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Lender's written agreement or applicable Saw. Borrower shalt pay the amount of all mortgage insurance premiutns in the <br />manner provided under paragraph-2 hereof. <br />Any amounts disbursed by Lender pursuant to this paragraph 7, with interest thereon, shall become additional <br />indebtedttess of Borrower secured by this Mortgage. Unless Borrower and Lender agree to other terms of payment; such <br />amounts shat! btpayable upon rtotice from Lender to Borrower requesting payment thereof, and-shag bear inietest from the <br />date of disbursement st the rate payable from time to time on outstanding principal under the Note unless-payment of <br />interest at such rate would be contrary to applicable law, in which event such amounts shall bear interest at the highest rate <br />permissible under applicable law. Nahing contained in this paragraph 7 shall require Lender ro incur any expense antake <br />any action herwnder. <br />g. iageetier. Lender may make or cause to be made reasonable entries upon and iaspectians of the Property, provided <br />that Lender shall give Borrower notice prior to any such inspection specifying reasonable cattle therefor related to Lender's <br />intertsr in the Property, <br />9: Catdewttrtian. 'The proceeds of any award or claim far damages, dir•_ct or consequential.. in canrtection with anp <br />eondemnati•~*t or outer taking of the Property, or part thereof, or far conveyance in lieu of condemnation, are hereby assigned <br />and shall be paid to Lender. <br />In the event of a total taking of the Properly. the proceeds shat! be applied to the sums scented by this- Mortgage, <br />with the excess, if any. paid to Borrower. In the event of a partial- Taking of the Property, unless Borrower and Lender <br />otherwise agree in writing, there ;hall bt applied to the sums secured by this Mortgage snch proportioi f the proceeds <br />as is equal to that propanion which the amount of the sorts soured by this 6iartgage immediately prior to the date of <br />taking bears to the fair market value of the Property immediately prior to the dart o€ taking, with the balance of the proceeds <br />paid to $orrower. <br />if the Praperty is abandoned by $arroxver, or if, of#er Waite by Ltnder za Borrower that the condemnor offers to make <br />an award ar settle a claim far damages, Borrower fails In respond to Lender wtithin 34 days after the datesuch mice-is <br />mailed, Leruier is authorized to collect and apply the proceeds. at Lenders option, either to restoration or repair of the <br />Propertc or to #ht sums secured by tfiis Mortgage. <br />L7nless Lender and Borrower aherwise age it writing, any such application nt proceeds to principal shall rat extend <br />ar pcxtpane the due date of tfie manthh~ installments referred to in paragraphs 1 and "_ hereof or change the amount of <br />each installmetts. <br />ls. 'otrower ~ 1Rcleased. Extension of the dine for payment ar modification of amortization of the sums scored <br />by this Mortgage granted by Lender to arty successor to intertct of Bnrrawtr ';ball na nperatr to release, is any manner, <br />t'~ I.~Iizy a'*f ~ n B2~ac.