th.: sums secured by this Deed of Trust shall continue unimpaired. llporr s.tch payment and cure h}• Borrower. this Deed oP
<br />Trust and the obligations savored hereby shall remain in tuft force and effect as if no-accnieration bad occurred.
<br />2®. Assignment of Retttsp Appointment of Receivtr Leader in Possessitro. As additional security hereunder. Borrower
<br />tiere[sy assigns to Lender the rents of the Propeny, provided that Harrower shall, prior to acceleration under- paragraph I&
<br />hereof ar abandonment of the Property, have the right to celiac{ and retain such rents as they Gccamc dttc and payable.
<br />Ltpan acrelcratian under paragraph Ig hercaf ar abandonment of {fie Prnperty, Lender, in person, by agent of by
<br />judicially appointed rettiver, shall be entithd ra enter upon, take passessi~n of and manage the Propony and to cailecl tfic
<br />rend of the Property itcluding thaw past due. All rents codiected by Lender or the receiver shall be applied first to payment
<br />of the cents of managetneni of the Prapt^rty and collection of rents. including, trot not limited to, ret:etver's fees premiums
<br />on'reccivtr's {{ands and reasanabte attorney's fees, and then to the Burns secured by this Deed of Tntst. Lettder and the
<br />receiver shall tte {labia to aerou»r only far those rents actuatiy received.
<br />3f. F~Iw~e Advtttttees. Lipan request of Batwwer, tender, a[ Lender's option, prior to tuts recanveyance of the Propem•
<br />by Tn'.stce to Borrower, may make Future Advances to Borrower. Such Future Advancts, with interest thereon, shall- Ge
<br />secured by this Decd of Trus[ whin evsdenrnt by protttissarv rotas stating that said ttates are set:ttn^.d-hert:by. At na-time shall
<br />the principal amtwd€ of the indehtedness secured by this Deed of Trus[, not including sums adva n a r£~ordanec herewith
<br />to protect tfic security of this beet{ of Tnts4 exceed the angina{ amnuot of the Note plus [1S Sn~M-~.45;-000-. 06
<br />23. Reeanveyaece: Upon payment of alt sums secured by this Dced of Trust, Lender shall rcgttesrTrustte to reconvey
<br />the Prt+perty and titan surrender Chic Decd of Trust and a1I notes evidencing indebtsdnrss secured 6y this Deed af'Trust
<br />[a Trustee Trustee shall recomty the Property without warranty and withtwt {barge to [hc parsers ar persons leg~tly
<br />rntided thtreta. Str<h pe: Bor. or persons sltal! ppaav a}] costs of recordation, if an}•.
<br />2S. Stthafltwe Trnpee. Lender, at Lcndei's optiart, ma}= ftrm time to time remove 'Lntstee and appotn[ a successor
<br />trustee to any Tntatee appeimed hereunder by an tnstrumertt rccarded in the county in which this Deed of Tntst is recorded.
<br />Wittxntt conveyance nt the Property, the successor trustee shalt succtrod to atl the title, power and duties ronfetred upon
<br />the Trustee herein attd by appficahtc law.
<br />SL. Regtttest far \otices. Borrower requests that copies of the notice ai default and native of sale Ix sent to Borrower's
<br />address which is the Property Addmss.
<br />Itg Wtrx~ WttattEps, Bcurawer #tas exzcutc~tl rus . ` _
<br />rY, r r F !1
<br />George ? Poulios .~."'~
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<br />Tura fcsre:cx:irg _nstruaent vas ac'<r.-avltdgeu :;afire stn ::ti.s 3,Oth. .day af.
<br />?fay .. i~. FrA vy .Gecrrgtx ., You3los and .Iody Barr-
<br />ttiit:rzcss toy hand anti notarzal eeai at. Gtartd I$13t1d,.I~'BbT3.^*IC:r . ,
<br />~t said ~cvstt:^, _:~ date aPi}resatd.
<br />tffff'1i11TM-tdbstlltMafi~ t 1t,r*~~' .
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<br />33sa rzrr3eraxy,red is rh6 c? .?se naLe _. Se•iuYr+'s this need of Trust.
<br />-Said axrt+tiF ;3r nr#tflir ta~attses w•itaa a1 ati:er er,deytedrtess securedi::y' cizis wed of Trust,
<br />'-1at~lwe. stn8n y~ai$. in Su~1. ~k~3~: 3.:e '~r6ey -3iz~+W cad ~o$i said nvt:a cr acr.ep sad thi-3
<br />'.fitted crf TTt:3L, teiti~it are ~derivez~' t:ereb;g. ~xi ~o reccner, vithttuc vars..^.ty, all the
<br />n+t:at.e mss, :he,r3 ~ sou :sder t=-.;s ~• ~f xrust to t =z r~rstzn ;sr p~rs~:ta ,egaiil° e:#titied
<br />~1«Lit.
<br />I)atax _ .
<br />