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G!vtt'~MCoce:~:+*irs. Bn~~tr :tnd t.enBrr covenam and agree as .'o#lows; <br />1. Payeteef pf Pried aed /Mrrest. 8orrawcr sha!# promptly pny when dtte the princ#fSal of~and interest on the - <br />iadebtedness ecttienced h}+ the Noce, prepayment and late charges as provided ±r. ttte \ote, and the prircipa! of and ineerest <br />an any Future Advances secured b}° this ltorigage. <br />2. Raeds for ?tares and letnrnect, Subjex;t txt app#i. ab#c raw ar to a ?mitten waiver b4 Lender, Borrower skull pay ~: <br />to i.ender on the day monthly irtsta##tn~.nts at princspa{ and uuerest are payab#e under the NoFe, until the 'rate is paid in foil, <br />a xttm therein "Funds") equal to zrtt-2q~clfth .tf the 4~car1}• taxes and assessments which may :.train priority over- this <br />Mortgage, and grattnd rants nn the Property, if any, phis ttne-twetfth of featly premium installments far hazard insurance, <br />phis offs-iwxftih uCgrarly prrmiurtt instalments fi?r mortgage insuranm, if any, a#1 ss reasonably estimated initially and- from <br />dixte to tlttte by L~itder an the- basis o€ assesxmrnes and hilts and ressonabfe estimates tlxmM_ ~ - <br />77tc Ftttids shall t?t hrtd iti an trsYrtituiit,n the depnsits o.* aeaxrnts of which are insured ar guaranteed by a Federal or <br />start age[?ti:y tincludFug icr:tlr':.r i. lender is such stn tnstrtut;on t. 1_eFxter shall apply the Funds io par said loxes, assessments, <br />itutsraare pmtr:iumt anti grtwrn~F rezrta. i,ertder ma3= nttt ;.]tares for sc holding and spplying tFte Funds, analyaingsa-d account, -_ <br />ar vent.'ing arxt eampr#ing-said assessmexits and hilts. unless t,artder pays B:?rn?wer intesest on the Funds and applicable law <br />ptrmrts I.endrr to make such a cRargr. S§. rrx wet arks l.eruicr in;a} agrc4 in writing at the time of exerutidn o€ this <br />Mortgage that interest .tn the Futuls sha## 1>e yard to Barr<tarer, and unless such agrtemenr s made ar applicable .law <br />requ#re5 strctt interest [o he paid, !..ender shat# t+e requcred aa? pa}~ Harrower aoy in[rrrst t*t earnings t?n the-Funds: -t..ender <br />sits{# give it? Florress~er, stit}wut r;tar~. an Antral a:>nuntinr of the Ftiads shczwing errdits and debits is the ands and the <br />• ptirpcese bor whi:.h each dtb;t to the £urds was xsxade. l;he F•es[tttc are #+#c~tgzd as additsona! ses:urity for the sumssecured <br />by th%s itottgagt. <br />~lC the atrtcrunt of the Fonds hefd b}- F_endar, toget#~r 3Ft£h ttte future nttrnthly insta.ftitrnts a€ Futtris payable prior to <br />the due dates :>f taxes.. assessrnrnts, irsxursrisr prcmmrns and grourni ;<;rts, sha## excrrd the smaun[ requited to pay said taxes. <br />assewuents.:z~surattce premtttrns azsd ground rersis