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80,E X2496 - • <br />Lender's written agreement or applicable taw. Borrower shall pay the amount of all mortgage insurance premiums in the <br />manner provided under paragraph 2 hereof. <br />Any amounts dishuraed by Lender pursuant to this paragraph 7, with interest thereon, shalt become- additional <br />indebtedness of Borrower secuid by this Martgnge. Unless Borrower and Lender agree to other terms of payment: such <br />amounts shall be payable upon notice from Lendtr m Burrower requesting- payment thereof, and shall hear interest from the <br />datcof disbnrsemeM at the rate payable from time to tuna on outstanding principal under the Nnte unless payment "of <br />interest at such rate would be contrary to applicable law, in which event such amounts shelf bear interest at the highest rate <br />petmissibk tinder applicable iaw, Nothing contained in this paragraph 7 shall require Lender to incur any expense°orteke <br />any action hereunder. <br />& 1{tnpetNsw: Lender mac make or causean br made reasonable entries upon and inspections of the Property. provided <br />that Lender shall give Borrower notice prior to any such inspection specifying reasonable cattle therefor related- to Lender's <br />interest in the Property. <br />4. Coeiciwt€aNmt: The proceeds of any award or claim for damages, direct or consequential, in connection -with any <br />condemnation or other taking of the Property, ar pert thertaf, or for conveyance in lieu of condemnation, am hereby assigned <br />and shall be paid to Lender, <br />in the event of a total taking of the Property, ihr proceeds shall be applied to the sums secured by this: Mortgage. <br />with- the excess, if any. paid to Bortaavtr. ]n the event of a partial- taking of the Property, unless Borrc..rr and' Lender <br />athervv-isr agar in uniting, thetr shad ht applied to the sums secured by this Mortgage such proportion of the-•prrxeeds-_ <br />as is equal to that proportion which the amount of the sums secured by° this Mortgage immediately prior to the date of <br />[eking bears to the fair market value of the Ptaptrty immediately pricer to the date of taking, with the balance of the proceeds <br />paid to Harrower. <br />if the -Property is abandoned by Horrawer. or if, after notice by Lender ut Borrower that the condemnor offers to make <br />an award ar settle a claim for damage, Harrower fails to respond to Lender within 3tl days after the date much-notice is <br />tnaikad: Lender is authorized €o coiled and apply the proceeds, at Lender's option, tither to restoration or rcpaicof the <br />Propem' rn xo the sums secared t+y this A{artgage. <br />Inltss Lender and Barrouer otherwise egret in :+ritiag, any such application of pracetds to principal shad ant extend <br />or postprrrtt tfie due daft of the montfih• installments referred to in paragraph. t and 2 hereof -or change the amount of <br />such insraiimems. <br />]t. ~nttnRK idol littdeaud. Exienston of the runt for pavment or mndificatian of amortization of the sums secured <br />ray this Mortgage granted by t_tndtr to am strcctssar in incertst of Aarmwer shalt oat overate in release. in any manner. <br />the liability of tlae axiginal Bortawrr and Horrawer s successors in ineerest. Lendtr shat! not ht inquired to commence <br />proceedings agaiiisf such suctrssnr ar refuse to cxitrd time tt"~r payment or othtnvise modify amartizatiar. of the sums <br />s'ecutr3 by this Motgage by reason of any demand made bt' [hc original Hnrmwtr and Aarrou°tr's success.