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~0-~-~9f; _E <br />LtxtFOaM Covex.axts. Borrower and Lender covenant and agree as follows: <br />t. 1!itiymtpt of hMctipl rued Interest. Barrbwet shaft ptrmptty pay when due the principal of and interest on the <br />indebtedness evidenced try the Note, prcpayrnent and Saie charges as prnvided in the Nate, and the principal of and interest <br />on any Futuro Advances steered try this Mortgage. <br />2; !!!muds-tor T~ttea ord Itrmosice. Subject to agglicabSc taw or to a wt•itttn waiver by Lender, Harrower shall-pay- <br />to I,eodei en the-day tttonihly itestelFtoents of principa}and interest are payable under the !Vote, utttilthe Note is full, <br />a surfs' (Herein "Funds"~ etjttal to ottctwelfih of the ycarty taxes -and assessments which mey attain priarity over- this <br />INartgage: and gtautttl rents on the Property; if any, pros otre-twelfth of yearly premium installments for haLard insurance, <br />plus one-twelfth of yearly premitun installments for martgagc insurance, if any, alias reasanably estimated"initially and:from <br />tsetse to tirne by Lander oe the basis of assessments and bills and reasanable estimates thereof: <br />The Funds shag be lxtd in an institution the deposits ar aecaants of which are insured or guaranteed by a Federal' or' <br />state a[r,EnG•.` CincSUding Lender if Lender is etch an ittstitutian). Leoder shalt apply the Ftmds to pay said taxes, assessments, <br />insurance grtattiyms and groiatd ernes: Lander nay trees charg' for sa holding and applying the Futtda; aaaiyzingsaid°ae'c~tilttt,- <br />or verifying'and irompiling said assessments and biSh, unless`Leoder pays Borrower interest an the F~ittds` and applicable taw- <br />permits Lender to make suctr a charge. lkarrow~er and Lender may agree in writing aP the-time ofexecution of`this <br />Mortpge that interest an the Fttnds shalt be paid to Bonovwer, and unless .such agreetttent it made or applicable taw <br />requires such inflreat to b¢ paid, lxnder shall net tae required to pa;• Harrower env interest arearnings on-the Funds. Lender <br />shall give to Borrower, withrntt charge, an annual accaarnting of the Funds chewing credits and debits to the '" sods and the <br />purpose for which eult debit to the Funds was made. The funds are ptedgcd as additional security for the sums set:ured <br />by this Mortpgc. <br />if the anttwnt of the Fe3nds herd try Lander, together with the future monthly instaBmenu of Fun.ts payable-prior to <br />the dm dates of saxes, asaessmeAts, insorattet premiums and ground rants, shall exceed rite amount required to gay said taxes, <br />aafeLlaeirls, ittsurartce premiums and ground rents as they fa}3 due. such excess shall be. at Barrower's optian, either <br />ptoeA}uty repaid to Borrower ar credited to H.'vrawtr :`tt momhly installments of Ponds. if the amount aF the Funds <br />Meld by !.coder sltali ncN !