as tie} Salt uw. sue:Ft excess sha#1 be. at Hnrnawar's option, either <br />ptumpt#r regaid to Sarrowet tsr crexbtrd to Horzower «n monthly :nstatlmenis of Fund.. 3f the amaunt of the Funds <br />ltsld ;ty l:ertticr F#tall no[ Etc sut6sien! to pa}' taxis, assx~ssmcnts. ;nxcararxce premiums and around rents as they tall due; <br />Barrotrersha3l par to f_csder ang amaunt necesYan~ t%~ sna4e up the detirirres within 3(1 lots ;tom the date notice is mailed <br />b}' i.eatl~ to Starruwrr req^xxttttg pa.nunt t*terrat <br />Lspon payrr~nt 'n full a# ail sums sr:,ured nt [h;, <:/c+, gstc. f coder sha17 p.rontcity txfund re 6.?rr~wer aqy Funds <br />:tt€d fix'u#er. 1: u.-isier paragraph FS hem^t the e.aoe^* ;~ *~ is$ ~ r inr P~.Ygsery es otherwuc acquired b}. !.ender, 1_ender <br />shall app's, no later than ttnmrdiate.e pnx t hx. air t 4te # rn+?e*tc r is rlu sun?n hi i.endrr. an}• Furtds held by <br />Lr ~r ? sue. s _~,:- .~ ~ .....~4., .•.,......_ ....u,,.., ..,,, ... - <br />_ .,t~.a,.~. <br />~. ;lltgiicattiN d Prtysenrs. t..rtiCSS xppiua#s#c law prn?,•'„eb .~ahers.tu., alt pa}:mcnts teceivrt$ by 1_ender under the <br />`+7ozc aatF paragraphs 3 sad 2laerrt.t ,,hall he apt'taet# b}- t.eniter first tit pa}mex;r .,t amu:tnes pacah#e to lender b}° Borrower <br />under patagraptt 2`'rerr:4., then to ;xxtrtrst payable :?a :tc Sc:nc_ ;hrr ~.. thr prtrt,:rpai at the tio[r, and then ixy interest and - _ <br />pttn.^ipai .n an} Fntttre Advani-~. <br />i. C'fvrges: Ljr'ai, l3xtrta?wtr s13;rii pas as`# t:._x~. .a+c.~,~-Cnis dr% ,-iFa:r >~tsrres. floes and ampctsittetxs anrtbutah~e to - <br />*M Prt~pettc• ~~n>t~ mss ataain a prrcr:tc r',rrr ih<=: }.S.~rz-;arr_ .ae:F s.a~h.lx' ,^.a+•mers, ,,.s rexand rents. i£ any. an the manner <br />^sex°++;es'uader ta:agraptz ; 7er~iz~ .?r.. ;,* rc?t a :.r, -1a:;! ;3az,rvt•x c} darreN~r !ttaa:n Fa}merit. ,.-lsen due. c£srecily to ttie <br />;sayee titrrnxt. &'u~::>+sc» shasi 1`y'p'1} ::;rr2.:t :. # ;.rat a., ;,.+t,,;. ,.....n:t~,, , clot t.nder trt:s paragraph, and an the event <br />lfi*rzatww>rr shalt retake luymtr!a ~itre,:.~{s, g3.-~zrc-,.cr ,bald }:•,,,,t;+sz .ur&a+±, „ l.en.ier *...:ipts c,rcteuc:nc staclt payntrnis. <br />Hmtx~a~nt xtuwil plri3ritptt}" 1t3e:Ba[~ ~y ieCr: ';*-~• ,aa }++.+r:ac r, ~.< Rlx~rica}r: ra,:ed. ?hat $4trz+wcr +ha## not bC <br />*ctpasrper3 xz3 >"+:~ss~c a;rt- saxwh itch si~, lrro.g as M~~ria.rt zs_aa; ce~,xrr r,n .:vt_nc to tr3.e ;`a? mcr_t c! the atrlrgatxan secured "h}' <br />xuc'h4~ on b i„'SEISA¢+r ~l"i'Cl'tH!-tie "d~ l.eardci. !?T k,aii 6? ~St d i1{9~R _., ._> > IKn, ;,) K io-cFCRd triFs~r„Cma.nt --i _t,:~ iiCn inn <br />;e~F psrc*:ra,;~s wtrx k ~se;ats it* pic*~~u _~^ _ ., ~. _:rr~es. r , .x ~ n _rr , r7r~ne=.rc a l~ne p+,zprn=. ,.t asry p_at¢ sherrat. <br />~~ Ilixair~ ~~1ilJe[t. #~a,rrctw5'i kh$i§ i,CCr ;iq vn et*: cz7ir.:^.,[s :,..x rta.l+r: ~ .:v'ct•s::s( c: ci :ciS ~ !n t;;e I': x~ <br />~ .. .. [ ,. ~ jh'rik lttStircd <br />agat:m,a ~FSS, '-+°7stc. hazards %rar itaesrx# uat~;:~x Y~ ;~_nr rh.asc . ,;a age .3 ,t.