }•anants for
<br />rutirxsa3 assn arbt arm-uGrform E.=a~cnatats wz;~h ,area.-s+ +-:..:a.~~~< _~.; ..3rtsziar;aes ar. c.~cst~t~se a t.r.~rlc+t~av ,erurtxt~ mstrurnrnt
<br />cnvtrine2 :cal prs.+ptrzt. 'iTtss I.tites^ cat T r+z;t s;s.a:t '~ L=.'+r: ni-ci n~ -- !aw ;, ~ - t :;s.? - or. ,:~ ~~:h•.h rl~~r Property is !„cased
<br />#a the event :eta: arts prtr.'es~',:t .x c:aatsc a 1 '!;:~ tireal „ 'i r:s,t he 4,+~e -_ ~ tea a ~.:elxpt=ca*=!e 3a~ atrz':r cnni#i.:i she!!
<br />nos aflcrz robes pr~~~umx of >hs i]et+9 ~-.tact ,~ .ht l~-tc an:ah an ~a >;iser' c )c-. waS:rxsy =hr c:•nfi,eaing pravesson.
<br />and to ti9ss espd the prevtacitras :,: ttxe 19cca• ,~t T:ust and nc~ 'E.-.c arr dtt:,t'Xti? <n ,e srvcra!?ie.
<br />li. Mreem's Gary, Bc+irrJ*+ts +.'tiuYY tsc tafnaalse~ a cow+tur:rroed ~:-.; n4 ,>,,. 4r*tc aa*af nt srtzs Dr:cd :-t ?rta,t za the rims
<br />cot ezeearu>t's E,s aflcr reczsrdat,esa berrt,#
<br />13. Tr~'tr ut (tie fir, ~ S* a+; .rr atrr psit s'i Rzs; Pr,,prrt< ,;: <n :nrcr>•`st ,ire: r:r is .,,ld of traRVferred
<br />4+}~ Bxxer with,t*us Lender-s ps,.~r sxrrten <tfinrrr>t. r~+:elua3-ng a; :; c ra--.-n <+i - -sri <,: ,>.~~.t.-f+•a:~:.r subordinate to
<br />'tit33 t~L'!it Lr Trust, {bp :ix a7Y33ti?n 4>d a p"JR`j'r:M ".iel:..:t-.,- s{^L .i'4ii' ,.i, Cf COt YeSF 7k,ep,.i t7L 3`ti .ip2lS'iA Fri CS.. '::.' ,d 1r3R13CT i•{' dlVi52.
<br />dc#acttt ar k,a' a+parataaa ~ Lxw upEao the t#cath ~ n ~-2>~; trna:ar ::r
<br />i u'z<:rs. ,.exa .+! I rs,deev c,iat;x,;;, etc.:€:;:c a:•i t';r snrsn u:.-+arr,# bi rft,s iSerr.! „e T?xra. tv'trr
<br />;teamudsaiefn due anti ~a,ztue. Lec+~t stxa~ ba c ,.y cat xfaaij ~ o+a a c e tc st pre, c^ :'.x ci'se a,r zrartzier. kendtr
<br />and thepzrztntta w-h:sm'ihe€x? rs tt u x.>? c~ .-a.rsie-rrs^.3 r-:~ •;r er :+r.. =2 u.riaR~Ythat ttac sredat ct scsth ~n!,n
<br />ss sattraas:.exv to i erticr and xha; the a~.t:•xmt tacaaat=sc ,•a: etas =u~- , .,::te-~ b a?,;, l9zxx' _, rtss+ <^aak `a• at such tree .e+
<br />#.eeulrr shati~d Ii LcsNSct has av-aavr+~'~. :;rte+~z; s, .;:~e=ct ~ ~ :~•;',4c,i , ;atar~sap.b .?. ~rad ~i Its°'"•wrr-> sucerssex
<br />an rtdtcaeSt #cas e:xeiuzrd a ax r.tx s.,:3;=;~t,,ror, ;:g; err.: 3. ~tacrt . , ,,,:n~ . €~t„or± i tn.]er h 4...s~ t5.arrc=wer Prism
<br />ail tgadsons a'ac3rr rlo-xe i7cr,:.,i ? r,~: a:o4i the ~.-rc
