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prior to entry of a judgment enforoing-this Mortgage if: (a) Borrower pays Lender aU sums which would be ttren due under <br />this Mortgagt, the Note and- Hates securing- Future Advances, if any, had no accekration occurred; (b} Borrower cures all- <br />breaches of-any other covenants: or agreements of Harmwtr contained in this Mortgage; (c) Borrower pays- all reasonable <br />expenaes incurred by Leader in enforcing the covenants.-and agreements of Horrtiwer this"Mortgage-and. in' <br />enforcing LendeYs remedies as provided in paragraph iR hereof; including, but not limited to, reasonable attorney's fees; and <br />(d) Barrowertakes such action as [.endtt may tcasonabty require to assure thatthr lien of this Mortgage;. Lender's:inter+aat <br />in the=Property and Borrowers obligation to pay-the sums secured bythis Mortgage shall continue-unimpaired. Upon streh <br />payment and cure by Borrower, this Mortgage-and the obligations secured: hereby sha1F remain in full: force and eR£ct as if <br />no accekntion had occurred. <br />20: .l~fgnrteR of llerMg A~iolNnaeM ot-Recdr/e+,• Lsaier in Porteeaisw: As additional security hereunder, Horrowar <br />hereby assigns to Lender the rears of the Property, provided that Borrower shall; prior to accelenfion nndet paragraph=l8 <br />hennf or abandonment of the Property, have the right to cnikct and retain such reins as they became due: and •payable. <br />Upon acceleration urxirr paragraph iR hereof or abandonmutt of the Property, Cruder, in person, by agent :or by <br />judioiaUy appointed roceiver, steal! be entitled to enter arpon. take posaession'of and manage the=Ptopetry- bad to collect the+ <br />rents of the Propcm=, including tft~ past dtm. All rents tollccied 6y Lender ar the receiver shall-be appliad first to payntettt <br />of the costs of managemart of the Ptvpertv and collection asf rents, including; Gut not limited to; retxi~ror's fees;- <br />receroet's bonds attd reasonable attorney's fees, and then to the sums secured. by this Mortgage. Lender- and the reeiver <br />shall be liable to aocouat oniy far those rents actually rt:ceived. <br />2l. P>alene Aiaaaeaa. Upon rtgttest of Harrower, Lender, at Lendeis option prior to release of this°MOrtgage:.trtay <br />~' make Firtura Advances to 8otrower. Such Future Advances, with interest thereon, shalt tie secured Gy this.Mortgage what <br />evidenced by promissory Hates stating that said notes are secured hereby. At no time shall the principal amotmi of=4he <br />itrdtbtedttess secured by this Mortgage, rtM including sums advanced in acrordatrce herewith to protect the aYCttrity of this <br />Mortgage, esceed the original amount of the Note pltu USS. S.OU..OA ....... _. <br />22. Rs7nae: Upon paymenr of all sums secured 'ay this Mortgage, [.ender shall discharge khis Mortgage without <br />.:barge io Borrower. Borrower shill pay all costs of recordation. if any. <br />Ix WslvFSS WtiE1lEOF. Borrower has executed this Mq a r, <br />~~,~ <br />sr uyt3 e lr~ ,... <br />y~ ~ -~enewar <br />_~ ~~t; t` <br />~' Shoran G3:=e£te -~"Oa" <br />S'T-3TE of taEHtu-ssA3 <br />ss. <br />ctxtt~l'r ~ ~~ ; <br />The fczerFtring irsuumen>_ vas aakttcwledaed bett:re aye :,'tis ,3pt7~ . .day of_ HaY <br />. _ _ _ ,y8fl•. ~y _ Tony auyette and Sharon v^uyette, . <br />WiLZess my hand and natarial seal at. brand dsi3r•3, diebzaska _ <br />irs said COUniy, ttte date aforesaid. <br />~~tlpsattiiawi ~ ' '~ °~~ <br />1~ ~.. <br />a..~tr.tttaa.r - <br />try ioewi.ssion etcpirer:t JJ'-.~~;ty <br />tlssSt2tt»tisatT' OF t~'Yf{i's^.hC,B <br />tlli4Fl:Ai:L t!k'N &Y aii$'s& 1?kE&Et.'F'S, 4.i5at.~.ewmar3;3.3~. 2r'dtl.ona: lesAk,.&.'i'a:~ti6t. Cs.~e <br />(']-rsi~twrc"T Ytar 9~d atxd uitiuait7e t`~nsziferaticn to it to hand. Izaidu} rite ;>rt~snyica ?•sorc- <br />4a~ Pintlrsc+a t?sand, xxrgattiatad u:sa~r the iatss oY the 5ta*_e a# aebzasi:a ;"Ausic}t:e~";, cne <br />xafCSt2:pt of sd;.ich tuna#d+e~#t~i.ast a.a retry ~icknvvladged. :;tea t~a.xek} ae~;i~n. ^rar.~ter, .nil <br />Y~rt. tE3r :r~tut ail its t::i~ttts, tat2e, anc: intar_at in and s: t:~at c~xtair, t~arc- <br />~a!+7+f artriLattk$ Y,"~uyat:;a :arid s'3araax3 ~Ye~t~ . .:rntfc~ <br />