~r ,oriel ?,:,rsrtt. ~s, l~ndct root irature <br />a sn sst.~h attw,.xesats :mtsd t.s sue.. ~= s s i. r~*,tc: -^r.,, :xys.,~. r,•r.~ci_. , l.rtrdc. . ,..,. rtx_~ rr„n,,re ihsf the am~KUUU at <br />xa[cta c•e*rr+. see =_scm4 i'"~a; x€sz~;a _. sscFZs~e vrsiu,°sa3 I. :e,r ..:,t:a , ~,::re. ". ?~-;a R3aats}a~. <br />`1'Ite tn«:artttns ta:: rF pr6,e et4r.g s#se ;r}s.;r,xi~e aria c .!;,=+er Fs #i,~r~r ,=,2mc ~ st,.pz.+, ar i,y f tita~drr: nsovrdesl. <br />zttar s.~:.•, aTi':.:,s-Ai +t-a#i AC7t fir .aracea.•..~nsst-[y r.u ,rt~-0 is ,+>t csr;;:nr+ „~ n...s .xs.:.c { ~raF Z4 ~.''.a. ,,-,_e.: -,a tf:C manrttr <br />€+£;?ssr;~,i :,rrira Via.;"~..._,. _ <br />_._._~.. - rscx ,. ,~ .... ~..~ anmsr:t~,. , ib.,, .,^- c..,saarza~ ,. a,-;;rt;•tt. «d:ctj ,S~.ti ;;Wily t~. the <br />s,T>:tsttaSx,t Z7iSTM."'. <br />e< <br />.'ill SAN.: G9.'~ :.t~~ atsl; il~'.ik-w #i.> t:"5r Cc . 4..... ".,~ ...>,.t,., .~.:~K S. _ ~ .t L' .,.. .. .. 4{. ., ~~,.,Yx S:.3c ,;1,. .~$:tk;ti <br />ii7li~,t'R to nN ea Yd~ a icYi Y>x'd_~CC{r4dix~ R -,_~.r .,. - sC~, . ~~-. ~... .. -.-r i?2; ... E:f s..,. a;:eh Ai: Cott;:, `t. <br />arari &~axt,+e: sita~:t priut,~ttF} i ~:t PZCSC, tc= i.e:y ie. ,a:: ,re:e..x, +a~a,.r, ,x.:d .., ._.c.t e3 {.. P..kt , r:t*,e...r,-- ~. _ ~ e-.cnz z t i,;:s. <br />~c"YXd-t+~~s->?Rar€i ,$_t~•e ivs~t't:iN :t.K,+:x .i• :k,c' - zx. c.. d. ..x .~.a:t r. _,..r.; 1_c i.r .. x_,. --, _ - _ _ _ - -- _-...; ,--- s u asur~tis <br />i xtiCl4i #.rrnsiz4 "~.h~ ~4rgaacd 4.cistf.z};. ~, _ ... ,. -._~. __.+s:sci ~ ~ , ~r.~+. ;i -<`» ~.,~rx a.t ;zjea€r .,, <br />attr Pr-+pett}. d~*1: ptrxa.:,~s# -.:h ,. z. tn.<.,.r .. -mu..a~„~.~:, c as :.;,, ., . .,.,. ,_~:s.,ei 43 tk Rf.-+r*.gs~e . <br />noE t#rcri~aa' xtepa.itct. !# >a~.s ;e+,,,s<e-.. _ , .., ...+iiass.auR „ -. .e , , t ..n.., ,,~ ,*r~. *.{c,t;gngc ,.entld <br />be a4tptxaertd, tlte -rasurarut pr~.s'>c,:i* ,ha3z. txe mltpi,ra#~ '-ae ~~;ant x.._ic:± h- ... >4,:= ;,gz ,. ex.e:~ t=y, p.arv <br />its lltstarwer i= tltr }'rxsprr;~: ,~e?e:.ah.:,s,s~.t r #t,.-:, t;. .' '3t=, ~E es --.. .::,p:=ai., r ..ire »rttx,s +it ,3eye tsai.i the <br />smote ^R-+ei~te s=, esa-.1r+3 tsy Y.,eraAttt let 23;trrty,~cs . . : _, s,av..~?..r: _.,, r ~cfis.., a..:e :: r,.,, r,:u t extaari.< zxnc:i:~s, 1et;det <br />;.+ asuFx±rar, ~.- vc~az~ ata'~f a,'*p6s ,t,r '.z+_..uta w~r nz~~~ a, i F.~a , ...= c.met -: ~.- .: as,~.. ,. s.px.,e ,,¢ ttsr #'ru~rir <br />i+t t£rilae atsszs sxxtirtvi M' •`tst.€cxttg.xgc <br />.<,. - - <br />1°~F[ss L:.~:;k: 5~~r:. _ ;a:v _~• ...=r~^ e..: ~r ..rg. A , ~1,3r .a~_ .. -.