<br />Uutaoatu COVPN 1NTS, borrower and Iander covenant and agree as faltows:
<br />t. Payment of PrlACfpt sad Inletest, borrower shall promptly pa}' wfien due the principal of and interest on the
<br />indebtedness evidenced by the tvoie, prepayment and late charges :.s provided .n the tiote.:;nd the pnnctpal of and tntarest
<br />on arty l;uture .4dvanc'as soured by ibis b4ortgagc.
<br />2, t*nds tar "I'attes and ins~rarK'e, Subject to appltcablc Iaw er to a w'ntten warvcr b}' Lender. k3nrrower shall pa}
<br />to Letxltr an i.'x day mnnihly instaltmems aE principal and interest are payable under the 'dote, until the ?:cite a paid in full,
<br />a stun therein "Funds' j equal to one-twelfth o€ the Yeart}~ taxes and assessments which ma}' attain priority over this
<br />Mortgage, and graund rents on the Proper()°, if ast}•, p!in one-ewe}fth of y~earty premium mstnitments for hazard insurance.
<br />pltn rxre•x+wtifih of yearly premium instulttrrertts fur martgsge insurance. if any, all its rt~sonabty estimated initially and from
<br />pmt to &tne by Leader un the basis of assessments dust hits and r,Y.rsonabte cvintates thereof.
<br />The Funds shalt he htid in ar. insziiutiar, the deposrts or accounts c,f which are insured or guaranteed by a Federal or
<br />sitate ag€n.~•y (itu:3udiag Lendu of I~nder is such an ins(+tutiosl. feeder shat( c+ppiy the Funds to pay said !axes. assessments.
<br />insurance gremiums turd graund rants. Lender tray ncx chsrgr for so holding and apptytng the Funds, analyzing said account,
<br />ar verifying sad cumpling said assessments and Ldtls, uniese Lender pays Borrower interest on the Funds and applicable law
<br />permiu [.ender to riwkt such a charge. Borr,,wu and Lender may aerce ~n writing at the time of ezecutinn of this
<br />Morxgage that interest an the Funds shad he pard to Borct}w°er, arsd cmiecs su:F. agreemrm :s made or applicable law
<br />requirty such intwest to tst paid, Lender shall nut i?c rc~yuired to p:,y Borrower and' mtrrrwst ar earnings nn the Func (.ender
<br />_, shat± gpa~ Fo borrower. without chsrgr. art annual ac,C, urimg t f the Funds showing credits end debits to the Funds and the
<br />purpose fur u-Malt rsch debit to the Funds was made. ~Itte Funds art p!eeiged as addxuonal sraunty for the sums secured
<br />tq tltix h4ortgage-
<br />If the ttrnaunz of the Funds iteid by tender, urgerher with the 4utura m. nthly instatimrnts of Funds }*aynbta punt to
<br />the due dates of taxes. ayyessmenu. xtttttrar,ce premiums and iround renn. ~ha11 rxceed the amount reywntii in pay said taxes.
<br />asae~nents. insuranY premiums and ground rents as tits} i~e!1 due. such eac:~ss shalt be, at k}orrowrr's opttc?n, either
<br />promptty repaid to borrower ur credited to Burruwtr cm month(} installments ,,f Funds- If the amount of the Funds
<br />hdd M' I.cttder stta6 not be sufftcitat to pay rates, assessmcrts. +irsurance ptcmaums and ground rents as they fall due.
<br />barit+wer ahstt pay- to Lxrtdu una• atncunt rte<assarg to mate up rha defrcrrrtry wuh+n 3fl lot's f corn the date nonce [s marled
<br />ir}' I.endtr to barruwtr ruttttsxtng payn?ent therr.,i
<br />span payment rn Cut! sI all. earns secured bv. they 3ionFa~, t c;tder chaii pr.tmptiy rotund to Horn?w~cr any Funds
<br />Meld by L.tnder. if udder psragraph lK !tezeirt thr Prepany ;s scud or t?;c Froprrty ,s otherwise aytnred by E.ancier, £rndcr
<br />shall spplY. na later than rmtttedtataiv prior t.- the saES .,i tr.' Prnprr[} +>r ass F~yu:sturn h. I ender, any Funds bald by
<br />F.tndtr at the tvmr x?2 uppii:itiun us a crsdit agaenst the Burns :rented hF th,; \iortgage.
<br />S. A~emiow of Payrtruwla. l.`rttess appire;ai+le law ; ro.:des c:rhrrwr>c ati patments recrrvcd by t ::nder under the
<br />are xttd paratlranh-s 1 atxf Y hcrea?f .}~ssit hr appi:rd b) I.cader tint :x? ,::,s tnent o! amevntx psy.+bic to Lrnder by Burrower
<br />under parsg[aph ? ',rrez:f- rhos to :n ;rrsr payatus ern rise tiou:, wren t: the r-nnc>pai of the tiote. and then tu' interest and
<br />prmcrpat on any Future Advancer
<br />•, CYattex IJe~ borzowe .~ p y- ell - x - > <cs-n z !s --,d ~ h- - linen anti ,mtN_,smern> attr,butnhie t.,
<br />P'rcepeaty which tats' auatn a pr~ari[y ,*ve.= a, }4~r,~ c...na iest....d ~.ayrneurs s .round ra-ras. tt and'. rn the manner
<br />-prta•:dtd under psraQtaph 2 hncuf e;, ~.' nr?t ;?tr=d 3n s;s~.h r:;;snrrrr. i. Borruver maarnv pit}mer.;.:.~htn due..nracity to thr
<br />pays t'xreot:, barrowtr shirt: promptly funs„ .:, Lender ai; nc*tr_-r, .;t susc+arnts dur sander ittrs paragraph, ::nd in the event
<br />E3xsrrc:aw-rr sltx3: rrxrt Rat'atem darn tiy, Bcxrrwer rhea prvmgt;n !urntsi: r,a i_t°r;a4cr rrcerpis cs,dencmg such pvYmrus.
