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<br />prior to entry of a judgment enforcing this Mortgage if: (a) Borrower pays Lender all sums whick wauid be-then. dua under <br />this Mortgage, the Note and note securing Future Advances, if any, had no acceleration occurred; (I!)r Borrower cuts all <br />breaches,of any other cavrnaMs or agreements of Borrower contained in this Mortgage; (c) Borrower pays all ri:asonabk <br />eapenaes incurred by Lemler in enforcing the covenants and agreements of'Barrower contained`in this Mortgage and'+in <br />enforcing Lender's remedies as provided in paragraph 18 hereof,. including, bat not9imited to, reasonabfe attorney's fees; and- <br />(d) Borrower takes such aMiOn as Lender may reasonably require to assure that the lien of this Mortgate, Lender's interest: <br />inthe Property and Borrower's obligation to pay the sums secured by thisslNortgage shelf continue unimpaired: Upon such <br />payrnrnt and cure by Borrower;-this Mortgage and throbligations aeeurcd,hercby shall remain in fuU-force and effect as it <br />tto accekration had occurred. <br />Bk d Resea;:ANpihtsari of Receiver, Letader:ira Puapaiatt; Asadditional security fiercunder,'.Borrovrer <br />hereby assigns to Lender the rents of the Property, provided -that Borrower shall; prior to acceleration under paragraph -18 <br />hereof or abandonmrnt of the property, have the right to collect and retain-such rents. as they become due and=payable;- <br />iTpon acceeration under paragraph 18 herrnf or abandonment of t-te Property, Lender, in person, by-atent or !ay <br />judicially appointed receiver, shall be rntitled to enter upon, take possession of and manage-.the, Property and to collect the <br />rents of the Property, including thosrpast dua All rents collected by Lender or the receiver shall be'applied Arsf to:payrneef- <br />of the°costs of managemrnrof the Property and colkction of rents, including,. but not limited to, receiver's toes, ptemiams on <br />receiver's (fonds and rcasombk attorney's fees, and then to the -sums secured by this Mortgages Lende- !id`-the trniver <br /> account only for thane rents utwlly taeived. <br />,. 21. P1M~e Aivatatw, ilpoo request of >lotrower, Ledger, at Lender's option price to release of this Montage, rosy <br />make Futune Advances ro Borrower. Such-Future Advances, with interest thereon, shall be secured by this Mortgage-whet <br />evidenced bq pratnissory notes stating. that said notes arc secured hereby. At no time shalt the principal amoutit•of-:the <br />indebtedness seewed by this Montage, not ineludirtg sums advanced in accordance herewith to protect the. security. of this <br />Motttage, exceed'thc original amtwnt of the Note p1ua.USS: 5.0(J.a0,0 ......... <br />2X RaNttae: Upon payment of all sums secured by this INortgaga Lender shall discharge this Mortgage withotR <br />charge to Horrower_ Borrower shall pay all costs of recordation, if any. <br />Ix Wm+ESS WtrE1tEOF, Borrower hu executed this Priartgage. <br />yf ~. ,. ..................... <br />.fir ..j~1845 -bnaw, <br />/ r <br />Vie" v: 'Otii,glass ' ~~`~- ..... ~ ..... _s;;,;,;;. <br />srAx>: OF R£BRASRAI <br />3 ss. <br />cUi71t1'Y I3F AAIaL i <br />1'he foregoing iastztmtent rasa acknowledged before me reels 30~. ,day of, , <br />i9. ~, by Qldrlffi A. Douglass 3lld ZNaT~ V. Ik)11t31s1SS, ltlL46,3T1a• <br />Ftitaess aY hand and notazia3 sea3 at. ~- S:r~.aTlCl , <br />is said {:aunty, the date aforesaid. <br />otary Public <br />rCl+ t'wai ion atQires: DJ~S~, ~'s~~=! <br />~~~ <br />~. <br />ASS3Gt~RiEtiT CB'' !'W>t3'GllGB <br />- Ip90ii-11I.Ir t!&ii--SY TBESE- -PAE~€T&, that. ~,~', - OVt?.Tlatlrl P7d1<iGIIidl ]3Ptyk Of C'.r~. ~~~, <br />i"1-rsigtiot'") far goad artd valuable rxanaidaration to it in hand paid by the flebraska tgort- <br />9+9u riaante' Yuhd, aprgan~:red under the iavst of the State of fiebzaska {+~ASSignee" 1 , the <br />receipt of which esutaideratioA is hereby aeknoalat'ged, does tsereby assign, transfer, and <br />iat ovsr unto 1\saigttree all- its rights, title, and interest in and to triat certain Mort~- <br />gags axscuted by . ~_?~ ~ ~~. ~ v,. Dtpr~~las>r, . Flytspaltc~ ~ v~i~e, unto <br />