~+:n ., = p.~. „#i a:.a rxterd <br />+ot' A"ti~tiae t~¢ :'d±rc +'ta€e :.' ;...~ n A., a.?..,_~_.:.__ _a - :, _ s .. - - <br />sir<h res+ttlttgt:tts, fS 1s€r ...ragt+>. :'::Rerrx,.t .tom- i' i,CS„.:., .,?,.,t .....:.. . ....:a.,c,.., :.~ ~er..~ .•s,-r~~, , t B. tr,Y,ucr <br />_A atttl. t}~ ass <niat.~.~;.[ }ti%hq ~ sr .. ;.:x x >r: ~v::,~~ ;;~-t-cs ......K ,_ , , ,,.sr: ,-fie tt~ Fczrpcrt, _ ,E t tx~ -.. .... <br />~` ~ '~ pWb~ i.? Let ~ ut tk: Ca.3G"E. 2-I•''S"~ isa:F4e `z.v. C~1 . iSf. S d `lg:3b '.... 1CL1 ~.1 X~k i. _ _ilx. .a__. .-. <br />~.. Pre~es>,itait~a aiY~ MC',$t +•..F..aats €.eA'~C~x: t. irtidypyreifflBk; €'€aNesd I. eqt t?Y12#~p~h 91s. ~.siit,.•ct <br />slsr~2 let ;=^s lxt~c=.t~ u: ~atd- cpv-= n.i,d ><..rt xkzt ~_-ntiaa. +a4c ~ :rc;ss ; ,=n~~.=: zr: -ra? ~~r sieatau raft%:~?.-r c=. the F'rc.gttt; <br />astl, iA a:• .r-rangy:. ,ti~ralx Lrsr ~s=nits sS azsas ieaae. ct r,1+~o-- Rkxsr?T_~. ,. .. x_:+.r 3. ~ 3t - ., <br />~.sxa k~ - -.xr a ::=ate: :saz_±t ;~~a~iwz}trtv~isa:... FK.etre,r.rr =hot' r -err :. .-~r a ~ M =; - :. <br />- tbt,4 r,~,~..,~-~ m x._~a,.c L9 _;.tiltis 3.L .1a :,... at;. rrt <br />r~R-~s~rc,crat.:, 4rt,strstg .at ,~c.sYa€s'iz,tsg the GE'ayct<t:a.hs..sf?7 ,. p;,,,-rsrt. ~t :dc~n ~a>•.pnKa~a. h:.- rw, ia::, >r=.d tr.g+- s .. _ . ;z•t~ <br />r~t,~st+as:~ t'z= tm;,rtsr+ac4 tux ;sesc#tt~a,t. _ etd ,ak'asrasue~'t ~x ,.tri., :, { * .. _,_,.~=aau.,xx,:cr . , . ,,. r,:,~ _. _ , .. ,.,. r;t, nt <br />r ~. t'.-~'>;ai ~dArrar~Ks atrat ;ee::~~,+r{kewl t:.s~iit~;g •rt-, sst:*. "s] r.h.t<ttti., .rte :,,=~cccacaF. .,.,~i ,,,~+e<,ttc:zs,. :t .,~t~, r,~~c. <br />p.~133 !~ m{:iac'~tiE+pti ~a,= aa# fl~sa3'.'-~rztzwyl ~s~,a~-,~.z-rc ~t#tr ,, stzstux .~as2i v+st~~m=rtts xy ~,,,x !v#c,agay;c ,x- ~! rr~r :,rt~cr <br />;€ -saC_ <br />Y_ 1l~Mncawt- +sF LAY sM}~, It t9s r wet s ~ r ; ~,c rcr.rnt. a agttstrer ~ ~s 1 ' z, s; _e„z <br />11/.vysg[, tl :nv m'e~LSdRi ek' ~:E~~siirr~ .....ter. ,.x,3 - :'r. ~.. er'S+K s, .ice e.. 4 +, ,+-nr s .:. 'c-,.t - c #r~.• -+ <br />- - ~„ .. testa,-. <br />~r:iuei:n~ >:t -.~d. i:,:ul~itca. drrPSYtY~a:t. dd~ia :c~~~: .<•w:... ..}~ -~r.:.-.t- _ arY,rn~x_s*.::~ tv.xtcusst~s- a-rt?=:;,~; <br />x,.„~.:..~... :.t,%=k~-~. rr.«'rs lsra~~ at 1..~ .-.::. _ ~ ., _:.,':., ...:, ,- tz,., ...... ... ...-,.. ... ., <br />'t< a~:t _aaa xw., .:?a%y sa ~rrs:y ps ,ra.: S_e:..uc -~ , . ~_.. .. _, .,., ._zsz t ,t ,_. .. xer.etsa. rt;x~cu~ : : <br />_,. a+sst~s .:-vuc. ..- _: kl east; ~ai}*~tur ai'ac_7rs,y, 7i,-g4_ae _. v.,t5s`€ c.~s.,:ra ,.N_2g,wsw t.. x.~ava~~ <br />_.:._.. ~ „.~i a~ '~,,t~a.. -._..tcc'b ~' t7xrs +~~rrgngt.x ~••,.. ~ _~ - ,. .. ta:,..x;:,t,x .:, ern -tai ~. ,, <br />~a,~.#s::E _ .... .,A~rsl . - t. --• as .A~ r~rse¢sz~..:si i+.rr sxxE;?s „m,~.r. e ...,, .a ...=va,~.c n:t H, :., a:. -~ ., <br />