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80.= pc~--x5oa <br />l;Kt~ntt+t Cavevwt~-rs. Harrower and tender cavenam and agree a, follows: <br />I. Payment a/ Principal and iMetesl. $orrowrr steal! prnmptfy pay when ~tur the principal of and interest on the <br />urdehtedness evidenced by the Nntr. prepayment and late charges as gnvided in the Note, and the principal of and interest <br />an ang F?;rure advanees xrurrd 'ay ihas l~~d of Tnrxt- <br />2. tTatds Eor Tasa ad Ittsoragce. Subject to apgiicablr law ar to a ,ariitrn u•aiyrr by Lender, Borrower sEtall pay <br />to Lrtsder on the day monthly instalments cf princspa! and intar^st are payut?lr unxlrr the No[e, anti! the Nete is paid in fult, <br />a stun Charrht "Funds"1 equal to one-twelfth s*f the eearty taxs:s and assessments svhrch may attain prinriiy aver this <br />Deed of Tnrst. and ground rents on the Prs: ptriy, if anc- pins one-twelfth of yearly premium instaltntems for hazard insurance. <br />plus ~n»r-it+alfth of yearly premAtm insaalrrt-°.nis for mnrtgaec insurance. if any, alt as reasanabty estimated initially and from <br />ttme to lima by Leaxistr nn the ;*asis of asscssme»ts and isilis and reasonable estimates thereof. <br />'llae Funds shall be held in an insti[ution the detx>sits ar acc'xnsnis of tr'hieh sere insured rsr guaranteed try a Fedcrai or <br />slate atTCttcy floc#uding Lender if Lender is .note an insiitt,[tont. Lender she}l apply the Funds to psy said taxer, assessments, <br />tmtrraiiea premiums a»d ground rents. Ixnder ntag oat charge f +r so holding and applying the Funds, anatyzing said accxwnt <br />ter rri!y~ing and crztts¢i~4n{t sarz; acr~ntrntx av-l !?ills, ! _ndrr pays Btx-rowrr interest oft tree Ftrndi and applicable law <br />permits t_endcr in make such a rhart+e. & rr.>wer and Lender may agree in writing at the time of rxecuuan of this <br />t7erd of 't'rust t'raa interest rri the Furrdt anal! tsc pasd to Gorrnwrr, and tmtess such agres:mcnt i• made ns applicable law <br />requires such interest to ten paid, Lender shalt not taC rcctuxred to pay Barn wee any interx'.st or rarninrss ota the. Funds. Lender <br />coal! Risie n> Borrower. withtrut -charge, an a»nasal a~•'.:. trntsrq rf the Fundc sltcrwsn credits and detrit< to the Funds and the <br />put•poge far wraith each xkbii to the Funds saes made. 