<br />Lenders st^rizttn agsremens ar applicable taw. Harrower shall pay the amaunt of alt mortgage insurance premiums in the
<br />manner pravidcd under paragraph 2 hereof.
<br />Ann amounts disburud by Lender pursuant to this paragraph 7, with interest thereon, shall become additianat
<br />indrhtrttnrss of tiartawer set:uttd by this Mortgage. unless Bi+rrawtr and under agree to other terms of payrneni, sorb
<br />atttottnts shall lx payable open notice from Lender to Borrower requesting payment thereof, and shalt hear interest from the
<br />date of disbursttoent at [ht rate payable from zitnr tr. time an mttstandttig pr'rncipat under the Note unless payment of
<br />interest at such rata waotd be cantrarv to applicable taw. in which event such amaunts shalt bear interest at the highest`tate
<br />perrttiadltte uttdtr applicable taw. Nothing rnniainrd in shin paragraph ?shalt require Lender to 'tncnr any expenae tar take
<br />any action hereunder.
<br />d. ltatttectdiee. Lender may make ar eatue to i*e made reastmabfe entries open and inspections of tht Property, provided
<br />that tender shalt give &trrower nati4e prier to any such insprctioti specifying reasonable cause therefar mated to Lender's
<br />inttrext in the Proper#}.
<br />4. Caaietweaitattt. 'The praretds of any award or claim for damages, direct or consequential, in connection with any
<br />caandtmttation nr other Baking of the Property, ar pan tfirreaF, or for comxyanct in lint of rnndemnation, are hereby assigned
<br />and shalt 'ht paid to I_endtr.
<br />Fn the cuter of a total taking of tttc irropetty. the proceeds shaft be applied to the surtss secured by this Mortgage,
<br />with ittt txcess, if am- paid m Hartou~er. In the event of a partial ;eking of zhe Property. unless 8orraw^' and -Lender
<br />a~ttterwise agree in wriling, there shalt tae applied m the sums srcurrd by this Mattgage such propnrtiun n. the praeeeds
<br />as is rquat to she! propottioa which ilsr amrntnt of the sums secured by this 1Fartgage itttmtdiatttt prior to the-date aF
<br />taking bean to the fair market +attsr n# the Ar+speriy immediatah' prior so the date of taking. with the balance of the proceeds
<br />paiW' to Httrrawer.
<br />tf the Pr€+perty is abar,daned lay Harrawrr. or if, after notice hp 1_ender to Hnrmortr that the condemnor athta to make
<br />an award ar stttte s claim for damages. &'trrcrwrr failx- to respattd to C.tnder within 30 days after the date sur-h notice -is
<br />tttailed. Ixrtder is sttthnrized to collect and apply the pttxerds. st Lenders aptian, either to rnstaratien er repair of the
<br />prt+pem° or its [he snms sectirtd t+r shin \fartsattc
<br />L%nle;s tender and Bnrrawer a+ihrr~RSe agree to .a~^ring. am~ swift apph.ation ref pret`eeds to principal shalt eat extend
<br />+sr Ixxtpotae the due date os iha tnanihl}' instatimrrts refer:'sti to in paraGraphs 1 and '? hermf or change the amrntnt of
<br />uact: instatlmettis.
<br />t0. Wra~rer VA! Rekared. F_xtcnstan of flee t:mr €:?r payment nr rnadiflcatton of amartixauan erf the sums secured
<br />~a ~.^.~ ~=~_t sr,r ter t;, ~v . --_ -- inze--ass of 6orzawer theft nt*t operate to rettase. in any manner.
<br />the tiaL+ititc t+t the ctaginal Hcaarrower sad -Horrrrwtr`s successors ;n interest tender shat! not l+r required to commence
<br />prxacttdangs against such xucctsssr ~~r rrfust to rs-ttnd tantr sa,r paY~mtra ,ir ozbrrwisa modih' amartixstinn of the sums
<br />uz.s;rrd bY~ this ittoTtiitEe by rrasast a=` ant dtmand made hr the :xirmai Hotr, wrr and Aorrawer's suecassars in interest.