<br />ii>;:cr cxe°a^isrs <_u:h ..sic. rrt.:e, re, . ii. ;r .., ,. , _s'r ~ ... ... ... 'r carne w:ih
<br />grata;rsph 13 btrctixt 4ts..Ia r.,at :c +s...,- gA- c.,ur s ;ai:s ,*.~ _ .t,.a ^r - -:.yr, . ~,~.. .,, :,,s,. t,~, z,,.t,c; ,°+aaEed e+'ithia
<br />~+r~-!s Bt~t'rc tnz; poi tivc +s-~i': arrfae- .i x~ ]( tt. - .. _ -.* ;,ass r - ,: ,;. ~.., r: ,t t., ??ye s,.p+rs~d~*-:. f sash ps°
<br />~ aw}, vk~~#c xurtzxxx taa,:x„c ~°r i'k~~-x x..,e. it, -r.m..; , : -kc xs,v ,~u ku=e. IYa, .-~iru '' .,n agrap#+ --a }erc,7±-
<br />.~-.+- #.'~`#e.-Araa i-*b'8'F ate. Z!l. ti,'.a~.:.i 4.CF .~ d.R„"~r3 :....'.??Y"; -ensi~t ., -'R"r CC _. ,,.. a.,
<br />lf. ?kttsir#aMiw>a lee E:asrPt ~ ~>aebded iw psntgeaipb i? Ats~oi, upon lirt[rt xzy'> brvzte~h e;# an} rtt•etuutt arr
<br />>1!~ ~ isrtwerrr tae efts l,/aad .af T'Ftt.i., iwttewtittt rise casraaets to pa. when dawn sax +uttts x^tated ti} this 1?eed
<br />~ iaW, i.~aefrtd *tiw ter aria°tieratiaw a4aY rwa~ii entire tw t3au' ,n pre, it#ci iaa pas-atiraph Y.f v;rrciitiaR: tit the
<br />#2i itie at'tias rra,teits+i to rwrr ±;ac.A ~aresi.ti; tat a date. nw #rps tiau .42I dour frssm the Harr t#~ nutter is xnailyd to
<br />^evwwsr, ti? saicti swci titx•ati ropes ht s'attrd~ apd tai tAsu #,tilwrr era :arc sorb Hrraefi .rt; wr t±rturc the r#atr sprciiicd
<br />iw ttia wCitx wr3 rctietit ip aa+ccirra~iiiow se# ttir weer srassted be xfii. litcd ,af €rv+t as>a lair ,.f fist Prtrprn}.. 't'he rtnticc
<br />rW €stsltpt iwlarm Rotrror*,t t+f tie ri~it to :ri+ntatr a€drt aacrtr-ratia+a anti ihr r~,ttr to bring a rnrsdt artiua to asstrt
<br />ttic. wet-tit~terttx refs ~41,rr}[ exs seek sstitx airfrwx u# Barrt.,wcr trx acrrk~ratiwa sari ~v3r- li the iKewit is aW c4rrd
<br />alt st iel'wr tie lwtr *!'r'r~'d is iMr wa+tic-e, 1•epdrs ai #.redrits ~a,ptiaa tw} dtxiarr rt# vi tra~ *aertrs srs~~.ra-d b} thiv !]red
<br />at 7am'a iw tie perariiatric sips sad pa}alter ,r ititertet #ewatiar fire+and and aa} isa+id.r ¢hr gtu+cr rt1 .air grad xr,} rdfier rrmrdirs
<br />peswtittni !fi ~ #a.. # ca3rr wait Get csttrirrd eta ,-:sa~r~E ail rrawnaitie ants arrd rapv-mr., is€urtr;s i€s pur+.teing t6r
<br />rtlawetiiea ,}wrovricd ~ realm patett<ea~ti # 8, issciadittF, tieA rut iimlcd r,,, rraras+tpWr wnrsrci Y f res.