~rs in interest. <br />t1. 1Rrriearante Ly 1Leder'~ot a itiaiver. ,aay farbeararce by l.tnder in exercising any right or remedy hereunder, or <br />athetwise atTnrded by applicabh few, shad trot tae a waiver rf ar preclude the te2rcise of am such right nt remedy. <br />The prozttrtmtrtt of insurance nr the pax5tttnt of texts err ether liens or cfiar.~es by tender ehati oat tat a waiver of Lender`s <br />right to acxlrratt the mamrin of the indtttitdnecs .ecttred lay it:i+ 1fo'ngagc. <br />12 Reiaetiiee Gsvrise. Ail remedies rro~aded in this ltartgagt are distinct sod cumulative to any ether rigfit or <br />rcentdy under this ~4ortizage ar afforded rev ?aw nr equst}•. ,nd mad he eatrcised ~encurn:ntly, indeptndenity x successively. <br />13_ Sertcarawes ant Amens Honard; 3oint acrd 5evrral i.iahiHn; Captions. The cayenants and agreements herein <br />craetaitxd shal3 :aired. and test tights htrrander shall :nurr €n, the r~sptturt suceessare and as:igrs .>! Lender and Borrower, <br />subject to cite pmrisiotts of paragraph 17 iterrof. :~i] covtnanu and agreements of Borroutr shat! rte ioint and seversi. <br />Ttie taPtitax[s and headings of the paragraphs of this Mnttgaer err fear canventence ,.,niy and arc oat to i+t used to <br />inttrpsri or define. the provisions itertof. <br />1L iVacice. Except far any notitx required vndtr applicable leis tat to gavtn ,n another manner. ia3 any naticc to <br />Hormurr prodded for in this Martgagt shill ht x;ia'rn fay msihng Such natsCY h..rrtified mad addres,rd to Aarttauer at <br />the Prnpt»y .Addtss a?r at surit robot addrr+s as Aor:~urr rrsa5 de+a.ns[t h} notice to Lender »s pmvidtti btrein, and <br />(la) any notice to Lrtttttr shall tx grxtn frv .rrtiftrd malt, €turm tc ^s:i*t requtstea. sa i tnairr's addrttis> slated btrein a,r to <br />sarctr ocher address as Lenctrr zany drsignatt M nr,inr tie Aarreaurr as prayvidrd ?=eretn. ink' na*ticr t,rr.+:deai fair in this <br />Mnrigagr shall lee detmtd t. 'aces: tate[t ~ia~en to Ba%rraucr ar 1.•.ndcr a-itra gt.'tn in the manure altsignated iarrtir,. <br />IS_ Lanifrtnan Marttp~e; GoravniaK Law; St•rru4flNy. This ivrm a.f mortgage c.•mbines un~fnrm e.~venants fn= oatianat <br />use fired hoar-uuifotm ~tv~rrranis with iimded varaauans ?:.}' ysrisdaeaam-a io reatsstuutt a 3niform *attrrtu instrcanatnt ravenng <br />teal prep. etty. ?hi, ?~Stuigagc ~ti ha ~a^tarrtd he the taw cf ina attri.diahrn an a•hi~h the Pty tKrty s iao:uied. in the <br />t*~t€ iftat at+y pr~ovssrs..n or ::3rusr of ihi; Maargagt :,r ti;r `+laAar :;ntlitt; avith ,,ppiicaht=• tea, su.h sunt'aict ~haii not aiTc';:t <br />-.qtr 'a"dY'.s~.';::5 =:n :pia 'k1~-,,gag:. t , ti#G !~[ - ,...,,.,, ,.t^, a~ac £,+-rn c;'rti'7 ,.:;hail. - +t ^.ti:+rg ; 'ir, a.^d t.. this <br />card teat psovisiotts of she Mnrtgagt aced the \:+tr ,sea >~#<.red to :at stvcraisie. <br />K lnnwrrirY Cop?• Hut'ryiu^tr =hail he rurree.txad a ::=nf+,=rt»-4 ccpE t,t *ne '4 ate an.i ni ?t~rs~1':,ngay~'~t itae sierra <br />r+f exrc#tiur t#r after rtxordatitxt ixreof, - <br />17. Tnrdter d tic llwyetlt; :lscrnrpgow. It ai3 +,r ace: t,an +i ttte irrcapariv air an anttres# the{tin"is scald nr iransferrtat <br />by Horio;rrtr:tithaw[ Lrradtr's ptrar uritxn ctaasratt. tuiuding ;at the arratiac, e:i a lien nr encumhraraca suhnrdinaie to <br />this A(tut;age..b,7 [lx cseatitut ~ a pure.". _ marne>• +G; uthv antrt~st tar h.