8O+'_ ~~V~~ i I V , ~~
<br />UNteoant Covenertrs. Borrower and Lender covenant and agree as follows:
<br />1, Payment of Principal and Interest. Borrower shall promptly pay when due the principal of and interest on the
<br />indebtedness evidenced by the Note, prepayment and late charges as provided in the Note, and the principal of and interest
<br />on any Future Advances secured by this bfortgage.
<br />2. Fonds for Tatces and Intwtaore. Subject to applicable law or to a written waiver by Lender, Borrower shall pay
<br />to Lender nn the day monthly instaltmems of principal and interest are payable ttndrr the Note, until the Note is paid in full
<br />a sum (herein °Futtds") equal to one-twelfth of the yearly taxes and assessments which may attain priority over this
<br />Mortgage, and ground rents on the Property, if any, plus oae-twelfth of yearly premium installments for hazard insurance,
<br />plus one-twelfth of yearly gremium installments for mortgage insurance, if any, all as reasonably estimated initially and from
<br />time to-time by Lender en the basis of assessments and bills and reasonable estimates thereof.
<br />The Funds shall be held in an institution the deposits or accounts of which are insured or guaranteed by a Federal or
<br />state ageacy tincluding Leader if Lender is such an institution). Leader shall apply the Funds to pay said tales, assessments,
<br />insurance premiums and groin rents. Lender may not charge for so holding and applying the Funds, analyzing said account,
<br />or verifying and compiling said assessments and bills, unless Lender pays Borrower interest on the Funds and applicable law
<br />permits Lender to make such a charge. Burrower and Leader may agree in writing at the time of execution'- o£ this
<br />Mortgage that interest on the Funds shall be paid [o Borrower, and unless such agrrement is made or applicable law
<br />requites sttclt interest m be paid, Lender shall trot be requiredl to pay Borrower any ineerest or earnings on the Fuads. Lender
<br />shall give to Borrowu, without charge, an annual accounting of the Funds showing credits and debits to th . unds artd the
<br />purpose for which each debit to :he Funds was made. The Funds are pledged as additional security for the cams secured
<br />by this Mortgage.
<br />If the amount of the Funds held by Lender. tage[bcr with the furore monthly installments of Funds payable-prior to
<br />the due dates oC rasa, assessments, insurance premiums and ground rents, shalt exceed the amount required to pay said taxes,
<br />assemoents, insurance premiums and graund rents as the}' fall dire, such excrss shall be, at Borrower's option, either
<br />prangdy repaid to Bortowu or crediud to Bttrrawer or. tttc+nthly installments of Funds. tf zhe amount of the Funds
<br />held by Leader shall not be stttltcirstt so gay *.axes, assesstnenis, insurance pirantums and ground. rents as they fall due,
<br />Harrower dull pay to Lettdrr say amount aecessan a make up the deficiency within ?0 days from the date notice is mailed
<br />by I.eoder zo Httzratru raptesting payment therenT
<br />Ltpon payment in full of aU sums srcurrd by this Nrttigage. lender shsl! promptly srfund to Borrower any Funds
<br />held by Lenorr. if uutfer parsgraph 13 hereof rhr Propcny n said zu the P=open} as otherwise acquired by I.endtr, Lender
<br />shall apply, tt3 later than imtntxfiazety' prsetr to rhr salr c,f the Propcny c=r its .+cquisiuon ht~ Lander, any Futtds held by
<br />Lander at the uttte of application ss a credit agunst the sums secured by this tiortgage_
<br />3. A~iiesaiao of Papttseas. Urtlrss applicable law pmvtdrs othcnvise, ail payments re^eived by Lender under the
<br />Yotr slid paragraphs 1 and ? hereof stroll br applied by Lender first in paymem of amounts payahlr m tender by Borrower
<br />tmdes patagtaph 2 hoteaf, :hen to tntrrrst payable c,n rhr \.uc. then to the principal of rhr Nrur, and shun to interest and
<br />principal on any Future Advaacu.
