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80- 7 <br />UKtFan[s Govtihni«rrs Borrower and Lender covenant and agree as fottows~ ~ ~ - ~ <br />1. Taymest of Ptiatipal nail latrrest. Harrower shaft promptly pay when due the principal of and imerest on [he <br />ittdrbtednrss evidenced l+y ehe Note, prepayment and laic charges as provided in the Nn[e. and the grincipa! of and interest <br />an any Future Advantxs secured by tills Mortgage <br />3, Faads [ur Tans eat lasaraacr, Subj€cs to appiirablr !aw or to a written waiver by Lender, Harrower shad pay <br />to Lender an the dap• monthly instailsnents of principal and in[srrst err payable ender the Note, until ties Nate is paid in foil, <br />a sum (itrrcin "Funds'"i equsi to one-twelfth of the yearly razes and assessmcmte which may attain prinrizy Duet this <br />Mortgage. and grasmd rents on the Property, if any, plus one-twsifrh of pearh° premiam instaiimentr. far hazard insurance, <br />plus flee-iwrlftts of yearly premit,m itfs[a;imrnts for tttartgagr insurance. rf any: ail as reasanabh• estimated initially anti from <br />time to brae try Ixttder on the basal of assessments and hills and rrasanable estimates tiserraf. <br />Tisr Funds shall be held in aft Institution the deprrsits or accounts of which are insured a€ guarsnteed by a Federal or <br />start age.`xr #irsc-istding Lrnde-r Fg Lrsr3es is such an institati4nt- t_cndzr sisaiF 3pg3y- ti>r Fu[tds Lc, gak° said taxes, assessments, <br />€tsttranct prtmiums asad ground rrnta. i_tnder may rst charge inr se hotdiag and app;pitfg the Funds= analyzing said acwftat, <br />ar verifying and cempstiag said assezsttten~s atsd ixitis. utt=:esx Lrisder }says 1}om,wer interest on the Fund': attd applicable law <br />permits Lender to mate such a eharlte, Borrower and Lrndtr may agree in writing at the time of ,.zecution-af this <br />?~artgage that Ftstrrest ar+ she Ftmds xiaail be patd zo BatnRxver. aad uateFS such agrcetttent is made or -apptieabie law <br />zquires such initrrat to ix paid. ! <ndci sitaif ns,z ~ reyu+teci [.? pay &~rrower am in[ertst c,r e<srtsiags oa the t''•nds: i:.ettder <br />shai€ give ra Barraw-er, „-ithr~st charge. an annual ace.?untrng of the Funds rhou ins; credits and debits C, the rands and the <br />pur-p`ose fc,r wh;vh each drhit to tttt Fuads was n;adc Ths Funaia :tee ptk"dged a> addrtirnat securisy far tine sums sectrrtd <br />t?y .{Yt$ i'li3rtjl~!'