8th `" ~ b
<br />Gender's written agrecrnent or applicable taw, borrewtr shall pay the amount of all mortgage insurance premiums in she
<br />manner provided under paragraph 2 hereof.
<br />Rny amtlunis d7slxirsed by 2_ender pursuant tcs ihix paragraph %. with interest thereon. sha}I become additional
<br />indehtcdaess of Borrower sccnrtd by thix Mortgage. Linlecs Borrower anti Lender agree to other terrrss of payment, such
<br />amotmts shalt (xe pagabtt upon natice from {,ender to fl urow:= regtreszing paymerrt timrecx{, and shall bear imerest from the
<br />date-of disbrtrsernent at the raft payable from time to trine t,n ouistandirtg principat under the Nate unless payment of
<br />irtteresr at suth rate cxoutd be contrary to apphcabte-law. in which ecen€ such amounts shaft hear interest at the highest rate
<br />perm»sitsk under applicable tact. Nothing contained in €his paragraph ? xha#t rt'.ti{viro Lender to incur any expense ar take
<br />arty action heret+tider.
<br />8. Lte'rciiaw. [.ender mac make or cause to 6e made reasttnabieentries upon and inspections of the Property, provided
<br />char Lender ;halt give Bptmwer notice prior to any such inspection cperifying reasonable catrs° therefor rotated u, Lender's
<br />xnterC':t in the Property.
<br />9. CtaaleeitratNsti, Teat proceeds of any au~rd or claim fas damagrs, ttirecs or rnnse~uerxtial. in connection atith any
<br />condemnation nr other taking of the Property. or pan therrof. or for conveyance in Tien nF cnndemnatinn, are hereby assigned
<br />and shack tar paid to Lender.
<br />Its the [vent of a torsi taking of the Pritptny, the pzoceeds shaft he applitd to the sums secured by t€tis D4ortgage.
<br />with tht txress. if any, paid to borrower Fn the event of a paniat tnkine of ttte Pmpern~, unle~c florrowe- -nd L.ender
<br /><.rhtnxict agree in u:itiag, There ;halt he apphet? to the >ums arctrreti 6v thrc ?ttongagc such pmpnninn of me proceeds
<br />ss is et;t:ai to that ptvtxtrtian u~hicb the amount of the: sums searreci h. this M1lotxgage immcdiateh prior tt? the date of
<br />taking hears [xr the fair market vahxc of ttrc Pmptnk immedistzic° pri.~r m the dare of taking, with the balance of the prt>cceds
<br />paid to Noaowtr.
<br />if the Pmperh 7s abandoned by Borrower. t>r if. atilt nt,tice by Lender ir. borrower that the condemnor offers to make
<br />an award tar seiztz a claim fx,r dams€es. Borrower folk to revpand to Linder within 2(1 days after the date such mice is
<br />rnaiiec?_ Lander iz utthorirtd to colictt and apply the' prtrcttds_ ar Lender`s option. either to restoration ar repair of the
<br />Propenr err m €he gums se-~•sad '~s~ :his 4tnn2agc-
<br />L'nteas i.tnder and &?rmwer nthers•xce agrte :p. ,t-clone. an•. cuch apphcattnn of prnt:etde to nnncinai shall not extend
<br />or ~s€p,.+nt she due elate of thz :nttrth7r~ instaE!ments refcrrr.3 to in paraCraphs ! ;xnd >_ hcmo{ „- .hsrge the amtxunt of
<br />cta-h in~wt3*rirat-s_
<br />Ill. ^oetoxr~er ~M Refrared., ffxttnsean of tht tams fix pa;mcnt ,,r ntz*difica!r,?n ,<t ;xmnr,.zar:on „f itxc rums secured
<br />by tiles Mnrtgagt granted b3° t_znder i:? am• xrt:.cess.,r r?. intcreei n Hnr-,over t-bait n<=: e.;,e racz t release. in any manner.
<br />,zst i,sisitixv- ;~i rise .~rigera# Rnrrua~r and Bar:aver'= suc.vsserc +n interest ? z::der ~x,.3"tl e•,=t r~'. reyuitte? h, commence
<br />pnsctedittgs agarrzst such sxx:c:essar <.: refxaxc- ttr ceterd time ftrr payment ,, ==, ire rw, c *+.>!?rfi~ .r+axxuratrexn „[ thr sums
<br />strnteat by tftis ~forzgagc by reason of ant' demand mad[ h.y thz .,rt,rnal tinrrr,ser and lt,rr.,vcr's cara~csxrc in interest.