'Thr~Funds are pledged as additional security far the sums secured <br />by ::au Deed of Trust_ <br />if tYta amxran; t~ tttr Funds held h,• tender, toRethrr lilt thw fataare manihtq insia!lmcnis of Funds payable prior to <br />the due datsx of taxes, assessments, isrsuranre premiums and gt:?und rents. chat rccz'ed the amatrnt required to pay said taxes. <br />assessmrtsts, ittattranxx premi-unu and grosa~nd :ors a; trace fart itsr. retch ex:rss shalt hr. at 8arrnwefs nptian, either <br />prtxnpt3y napaid to Bo€tcawer ur credited to l3sirrawPr +~n ttsnnthtc ituta!lmrnts of Funds. if the amount of the Funds <br />held ter Leasxfer shall oar rte setiTtcmnt to pay taxes. assecsrnrnts insstrancr prrmu:ms and gratmd rents as they fall due, <br />Borroaar slsalt pay to Lender anl• aatsaunt nrcrswra~ ;.> maRe ap the xfeficirncti~ urthtn 3C} days fmm the-date notice is mailed <br />try L,euder to Hartawer regttesIItq; payment thrrraf. <br />L`poa payturnt in full xrf a!! sums sxtixrscd isc thsx tY_•cd at Trutt t-ender shad gromp[fy refund to Bxtm:wer any Funds <br />?re#d by Lender. if under paragrph !S hrr:.a>+ ,hr Pt~erzem ,a s,>Id <rr the Pn.perty :s attsrrwase acsluirrd by Lander; t.crtdcr <br />shall appl~•, rsa later than tmtrtesfiatetY psr.,>r [„ the c~nc :>t ttte Pr,pzrty er us a..q:sts:itnn ht' Lender. anj• Funxts held by <br />t..crtsier at arse txttte of appticatia=a as a .:.rrd,s a~atnsa the ,;rnr sec.:rrd t,y thts !}eed c: Ttvst. <br />1. Ahieatiq~ of 'hy~rtrts i.'nlrss aggl:tabir i,,. rn;.;de> othrrurcr, a79 parmcnts n'eetrrd by Lender untkr the <br />\ate anxi gara~rapiss ?and ' hrrr~rf shall ?~ ait_^krrd ^, l ender ftnt :n paEmcnt ,>f amounts payaFrle to i_endrr by Borrower <br />ur#r pstragraplt '_ ttermf, itrcr, to :nterest pasiE-ic , n tie \a,xr.:hcn r.> the^-rtnctpad c; the \etc_ noel then to ;n:rt~t nerd <br />prit~-ipai cn am Fukuro 'sdvau.^cs- <br />3. 4lat{Ksa Liea Barmrsrr s3rali paro all tsxr~ s~acsmcnte an.i a,t4xcr chars. f rrs anu nnp.ncstions aitriteutabk to <br />tttc Prapem' 43sich may attaen a prrCUtty +,rri thtx f?rrd .at '!'rust arzd Irasetx>h! payments or ground tams, sf any, in the <br />meaner prax-txied wader gsratrsplr ? ttrtao+ ,r. rt not psi t~ sue it m.wrztarr. .y Basrra4cr maAtng payment. •.. nett due, directly <br />to ilfe fiaytt timtxa~f Bxsrrcxxer ~*tall prcrmmptt}~ lstrnta}r -. f e;;d.r ail ;ast,crs .tt attnxxats ;lase under this paragraph, and in the <br />cent tttvrx:wxr sf?aif ttsaic paysrxa `':rsxt'ti Ba3°nw r sha#i s?n t~s. r t:ns ate t, l.radc: rem:pts csta ncstsg sstch payments. <br />~Bcxzon+rr shall p:L~pLty cfrsct?argc env az.. .,a', ~ prx©rrrs : sa ta., .mss- r+a }-rs~r t; tob,dcd «ha, Bax cosec shat! art ire <br />rt~uu'td ts; dtz::ent';,e nai• src{t tiza a.