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eo..~~72 <br />Lender`s xvriften agrcc:nent or apptica6£e law. Rorrttwer sha11 pay the amonn[ of at# mortgage insurance premiums in the <br />manner pmvidcei under paragraph 2 hereof. <br />Any amounts disbursed by Lender putntant m this paragraph ?, with interest thereon, shal£ become addit#onal <br />indohtednrss r+f Rnrmwer secured hp this Mnrtgage. Untess ttorrrna•er and Lender agree to other terms of 'payment, seek <br />am:~.tnts shalt he payatr#r atpon notk^e fram Lender iZ Rotmwet requesting payment thereof, and shall hear interest-from the <br />date of disltixt•semenY 'at the race pay°ah£r front time io i'irne on atatstanding prineipal under the Note antes payttietzf of <br />interrsr ai such rate wznrW -be cantrsrv to appiicabic faxx•, in which event such amounts shall hear interest ar the h7ghest rate <br />prrmissfbie ender app#ic'able #aw. Nothing contained ?n this paragraph '. shah require Lender to incur-any e?a•IrettSe or take <br />any action hereunder. <br />i. Tas}ttNarr. Gender may make or cause to he made reasonab£e entries- upon and inspectims of the Property, provided <br />rhst I.rndet shaft? give Bnrrerxv-es notice prior in any stick inspection specifying rcasonabir sauce therefor reiated'tn Lender`s <br />:nterest in the Przperty. <br />9. fare/ernwatlow. "fhe prncerR#s of anv au-arct err c£aim fur damages. direct or conscquentiat, in ctrnnection with any <br />ctuadtmnation ar other taking , f tine Property, „r pan thoreaf, or for convevatice in lion of condemnation, are hettby assigned <br />and sha## hr paid so Ieitder, <br />in the tc stet of a icon! taking t,f the Prnperry. t3zc nrcreeeds shah ha app#ie=i to the sums seci:red- by- this Sxfbrfgage„ <br />wiab t#sr,• gams, if any, paid tFi Rarrawer. £n the tint cif a pariiad taking of the Propem~. untess Rorm•s~er and Lendnr <br /><+thtsu'isc agitr is a"ririnq, nc~rr shaP tae appiird to the toms :scored try chic 14forigage each proptMiat..,f ilir proceeds - <br />as i= equal to thaS propnrtion sv#ty,-,h the amrwnt of t#ae sums secured hr this lfoitgage immadiata}y -prior to the date of <br />taking !genre to ttar fair market Endue of i#at Pnsprrtc immexiiateh prior ter the char a# taking, xs ith the balance'of the proee~eds <br />a.asre to Iktrttrarcr. <br />If t#tr Prcapem~ ix abandoned t,q• Rorr,,wrr. e,r a€. a€ter notice }«v T.rnder to Borrower that tha enndemnctt nftera to-make <br />an gagged or aett#e a c}aim f sr damages, Borrower faits io r-,spend t,~ £..ender w-ithtn 3t} day~c after tho -date'such notice ~is <br />trailed. I.cnder