- <br />If tlx amotuzt of the Ftsndi lx#d ht Lrnder_ t~*gatitcr v+rtl: sip Eaton; monshty instaldmrnts a€ fiundx payahia prior to <br />the due dares a=+f razes, assrssmeniz, cnxnranrs prtztuums atsd gn,uad rats, shale! sxseai the arsauat required to pay lead taxes, <br />assrataentc smurattce pretwtttns aad ground -eels as .issz ea:l dos. sns>rh rtce«.s shall tse, at Barrawtri tzptian, either <br />ptom;,t#.r repaid u> Berronrs .,r credited to Bcarrawes ors rtearltty :nsta;;rtsents tf Funds. If the amount of the Funds <br />held by Leader shad net br suf£seimt to pa3• [aaex, acxrssnvnta. Insurance grem,ums and ground rsncs as they fait due <br />8o,=rasrr siuii gar to Leader ens amauat zxi-~ca; w- !r rns?;e up chr ttcfi. ea.v oa[htr, 3d cut's irnm the dale notice is mailed <br />iry Lttxier to Borszswer t~uexung .xayrnrn: thereto? <br />t.ip°tas gagmen: sn fui7 :± ail s:unx sr~s:;ed ht *.h:, >fctrigage, ! radi`;' +:haii ;,romn[iy retsand to Harrower any Fends <br />ite~i by Lctxdcr, ii uts,der Ysraagraph IS hrrta.t tie PnTpe,t} n ,.+td ,;; the Property •s suisetwtse aiquired ny Lender. Lendea <br />shall aptsix, sa later than ssnm48ii'ateis r,m,r to ?iat zsle ,=t the iaretxr~e _,: its a,<curstt~,?n `,s tender, aat Funds held bs <br />l.etadez at t$e tzam of appiicatitan as a .refit agaattst the au^: ~ sec urtd ta} ,t:sa 'ltortgagr - <br />3= Aplieattaa st r'11~~ t rscxa appf:i:at=ic taw pr.ra=.?rs „ti+,tnttsr. si! paynsrnts rrt•~ited by i_ender under fife <br />tiatr aad paragrapita .' oral ; isere~z,€ +haittx api'^:eesf tst i.entfe' reef :, pat tnre,t cat a.•rs,=uuec payabSe to i.cndcr by Borrower <br />antics paragraph : hereof. =.brn to anterest i+a3-able t*n t11e \cs,e ;hrr::;> the pnncsp~a, of the`:<,tr. an:f turn t,= interest aad <br />grxiwspaf .art ear Future .id°:antts,. <br />3, l.IrsRsx ILaa. &~:uwt; -~F~s: F;sg a.:3 ^:z,r,. _.,r>smr::~ts ~... ««trrr _h:.rcc=., rs;7ec,r?d ia~snrn:t:ens attrsbutahle tis <br />the Prr~rt} ax9*a.:~ ma4 anam a prtea~y «~,er ?rt;: ~! mgrs, :k ,a tea.en.=?.? ;-a,msn:a ,:: rsrta. rf ang. in Ehe manarr <br />s~sa~adei ,racier ~h r artrc,t : ,! not ;faze ;,~ Wis.::. ° ~- ~rx; «.s H:~-rru-es ;,:..:%[^g , acr;trut. ~~-hrc dye. «i:;rcttc ti? rise <br />}sayae tiro?. Ltorra,+.rr shit; gr x~a- tti __.`? t,. €. e_,.n.: a. ... _ «.: ,acs - ,.,FS v~~ :: •+.drr th.+ pxragtagis, and in the rvcm <br />Bstr.r>-+wrr .ra.> matt paszsxs-t d.. e_-t:s'•- ~6.--Arwcr •.nat{ „«-.~?-, -.r~-.,.!t :.ire=r* ~._rzF:+ e ~dI^:erg >:r.:h patmCnts. <br />Barsx+>ie: >3taai yrxtmixip aisa:i:atgr ;~? : c-t. .., cr .~1 ttgac• . ctrd 'h;c S,,rr, +Maif a:,i hs <br />rcga[xrd *.c, dese~aalge an}~` su:,'! leas v~ iaaag > B =. ++r t'`a~ ~_~^cc ,;. .r~,-rtb : _ Via, ntmne ,-t zhr EIS,±n~au:,CZ xccurrd by <br />ses~it fxKn an s mana;ex ascxprabic =,? i.c:seter .... . ,,.w' t-,,;h .,.ar. ..,. ,. , - «,rtaz,i r:,t:~:tcm<nt „i s.:.:a flee tn. <br />d[a$ pt~sx:eitttg+ ritfc3t :.;,r,grrats z,., prra err :?~ c•.,_- ., .s, ,.,, hr :.., -_ ,,. rtr~t«.:.r s~ -t .hr f'€:>{?e.ete ..t :watt thereof. <br />S, Haiart Itasrraaes. &vt err ~t:a:t I«rrF .'