-er and 13orre,K-tr~ sux:cssnrs in inttrts#. i_tnder sitaii not he requtred to cammtnte <br />proceedings agaittsi such suctessar or refuse to extend time far payment or otherwise mt,d~f}' amariizatian of the sums <br />secured by this Mnrtgage by rwson of any demand made by the avicinal P.arrnw"tr and Bnrrawcr's succtrsaxs in inttrest. <br />ll. Faritrraace by I,rnirt Nut a Rsiver. Any farl±earance #,x l.cndrr in exercising am' right nr remedy hertunaicr, ar <br />atlterwise affnrded by applitabtr Jaw^, shalt na tie a waiver ;S .*r prechrde the exercise rf arc rich right or r~medv. <br />7]tr procurement of insutattx or ahr pax~ttrnt of saxes nr i~ther 'liens a>r c!iaree: i+y I.rnder chart not 1,<~ 2 waiver of Lender's <br />right to aecelrratt the maturity of tfie indrissedrres ~iitrd by this ~Ioi*.cagr. <br />iz. Re~eiies Ca~tlre. All rrziredies gr-+:ded r;; t#!is yfnrtgagr a*t disiin,i and ,iimxiJativr to anx, ocher right or <br />iratedp tinder ;his Marteagc ar affardrd by Jaw .,r equal. end nta+; t,e exerc3ccd .nncurreniJc. indeptndttiily ar successively. <br />1,. S~ecessars sad :~sXws Rotated; Jaiat attd Sexerai I.iabdlty; Captiotts. ~f?te :.rn-enants and agrttmrnts fierein <br />contained cha31 hind, and the rights ?,ertutider sita4i mitre to• .*;: rr±prctivc sitccrssan and a>cienc of [.ender and Borracer, <br />subject is the provisions a# paragtapfi !' ittrtaf" .x.11 cavrnaats sad agreements of Berrnwer siiaJB t,e joint and stueral. <br />71re captium and headings at the paragraphs of this Mnrtgagt arc for cnm~enience <,nty .ind an rat #:, t,r lined to <br />interpret or define the prvv:lions ltrreat. <br />11. Naeice. Except far any naiL~ rtgriitt;tl under applicable Jaw to he erven :n anotiitr manner, tat any notice to <br />Barrowrr prt>.vided tar in this Mnrtgace silo#I i,r given h} trailing such n.,nce h} .erufied nail addressrd to $arrnw•er at <br />the Pmpert}' .•-ddrrs> ar zt such :rther addresv ss Born,wa-r men deign,+ir hr ratite to I.ensier as prxvidtd herein. and <br />('fa? an} rant to Ixttder shall l+t riven 'nR crrti~x'a' ntaiJ, rettrm ran•ipt requeted. m 1 ender', address stated herein nr to <br />stab other ~#titi~ 3s 1-ttidcr max designate by nazi : to Borri,wtr as provided hertiri ~1nx Halite provided for io this <br />Mn>igagt shall he detrnrd iC+ have teen gicrn io Aarrawtr fir 3 ruder sihen gixrn itt the ma:tnrr dnignai;d hrrcin. <br />is. l3ttRena Nwspter; Garenriiti I.asr, SeaeraiiYh'. l';i. (orm of tnortgagt c, mbir=rg ur.:!azrrn ~i"ersants far natinrai <br />use sad itatl#-unifa,mr x^nsenants with iitnitti tnraati:,ns ?~ ;cniaiictsoa is constitute a tm3;t,rm srciinty insirtiincnt covering <br />real pri*perty'. This Mortgage than ht got-erzKu !,. ;he `'=a:.- i,t t!~ ~,risuic?,,n +r ++hiel, i?"e prnpt,t}- is Ita:~aed- to the <br />aveni that any prrn~rsian or ci3irs~t a,; this ?tangage a,r the \+,te itmfli:t, ,asi~ sppli::af,ie faw, ]ri=ll ,ont3ict ;ltaJi n<>t afftet <br />t>thu prEVisit:s. of titan Mcrtgagr nr itrt \a-,tc R,.hi:h can l>e x- :en eiiezt ,<-r*ttt>ut the .ttnn'ic+,i, ,• pn~<isii,n. and to this <br />errd the prav:si,:ns <>f the Mcartgrge and t',t *:ntt art :tsJird ara #*e +tveret±le .. <br />i{~. Roriiarret's C ~, Harrower +•.Ita3J ',e a't,ri,awk?eaJ a ._,nia=m=rd . ,;,v :,f *.iir ~:a=.e - ,r • , ~+ ~~ <br />a~if execiitiory xr atxr rrceats9aiis+re lirreaf. <br />i~ 7S~fer +~ lie X3'2 ~ It all <+r an§ pert r,t the p~n~pert: ar an ,nttrest t?,esrlrr i. s=>ld e>i transfrrrrd <br />Iw Bprrarsaver +-it~x t Lcndtt's prior written rt,nstnz. -,.eluding ~~i r>+e etratr,n ai a lien +<r rnii;n+braner sutenrdinaa to <br />this !Norty~¢, ibl ilre cmatran :.f a pizrhase rna~ry a.t.a<naa "tt s ;rot h;,iisthz=d ,appiaan~c - ..: trap>fcr h~- devise. <br />dnc~c+ria av' b}• aptrarion v~f la+a upon t,'rt dcsth ~~ a ;a,nt tenzri ;ar ' - - <br />- lx~nilet ma}. st #.t~i c ,,pt,c>n, ,,Jl the :.una..:•:arrtd b} Chas L7artgage to he <br />zgrntediattly dint atitj payabir. I~reztrr sha1Y hsRC aaa=u.i sue-n <~pt;Fai tax vcceltrrstr a. ,,,=r tr tt»= s;flt .