<br />tY. FerYntawtk -v~ I..eeder~ \a a wefeer. ,tr+.v iz,rf+caran<: hE- t cndrr ;=e c-,cr~rssr, ,:,,r r..t~-!xt :,r rrmrdy hereunder, or
<br />c*ttxtwtse ;,i: nrdcti hf~ app,ic~ahfit :aw. obeli net t~ a wsiyer „2 r. ;+re:''texie *hr cxcrc!zr ,~ :.,~xr .~.xvh nght c,r remedy.
<br />The pretrutcmcn€ of tnsurans:e :,r the payment +'t t:xxes ,,r ihzr :cone .~r r,harczs i.c i cndt* :?, apt tract F'c ., u saver c,f I ender's
<br />right to accz}tratt tt.s masuzin~ of the r>;dzhradn -- cd he ,h - M1r sir
<br />Y3. ReateJirs Ca~fi+e. -Y;i re•neci,_, _,.urt3so -a ..ir, 1~., r,e{.~ a e ;t:.tin: .,-_ ~ ._.m_ra~ rue ts, ens rxhtr rreht er
<br />rCrtttt#v r=xttk:r 4?t;! AYoriga~ et aitti,zd~1 6E _aa .+ c;;rkirt. -nd m -. !n cctr. -..t-1 ~.,,x yr ;ndcpc rdCSfirc" nr iac,.e~siv~tiv.
<br />i3.raetcesaaes alai :~aaiLws 1Foxal: Jtunt sad Sesrra{ Liatr7lkx; ('aptiam. i?te .c=venants .: xd agresments herein
<br />ronea:nrc# shall hind. a:tt3 Ys€z ritthts hzt>:undzr chsi4 ,rusrc tn. tp*c rcrpccu.~r c„c--.~,;~. an:3 a,.+g+=+ rat t cn~itr :r.nc; IY;+rmu~tt.
<br />xuttieet to tiye prtryssmos of paragraph '.~ hertol. .42! cevcn-anis and egrrrmcniw rt I}urrvsx~rr *,hnii hr n~am and tiv'tral
<br />The captions and he:¢iag» .; ttte parag:spins <.f ;h:c tottfi*agt err f:?r c,>nsrnren~e .,+*l, !n;i a._ ,;.,i t:.: kr .rczd to
<br />!ntsrprct or viefint the provisions tttrto#.
<br />1t, 'Vetiee. Esisgtt for say ttottcc ret{xxitad under :.ppli-abie ls~d to i±? given +t an.,t"wet meaner !:a} aa3 natice ttr
<br />tit: tt,.rzcrx prs*r,ded t_u to :hie litrrt-yagc >^atl ?,r t°;f: r, t" ;ttrzltn: +r:h -,.+ircr h, ,.~tttfieti n, ,i aJdres+rd tr•. Barr,.r.:rr -st
<br />the' Properly .'*ddrew~ :*r at sx~.t, cnhrr ~x~kiresv a.~ 9. «,.ex m;xr decrgnxite ?~ x«txce to { z,r,icr- ;:; pr,=vtdtd fatrein. .tntf
<br />[~+) ant ttatrnv tai i_ert.#er eha3? t•r gtyen hs c>`rtx~d tix._ai, returrx teccrPt ;eft e:estesh_ ;~~ i entie='=. adcirzss st;ttrd herein nr to
<br />snail ottstt adcresa as C.endrt may dzsiEnat¢ hs. nzxti.e :;, flrrr:s.er a. aer,x-rd.:ai i+c; e;±: ,+, rrr r..*ticr ;+ =,•rdcit fcxr r;r this
<br />'`itu7gage shalt t?e deemed it. have t+cen q:sen to Aorrr++yer : r i rndrz N':zn g+a ~ in t?rc mam:rt &cignate± ':crein.
