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=~~'"' ~~ MORTGAGE <br />THiS MORTGAGE is made this...... 30Ti# .. . of.........~Y...........: , , .,. <br />! 9.$II., between the Mart~or, ... GA$.Y. I? .. 1J~QLI'~...I~, ~Ii'F~i~..E~R$O~L .......... . . .:,:.,, .. , <br />{herein "Bortgwer"), and the Mortgagee,. T$> .k'I.RST:.NXTIONAL _ <br />BAhiK. t?F..GI14..~$I~-'~34.... G~?P . _?.~? r . 13~8RA~K~...., a corporation ~ sad e~tutina .; <br />under the laws af ........~~$F~S~.a, ......................., whasc address is .. 2AZ : ~E3T. , 3RA : STREET . <br />GRREii3.. TSI aISC1. -1~IEB8ASKA . . .. . . . .................................. (betsin "`Lettrkr" j.' <br />Wttax~s, Hprrower is indebted to Lender in the gritttipai sum of . SEUENTEF~i , ~iQAS~3;: ~: ; .. . <br />SLIIdDRt:D~ A)lTYI .AIO,f l0it----r.----------, . Llollats, which indebtedteess is.evideticed by Bormwer's <br />datad.....'~:~ . 3,R ...~~ ~~ ...... (herein "'-3cuc'-}, pta~idiag far monihiy instaHertenu a~-Prittei4slti aetd inteeecst; <br />with the bakrce of the indebtedeeess, if nat sooeer paid, clue and gayahk an.......10I1E .:1: .... , <br />....2Alf}.......... , <br />Fa Sttctttct: to L.eadrr (a} the repayment of flee indebtedacess cvidettced by the Ncue, frith. i~enest tiletemt,~ the <br />gaytttcnt ai atl other sums, with interest thereon. advanced in atxardance hetewrith to ph%~t-the security of-thfa <br />'~-lartgage. aa>d the pe:xfarman~ ai the cotenants and agreements of Borrovccr herein contained;:and (bl-the Wit" <br />txf any future advances, whit interne thercore, made to fSortnwrr by Lender gutsuant to paragraph 21 hereof. (hmeiei <br />"Fnmrs Advances"}, B~rowtx datY hereby rsattgaje, gtrant and carrot' to I.eoder the fallowing dactx'bed Rr'nr`re~Y <br />Located in the caa~y of..... , ...'i~LL ........ . .................... State of ;r3ebnsta~ <br />THE 513LFS'fi FORTY-Ti3O (42} FEET c"~P THE Nf)RTH NINETY-TWO {92} FEET°OF <br />LOT Qh'E (1? AND THE SOi,TTH FORTY-5£Vv2d (~?} FEET taF TH£ NORTH NZNETl`^ <br />Tftit) t' 9~ } FEET C7F' TaiE EAST Ti+FENTY { 213 2 FEET OF LOT TirrO { 3 } ALL IN <br />SLOCK SZX d6) rr; THE Tt1Wfi OF OO?vIPH.~i~i, i7AIJI, CC}L`N1TY, NEBRASFIA. <br />m3ach'~ut'~eadtire~rs~f.... .....~,~~,.:*~?`~.•~.`ITiST,.S'f'E3' 1C3:yl~i'tf~r+3 <br />t3tr~tt ..... _ ,_ 2~3 , <br />'L+"E$#f2~liA _ _ 4.#3$ 3u2 _ _ ... , . (heiraa "Pn'r~rrrty'" 7. <br />;tar. sae zs r..+N <br />"l~rrtst:a wuh ail tiro in~rra euserrts tnr* ~=t hcr~rai~r cr~stcxi can tree prz=~xrt3. ~ttti ~i1 cu.ett~rtt4. ri~,iita, <br />APB, r ragaftiw, nri~rri. sttd ~~ rights n~i przafrts, motet, aas~x rr~htn, strti vrdrtcr ztrs:ic. ,~rtd sit <br />iisxtrrcr ~aM: ru hesf~er atttrcierd tc the prc>p¢rtf, a43 s.i winch. nctuditrg tepia4rrncttas artd ;triditi.xn+ the rt=ka, .Ixalt #^s. <br />deeawetf try l+e sad restraia t part e»f t psogetta c~rretce3 k~ tfrt.wi MtrYi~~gz~. ~.~ ail a•€ thctclrr:},ritkrr}e:. tcr~enc~r with a~td <br />~s€crpstt±r Ica tilt 1taaClxtdei estate ~ tires Mortgaac €c un a itssr}~riei i ;ar<• tta:re;tr tctcrrc,,l tea as the ' Pr€}arty`". <br />i~srtsrrsrr ,,.~te+a-sr'.~ first Rt+resvwaxr i~ta++irti3y acu:rri .>! fire 4ita"itc ,r,:rtb~ :c~ttvc sass ~esri rm~ t2re rr~ht r,~ nc:trt~tte;t. <br />yaa~ auMtd cssrs~ the Pr<tty, tE.ut tire. f!r~~xtr is unrrxavrsr2a:.rt;9_ ae7ti ,,*.ttat t`3r~rr~~ur-t ~a'ijl u"arrant acrd {:rtcnit <br />rir<- fire foie tr? the frrcrpart~ a;atr€4t all °iaats ~rrsi sknari#s. ~€,?at: t. ;•• ussxy d~,;irtr:rts+~=c,. ~zsenu~ii:{ <,c r~~re,,:ti,x+?Y <br />1~ Lea i t..rtaiitrle #~ u:arsci'rtruers f~ Ce.Y+~lat~ in -5~s4- brie rns~€rrr~~~- (5+xis~~. srs~arrt~rr~r i.,r^ra~icr> arsterc~t ur +he t'rtbt~rfv <br /> <br />