<br />tT. FerMarace !rR I~atke tie a Waiver. AnY farirarance ht' i c.^.der in ctertising env sigh; ,ter rrmrdY hereunder, or
<br />rHixra-is2 atTordtd h}^ applicatak jaw- slta:i nos'+e a wan~rr ~,{t :,, nrtc'scsde the r>.rn`.lse ++f am- +uch right or rrmedy-
<br />Ttat t~urttntnt ;.~' imarsnax air the pavmtnt .+; texts .ar :nahrr ?:ens ,>' ~ fares by ; ztrder .}tail not t+r wa+vrr of t.endrr's
<br />right ?: aexirtate rise maturit3* r_.t tttr andei+ttdns•s4 .^cx:rcd by rli, ';t<.7carc. .
<br />12. Ra~etYea C~tive, At? rrmta.4rs prt~s=..~rd ; . t??tc ~'<rtt.agr am +i:stintt :n,? _utnt:#auvr m anV riper right or
<br />rtmrstr =>-.tadrr mars afnrtg--: crr~ :aiTC^rdrd t*t- tax : ~t •r,;!ntr.~ ^.<nu ma+~ ^+r r.ercece4 cuncurrcntl+,'. i•.uaeprtedrnt3v os suceessivroly.
<br />l~. Saeattaa~s aai :ratigws feaad; 7oiat and 4•errl t iatw'Fitr; Capital. The <<»cnants and :tgrermrnts herein
<br />c:as,aaaizx^d shall hand. and tzte rights hereunder ,j*ait anazrc t;+. t;:e ~rsprct,+'r su:cc;mts and assiq,rc <+f t ender zttd Rerrou'er.
<br />subieertt trs ttse pro*'isiatn c'ti parakrapit l7 htrraz. ^trs cez~raal~ n.m? agr<ctttenss of Hare-wzr shasi he tc.;nt and several.
<br />Tlxt capttc+ts_s anti headings of tht paragraptas cif thix 4t,°rtpa~*r arc ':tr ;:+nvenarn:r :~stts :rn~? :rr not t.+ t,r ,i~'t t=a
<br />interpret .'+: dr-Fmr ttsr pro4LticuiF hex~rr.+f.
<br />ti, Vr~~, ~xctyi for nay raat~ re+io;ttvi :+ncier ap} lisaetrk loo tsr :x yrven ,a ant shrr manner. lei am roizcr r.:
<br />ltarseaecr pM vrdrd ti'<t en this ~tortgakc ateadi '.+t a[~ten ~a r;;n:ting .tsi#: r~~;rir by r~fUffcd n:ai7 adder+erd 1.+ A~rrr+u-rr at
<br />fix t>!~c+prrCY ~=ts~'tti* err :rt scxh .+ilarr at3da+. ns Herz,-++r; <^tns 3c+agnatr h+ :.vticc tr+ i r:r«3sr y> pruviatcd h~tein. nett
<br />ib4 an}~ ;~~ecr ~ i_cndcs shaP t±t p„scxs_ he nertahci a~ta^t_ !rtutre ia4r:pt ttrituestrd. t!* 1-es'te4r{c ad,3rc~: sratrd httcir, or to
<br />sgrh rutttr addrety as t:et~er may designate h} au.ur t.e Hz}rzatasrs as prt:r,dr.xi 'i+rreur -1nv a„tire !+rs,vadrat f+ar an Chic
<br />4te+tigaat shalt ter. itrcnxrd its l?av: f+e+tts garist t,a t3n: rr?-..-rr c-r ! r,xirr +. dtra g; vcr in ;'sc rts3nrer =3est}r;atru '-~-r:~in-
