a. _
<br />80- 0096
<br />MU~tTGAGE
<br />'1'Fi#S M(?RTQAGE is madg 3hw .. ~~ .. . ,day of ,~
<br />19, ~. be[woen the Mottpsar,. ~'. p! . 3.ASS .~. v..~gr . ~.. .
<br />...
<br />..~~ .. . {herein 'Borrower") and ttreMartttBte, ~fie_Overlarrl
<br />N{tl ~ of c~'and Tplandr G2-and It3latxlJ Ndaraska , a rnrpotata»t iced and a:retina
<br />under tho h+NS af.. Alebraoita . ....:... . ............ . whose address is:. 3M ~, Rhizd StYraet,
<br />GC`a~I1a Sslae~dE Nebraalia, 68H01- . .
<br />WAS )imtowt:rss it-dEbted io I:cttder to tite_priucipai synt af... ~!~,~ `~.';~^~?
<br />fAtlth+Bd ~. - sari I;1D/290-- .... "'-.. ,Datlats, which irtdebiedrtess is evidettcM by Borrower's note
<br />datee~; ~Y ......
<br />.. : ~+ ~~ , _ ...... , (herein "Nate"}, ptavidiag far.matthty iturtallrnents of gcineipM! and interest.
<br />wiHi the baiados of the ids, if rtttt soixrer-paid, due ani! payable on... , , sTifi~ .~, , ~~n
<br />Ta S~cttttE to Isndet {a} the repaytaent of tAe indebtedness evidenced bq zhe Note, wFth ittrieresr thereon, the
<br />psymrrcee of aii t+tlter ~; with 'rMerest thereon. advanrnd in aecardance herewith za protect'thc.seeurity of th&
<br />Mactpy~.apd the performance at'tht otivetunts-and agreements of Borrower herein rannined, and-{h} the rcpriystettt°
<br />of any future advances, with intcresrthereon. made to Borrower by Lender pursuant to paragraph 2i he~oof (hweiti.
<br />e Adraaoes"}. Hoaower dtxx herebq tnwtgage, grant and convey tp Lender the faibwing descri6t+d. property
<br />ideated is-the C.atgtcy l~......... I~3j.1 ..... . .. . . ................. State of Nebraeka:
<br />10l: $!{1131 ('~Ll ~±1CL'1~?~ $IgCjG '1Sat? {2} Clf $. i^*. ~.HZ'iCrS Additir]n tp t2t~
<br />'ti>_V 8f T31PlrtC~E [~~ tY, Aa.4}td.
<br />wYici kaa tie at~drrct tat.... _81t3. ~t ,3i~t2t. ~: ............ . .. , .~?Od, :~sEl, ....... .
<br />- (86ntii ,czrrl
<br />~' , _ . _ fheiiia'"i'"r+rtti ctrhtr°ess"l;
<br />-t~~Eragl• -
<br />~`4GatltFt '- ~ rise atml~ttrvetacrxts txrvr ~n lrerett[tre crtett:+~ ~ the pr~xxty, arxri all a`rocttzs, righta,
<br />~:a~« ntrtti, roy~. drat,; tii3 arerd r'ts, acrd tua6ia, ,rater, water right>, s»a3 wtrter std, aad al:
<br />6uwcc auw ur lKteatttr ~r~atd trr rite prs.±petx}, ai9 ,: ; wtv«tr. an+~lur3iog rcp;su:roents aad arldittunn t}rereto, shrill he
<br />deewai to be srri r~tga a,patt ttf piralxrix .~.c red *~ :his 1lcrrtgage, azu3 ail „{ ttrt tttr€gf.ing, trlacthtr with said
<br />prupeny {rt the 4eatrbgiQR;tatie d_th®'ilox5ge a. ,,,r ~ ~aae9arldl arti roan re.earr~! to ab the'"Prapcrt} .
<br />Ar+r.rw.t c.+vsaagn !hal ilfxroweria Er.wfaily rr~ t~ wst r,,y, ctuzvcyErj atui hrts zlra rigLt to azcut~agc~,
<br />giranr a[td Wave the ikvperi y, thin :he. Ptasprrty is urvetr~:trsrrh+:rci3. ears Fhat trktrrr:ssr ~itl ~v:rrzasst and tielarrat
<br />iperrera}iy t#tt title to t6r hrr~rfy against at# ctaiira arxf dcma~, ~;ra4~ject sr, nits •,~eaarat;c?rs. ~asc:rrn nts r;r rest: ic;tirrsa
<br />lpttts,',.-,n a *.IK.JuIs~.+`at. caceptMaaa tG ~:avcAage. any tstle ~rursrrrrcy path: askst;ting d,r-.iisx,r'+ inta~ss:st ;:a the 1'r4=;x~crt~,
<br />