<br />3. C~ f3e~. Sntmwer .hail pay all taxcti. ,usrssments .rod .ether ~hargrs. finrs and tmpositnms attrtbutablr to
<br />the Property wfii:.fi tttay attain a pnatiiy evrs zhts \tongagr. and ieasehe#d paymenu or ground reins, if any, in the manner
<br />provided under paragraph 3 hrreof or, if not Hard :n such manner, ha' Barrowrr mal,tng paymrnt, :yhen due. directly to the
<br />payee theteet. HQiiL+9tYr shall promptly fttm:sh r.~ z_eader ail notr::~s of amounts due tinder this. paragraph. and in the event
<br />Horrowrr shall make gaymrnt dtrrctiy. Berrewrr ilxal3 r;emptiy ttuntsit trt Lender receipts ee~tdrnarg such payments.
<br />Hortewer shall gtrxoptly discharge any hen .-htclt 31ae pnont} ,+,zr t#sis !4tertgagr; pmrtdrd. that Borrower shall nett be
<br />requirred ay discharge arty such ltzn so long as B.~srrowrr s#:aZ# a. rrz err '~ ratsrg ; ti:e ps}~ment ~•: rhr obhgate.+n ,etvred by
<br />such lien to a trt:mrtu secegtabie to Lrrtdrr, or ihal# to .eY!.i iatth ~.cniest suti.lt Eten ??y. r+r detend cnturemrn[ z=t such lien in.
<br />legal pxx>ceedmgs wlttth operatr to prrtrttt rhr rnlorcrmem of she ixn ar t+~riettvre ni ttrr Property ;,: any part ihetrof.
<br />_. Ilasard r'Ins=wte- Botrourr shall l.ecp rite :mprn;rmcztts now ex,vmg nr lteteat[rr rostra sin rhr Pt,+~M:rt}' rnsurrd
<br />agatast .ass by fire, hazards included wtthsn the temt ."e;trndro .,-orcra}ir~~. and su.:h „thrt hazards a. I railer ~ntay rrgwre
<br />soli m such a-mocents and fat ,ra,~-h pcrto-ds ns Lrrr~~r solar r~rrtarx_ l,r.n:d+.~r!, t`:at Lt:nsct •,nall n.,t nytnr~ that the amount of
<br />stash sx:verage ar Yxd chat amoant of ca.ti,atte trgt;~rN t,> }°xt she aims +ru.r¢d ?+} thrv '+~tortga~.
<br />The aasuraaer catrter prvvuttrzb the :nsurar.~:r shall ze rlx~srn by Harrower ~ucirn te= appa.zal ;,. lender: pnwaded.
<br />tit str.'~t apprw~ai t3tali nw,'_ye arttseaawnah+} +~~ttltlttiid. .~ti ptrmtum3 .n insurance p,€i3:'a:~a tltali hr° eve+3 :n r?te mannr+
<br />lnoaeded suxltr gartgraptt ~ fsstrt>x ... , .;,rH pau9 tr: s,wh manner, ~t Barr.=wrr mai.+ng pavmettL when dLC, ~trrctlp° to rhr
<br />attsmrarasr carrier.
<br />:\il it:tn.-ra~~e t*alr a'.t+Y c~.rw,sis dhrrr+:~t tarsi; t+c ::, lotto .t .;z {~ah1_ tai 7 c~.:vicc ana sia ail r:ac;:rtFc a ~.;an,sarJ monguge
<br />c.latar rn fssc-r :•t nr.;i an Taum :a~:tpt,xhlr try Le;.dzr. l..etrirr .lea r,ha.r rhz t:si€: ',` h'rci ;hr }guts saw .. r:,r ;cnewa., there.,;.
<br />$c3rrr-wer t.,r.,si; prtuupti} ts:aatrA,~r to 1 i~rdcs s:l ,t:rc w:ai nc+t.~rs ~, al? r~~crpt+ c, ^atd I•rGrzt:~..:,r,. !tt :rrr rr.ent :ti 1_,s~.
