<br />prior to miry of a judgment enforcing ibis Mortgage i#: (ai Borrower pays Lender all sums which would he then due tender
<br />this Mortgage, the Note and notes securing Future Advances, if any, had no acceleration occurred; (bl Borrower cures all
<br />breaches of any otAer covenants or agreeme»ts of Borrower contained in this Mangage; (c) Borrower pays all reasonable
<br />expettses incurred by Lettdcr in enforcing the covenants and agrcements of Borrower contained in this Mortgage and in
<br />eaf~rcing Lender's rerttedies as provided in paragraph t 8 hcraaf. i»cluding. bat not limited ¢o, reasonable attorney's fees; and
<br />{dj Harrower takes sash action as Lender may rcasnnabiy require to assure that the lien of this Mortgage. Lender's interest
<br />in the-Ptopttty and Borrower's obligation to pay the sums sectrrod by this Mortgage shall continue nnimpaired. Upon such
<br />payment-and cure by Borrower. this Mortgage and the obligations secured hereby shalt remain in full force and effect as if
<br />no acceleration had occurred.
<br />ZB._ kwe~w~f a[leab; ANd~tNMt otleceNer, Lender in Pasw+essiew. As additional security hereunder, Harrower
<br />hereby asaigtw to Lettdet the rents of the Property, provided that Borrower shall, prior to acceleration under paragraph 18
<br />hereof nr abatrdonmeot of the Properly, have the right to calle.'t and retain sttch rents as then become due and payable.
<br />Upon-acceleration under paragraph 18 hereof ar abandonment of the Property. Lender, in person, by agent or by
<br />judicially appoittted rettivsr, shalt be entitled to enter upo», take passescion of and manage the Properly and to collect the
<br />rents of tht Property, including chase pau due. Atl rents collected by fender or the receiver shall be applied first to payment
<br />of the costs of managetrrcnt of the Pmperty and coilectian of rents, meludeng, but eat limited to, receiver's €ees, premiums on
<br />retttivtt's bonds attrt reawnabk attorneys fees, and then w the some secured by this Mortgage. Lender anri the receiver
<br />shall ba liable to amount only for those roots actually received.
<br />31. Ftswta ~.isn~ttra. Uptm regttest of Borrower, Lender, at t.cnder's option prior to release of this Mortgage, may
<br />mate flttute Advantxs m Borrower. Svch Future Advances, with interest thereon, shall be secured by this Mortgage when
<br />evidenetd 6y promissory tortes crating that said rtares are soured hereby- .At no time shall the principal amount of the
<br />itidebtedtsess cooled by this Mortgage, not including sums advanced m accardanm herewith to prated the security of this
<br />Mortgage, exceed the original amount of the ?\late plus USS. S.OO.a OA ...
<br />22. la4tre. Upon paymeut of all sums secured by this Mangage, Lender shall discharge this hortgage without
<br />charge to Herrorrer. Borrower shall pay a-1 roots of ruordation, if any.
<br />IN W1T!tESS WHEtIEUF, plft[~wcr haS GxCCUted this MORgagC.
<br />Ed~ K ,~ _.-
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<br />'Tt:eyt`aregcst:g instrsuaent vas aGfi;#t>srledned before :ae th>,s ?~ .day of.
<br />l . i9. '~,3 ~y LC~R€3 I~eZtt3 3iit1 2'SUti*' R. ICttl.7tta, atitLSbdT1C~ ctTl[1 Wlf!? .
<br />~ztness ag `xand and natarzal seal at. .GIi'X~ SS3PTY3. ,
<br />itz said Ceunty, tiro date aforesaid-
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<br />Agalt%tiMEti'~` ~ 1lDRT'GA
<br />xt twat elf 4'itSS$ s~slrs~lvrs, tiEat, ~?tE ChrtlCld[lt~ Ndf:.7.t3rtcll Bank of. Gr~ild isiat><3.
<br />.'14s3.~itcrr"f #isr 9+?~ atxd ve:nata%a c.nttaideratzt~n c+a it in ;rand paid br tlxa ~ebtaaka Mort,-
<br />ga~ t*insrwa Fuasd. -asgat3asti9 eu3daz tte+a ?ova rr£ t'se State w€ Hebraslta a"ASa.ans~z"1. the
<br />cacaljst, a1 vl?i~tt eiirrr3drarat.icxn ar lterefxy a;itna~+zndged, does heren~ aasrz~r., zran:~fer, and
<br />ia+a'.-.#vsa -r~:t:# A1lsi$nMG a~1 ale ris}~ta., Li~tle. a.^d nteres*_ z.n acrd to teat Carta irs t9ar*_
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