% sulficiept to pay taxes, assessments, insurance premiums and gmund rents as they -Felt -due, <br />Hortpwa'sltail Qty 10 I.CAilei HAY amount necessary to make up zht dctleirncy within 30 days from the date notice. is mailed <br />by I_eadtr m Hturowrcr tegettstiAg pa}'mcnr thereat_ <br />IJpeet payment in full of all stuns secured Sy this Llongage, i.,rni^r shag! urampity refund to harrower any Funds <br />held by Lender. If under prragraph S8 hetea# fix Prcgerty is sold or the Property is at#terwise acquired fxr Lender, Lender <br />shall apply, txa later than itrta3e,»atcl}• prior to fix ~aie trf the 1'ro~m° Deers acquisition by Lender. any Funds Steld by <br />I.tratder at the tune of asp}i.°atiott as a creels ars33tiet tlse stun3 s~u3rd by this ~iarrgaer, <br />3. ~dirstdaa d 1'ayreat. C:nfesa appliuiale saw s.rt~.vidi*s txtherwtie, az3 paymems received try i_ender under the <br />Mott aAd puaQtap}ts S and 2 hexes!` shall tee applied t+y l.rndEr hest ,n pa}ment tit amounts payable to Lender by Borrawer <br />tutdv parajraph? hueof. tbe:t to interest payable ;,n the \nte.:hen to the princlpai at the Note.:tnd then ti: interest and <br />p*~t~ oft acv Fttttue Attcattcta. <br />i. C~~ Lira B~roaer~cr ctaa#1 pa sd laxez, xssrssnrentro end ~zzner charges, tines and impasitians attnbsatahse to <br />the Prulralir trteielt mry atraiA a pnority crver ;hrs ltongagr, :,std iesseieai3 pavtracats car gerund cents, if any, in the manner <br />pmarided ttAd[3 psraE[aph 2 hexeAf uz.:t nra pa;ai =n .ucb manner. ~y itarrowEr making paytt3ent, when due, directly to the <br />p~ therwi. Borrows shat! pratnptSY furtnah re t_erzeter acs raz,crs tit amounn dun uuder tttn paragraph, attd in the event <br />BArrttwxr slam? maser pa}•~tn <firecuy, t3a:rt<a~tr ;stall prtrntpthl tumish so Lender receipts r•.•rdencing such payments. <br />Ha[tower shalt psamptly discharge sus ;aen rwhi.h has ~rx air ..a>:ea thrs ~ia-trtgage: rrovtded_ thsz flarra'twu shall nut be <br />taquixed to discharge arty each ;xa ,.o lozxg as tTLHrOerrr ::staid :.grre 1n .,rltsng tea the paromem of t*_ ohht;atton •,e%ured by <br />stada Step an a ananaer acsxpta6ir =.o Sa.Adsr, ar =nail sn gocxs tart!; ~:mtr.; such lien hr, car dtfrttd entcamemt:nt of roach iieA in. <br />legal pmeceedittgs wltirfa ~opmtc ra prevent tax erturcrtnezt ai ?ae seen tar dortEau~re ~nt tt±e 1'n~pert}- y~r unp part thereof, <br />~. Aa1LS+i trtsopea ilortrvxr a#xaii T:eeg t§ae =mpr~t'emrnts nsna cxz.lsng nr lsursttrr : reefed an ;he Pr3~portp' insured <br />aE~1'n loss 1»' fete, lsasarda iAeludrd :a•tt4xn tht Errm -:^atcndtr::.r,ctaxe ~, atsd ;u.h cKher ?ta:,a:3s a• S_enttet nee: requirr< <br />aAd in such .amrwota awst fxu stmt prrtoils as S_znakq :oar' sequrrc, ~ rc•Y1r3rd, it+at !