<br />YS. 1`eiiwwt ~itMRaRc; f:txxernigi law: Sexrraltlit). t'>r~. ±:srm :=t mongagc c:*tntxxnes !:nrfnrn? ~:=-cnac,r. f.=r national
<br />ust atxd non~txrteforrn ca-s~ertanis urh ?i.:xitt~i ~sreat;sins t-s ~::rat,±- to n tx= ce.tttt:x*_rrr a t.nrf, rm se :xr.€+. intr::n:rnt covering
<br />rxai prarpetty '3?xay RYarrtcagc shsi? ~ t~t~'rrrtrd by .he !.w nt file ,occult -x =? .. oilier: ter Pro{arnv r~ i.><azed in tht
<br />eft That any" tu'rvsrvn ivr cfiat.ee cif :hie Arc.rSeag~c ,=r rho \c==.e . t+ur'+.ia; ~irh -,.t.3i.ahtz ia~_ _., h s;nr3 :.r s±:»`s? h.,t ace[
<br />t;ttatr pre*xx~c=cs f this Mzxngage .~ ti:r.^ ?i.rtr a-x„c'z gas!`:r f,vcrs e;frz:, >; tsh,:i:t tt,.e c,'+nrS _,tin' e-re~visi.~n. and t., •his
<br />flax }zr-rk--viyrr:- r=t eft... ~tt<rig~r r a:txi r}x \ , st ' -r - a ztx t: !c rvtrat?}r :,- ;_
<br />IC. ~gffoxter`3 ~'~s. Ir.'s: n.-,v~3 y:'.a3, ~ f.x. n;. ~c~ -,... ,__a - ~ - s-rw tc na .•, k .ilt~itsa c R!"t~M trnte
<br />;=f tM1C=rxttiran or allot rzcxdatioa txreof. -'
<br />YT= Ttrsrrirr of tfie H+gperais: issxitrapfioe• f* a„ i z.r? .44 Prv*pe tt r an ittteiest riit6c~xpt ra'scr'd cr trancfc; red
<br />?yy Horri+wx; withi,€:t Lt+tddrr't; prn!r written e:v;ns'. +.>: _~:ru ,e+ t„c• ~:eattan i,t & ?scn irr-enrirtrtarar+ca. _t}i.,r3ma!c t
<br />this \{~uigagr-, ihi thr crcaucat ~ 2 a punira r ^st*nua _ •,-;~x;~, gar=,cre,t t:,r a:=ssehc Y;3 appiiarrcri>- ~ .; rran,TUr by devise
<br />dent-cnf r~,r tsy irpzrauon a,f 3«,+ :.porn the :{gall' .2 a r•~, c a t.._ _ - .
<br />- Lrazii_r mzt. at 1 _,r,3rt -, , 3•tr.rr,. c?tcaa r a';i fhe sx a xt:n=rd .. - ,hs M1St nv:,}z to bt
<br />tmttaediatctt dtx 3rw payatxte t.endt•; stall bast- Kaeatd •.r. ;. xpt~.,n ts~ nc,:elrrsst tt. , ri„r s.~ :i~: ,ate „r er.fcr. f cndrr
<br />~tu3 the pc~+~ tom, wih~tti t't~ Pis?get'tl c~. ^._ ~t ~sx .3 s ,raaatz ,~ u ;ea<h a~te€mrnt rs ~+,rrrs~ x~r.,e tAc ~r.~re ', saxch ~rurn
<br />ss sati5i aet.'xn tr* fi..ensicr attd i7at rix trxttr~i t-at-ante ,,n :far,. ,e;ntx r.z.;rsrd fw :M< 'tt~=atgsge ,h;`; he 3: s.,~.?Y rote a4 t _ndzr
<br />sitatk Wit. if l.eru3er ham. war:~i tix ,>pz4x n - aw c ~ . _ •..fcei ,. th ag*a-ph :nc ., C3~tau•a , s _ceav?. an
<br />t~ilr~ac;.c~a,,.rstic-,a a--~.mt~ai:r; -'~r'°r.,t: -. y.e u ,° a. -~' .ct•_r. i r ^=xlt H~-r B:,rruu r, :tom ail
<br />:'t#~7gartt~s under this blortYtrtge and t#~ Na}tt
<br />If Yttsder extrressrrs „ac'r, cptio,, t. a: a:ktrxtc :: <- . ,at! iza,,owc~ ~ .._t ..~_tc , r_ ., .- a...,rdant<• •,+uh
<br />oaragtaplt 3y ?strzxit. ;4xh'?e ntst:c"Y shalt pr:-xidr w sxra,...`f r.".~: tc- -tta.+ ate 1 is tour r..,v ::ai,° -. ra. .t~z r•= rrr3-i?ei3 :. it±,rn
<br />yrlxxh >}.-,.r, 'wet mav~ pat thr cxssEt;s doe.+a.ev xftae t* B~,rrs.=war ~a,R, + f+rr s -..t: ,,.. p... , .~ ,;c c~,t ,e.,t;:.., > a.h prr.~ti.
