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$4'-. ~~ MORTGAGE , <br />THIS MURTUAGE is made this........3Q.......... oP....... MAY <br />19 89., between the Mortgagor...... SILL . E.•.. k'~7~~hTG,..A, .~~NGL~..Z'~Pi$9J+1 ..... . ... . .. . .... . <br />...................................... {herein "Borrower"), and the Mortgagee,T)I$. k'IR&T. IQATZ4NAL <br />BANK, OF. GRAND, ISLAND,, ,~$,AND, .ISLA*iD t , NEBI2~$~tA, , . „ a corporatioo-organittd and ettisdng <br />under the laws of......... NE$ItASIEA ....... ..... . .......whose address is... 2Q~..~5:~ . 3Rf?. ~T~ET r <br />GtRAND, _ISLAAID, , A?EBS?ASI(A, ... , , , _ ... {herein "Lender^). <br />WHenEAS, Borrower is indebted to Lender in the principal sum of..TWENR''Y-FdUR, THaq$F~j{3, ,$~V;Fr$T <br />HUNDREID AIVt'3.. NOf 10Q---------------- <br />• • - • - • ..........Dollars, which indebtedness is evidenced by Borrower's note <br />dated... , ....:'~~ .~'~ ~ .19$0.. _ {herein "Note"), providing for monthly installments of principal and interest, <br />with the balaatt of the indebtedness. ff not sootier paid, duo and payable . ............ <br />...... ~.Q ~-~........ , , <br />To Secitae to Lender {a) *.he repayment of the indebtedness evidenced by the Note, with interest thereon, the <br />payment of alt other sums, with interest thenron, advanced in accordance herewith to protect the security of this <br />'`tortgage. and the perforawttce of the eoFrnana and agtrements of Barrowzr herein contained, and (b) the ttpayttnetit <br />of any future advances, with interest thereon. made to Borrower by Lender pursuant to paragraph 2.1 hereof {herein <br />"Icututc Advaaces"), Harrower does nilrtgage, gram and convey to Gander the follawiag described property <br />tocsttd in for Cotmry of......... , ~?LF~ ..........., State of Nebraska: <br />TI3E SOUTH EZNE HF>~p` !?F T?~E F~Sm {QyF xrAr_s* i'S~,E~) QE LG'P flHE {i) , Gz <br />VANTINE'S SUBDI',TISIO:h LflC3TEtQ :}N 1??1RT GxF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER (iVid~) <br />QF 5EC1'IflN T'x3EA1TY-iS44 f 22) IN TOii'NSiI~D ELE:rE;7 (11) NORTH O€ RANGE <br />?aZh'E t9) , W£S'I' 4F THE SIXTH P..'a,.. H.'-=.T.L C^uLPNTY~ ?vEBI2r1' SI~A. <br />whi::h kits rite atkirets ~. - . ? 4th, 8- S~L"Pi:?_ ~ Z?~TE . ~?,~'rra ~a:.~sAia <br />A1;l~s"tRAS,3CTf 68811: _ _ . {battsirt "Prs~erty Ari#rt:ss" 3 <br />iea~t..nm Z; t.aatu <br />Tav~?i!t[a with ail the' itnprvxrnxrst, rww <; hcrta,':~°r zt>tzai t.rY the: n:crlae.t}. +,r:,; uS! ;:~tstmenta. ri~htx. <br />ap~nance5, r~, its}°attisx, mineral, c,ii and gas ni=ts artd I?ruts. wstar, wat.r .igha~. ;trtd aat,r su~i:, an.i ail <br />fxtaztrt~ rxxw ut herrafter stttt~hed m the g»r~:»prtag, sa a~f which, incluelinp, rt~s}:ttcrt;e;ati ark; .uIsirttan~ thcrctlr_ Ahsti; :rxr <br />+9eet to lw asd xtxoaits a;+iti eri tlw pao4+ert}' ..=;~caed b}° this ~fatt~a~~ , and ail =_.t ;doC €:+r~gF3rng, tr3tytthx, u rdh ~:u.; <br />paaaprrt} ifat tLclc~tsrthcgtt ".r~s.~ if t#sie!tdssrtgage is sxz a 4}as>e#kxl;!? :try hru°rR :zi..reci ts, a~ tht ' I'rcrf,crt4 <br />Bsurs?wrr ct»vt:aants thit Bvtrv-s~er es ia»aisctly =rsstd t»f tix c>tatc ~ tch} ,'4err_rs,c.i a~.J fta:, ,h4. trgist t»; nt»utgagc, <br />gxaxrt arm twat t4tc Pxty, thrt Fre*~ rty ;~ xtnert~~txsTx:r~:, ;n~ that f3c~rr:w t wrti «irxatrE xssa tle~i~~ns <br />Virally thG tine ttx iha Far:pert±r agains.# ;tat elairsts anti dena,~ ~~et~.*. °., .cs»; :.g,ct.ara:t.>;Lb. ~sn.;u~»»[. ,;, cs~3:, r. air:,.. <br />liatrd rn x ru:hcdv3t :»f r~:aptu+ns t€? ex~cr3agr rn at7y ttttt trr~~rs~k: , _. , -,~,.t3ir.r~, ! s~,„i~- »tc,~, t-, cr;£ t,~„t~•rrs <br />tw-~Ef`~" 3f £3C~ <br />