~uscttatd appliances. tc3 s ¢tans€er by otvist. <br />det~.nt of blt atpcra of law ulacan t:he death a7 a joint truant. ,~_ ' <br />Le[edtr may. ai Le,-xier's a,,~[xaat, ie:l;,re all t!ar -~u~ts ~:cc:ucd ry znas Atarxgagr to be <br />isnntr3iatrfy dot arod ga}~Ldt. icndtr sieal9 have ~rtih , pear, t ..._rse=ate ~!, r•ri, r t.a ;t:e laic rat vransfer_ L_ende; <br />iht prestos to a•.hnsn rite Pr-r~rn :s ;o ha soS+::,r transttrr~d 2vash ~sgrcxr>aert ~a ',. crane tt:ar the cretit of sue-ts pccvon <br />=s satis#a>-3c~n. to Ltadtr ;rod that the in---err+€ ;vala.[t :n ins >!na, •,e;.vr<-.i v :iii; Flo ~ga~~-~ .hail tar at s::~h ;ate a. l.cndzr <br />shall r~l~st- If Ltm3er hea wa; td tfitc +apr;an to s~cv:<erxte rraa~auza :;e ,ha:, } asagtap.'t l? ~nB ri L3eiraucs'v suc.ess.=t in <br />interact has eshtued a writce,^^. assumption agrtexncrt accrpicd rn ~.-ratm~, by t tai=er. t.rnder ,hall;aat Aaraowtr ircmrt7 <br />obligatitarrt undo chi; !Nartgage aced the Sore. <br />if f-.tntkx ratrcists itxb npt:on Ic acxlera.c. I.r«t:ie: +k;a;t msal Ac+naur r7at„c .'s :e:::ete:xt,.+;, ::::,_~c+ruan~c :a;ih <br />p-arayr ';; hrar,5;. ~ttch niter >h^3d pra~,idr a ;rtx,.. . ;s:~. 1 , ,hv,, ; a t. .,.:t;e daze rev :. ,.__ .s rreaiird s=it:a~n <br />+a"'ttiCh HCaraattf 1tta5 paV 7S~ 5un7S C.Kia7r:3 fut. I1 titeP, .ea^.r a , +, t„a~ -.. „«rn+ ~,-:.. .;.'~ iht t ~;,+td n~ -, c::~it ~.i'r. v'a, <br />~.Yt+d[S IXii~'» ?,'t1tKS3#t fiirtittr itiwz~ ~.r ~tY:3afl^,~ ~*~ ~'Fr~Y'a C':.:.;3v r,3i.Y :+ -: ;r: FiaC~ita j :'rlFkai:t'~. !" f=«I U~id1i5 t,~ l:t'r[i:t- <br />?+,7u='i_l;ttt'tntta CavE.4avi-s. BortRwtr and ietkiei tustit:-r ...r=t}n? anal a=°rev^ a, s.~i:c*+s> <br />ttt, Aitt'desafiNa; Rctarcdier. Fscrpi as pruviddf is ¢ryraer`+ph t7 t»aeceat, upon Burris»cr i breath of an} +utruant nr <br />aper+ornt d itrr+oaatr in this ?4(at~atit, ;~cintlinR tie cutraraats io pay a~lrrn der an+ +u-urs +ecrrred fiy thin 41ut1ttagr. <br />I,tsicr pelt to acg7eratia>..-aY mat twtitt tp fiwrewer :ra pruvudrd in pararatraph i1 fiettut specifyit~- ii[ the hrrncfi: <br />~ IYt apfia~ tgaile# to aware loci #reati; IJ) a male, ao[ lest ittan. lit daEx irnm tog dale the nstt a is rttaiitd fa $urruwer, <br />iy 7-11ici trUti iticaci aaltal 4 curt!; tad {dl lial failrrr trt curt sur6 hreacir uu ur 4rfurr the dart sprcifird in the nut%rr <br />'aatir'_rttitil ittatxaieraliaw of[tt i~zwead iy ctrl. 1ltrrtgat;r, fexrtiwurr b~ jrdicial. grruacrs.dir[t; cad aair of for Property. <br />llt~ rititlte sltai-feller-fctlnra~ Jwarcaier sd-tit tilt-t;u atinsSme arftei arcrtetatiun and ibt right to arxrrt Ln tltr furoclusun <br />-~.~ 7d n tid'aaAt av aat~ utter dtfeust ,xf 9arruavcr is aa:,;rlttativn a[td frrttt$rrsurr, f# the hrractr <br />h vii[ taK.d o[t ur trpfute tip ails spttiitd ip tir ntstitr, l,radr'a at Ixndrr',t uptiuu may dra larv all of the avaih svrurrtl 6y <br />iilit e ~ it iaiwNeiliatsly dot irni plr><ab4 wiMout furaber denraad artd +rsax ftrrashe,t by judicial pn..urrdi€q;. i.rnder <br />siaY t4 entige8 air cutl<tct in sirtA pnMrtdiryt sal rtpt;~ts of turrt'kr±rnrr, iutludiug but roar lirttitrd tu, . u+r!. err docunrtruary <br />nNcwrr, altatsat-tt amd thlt ttpar~. <br />"v sra~±iiast:rrtn,- L.•t-a.1r'-_ _.rt -. __. --:: _., • <br />tZ •uarSiarrr`s Riglrl 1R ~CltMantr- i= ,', :++.' h.v ?t„ 'rt ,. <br />ikarr[++~tt 4',itA?l have .'>c rMyht :a hyve as;3 {=t+ticxdin; ; ~,,. „r, i,y r '--..#_. s. _ , :,+ __ 'tt -rr:.-,:~ .. -- ...,.:~:z v + ~-. ,,+-- <br />