<br />i.enr3er tasac. without fisaat~•.t txxyr ,~r ue:?~tand .,rx I3c'rr- +._ . :,m - a..: .. tr-f ~ ,~vrnt,trc+i rr. C' t .s_, . ;rY: • , ~rac.>f
<br />\o.'r-tivstKxx+r (-SrtF'v.+,'tl5 tic>,rxwar axli t cndrr ;tuthcx t .rt:a;ts:x;k aptsr =. ;^?;.ors
<br />I~, ~,atrolnriips: ReatrdieF. Eatrtp a. provided in paragraph t7 hercui, up[rn Nurroxer's ba~ta.h n£ am rnrenaet nr
<br />agaetarat vt lirwxrr+uer ie iivit 1larl~a}tit, ieclaifipl tltr auspeanla in pay x. hen der any carne secured by this M1ltrrtgage,
<br />is~~tt[.+teiar le. aettideeetie~.sMtlll [wail aulsne in ilarre+xer a. parr'lied 7w telegraph ti tteretrl spet3ft~tag: t!i ibe breach;
<br />t2M-fife aNitr ~ M ctieeiret'Y iKeaci-: 4~t a data oat k•Q, tiwn .Yfl da}s }rinrt rbc rule the rwiirc Ls mailed in &.rrower,
<br />h! slue! ewtrli MWrei ~1Yft 4rtriai•. and--rjy t#;qt Itittrce tr± cant anci breach tan yr beftrre iha dare +pxc7heti in the ew7ce
<br />nog t'~fatli tie ~ ai -e. sAalnr reclined !y this 14trr~itg4, fttrea:Ytuetre ~ jttdiciel prt*rrxdty and sale of ihv Prtatrrtt
<br />file tiWke risfl flttttltrr iwtt+ras lertrerree al tftr rilE41 Acs rk7artett: after tkxeleceiian and [lse rtKbt tea a«srrt 7n the forgo luwrrr
<br />itpr~iittR.i#r waet+ra7wace d a lei+raii Ar awy a#fter tkitrere td Itairarcr in accrleratinn and t,xrr{tei~a.rr, tt ttte ltrrrcb
<br />it eat awe! as car btlan [let tlrsta-+lrecilMi as-flue multce„ t.etttlrr as i.rniet'r uttiax mar di~tiare tdi txf she sums srtured 6;
<br />tlYi-.~er_ M b€ ~ doe eel #a,-aldt riYlaatet farther dtremd end mry fcseecl+sxe b3 )tutle7s7 pr~rarccd7ag. txn/er
<br />r-all ie atttillrti w 4trilk c'r 3tt rita'!k lr+n'ecdiArr a~ ~aa*r-ham ut int+te#raaert~, inrtxrd7q{{. M.t awl fim7fed tx.r, c,xs#a ~t drn-ttnseniar}
<br />es'7irwtts. ttiMrwcrM seat Uite rxttah.
<br />1~..Mrxd~e~a M~--t~tt -lLliirMiflE• ?ara;e•uPo~s3.anuE;raR i.-rs~'.fC •_. , _~ ..' r¢~k , ., ., r : .; e.t h. riu*. '_~„r.>agc
<br />P~:~t'tassxC: ittat; tkiSYF'. :1~ rig$i t_.: +atx:•c soy fi.4tretftng4 t~guex i:k rr,dc:- r-- c,.:_ ,t r M1{ 3ti: ~,„~~ ~.,,., n.,,,. 4J :,, ,r ~,+ r::s,r
<br />