_~ ,. +'tar;rne, :s.. , .:,t ;sg ,. .rn.,ttc:. ,.;?~i «!n trw^ Pr,^sb:rt} rnsur=~d <br />agaxnstt?v:~z ^« Sir=. isa:ard_ .st;;v+~std watts?z ;^?r i,rn+';,3 .. root c .., <'at ~~erdj ::, ie?adrt s^.at rsyu;rc <br />an sfw~h acsn ~.Etz~ as?d [t=a +ant?: pesi-~s9a a. 1 s:~~wa +'st :~sl ~..a.. ";ae.[ .:. 3 .-r~~, rti.r: z-±:.ri ~,ts chat see ~. aa+:,unt ,=i <br />91Y`..t': :„p>aYr:k~* rietrd rhaE 3,'1'k?:.t .7 ,~ -:,•=[r S}e -C+i:a.rc'tit - ;°%`^ ¢--t ~ .,k* ::.«. ,. -«u ^t :`r-. 11.5 t.s x~*£ <br />Tlfc s[xaatar~~e ~..arrxr ~ata$i:xtg ^th; sas'.tia:;xrs~er "ai !*r *s.~.•.:a '.ry H-,-r ., ?,±,;c - ,. ,,.pg: »_ } ? r .:r. rc.w+.r3;.d. <br />tAxa[ aaxf a'#^~>. and sharl'i z~=,s~ ~=,re,d..+s^f; ~rtix^x';a3 4=-~ -..-„ _; ;. _.*3c -~.£a :rte, ~ _.- +~ tFs eta:tr~a~ <br />,tided it9Srt ikri~fatph 2 ?sr; ~-e; i~x. -:t :.n*a p.e:~.! .., ,.s.. ttarr5~s ,,, S,Ax r,°-icrnia t.:;.g ay::tettt !-.x.. 4~: ::xr~vsy t,, •tse <br />:tsstartsatx~ c~rrxtr. <br />.~'tzss:cr a^t£ *`k aL[iu '+'CIxC"+ .:iK. ... ,. ,''2- ... .~F2i. - ,:hE£ .t «, s.: «,;=u '-, ,... cf-~.._ ,.Y ,.._.~ .. i?Y!'~3~!'C <br />:taws :~~ tst:~.._ a:sd srs f.~rstx ~,r, tagtr ,. i,.ve: . _.r?... ... , <._ , ,.. g... ,. .., a..~ r>,.:;..,.. .._ _..,, .±ra=ec. <br />$ib~<a,Z•rr a~ai~ ~~t~i3o-itr t~:x;'~b° t:« Le~r,~# a;, era u, _ ,. ,.5 _.,.. a,i~ _ -i i» .ti ~ , _r-_?i.,t r, I? .. . .. , , , _ <br />iktrts?tn^er i~ ~.'rt gt,s~.ta?: ;r.:C~.~ :,- .#sr :~I<a<? ,. .. «, ;. r ;,.i ~ ;:zt„cr ::~. :r_„s t r,;..'f c. c ~> ., : -=t -.~. ta,, rr jrite <br />*w. Bcst'r+twct. ~ - <br />7.-n}CSS i:.xrosder drsd flrr~xt+w:t.:w`scr*,.:+: w~=tom a . .~_~ ....u-s,fi.c , -.~..s«s, a-`.n; h' sI+ta:`d '- :r,tc~: sr , .p.,ca+ ,.. <br />i~r Prztperty ~, gr€skt,}~d +s-.;.z °rai„aS-.:., -. , ,. ,rt„a-. .ri<zt^:= .~.«i ;,'a: .t: , ,.. ft' \4-.'.ig.i~;r <br />:, „' " <br />roof a#tc+eb±,- irsyltartrT. it x~;-h .._~'i ..r :ea~,p _ .?, ._...w, -s..,,. _,....... ,; -, _.:e;e, .. ths4 \[=.-„s.:g~ w,, u:d <br />Eft ;xtd, Cllr arss~a}tcx ~xxtsfa ssaat`i ~ ~gi i~t~ . , wa +~n h;„,,,,,; ,.,, "at, i xa~~tt. ~. iu~c*w n, :! sr?<, ralsi <br />iy Ssxacsste~ l3 t 1`rti*c€r`. ~ x:ae„«a«.cxi ,. E'si:`: °<,w ~c~r. w.,, #i. ~..c: »c. ,_., ~..: ;a-:.:. .-. 3 r «ic. w..h,:-. ;, ',.t> :s:rn~, ^hc <br />ttsic asrt .Y raask4xi b, i,szas#rz ~q, iF,_rr;.v.r ., °tt .:s.::,:r.c ,.. s :.. ,;*c•.r ,_. ,...r i:-r - . ~rm,,,t ~x:>e::^.[s. 1.~:;s-:= <br />tx ;sutla'tr:us:t1 „> e;~~s-a dsa,9 ~g~. ..§~ a.~,~: n~c ,-~.;<c'~i-a _:: 1 cr: . - - - <.,: a: ,ts.: ,., ;. -cjre:. r;~e i'-o}',i°r:, <br />;x tct rise stsntt: ac+.urcxt in t:ru M~rigst . _ ,,. , , <br />%-...e :~: ;,,.; ~- .tx ~„ ^.,.~~r'- n., -' •^,tie *,. , c.;rred <br />L§9~i"l~ i.T1iE';£`3 "JS~I B:'~Y:i."' - c i"..'+asE -i ,Y:,vY.. a- u. - ]„z, <br />a: ' aloe d,x ::ate ,;i :'.tt aaa.', .aa..a::rn£s,: ._........ .. - _„ , _ ,. ,~ - ..ttas.gc~ .. ari~„`.s:a: „t <br />aisi~tasr~i3.r~tttn it es_sft^s gata,~. ~« •'+fsr,e~t =.€ ={sett, ~ ,,.e ~-_ _, , r~ss~+ .. h;. ~ ,- .,c:. r*t~.~t R,,,;<,,. er <br />trS Y"1? Y.,^± raT's ;;}.4tt~'ASY=~.' }'XR`3.:~"# sb>3 ., s,xGi - :.'_*. '~:v'~a.: ::~ii£a .. s..,. ,~y ~ _ ;2K{r .~R:', , ,.`t t:.: isle ,.s_^ <br />_-:: y't~t't'..-? :zm- Asa ~ 2.r.'.ui3e, -a ~~t:e ~ ..,.., «, .,a~ ,,:aztt -ra.z :;-,:.. .> „ ,. ~ -.,;~.t:z,t:. r.,, .. .._.:h ~i:e . , <br />+~. li'1tMaY;a1'IaM lilt ~3aia~teawaRCft of `t i.sasss#sstat t~tsrttuataairae.: #'iaertcd ! rti# i)etz3tp+ueetts.«a;'a <br />s4ai! trr¢+ the Praaperr; tsa gzd tctsxa arm s°zr_+ :s:#, . ,a:tt=,^ aa,i.r ; : ;><::rt.. s,,....:7sr,.t :., uat.raa ,errs+z::. ttsz 3' :*l~r=.f <br />eau t9a:. :..°'~••issi'y~ ..;'i's ;'~ ~r~.tis a': na: :+ta~r ,, .... ,4ik,€v~.,tc .. s>*a a i. a.,~t,.-a.l .~:,. 't1x,. ra°c i. , i~:i .., .; <br />L=t a'f'~';~;e: ixr~-+Ci}~rCrcCx lka=: :x.x, °t5`+ir ~cr~xvsn ai e., crwres«. e. :,r,;,,..«; -. r~s r: n,~es .-~r tf-a,:, -. <br />s~ r'a7t'CSiaH 3 «3a<`,it esr g'=swtx..,.iag z're .c,r7 =g:. ..rut, - nta~t! r,a :tx• t;« z.a x.,.t- .` bs.«aw~ . •.u rake,!:s;a. i,.. id +. "rse <br />=i`-+r~Rrs«''.~y"wFm+Y aiA c~ i',is~a s3a'~ '4~T.AZAS~I ~.S. ...•sa ::ar3.s..e5~..,.. -w *.,.r,e:-:~., i; .t « ;;.F:=sn:n:4,-,z , r {,:-:.~. .c i1 :~~,-.. , ..i <br />rmirx a t~ tr5' rr,trssat' and *csup-t~«i .,ryter'az; wtrr. its+a 11 ..,gam. ar .tr'.etla } s ,:sa: tgst:¢tsfzrti, }t ,.<;€, .... <br />tisaii Ttz trr~.oz~atat~a aato told shret3 attsenLt a=~s~ su;z:x=_rcnt t?t: t..`*t3+mnts alto! nsteirzac~tt =,l .s.;. 4ltstig;rgs ae :1 ;tic at.kcr <br />rpttc.ale asxt iscrrxat. <br />~. haa~cslala al_ ILL~>• ~, it BtY€re wq'S ta?~ per.«.:t#y9 ;!'i:. _nw~pa:Rs Mt.:! agtretttt n{y, ..°r t~ +;,,~d ,,. ,":e~ <br />~± a,t i# 8m'- .~:~ prar:~cc~teg <a :.,~,r>ncrta.rc« ~~+»;:,~, ~•tt-aa,e_y .3Ttets .-8,~aea`e~ ai;rxii ~xrp :,hc 9a=x,}`*cn~, <br />s~,.t+Klk~ iK. t:,.tacd d.. axs;;,a¢~# ,'~-+ras.`at. .,.. e :,. ,-;>~ _ ... arts. , ., :~z-. r r:.: _ , :•r. u.e;xls ?.a, _ :a<,a,g, <br />!>t~.rt,is .tz..:r_:: s1,ca i;eradrr wt i..exus~ t a txl+t,ct t:,,:xr:.,>~ a-,ale .`.a,:t .u,'. ~ .?,:uiarc:c+. .,:,t:t:e~~ :,... <br />sgt#Yin 'aft .-.~,3: i`c•r.'act a*i as nrXC~st`• _. .. k,~~°z~ ,.:~-sz. -`~ng. u. ~-t r^.;€r _a..d ,.. ,,.: aehr`u. rsatsr. -. <br />Ariz -_.. ,r..+~t+,~.5~x S-e+rre nerd €tt:r} ;x~•r; _ac .I ++t,~sc ~ rafas.a, :_€.s+.:?, ;fi E?a~-•.: ecrtts,rru ,si , i..aa ,t, ; <br />i:stty,• i'3 rr. +:'xit:s ~::su-c:~ ~g ih~ ~i ~t~,y~e~:. i#?~aa; [ s•.,n» ~ 'le^s ~ sa ;.x;zaa r _,. :iii€a -. .-.... <br />rtw~~-.. f^t e;:Gc' rs~ ;t~~ :,tom it:rr "_~ :-e~y'#FSY~:..y..kt .ta 3~:..`. , tv,.c„...,,. ,,..<.x..~. w. _.. «{r „~ ~, ,:h+ti e...-,xs. ...,, <br />