~ lung a+ f3~aa-ra^avea mail nxrex~ r„ »rsas;sr t .the pas-met:! .ri !lzr .?tri~gatron secured t+v <br />such i~ m s m3nncs acz.~^ptab`ar aa, L~~2~ ~~rais :;t t ~~! ` .ru >. ~ hy~. -~; .Rfett..i ealar€e:r-ant «f such lien ter. <br />rrgs3~rxa-eedm~a ~u}ai~ i~sente -. 'rress~_-t t*3c~ arte.r~r,ar.t ~t - t .,F a~?rterture - stx Prurrrta ,t any Hart therruf. <br />lei tatirraaer. 3e-aa?wer :tera33 #.cep ttsr mre,.,_:ncr ~. w r,>at nx 't here ftr= z!reLrecl -- rhr Pcrgerty uuurrd <br />ar&'sttssx ixxa b}~ fits., harardy s:r.-urkxt axuit?r: ttsc term ';,;rx:ur.a *<rr - -a ,.;,;': t.'e~ a> t cads;r Wray require <br />atxd stn s;ac4, aas:.n:¢ts and f x +zws z~ ax t c~.iur errs, scvuzry_ zrna ass-.;. ch,=t i. >; :~:€rr ,:a,zll n„t rryusrc west ±~he amoemi c~F <br />sash cue ax ~d [.'tat az{tc*c:~tn .'aq cc+anz{gr r ~.u<r~a+i !o prb t~ sums v_..~3 t,b than I~ra^xi ct lr,:x; <br />T'Ise aus:tratzcr "ar*ser pet>k:ding the trF:c:rarze zlrasi tr ;tax++r:? ^a ~+rr r+.:>rt r;a;?x,e>t .s,•t^, E t,', leader, prz,.~,drt. <br />t6u sacks spat s6a?! tsrt ',ar tustrxsc>naely wva$hrld ~iti premntnxa rm znstrraa_r ,clac:es slsalE xh~• pstd to the mariner <br />ptzss'td~d unnler pstastapit '_ hereof c?r, rt not lxaad ,tr ,xsfi x:varzrsrt, kx: Birrrtwcr :*aaw,ag Pnv rncnr, often dart, uzrectEl to the <br />.~ canter. <br />All etsss::antx ;>otssrs nerd irncwa,s tisrrc:.t shall rx , a cw}rtai>!c .~ 'r ore sand .hail , 'warn a si,sndard mortgage <br />-lstasre s.-t !a c*z x+Y and se t=«r~+ sr::.yM a#,sc ;• l.r:*urr :..,uc. :;at+ fs~sre the ,nt is . '=s,i xnr s;,, ti,r, ,r;a€i rrnca als 3frctx't3t. <br />aad ItM3L,%Y^r xESali gr^snsprty !W;tfnts t^ !. cssxlrr sls as+t••a ~::a-ts,;r,_ Mrzu° ill t ;pts a= -:rmscz:zx, Sn tnr ";rent of Sara,. <br />'FS.~srxawK skald ~a+c graampt r.:..t:Y`r t:' >.frr !:sstaranxc .<.tr:=•rt x;=-,t i ttsdrr,-.c9er ens? p+aa=i :,t t ,s, :. ,-„ : =stack prsatrgi!} <br />txx• Batras.rcr <br />i.s i.,rtstfer ats8 .c sac as, ^r t ,>< :. ar e s t,~~a-i, ~; '~ + xexi ~ _rst uz al ': rrpau rf <br />the$rxsgcttydsatagr~i pr~ss;.~c , ...rste-s,ats,,.r te,.sr , _>tasc•rss,.aE,s a.-t.._ -rx .-t. xc„es._. ,??;b l~rx-- *: ~l'rs:sa :s <br />zxaa t6aatt-t+?k stnp.