_cndc;r ~haf= a~ut rcyutrr shat t?tr amount at <br />~uctx ca~arr~iscgt cAC~iti ttsat aAStwaszt zf ctavcraga rcx{as;rssi t.3 pa} the *armn ,rc::rrd ?+}~ lists \lartvzg.:. <br />The ittwratact inner pnat~Ag the inaurarn,K• ~,l:ati ate -~he~rtr ir} Honer+>rxr wwhtnt as attprcwai ny T,tadtr: pec±vrtied. <br />tltstt aw.l3 approval shalt not be :uarcasonat>;} witf;heid iii ;rrt~nv:=mom ~n enaurarYa ~itcart 4aaii - rni~; eta [!tr manner <br />Fttsavtiied utaaier parttgrtrptt -' htttri ter..:f tu.~ peed srs s:sL'i3 tnantxt.. sat ttorrcnaEr nt.~rng ,:a}naeni.. utrrtt .;;a,. ,t;re•-rt+.}• to the <br />imwtxan.~e casria'.r. <br />AB oKUrattce polx^~ts anii;euruxis c~3rrr.„ wit ;~ r , t,.xm :.,.ep1<tataa t.s 1_~ tt~s ~rtct s. :. ., .ten:iar3 ruarzgsgr <br />aSaa3ste to fasur tst ~trT aft fartA alseprattie 1a ixnder. 3 crdr3 ~staii *.~ee the ,¢3t *..r ;tir31d nr n,*i1 rt> >trS e,rnc.. a;, :hrrc.~.i, <br />std, lptrvwu shill pratrppt!y r`tsxntstt to Lrrakr ail xrssea.a; tit,€ric .t=S a3 atitietjrr> ~*4 gaasd ~ietrta:mta Ifl the aaEni i+f h n>. <br />Iip'pt s~el! gismo prro?mpt ttattr~ to the ,na~urnrn.r rarrarr 'eeir S rxuktr. ?.,Eaat^s ecmt c7eai:e ;tt c~=t +=i lac; :1 : st u:.~r pru~plly <br />by Hurrs~rrsr_ <br />!.solos Lixadet 8nd $Ani+SkCS A-t}iCd4ssE +~j*rYi' ;%5 Nri#r ~. f e~utilll:C Srt%:2e'~!. S11Gii '_4` :t +tr1}t~t - ~~xtOr ul3UJM e+` rG;?a47 .V <br />tltt Itt>uputy ~, px`tv3iiut such rrsttaxatrt~x::~; ra , ..c,aaatntcrr+h =ras.tsie ants tie,: +r::urtt+ = i thta Mortgage : <br />iffatrlty itppatttd• I# st~t~:h rtxxrstson ur repeat ±a rzs=t c.w=:x.rmxe,~ti} ?cavhir .+r =i rite .~.t;~ua~+a,. of th?. '.tcxtgage ax~.auld <br />6e ta>y~trtid. the imurarxx 7artiixtd> xiaais err ~ .: z'.1e ~::.ra ss',:sari.: h} ]has, '.=,1h ;rsE rrocrro.+, ,? z:n}. (eald <br />to 8ortowt~a_ If the Prtapert} is ah~r3~nets tx} fkwra'aasrt, n. t ls,~ta,~sc= ;>c?s ;, :espcrut z,> sxliicr :rlthrn 3tt da}> frnw ilx <br />date ~ staaa9 by Letrdet tr'a ficli-r~ywcF t lac :csa~sr.aaM:: r.rzr~,es :site. ?,,* settle :, . ,stet #at ,teeuran>x bearhts, [ ender <br />~. aWbl6rnCd to :~lie~ and apps}' the atxsu3~er~:.e a~1..,..t,,._ .:t tx-z;,iea s .+pts.~x3 cxii3er t ~ rrst,.arat;+33a ,-rr reparr .,t rtes: pra~rperty <br />ar ao She sattru se+:ured !~' riaia Nottgagr. <br />t 'Aped ta~cle3 and B~SJ~Mte.. ,>thr,°re~ ~Z~ +n e, tar~,.:tr:,} -~.:s xTr~ir,.~: ,nc ,=i r,.n,::.eds t..s fr.a.apal wha;i ntrt rrotcud <br />~ #C t;be drat daft aaf t}ae ttararthly s~stm2tar3t:;r, eSr t.a ., rt naxagr-~ ahs 3 .xn.1 ? ttcxrtl cr ,.hata~.