is authxv'iZrd m r;,#kct and :t.pp£c ihr- pr>~reedc, at Lender's eptinn. either Sn mtotatitt<t orrepait' of the <br />Pr t*prnr ,-,r 1i, the sums s~trured by irs \fnrt~ge. <br />L'ntrs¢ Lander and Borrower c,rtacrovase at2ree i- „~tting. am such anYhcaric+n of ;,rxkrede to prir,czpai shalt not extend <br />s'f psxtpottr itx ilur char of ahr manrttdi: ;rsta££mcnts. referred to in ?azr~raphs # tnd ? £artenf nr change- i#ae stttanm of .. <br />c;>Lta =nsta#iitients <br />tA. faeroxter'.~iot Released. 33xtrnsaon of the t=mz 9.,r pae~mrnt nr me.dit£aatian .~f amnnizai€nn of the sums secured <br />h1' tarn Mongacr t,rantrd t,3~ I:rneirx t.: anv succsssczr ;n interest cf Rert~,u^rr sha££ not ,aerate in ;rtesse, in any manner, <br />`~ f4ty - r `-r=- -~=-t '•'-`"` ~ _ ~ :k. mom-. x u:-r5s,~.rx ar, i•ttrrrst t em3er <haF£ rs,t £+e requistd to commence <br />n+cx'cs'.ings agaanst 4aa..h ±Lwcr..+xi, :., rrftrsr t., extrn:i erne far pa,mcai «.,r t t#aetx•ist nti+d'tfp amortiiat:on of the sums <br />xa^t:rr:. hr this NottRaFe ire m3cttn t,t atai• da~mand made 4c~ the t«nsraai Rorm;vrr .ind R>rrower's stxcrssoes in interest. <br /># f. Rorieata~ce As Leerier ;\ot a Ka'ai~er. env (,,r#aearan,,r h:~ £.ender itt exerrisinc a v ri~hz or rrmedv #acteunder, or <br />~hc`£s•tsc- atlz:rr9ex# ?n appi,,:a§#r ..aA~, shalt ^ot 'tr - wa.xtr .+rec?ode the exercise ;+f anx~ such right i,c mtrtedy. <br />'I~te p: c^xnrtsntnt t i zmuraazcr r' the ;-=ayrscrs t+ ,motes - ,•trrer ~ t ~hargrs br~ i,e?Fder z'.,at3 rat tr- a xsgiver of i_entler`s <br />nit i.7 rW~e#rrsta,hc tnatunt?` crf tht tn~tet~,~,rit,:c a -~=itu t-s' ,. , ta,:rtea~c <br />I3_ Rereiisa Ca~~r_ .-48 rcnsefs~ .r,a ,~ , ^as _ f r.-~~gc t i t -t -~, i - rue?aii><~ i„ anv ether sight ar <br />';<~tr<iy- a}~~. =#::c tl:,; ;-fie *_,r n?f:,~rrS ?~,. ~+n -•- cc.v.t,- ..~4f r a '±r e<e r., cti „ti.:;.;, rrn.ix .rdc'pen;:ent3y c r <etc~tsstve#v. <br />17_ Searrnaars sd A>~~ 1sa~ar.rt..trrrat awi 1e rra# # xrMhtr (ttpdarn, £T2 . -. ver,stus .end agreements heroin <br />~,ittautrd th_?I #an;t - -d t#tr r;tY~ z trev-u>er -hx:i : tr - - pr= ~r i< *, -,-< r actgrs ~v f-en.#cr snd Rarroxcrr. <br />aub#ert te, arir pixrxisix-xn ,.s` ;tarsg-a;'x't ^' rem±! ~,?; .,a.cysantc im, .a.cmrmrn.„ c+t Bx r.,auer snarl hz s,•,m and avers!. <br />The i~~2~:a sn<3 rtea.lingn rf ^ht ,s: aex;~, hs aS .hr 1s#,.rrin~r set f.. -.:anr~raecnct ,~a9a' a i are ra ,t t„ !~r t±ux3 m <br />rntt.'r'~,req a>r dr.'t5.3e tnc prnsasiE'~n„, rrrr+af <br />TY. ~M^e, ~'€'xPt fi'rr anN raxtr.^ae *rcr.