<br /># rile ~ttr eel rats is ia'«ai;ed. Ttaatrr + me-+Ard a n;at+s'x aai dz3snw ss c:rih ;awns, in *FtEicn sire F'rnt+rrty or .sear
<br />1~ tlrrraf b laxertrd ta+l ttutA mail ~r of sorb r~i~re ut tfie cnzontr pro ;.. ritaed h. ,rppiivarhf," 3a+ t:r ~wrrwwrr and tea rtes
<br />Mtitt' Itretirti9re31s a~inestiir tau, Aitrr rise #ap:e ea€ xeark tieaa• ~. } ire rryuirtni ts} aypdic~bk tan, '€'rncxer shall
<br />~ Fatiiir saiirx al rats to fir Peraaau: seed ip tic asaaaer lscxs:eihrd A+ aPplicsb#r Ian. Trea+7ar. nitherstr dtmam# uu
<br />~Sr~waert;, zltrl arR ilrr t!to~rtty ar ' aerrtsas m tlrr lsirg#~rst :tidder at t#x tsars sad ptacr oral under lire '.ergas drsiauad+r.l
<br />dw 1st sallies a#rrair iw ass ar reuse prv~ele earl iu .wets ostler as Towers wa} a#rteraa#ite. Text ter :nay przstpoar salt rrE a€i
<br />w awlt eA +fir ~Ctgen3 bg iwtiGr~ atkeuracr~ett ~ for S:ar,t attA Fktc.--,; ,at aaxs prtisaueti#ti s. taetl;tlr?l asks. #.xwdrr ur
<br />tataiar"s ' rtgts ~rtiattr rite cat aa4 .
<br />1'~rew rei'ctri/N sE ewaN rd ttir~~tiid. 1-tpxttt ,haH +?ratircr tG tAr pnr.:tur+rr Truster"> drrd xietttrring ibr Mwlttri}
<br />rriY. Ttir.xact`t~r is the 'i'rpsteri decd .Ardl lee deT+ma earls r,:tkesir .;# t#tr tzath e,# ire -~talr+wr,ar. raaadc thrrriw. 1'rn.rrr
<br />ttiatat~} fir rrtrrzts~a of lit taailk its i64^ F+~er+i~>oa+dcr~ fat tr$ aU rta*atoahtc cu+it aad rxpr;s+~rs t,f Chc 4str, i»clxdinK, twt
<br />ra11 iisarrd its. Ttpa#st$ ilerx td wet arruc dive i,- a, W t "< of thrr grarlw setkt• price. rear,txnrtsir.• atte:rtn~r's ire+ and caste eat
<br />rills r-r!iir~rri Slgt in aiNst.,irc 4e~ M±f tires l1Ra'~ 01 1msL arers+cl the raxeu., i! sa}. st, the prr+aan ,+t #:~r~,uk istialiy cuiNEed
<br />Awrab.
<br />;,
<br />1!k, ~wr+.r~kY"r Rol ~ llemaitsAS.. '^ , ,, . ag 2 .:§a e Wit,. r Ixa J ,
<br />`mss=-* , ~t'_• =Pte rx~.Y, t.z )s.e a ,. ,. ~ „ ,
<br />- „ ,r~,.. ^. -. -
<br />,tnv .r.. z r..- rz ,e ~ ~ w ~., 1
<br />+l+:,t*r- ?~. rte. e.~ a ~~ ~ - -
<br />hr th-=-. ,a „ ,... ~a s ..~ .. st . ~ ti .. vice.. ~ _ s ~. . _
<br />Crag ~:..., . - ,l ' ..,a, -, . , .- ~ ,.. ., ,.
<br />S A~ -. ~ _ .~e i tr; ,. ~ -,_ ~ .~-..
<br />