• s+ze amat=nt n, <br />sut:lt is>LSitatAa'i. if t3.attt t~wt' 'xgta}'~ its .lsc.~::rte i'r a;.-~: t} .~ ,,,rx.~ try _c=;:icr ai, t;gi~t. =,ac xt;:; ,zlerest ,-~I tic~rrowet <br />~ axal ~ aA}~ iApataxn-,E atar#. an rc1 :h.:~-. _~t~-~ a3v... ,>axF-;t,ny 31 _ . _a.,:ngc. t<, :.ns Pra?p,:,rt. i' ,..: to [see ,,:+k: <br />or ~~ pass ~ Lax zr the z .u_ :~E fix ~;~ _ixarrs n} #~ 4t ~-;tgag[ :.Ya,ad:ar : fts+var .+, :ugh >xle rr <br />4 1'raWl~,aMl;-liaiptee3aaace t3[ Prnprsti, Lcsacltt.tis; C.osednraiAiyma; Ytuarud Lew llesr{upetaetts. Ha:ro:at-r <br />shaft rho ~ sit g~~ reQ.ur Hod t rust utrxzzai; ~tasrc a.r {>zzm:t ::rr~;rrntnt err .ere:ics;a;rtn o{ the !'teepee!: <br />and .:zuit~?r *vith the ~IS;v'iastaAa o; :ra} srxcsc =3 iii;:. !3„>tt,_s; fir; :.:>u :: 6rt,c~hv=d. .i ;i:u ~tisng,:ge :•: ;.r: a :i:,,t i:r .+ <br />«xsamitsis3€sa uz a ~~. un}t dEr~.ivpsncxst, fs+n',arxej fieL nzx3:xtis „1:.,,i ftci3.r~+r, w :uitittrtuns u:,iir.r t:;e ur.tasxt,;:t: <br />cat tx ::xrztitah or g«vcruir~t, #:nc .tan..^tdrr.~le.rttu'ts rv ;cisr;n:a .eau ciewE:i.pzlutr;s. r"rte lad-ia..,s rn+l regx 1nt,.sri+ ;,i the <br />~tatiiiart. Q4t pittax3ad unit *~F~rit, 3T~ e~s;i .ai..- :,lcs:.ts.::Ctit+ f# '.ui'-ca"ref+niu.n: tsz f-_:.x rd ,,i. ~. ,le'a c'IJ;titirrtt <br />rii~t. i$ ~ ~. iitt}t'#'asu'tr aAd rtrded fc't~{,7tit7 M' tni iiai?~ 'nlr+a t~a~t., EiSC sir".rt;ints .sod zy;rc'i.tneerr., : , +a,C tr F:dr'C <br />ahrdi.brs aaczu iut$ S$sitdl agtrtzti sect rs~.aprt~n3 :1st :o.rt_~r>ts sn4 xy.ranact;ik aft °,ta:z ?ai.utg:rge~ sa :t t'trt r:~iee' <br />avert ~ ,%'t fr~ao€, <br />~ ~ of t~nd-,C'tt SlpeaRll3. 1l &tuto.~:r ta,!s t,a Qtr".r=can t!se ct^vzr°,astu Yu~;t tt.gct;tuttutr, ..x!1ttu,ua;d ut t#sas <br />Yom, ar if YUfi a.;ux•. ;:. IM' to s:trztta::st:-c.» ~ntueh rnssritalfy .;!recs. l.aud':t'x rnierv~i i>. the Pexria~;te}, <br />mfw:,ng, L€ii :xa [uaittd t0, taA$ttR'an dCt3nAit3 a ua;.a- y. ;:cads'.- taraftrrcrtnYCxtr. [: artt:nycrr~rrs +7r pr.'v~eedtnus i+:rs>1trrg ~ <br />blank apt ~~. 3ar3u:;_ +h;a Ixni!€r at t~ u~r's, ,z - ,~ _ ~7<~~ - ~~~~ r. ttisti nr l:r s ~-.g; ~ >k~.- .~e~~ ?:a ~,u,<=- ,,?ts~r <br />a.l3ars sad take such +w`s,34r-r ~as itr elgitssats' to pns~a t..rt+~tt`s :n~tc:ept, an~,Se~tti3teg. tztc[ :xrt .:nt,te~f t.,, ales n.rr~.clrrs+nt .~. <br />a'e1eYY+i}tiC 9ci%+,ttT•CS`~?k It~'i tGi[y, i«~t{~`1. ibe ~'t31ji:Sty iy: tnai.C tc}ears. 7t i. iai+~fiE 1ry,;l.tii ,..v €{~.;x}yu s ~ -a;~t,e ,a .. <br />smut. +~ ~. tlse.laas, secured h3', tStts Irtstxsg, lk?.rtct~- -hxi€ p- , i=re F*cert':~u.ts rct,-.:r~:c? tt; - a ^.Ra:;-~ +u~c, <br />aatn?te is mar ^t ;gstil ~:ch tdrar as =6c e+ rzmra, :t~ ,.,.so-. „is.r...,,:e, p_.., ,.,, H k._ xer . ,..:. <br />