~ett~csl. 3t sar~?r resterratr ~s .~a ;cr a,; :, me c,.c=s„n > ~a,a t.~as r =.= t±;c ,t•e_rcet.~ + , ,;,r Lla.i; ~ ~ 1:=ra>t ,.aw{d <br />br stalxasrss;. iaA".:rrv.sssmx ; r.~ax;*3t a:;at: ±°s• t;ps.+~~ sa r ..- ,.,s,d n, ,sae. ~t R;csi T r.,:'::, u r + t7u• s*-r.a. .» arty. yard <br />to Ba~rtxttr.rr_ tf t!x Prsrprrts- ,t slzasssYCrtxu r 83+srvxt• *t -s es p.•r.7 ,- t. der -~r stls,v ~ t ta4. cram tfisr <br />xitte tx>t;;ne is nsaaltru trr• i tndrr .o Basttu,nrz rnxt #ere .~a.s>~ .__. _. ~Ya . -_ I rsR:xr <br />tx artt3~+ta~.t c.^ii zrAd ar~•~Sl+ -~~ ~..3':s _._:..., , ._.~~ a ~: i. ;`. , ~ .~+~..._ --''r;;r r; -c ...x.a.r x rep. -.s.tF i ,aa ~Yrt:perik <br />.ee rri liar soma se::ured tsi~ toss t7exsi .sS 1`nzns, <br />t.'^e~ns Len~r attd B2saa~r *iix+z~~ise sLtrrt rrx z t-ems, - ass u ~ a,^~+-- a -a-~+ as -t ~rdx to pr - ;l,,,i nhali nisi r-mend <br />ur pc~,tpoac the ctvr .tats ,.: the sxt>ath#} srss,3a+imetssa ,r.¢ txa3 • ,, s »r,z~a <;ws _ :taarsge the amount et <br />srsch utrcYra~merats. it tmirr paragraph ; ~ lacers+t t~ Pr~g+xata ;, ya:txai s i. asset . a glit ak and tetatr+t of <br />in s~i to nay iasursr~ }sr."frises and r:: an3 t,: t±er i+r..xx'cc-•r a'.'aett c,..i,tr.,.s,a ;_ ~• ,;s:.;. pk t;.: ,*ae Prn~r[s~ nrtiat t;+ the :aerie <br />or ssi+;j+ssfei;.,ors a#tail pass to Lenstrx {ss if-~ : xectat .=t rtes. s =sxt> .skurx°ti '7s t^xy ik-e:! ,_= l . t. - ,rr=.rtecatratcit ;>rzr:sr arx such sate t;r <br />a€gorq,stiaa- <br />ii, t~attrrrarLs ntad 1NaiaMtaaarrr al trulc+yy: leaseicsids, t. nwia+tamtaat., Piaassrai l:ek tJcre35pwein5. t#isrro+er <br />.3xali iseep tme Prr«pcrrt ,sl ,g,.rrx~ w irs3 t"a<: :~+ .. <br />• l'' .; a _. ,:: :., xs.t. h[ tee petty <br />s3ra3t h'MStPIi s.sYh the pr.~s is ern- ~ a=3y ~asc ,f fit: I,3LCa:~;,. 7 „sat „.. s, ra>ets.rs3 tt.s F:zte.s r=f ! rule - t.~t ,. s+nxt ,n a <br />~asiim= °rri s:r a pia..uusmi ~ it tk,p=astsa:, l3:'ra"trwr sa:, xil' ,E•ii ~ Ftr Frc- c -- t, r h i ^.. <br />tta- a,~ <br />a^sr :`Cw~raaY~ `reistr~ ..~, rg .txc t~ma#<~~ ~ ~r:rt r ,seal - ,- +?t i e tsc r g er tr ~ Jt si-hc <br />of }sa' to ~ t s.• aerc=•-~,asamss z;xk asRr tae - t *:. t arr., s n~.m era ~ ~ a sr d ~=n err c +pnt,: n± <br />risitr <s estccatrx4 bs Iti3frx>+rrt noel t~xxss~d ..a~afxr '; tn.s t)rr-..S ;.. 3s~t .r. ^rr _.,.c .a n.> e. tai ,,~crrrr.