+=ad rugger -i*~,';•i;an~k i:ta ei~ iwe gavrn ~. a=gr~+tdxr ntanrsrr.. ;x? nary nonce rr, <br />#ie; mnrvr T±roa~nitd En: ,n this htatrigaitc r~t,a~i£ '~ ~-~,-rn i", ^,.„t~,.i#. -,,.?, ,.: cc <br />=`Ftsfatsi rratI addrosacd a:, Borria,vefi a[ <br />~a?3r x?pr=rx i.idan,.:,r r3 m.r tar. advlirn.. = Fk r ~ . _ ,, :4^: >~t,lz _z stns f,~ 1 r•~- . ptcn^iu'rd herein.: nu <br />-bi ark- ri~E sc, i_c,is'drr sera#t 3>< t,•ar_i ~~~ ..a~,..,.7i ...~., ...,,r.~ cs.,.i =_.u s. teed. u i er2.,icr+ addrrv stated htrrita alt to <br />-Mach or#aer ar$s~#re~ :ar I.rta+x,rt naax ctevsg^xie b± ;s;+tr,: -* ,~„rrx- er a< ,^ro.;.3~ci ,r=ras, 4r.,,' ne:i.,e trrrr,t•~ideJ far :ta =,his <br />`-,teati'y*~.e "3rs:£ axe Firerttad i.y a;.use tatrt> ~~vri{ ~- paavr,;wer „r @ ender :+s,en ~-,'rn S,> ?~ snaa;nr= -t,, gtiasesl herriri <br />1S. l'eifteear \feAtagrtr t.brerarue~ I a. tie>ers#Witr fi'.; t m r rr <,r#vnes .i;,t n ~ , a s -.,€ natx rtsi <br />ease a~ sxxrm_rn~en:~ wrens a=. s a,z€c r.aiu;x; ,a - <br />-... n S>i---t a U.).fi r'te Y.1 '1d1 a?`.]tl Vnt if?Yrrin~ <br />'tart fi+:YrYtcrt~c TteaY Stcwg.~p , t2 -*~ g er xd x 'ti - ~ , -i 2 =~r~,r a r #" r'r is a c~ in the <br />c x:aa _?xr as'11 i*",x:st r a.:acic -i this 'et ~ ~.t . ^k. S e t ae k -.....c,irot ia~ w h ..van et .natd r tx adrrct <br />..~3uex r ex:as sa.e+s rs3 ~ ,, l~icsnTxx"t' ., s?y>e ". « #_ ~ _... . ,,-. :v. <br />rrsd ti5 rs .,: ..... e .,,r.~x. aK ar,;.;,..:+. .,.t.i r, tdrar <br />i?t yrrxte,a~s i°~ it~'•a:•:'t&;ri',il '^a ':ct~ ~.rr -e -.a: r.> C 7-c u~•-crxhds' <br />7i. leet®sre+rr C+afilt~. ~Mt+v:pr i=sr 3 ke ..-,: ,,c,. t ,, cr? ~ t'2e ?;, _ .. ., s1 ,;tn-~~~ ~t '°re r;nrt <br />,y. f'it'.c'i2tdr+t tsx ,5.f32r 3kx.i"'Fdath'dR t'F'ti.'t?t - <br />'~. TrrawMie~oEticT'r+yayss:.i~, i~ s, _ .,r ;-e i'r _.-; , ~rr;nterch? z-r..ta i. s 9 -,. ti;u;,frrrrd <br />~' 8134YYlte,'i'.r' "+'iY~ lkI ~,CtMr~C='~- i`raaTx ai~?ter e,ye.~:x:. < .x::.n,q . s. ....: ~ ,~ : .~: ~ : < .. ~•: ;~> rr nt~n~r s; tPrl~.r.!t5t;ilr i,.* <br />titea ;litatt~agc, f#+3 she .cadn',t~. °f a par, nssc ,.:: ~*rh ....,., ~ -«txi.:t, - ~,r vc,+i.t t - +; an,ty^= ' ; de~iuc. <br />~t ~ ;at?~n ialsaa aetaa^ s.'2e .ica h ,.z a ,« •rs:z; ... - - <br />L-7 tea °n as i fie:'. , t ~+,c'x„- ;_ ~ :..3 M ~ ".as 87 ~rt~a}e in hr <br />+mxsx,,hatrPy dyt stx•I #?stis'blc 4.erac~t s°aa t . a.r ..»: zai _r .. ,_ e ; ~: .ii:• _.. .tsert,€r 3.c^dr: <br />a~ tt'~ #+otvtvre ae> w~b~:y?t iFsc Nzc~aerat r:. y, i=z s s -~e a=n+i-~.,-act a s. _ ..,.e....-: .,.tn ::~. ~*e~trt ;,! -;,,.h l•vr ,r <br />r <br /><s sstrrltwc"rur; a;: I.rn~r art t#,a. za>e ,.-,e3t~t ,_-aa;,'-?or ;r >...- , e,. ~~ ..:; ~t~~-. .a,c ., j. -x ,.t :,n_, p.c ._euuet. <br />3 t~},;acat. 71 t.enc#cr 3,ar x+~sive.t t~ ,-twh e,. .