<br />i}. l°wiliKat NoApgr; Gnstrwirta l.at+~ Ge3eralittY. 3?,,, .,,:nr :;: r.e,sYgagc .t,srbi^ts x^r.,ftr`ra _.aveta,s:,++ fz!t nsttonai
<br />case and rx.~-uniftrtm ~+vrn~snr ~.~wsh €itt+n~ s,xr,aaa>es. hi :~~r- +,a, r t ~ E;*n-t t~€. a vn t a:ni ~n~ - ~ tt zstnesttcnt .c~+-acing
<br />rsat pr+?pcrty °t'hts '4tcirsgagr she" ire x-.»y~. navel !+e :~ :.^>b r~. ter .urriitr.s .n ;:. -.l:ics^ ttrz t'rrna-rte i. '?axated in the
<br />crtttt tlssa any # r.+vzs:,nt+;x itaux .>d tRt+ ~ican~.t~r :~. nt ~.:a*:°. ,, ~^nilnr< ~a;th ..;.z-Er.; a4*.e aax -.rwn -tins}tct sh ytEl r;,,t at7rct
<br />r>tr pxs?«s~s =+f ?has 1lortgr ~<=r a'~ l+. a .,,.- - _ ~, a=s-c.. °€ie.,i a•u -., ape t_ trti^ - _ r -4i.itrr_. and to the
<br />er+ti tilt pta'~ tti:bht .af iiK 'Eiarty.;iae - na r:K: rr ->'~ ~~s ,r s
<br />ilk, laerwter"s (.'.aft. 8orr -rwtr shut t+e .orrt, .hr i .. ,c.;~ ~a-nxd :..,t•, _ : ,tx '~:_~ -> r - .-f fi~tnrrg:«r a: the tame
<br />iv# ttrc.-+atian ~«t lilt r;t~ar'sin ite~ri-+'i,
<br />]4: Taaititer at tdie htMeriv; Atat~twtytron, tt ftz :,t ,+!ar ~ art : ?he i'ra+g+crta ,~.. , .nsetrs= ,?'4ta , i, r.,id ,,- tran,ferrrJ
<br />'b3 Rlll~ds~ar a;~tbr~tt t_en3ct's su~sr +arinee.:.=:a+Era. cs.tw:ust„ :3< t7~ .rrota~- .i? = bane rt rra.rwnhr t;ce a:inYtdtnatt ti
<br />1Nortpap, 8i•,l ttrt wreaaxm ref a paxrc.}sa..a rn~ ^:r,~ .;..v.at+ ,.a~:~~~s3 >.'.~ r~sar._>.ia5 _,,t +aa.r;, -.i freest-rr !=v .iavize,
<br />derscattl.>t b} t+pttatxi•ln i^!t'zar upR ft tht iea:h ,•t ., ., :.at eenana .~;
<br />t~cAtSas mnt,~a:lez~ee ~: „Zit s. .rstr ~;l =.hr .ea ce~~:rri ki'. th*s htosigagr to t+t
<br />itArttedsafiely ts':u artd,p~s}'ttislc, i ctsdcc .Fa;; t:a.~ ° sra~i ...,+ .ry:.rrr: ;., a~~ 'es =:r :. rr ; a'tc . ,u .: trz'ister 2 ~^z:.4rt
<br />a'u;i tAs pr'rs.'at ~= :d-htzta ttec T"s?}~s's'y a< r.= ae v^t'aL ar t, s.rfiet;r~-u r ~_e Mwtetuuna r _ ,+ =r ~ ta±a; ,a. t aaa , rch pc ru+s:
<br />xx srrtn.;a,:ur~' tz 3.trdex and t'.v-.a 3isc rrste:c.t ca:,yeii#~. <zg 'i. ~....._,: s:,~rx~ i`~, t^+x, `t.,st~~ t.- ital. sa,~-i: r..te ,• i ender
<br />'t}atil ~ 7f itrater tsar aatxrt ttx =.. e„ .. ~..rr.;r:_ ,s++-;,.psi : :z .- _. ra.,3rc,we . ,a.,~sz.,r '
<br />~#etett?:tat taecu~tad a wnti~ aaaas:nptrras ».,gserrrxrv4 aZ et.+.-ed a., t -r,t .~. 3 e.t.:rr i rr .ie? 1ta1d ~sleaee 13;.+•r `.«es ;rata a?