<br />3onc+rrt,~ xltrll ~ sx ~c-+rnpr t~utrs:e ;o t?rt xr<usr ts~c earner .taro :y .::y. ..ter, -~ .. .,ar`~. r-,s .... -j. ;. ,... ,..,._ _~m^tit
<br />by 9tvrtt++a+tr
<br />Ii#3r5S l.r,~t- e:' ati;tl Iir.,n`itwer .tttK.t's,;.r aiEr~ ,......=-ry,. era~xaa-,~ , •:+~c^s~.i* a-,at tx .s i,e:: _. ,r;e.>~asz.=- .,: rrpa;r .,
<br />the Piope+r[}~ +as3ttagbd_ pxevzriN soh resn +:9lm.tt a3 zp~-r •. c~x•r,a>nt;ca#tr -easzatie -mod tl~ ,c c-i- t ,.[ tGty S9<tt tga~ ,~
<br />n+'tt t'#tr2tpy impaared. !# such rmsrareu:+o at rrprit ~ as..t .,.:*artms>_si~ teaarMe rr r ettr ->c•,.urrtb or rho yi,>at,gagc ,t~e+a:;i
<br />ere reaplirrd; tltt ansurata:r Frt'w'- 5:#sali LY zppirci i., ti*c sotto a.-..e:tc.i = ~ iru 't4ortg-a~,... ~.,~:i: ~'s+c i-.cc.~. ;t avti. pat.#
<br />4o Bcxrc++~rr~ It the Puler€~ ra a!t5rs 3r~tc*d ~_= 1~:+rrtr.:><r.. , ;: 33aa.:µer taat>. 't.~ r_^ntkeets s;. l: Y;.~7W°r ur[h;r pis asyb t;om the
<br />¢lxte tY:HiC~ ~.~ tttatltxi a)• Las>drs ta+ $ussow.~e: riser af>£ attatr<ac.x• :.ar t+er :~Iiers t<, srt ue ~ ..Vaa+n i>,t ,rt,urancr fretittits- Lender
<br />us atitha riraxt ray cw+rlhtct stn. apps} ;rte tsesuts n:~ , tiecri~ .rt ; ruder = , rnta<+t? cxt~her t:= rr,r„ri,recm :,z relma,r +rt tlx P.roprril
<br />ctr to tits start. ~rurai ha' tiro Moriga3c
<br />L^^ LcnG;r sad 8carr.,»~ .~€her»e,e agree rr Krattng. a;~: ~:as, _,.p t>:,_,e.r, .•t .-.::red..,,; },.r,apat -sari nett satend
<br />i'rr p(t;ta.3?at `lee dt7r -.Late :3f tt3C ttiaNtt;3i= .s,at>iSfttttta €.t.€:ea? ,.- l'- si h... ;;nom rercvt ,-x >ire,-t, -,+= a3isr~ssit. <<,
<br />~f4 r3tit7rlitrtt:nts. It arnica t'LNSItt'a€'h k;; he'st~f :~ Yr:~ra'y as aayu:,_3 ^. e cx3et. -. ~:~e„13Y. atic -a ru ate.r ,t at Her€.,wcr
<br />3n a>~ tit as}~ arxstzt-a~nr ptdk..~c ~ in ar2d tc= lore rrtiw'€ts.~ rhCrs'ss[ ra'.acr-aartg S?a„a .3s- r. e~ ;:, the Prulxertx ,Drra,r t.+ the +a;e
<br />cxr s~iun sh:.@l ~s too Lrtulrr zt^, the rr<tc>b exY t:~e starts ~^;:ure:i vy tsu '_vtoayage ~r:;aacxiratei~ prat :,, ,=ai-h sale .v
<br />lion.