~ e e e.r.t - 'r _.. } R. t .... <br />at~r'~t }~-~,=.a~u~3>wti i xvrsrttta :'.#+s=fi3#rrsc,i'± ,~rt~tf~i":i ~ .z. s_;, .r .. ,t ; _ _ tt..ee7. ~++ t ~k. -;,ii .i#ease. 't3:e , rr to=ant ,e?# <br />anti utadrr 3i1er Mc*xtiFag€ acrd the !tintz <br />It ~,rttitr exari:rac. 3t'^, *rt '1 ;_. ,rita iP .. .q'ii 3 tip': it 3 2 "'~ '. 3e2. Nti'i <br />*aaraygrtg3x 8 t,rrc+id, +, nth .,_•z d,.t h,.r] ; ; ~c ri. ,. ,, , ...a. ,.„r a,. ,:=:rs ,.qtr.. ,c ~.-e.,. r~ ,~.,;s.a u,in~r: <br />:c3a~'St $tsrx.a,wse xna; w, itsG ?•c:rrr. >:ec=art:: dse i= Ise r +er <br />I-arrt€r ~~. >r:i. r;artt~r a~ .,. «, vcreaeua ~.,s ~, ~ ,x r i t . ~ ~ t i<... =t. v. <br />'krx~'-t:w~tFCfar~~ Czrc~ra-.~zs ~&~~ ~~ s~ tn~er - i .:sea k; 2.~ a~ r --.-; r ~,.-a: •. . <br />ti. Aczdeeat#aa; lteisre,+iier, >IatcxM ar pr~sidei in t7 lrer,~rf n ~- <br />Piralyaae~e ~e Brrrrna rr'st 6rwsri.-b of star a~rarenani ur <br />d ~eKtanrrdr is tirir linrsiagar, Sns'taittrR test r:r.reraaartr Bra twy «irtu dae any arrnrr srzruvd by thtr \#ortRagr- <br />Lsatletr MMSr Mtrceciraatie~ rr~al# nsaA esatke to Tfrar;nrax ~ ~=i~r3 iu Nair~rs~t i3 turxv,t speaifiint;: it# the hrraab; <br />i33 ~ ~`_+egsir'aii su Grin' aeiri ;turns!„. ti:1 a eiatta. nod kxa ifi~ ?~ dayr tram t4r date tttt tarattrt is naaikA to tlrvtreaxer, <br />-r •Trdtt'~ rY1ts'i ~latstik rareN let. xryei: ^ai t-fd drat ittilwr tat zrrre saertr twrarr• axq ~r trrfaur the dart sprcr'.d~td is the notkt t <br />~ satrrik iV rmuinra~iror otT ~e tree ~ rxa!r# M tirnt titwtiia~s; lgrcxiawre ~ IiaWrrrwt Pnucatdtirrt„ gager r»Ie riF rhr Prrprriy, ..,if <br />aalie# atwM fratlraer #si+srsa Marraaat ail' tAe ridat w rriarlaat after xCa*terMiirarr gad crag ry»,tn ta; axr~r! its tree fxerm karatx <br />~we'asyr•stii4lesne ef.rrtiefarq ar.arty rrCtrkt +rie#taaet rat' Swrrarx+tr tar aexeimratlax Seed frrracsNxwr+., tt tin hrrscR <br />it fis4+rlrlell ~;r trtiitee rlee AtMe rTtecl~srl-irt iFe »etiro„ # ender, at I.tsdt,r s x+ptiuue awry des Wrr" aii rf tier .uav. secured hs <br />~-~ tp #e ~: rime acre! Pa}:+tt1r .rrrimu i'areiirtr avewaur£ gent xnar Yairex:#+ahAe ta+ iudra:ia3 pra'taecatirrq. £ tuArt <br />-~~ W rvrlMxt ha twrM i. aY er~aex~sec xat fterr~teerp[e, iexiedter~,, twat rnewr drmidrd t..r, .,rsx-a at =txxaarrerrwrs <br />c,aiirsac:r air~ata[tic aet+i arPgtuW, . <br />t#, ~arwsrw°s Nit;i4 t®lAiaaaart. a,aa:tdrai.a;rstsrit ?srri@s,t - ...:,..ran ... . , .. .. _, ._ i.#, ~,srz:-,k, <br />3trr>:,'r ;rte :ha~<e rho rf~txt ;;r t,.a.:,, ati', is r~x.x~:i::~ag:, k~{'_.aa; ~.g. # Kix s ., , . , ~ ~ , <br />