<br />r~ ur~lst- tfus'vly,xtgnge and ,ht ti~
<br />if Lcruicz stle;=isn.;sE :y-~.t,a ru a.',z;;er«ic. 3.e.~i.r :eat? sa.: Ra>,rc r . -::z.i.^ ,., a•.crer a,:,.t :,~, :r:J;~n.c ~n;th
<br />~rra~ h€'+es~t, `ia><^lt r.+;~~ chart ptoti~zc~ a 1'sr:.x. ~_ r~.:cs> sitar, ^t? ~ as 3-.tart -ear t,.t r,,,tt.~ .. f=ret :oi.#;~
<br />v.~~S'-r:,; ,..app t».:tsc ;aattz :ar~~ •.;r.: ' Fia..,..a, ..,:E3 .. ,. - , .. --- r. ,, .. ..-:<~ci.
<br />l-~~aettti itSa}. r:r:hc~-at izsrtbtr :r:xnt ,.: i!t.*axa'st# ~ a k<: r .. ntv:n, ~. <rr,cr#~c, ,x.:;rs i i -: -- ~,-at.i? ... .ct ctrl.
<br />titres-~t,€xtF~rza f.`rsw~t_r:.:e<is. R-u-owex aru: it .sie•, .s; tMr; .,.~, t. as ;:..~r.3 a~r+-s' ~, E;,±t~nw+
<br />l~. .fit Ra~tsdiat. lE`.actp tr {xuvitled is paragrapA 17 hers`sti, upt.n Bwttr+trr's brractt trf ens aosrnant nr
<br />apaan:ua e[ iarrawn ~ tits ~, ~ tYt s+wsacaractu tit tray epee due sn~ suatt .rattrrd ht this iforgtage.
<br />t~aaAar M'ir[ i. ~ t,itaM awl tratie+t t» Norm«et as prxaaidui in urtaRrapit 1< herryt tprcit_+atttta ill flee breach;
<br />{ ,7`~.Ule riclit~t t[~rrVrd.N rant sneA Msari: tgt s etale, avt ter tlsu 38 das?t faaw t6a dart the rtuiice it« ataiie^d txt 13w'ratwcr,
<br />~` a~ida.tttirttirear! viii-!k eared; and tai ittati taiiwe to crtrr tvrb frrtarh tsa yr tatlnte the date specitirrt in the xutticr
<br />magi rtteniit +ty arrtit~tiaat to iltw wand[ sectarrd !} taus t}ur~tttt, tnrrcAaatttre 6i yndiriai prtrectediaa and talc arf the t"r:pzti;.
<br />1'ia aitlk[r t+itati taii4ir tttlanr rt~sraatx ad tiro tiipi t~ ttriutwtata attett accddaiiaa anal tiu tigt,t t.> atrn ix+ ehr farrecikua+rr
<br />~ttiat~ jtte ~-a(# titrlaaii air ;rat deirar`t at Rarriesst~ tea a€crt,rrWisn avd inf'vaiutipsc. tt tstt tsreawh
<br />iF.trM ravel vtt sr tr~~"~+~.tirr r1Mt ~eiadtn'.ktr a:'stit'e. t.aatdcr of l.satks~r r}y€15rn ma± d;Fa~}srrr 3At of thr..autus +c-cured h.
<br />tots to Me ~t dal and pt? wiiiwat tartMer drn+attd and real fnreala,ie ix. j+ntiriat pra.~reaiitfy. i.ettd~rr
<br />ttrr~ fie taltalyd to a~aRrrt ~ taett parrediarg >~ fiz<yrtrte. trt ftmrr.~aruetr, Siu'tutNaK. t+W a4d tinrltrd t+~, .uct~ ..^rf dtr,.'arntcatar y
<br />tsiirat-q aisiracis atal ltNar rararac.
<br />1t1, lartwt.q's RiR1tt to Baia. ~:at'srttas.+an;S.tg 3 r:xt! : ..__ ,.... ...+. ,_, ,> ~s. ;gar
<br />$erLC+'r€d ~t t!'9t ~'eE 'l~tt q;~ '.a~'r€ ate', ,,? .. .awl-rAa,"c~ +r~.zr_ ;~. 1 9~ ,_ c. ,_ s .. ,:e. tti -to„k~a , ,....., _ ~ ., o. .i~.
<br />