=.t> „t ,m;t r=:lrr <br />be as,ra~rattai i~r a."nct. sf'xali aPSatS,tld aevsi su,~{~elrr =gar; ~ui'e .:_ Rrs: t::, <-ra t.,z><s~r i~ :, th,a f3~erN , ? I rt:- ., t?:e airs <br />aarese ..saner hcrr~;.. - - <br />?. !'wgtaaiga of t+ea+le+'a Sectsitr, 3= Ba;rrsa~rt .v-`rs ~.=i.~.;-;, to-e ..,ants sty;? z~ar_mee,t.: :~n?x:t,+:+i tr, tht, <br />i.LCgrrt <--° '-'in: s alt actsrrri ,r r:res~.^r...'t:_8 :^. ;;sir;sss....,,,;ri: ~tta4F ...,_ a i4 :fie. x. t>rtr.icr, t_.-c,ay ;its F`?x,r~rts- <br />•srixsslrt:~. u 'scN, s:rnstal ta, cvni retest zlxrs~uaxU, srs>~i.tew...;,sjc ~•tf :., ~rtrw :, .sr ::.r7srecast.•Its s p- ,.:era»r. .,ut•:~;rig ., <br />'son\r pt :,: ~~. ?. 3.».°€iict fit. t-ast:3~r s ~ p~trc:r -* ar - as e -. t3a r.3,~,r tta; ar it t- -n } rr - r- c . ~ -x ztl± <br />.utpi, a;w talc ~ssh ;n-Yi~ as ~- rs~:e>aar`, +- ;s= ~.r:.~ i:rr~rr-s r.e, ~>i, r_t.susng. +.ssx ns.. i,r ,.:•x, t.;. ,,,,.tux ,~sx,r xs. :=t <br />re +xatra3skr rK.. tK,s sad +rssrn ups+rn `he ?'t:,}+r a rati< .~:rs. ! tcetuct tcyz err r~ ur - -; <br />• ~~iti.=:: f :ru~..:xa tnK ir~p,n srctyted :r! trite d~ c• iii B'rrs ha s ~ _e ,, e t - _ ~„u .-~h <br />slAtYl+6Ht..rt. d ctlr+a n a .SK~ rRrr+c as I~kC .et{Nt3t~r,PM't i t ugh Y FaizLr.^ (i atxr ~ sea - ~ u t 3 #t B t < seal' r.i <br />8 sa.9cx a w,rru-a: ,sr~xcurr,t n+a a fsaia~ sztw. t3cRrewcr kt-aii as .h, Is s. <br />P ass.~ti .. r,r ai:; „ ....:., s..:ass.,+ss . <br />°vaaaeas .:drv :,s.,iei l~s~rr~ _" iseracd. ` <br />r <br />.Aar aa~snss J+ikuc»9 ~• i.trattktr ~~urtiaut~, t:x ss,~, tsas'~tYtxloh ? z, h , .,rrea. axe `s,°a, -nr ~:lafar +,, ei <br />~acS-trttcsir+c>.s W,;:,~.wc `wits:Utsz1 ~ C7ixx,1 : 'T-:u r t; sSer;. Ba'rsssatr ,n„ l.r~r:SYm ,,;:+, <br />.ar,:.:asnts ,fans ?C. ~sx.e - .hi i'r_,' y4 t t r--eat.-. <br />i'Y'~'r ~~'~ r ~• t. r+-ae" i,.r BS,{ :A`T FrtllrekZSng pay 'kt rice A4 Nf br rri aRfCrr - r~:+tr• ICY <br />AMtt of Orshstrrtcrtseru dE t~ iseit f R .. trnRr t.. ,roc ~ ar ras r,?g p; n a _ cser *: s,r r, at , s ~r<sr+i <br />at :: ~~:-..+. t~~ x:.tuwit ,._ ~aY,.'.;: .t r.sw, sr, r:9;s,:§ r,eras .,.h seas, ., >wa~ +-4: a. st.r_ -.:a,?rc.t rate <br />iM!Fiitxf~+~ Ytndtt:f apsatt9e?s~., ~,'wr:drry ,.:ntarnex£ r Yha'r t~ragrae~' s': ,; trysetr T p,e?tr t:' .nsu+ Ares eePensc rr rxAr: <br />~} +~atrrs ttereraladax, <br />•- ttyalaian, l,ex!drr mat a s4 -saw ts;~t; r.;sdc rezatzrs a G~ c+.- ,. r s a= ,t tot l'=. tss rt , <br />t~kY i.eisxlr# x,"a-it}i ~t;E ttW'~a= -. ,,._ ~~ k, u3s'g s,eb:F; +%sy+JCbt:, ;s i' c•~;i-y rr ~ e.~c.: ::..; r .. , .,.z ~*i• ,., !:.air-+7 ,,. ,. <br />