•. traitsftr. Lender <br />acrd tell periiat+ to w-brats iht Pei=pert} ~ to to sold . r trana-rrrtd :ra~?t agrtrn;rr., .n t :ai itle ,:ieairt of ;ach },.:rsc>n <br />~is t:arisfacr{m- to Lrr;dtr and that the aztcrrnt p::}.a-sit ,an iris s: ,ns se-:aced ha ,'^.i+ ~iaslta~c st~aJl i>-;. ai s.i~h rase ac 1-tiidtr <br />shalt request" if lender has warned The :,ntrnrt ic> a,`~_><~°.ratt .,t,- _--'.eat ~,, ih -ia,.._r¢p~i "7 , d :r Barrcxwer's sUri~t.3snr in <br />interest Iaas tx~:..cted 2 waitrrn aswirtpison ag:-aerrtatit rra~ptsa~ is aritang l^}- I tnder_ t.rna4er shall rrtc~3se Br~rrot+cs from :;11 <br />abligation& :ender !'xis Mortgage and x~ tiate. <br />If Ltnder' raerciscs su:,li i~^it:i~t ^r> tK:.rlraatt- L~-t3t, x+ia;: anai7 Ba:r.r,,.e: nc3z:ec' c=f .f..c'zratia,r :. ,r_~,,rdarce With <br />}-+tlxagt:aplr ]~ 14trtaf .~Treh 3tl'.#tys..1•,wi3 nr,.m>dt a nrr a t :fist is#S .Mari ±t3 tJa1, I`.,m 'Y'K G31e i!ie ii ti:: a' -. '.,1aFied wirtiiP <br />w'ti.kttt Br,7ry wtr 1ISa'7 pa} L1Tr SUrti"i dectartd dLat 13 B<>r.; {,x tr ia:ls 'a - !erns ;_{.. ~ ".= th2 iRr,ir::r:xvt a . >cf:l: i".`. ria>it. <br />Ltxu9Cr saes-~ w'dthoot 'ftirthts notice :'u ~iaad t*~ err. wt;_ ct, _,3.: _ _ -zasi~dit> pcrrt,,tzav h, parvgi [<, h .srea,.. <br />N;r~-t3;4tr{~riiaCti~E;~swra Jz+.rrtrr.,~trandlenvieriurtt3tse.,.,~,_..,,srti#=zrc£ =s',.zJlaws <br />tell, ~atttir'+atit~ Rs~xdies. Faerfrt am ys~idetl is para~rap6 37 terreut, t+pon Surrot+tr s breach of any cucraaat nr <br />a~rwratf .~ Rnrwwtr iH tells :4talRaltt. wciri~iaR tit ruxeaiwts to pay wbta due any .anti, seaurrd h} this ytartgagv, <br />ll.saier islar ter zcetiwrNicK siaR mad wilier to Rectors-rr as pro. idrd in paragrapia t a tltitar# xprcit}lag: t t t tlrt bmactr; <br />i2) tlir aetiw to aw~t cocci 4esci: tt3 a drtt, cwt trite tiau :ter does faurm sir date the Warier is mai{rd tr, Barrur+er, <br />lYyw]tcil ~~4eari n141 it rtutA sad 1;) s3at f~Syrr to tart aucL tyrcacb ua ar 6efnrc the date speti~l in t1~ nutirr <br />aarp rrsni A ~ of !ie ctu~s trttxrd br ells \purtppa farcrknurt b,} jrrdirial trroeeediag sad air of the PnrpeAy. <br />ilrF iaiiut titan itrtMitr infant Rttrnwtr u# tie rigW w rtlastWt aftu atcrteratiua sad the rgbt to a+urz is ttae fvrerlaasure <br />~ Na' MprralWrKt v~ a drfasrN ar an} tNirr< %kirmr of RrrrraKtr #u acee}rr:+tirur awd fart:>ckr.urr. IL fla~ breach <br />ifr wit et#7ri i~tfire fire date s~relird is fir twtirc, txadrr at Leader's uptioa mat derlarr set a[ the sums si^rurrd fi} <br />Ale ~' Mr 1st i~rott!ditart4 dric sad payaiir ,vittlwut frttterr dr~anaxtd sad rear tnrrtlar;e by judiciiri pruaredi•ai. Lander <br />si>atl Ur rslilkal an rr+l4ct J# srr6 pr±aareraHstt alt exprases of fureckrsurt, irrrtirding, twt sot Irmitctt tu,, rasYn of d{ir rirurutary <br />ryiirttcr, aiNrarta std dtic rcirl~rrtt;, <br />L~. ){ATr6llrq"Yr R~t tU ki~5latr.- '-SiAwsElidta'+d~1~ tK~i14St, s. cs 3t>ae~at~ ifi>< <.a;r: u ~. feu h: i .. ~taaf~.:c <br />3kxrpwetr r>hal4 ha:a°t she riYh# to !toot art;~. pr~~a.ccLag, i.~gun tae ! : n.}n,•a ;~: c -. . a . ~?rr. i#a +i#;ar, ~ -i~,. "-,rln ,-.,i ,.. ., <br />