<br />ti. PrMHiti~aa ead ~1ai~aarce :rt Pr.,perrx; 7r~htAdt;; t'ctrd,•aca:ai-at,; Niaarx~ Laic l~er,J_rptnnuts. l;e: rr,:: ~~r
<br />sh+ti; kocp the Ptvp~c-*ri in y~cXl r~-r~tr arrd s1'tafl ra3a crm.:u: uasir .: p+•rrn,t :nsyrvrnxn: or dr;rrt:+ratzen u, the 1'ro}=rr+'.
<br />a+ad shall ~' •aizit the pro=runs of auy lease r`. thr> ?.# xtg~C ._ ~,.. e„~ usd .. :^~s3 ~tta:t,:aa: s, ,~n ,, a,r.,t <a ..
<br />c'~ns~arra,rue><i ~€+~srda~*rt. ;€•aYt +;~,:ri7 .^ctf~,nt au ,-t lt:xrtcx a _in;gst ,r„ lntdtr rs• eitziarauora
<br />.tr a•tweaanta ireetittj) :>r gnverrt+ng ttte cunaianruttum ~, ;.;annul ;;tt:t :iesr,z',pnse.tt. „te l+s-is,;s aril tzg:i;at:tute r,1 rhr:
<br />-~ xu ! t'~-~+?~C~7~ araF sc„-~-a -r==r ~k.%~':»:r c, .:.rr`s~i<s r xurn +.r t+.'Mrned a -r-t Jr»cl„prr=:=n[
<br />zidu, r h} H+urrtsvrs a?a3 a~..rdcvi rriit~i _.th tba+ ?tatage~o ~ .,~>c,t:rnta .,cad '%c-Enent- 's ~rwh rr,2er
<br />shill he t~ti lino iaiu' ~~ azaend ~ sicarcat; r§r :cswcr:ants si o sgrzrnraaats s3. .. s ~i.,,nga~ ~.~ ;i rhr u,is•t
<br />t« a past huuof,
<br />i, Ml~tfwa of lasader'a ~t~Y, if Borrc+u~rt tat3-z x= prri+arnt the ;r?uraa uta alas ,~;t c¢mentr .antautcd us the
<br />~, t'fr i~ say ~ttAn or pro~dent xx ¢c+tzsurertxrz w;3.uai srra#rt ~¢# :+:zetts l-ear.,:;=e~r :ntutxaa ra the 1'n>p'rrrg.
<br />inC~GdiRP~. btrt neat litrt4Trd '.i3, M'ttt~tte4ft d,2trt3[n. =tta"rlyt:sx~, c+.ttlt 'r.~e'iCr..cta. ,.~ ..:tat ,y,.s ,v-,+F •, .Y r .:cc-Gt~~,' ;,i;,l:-.;rl;
<br />taaukrts~ of emu, t2re,~ l.cnz#t a[ l..rnde#s c+f»ue+x,, a)wt: nw,ix t,, out !r:ar r,arLe ,,.:h ilr~araa. -s ,rr+hurs. u~#,
<br />xw~ arm t~,c x-tx~n ax a taeaxsaa€} ~t pt>v~ -t ,_eadc:" - a,.tc.x-.r =~, ,.,na. ~ .. i+r>s :;raA<tr,! ta. ~. <~~x=e,tx=,~s . .
<br />tnatdt saicsrsrsy`~s frKS u#ts1 entry u}K.. +be Pta~rty tea maac p.,.tr• 3 ! ert,ler rca,elrcii rta..,~ gr ~ cat Heir ,.
<br />«twditmn r>f rt~taicaIIg 3111 irrasr ;,eci3ted h+,r" dh.x ut'tgage, Bt„a-. sz:;rd F.~.: .,.• emtir:cie ;4ytr.r,-a? tsa n a,t~
<br />imm'~ee in cifact until sen`#a roar as the rezddtrztat fat e~h -r„~rarsst r ratz.t .-i ac~,uxtia - :otlr It„r:,~..r;: .~=+:i
<br />