<br />bu.'rawee shalt prumpt}y dir~harg^ env .ten h+-r nds ; c.rtiv ever ttus \ios ga e:. t+na <red that B.u r,:.a;-r she!! ~t.+t err
<br />te9uvrd tits discharge a~ such tart s,? it~ag a: & .:c;aar h~x.:.xyi`et ar; a urtn,^, t rite payment . ' the <~hhiatk`n secured 6v'
<br />y1M"II iaeax to a ma~nrue 3cc'kptal#a zi Lender. tier e~haa`. rn gcw>st t:.r€b sirntcn: +u~~h ieGn hy, „r Qete~nd ent<,rcement ,~t such hen m.
<br />I[gaI prcaetdangs witi~t e-potato to grero~eni ti;r antxrreemeRt ct thr !+en c,r '_?rf~rtarc :,i the i'rup err i~ c,; zrry pxrt Gtcrrof.
<br />S. Hmrd ,lnsreaaee. Bprtawer shalt Aug the i•npt<,.xnscnis er<w car4irng nr fir>eal~er r: a; xcd irn thr Prnprrt}~ inssurd
<br />a,gaattxt Toys trq itirr., Aaz;ards zFitlvied w=_th•u the tern, -ratendec:.,wrraKa~ and sr:ch earlier hazards a> I ender ma} reyuue
<br />and an ysriti aiauurtls arsd ;.:?r Brat? }:.et tads ;i* ]-ender cask tryutrx•. , r<r: ads;;. (?rat t.cru:<-r ,trait ~t:~t rcywr• shut .he amount :.!
<br />stuff cc~veraga escrwYl that arifue ^i x -ix,-eras s,}u re¢t r t.u) t'ir - r ;:ice, ! x~ ~rr rr \iartgaye
<br />'lhe rzt~turatn:e caxritr yrcwrdt't tat- r;sr_r- acs shat ^c F- -:: Fa Lurrr.:s, .sun{ecs apprcea ~ -::ar, pcov;ded.
<br />Fhat stxh apprcwai sha29 na~t be uarsa..*n.>?:2y ~nhhcid. ~+- r.ra:.a.ms --r n:,u:ancc poir_,ee stair fis. yard a the maunar
<br />grmidtti ucrdcr paragrsph ;; hers-! u:..t r;Erx i:a,.C ;r: °.ua:h man;zrt, bt bc. rs*,+et israksng ,s}'ment, xhan due. ,i recd} to the
<br />irt3ur3nc'e carrier.
<br />~rltt tasssrara:.e yxaiecis', ...,., trrsN;rds thrrc-+ malt tk ,r, *.: rxn s>r--epe.tt~e is i c ~..:ass Cssit ~xtuds s x:and.,ril rsrc+rtgage
<br />r7attpin favor <<t and :a iprnr ac.cptairs :,. rr=vsr t,ztcl: ..t':, ~ na;r tRc ae n e~, tt<e ;sv!v.=c•s a,++! tuna fierzc,t.
<br />a0s~-~rxc~-[Fez shu t:,riringisp fiuttx6 to I.eztdc -szr -.s. - - .cs an ai! r sit par .:.lull rr !n the c e-t ri ::xs,
<br />I~atY~"c of a i yr>~ yic*iiBx:::is:.~ ., :,`SK :.:iu.g.~.. gyn. r.,. r.._ ? G:'3R ..__. _-i tx,~4C ; r,r.?. ~.., ti3ss 2 !'=.c~t ~,ucEe p.lntpti:
<br />t}1' ~tBYSi'tS.
<br />Utrtesy Lander sad b.'rrr+wsr €ahc~z+e agra ~; ...r+,ta;. ;e,..:rar:a ,rch.4*i~ sttatt :xt ;~ppuzc: e,,, rr.xi,riur,.t s+* rePau of
<br />;}~ Ptxa> eriy datttadeat, paa~,.ttd _ut..h ta;t,.>: aieirn na reps :;:a~nornsi.si'ty -a.: ~ta;e a.tct rt' w,urns .;f rhos 4tortgage is
<br />net there=tfiy unpiutrntt. ii sixth trstr?za#sser rrr reps>r ri ^ut <~unumstai:)- trax.bta ,%r ;r t6r s~aur a} ut 7A:+ h~t or tgxge w-cauid
<br />he tenpura'd. rise anutrtue I:•rt,:=-r- ~3saii bt appttc.f .t= rite r.:m~ z s rr . hi ~t 5 hoc*rt~ ~r N ~t9 t ? lceis x n} pu+d
<br />icy 84arrctiFet :' the fhaperty >s ar~oa~~si L~} t3~'v~uw cn ;. t a }}.7rr wcr g v:.> ..- .e~'rc:ud .,. L:.ndrt ~« thu. lit i.a -s from the
<br />i ~txfirtt .vs mat'ital by Isndtr <t. Bea:: c?,a-st -'~a. r?zr e~uran.e ..:rrrrr „tfer+ ~ - setr3s .+ _~ a n its rrsuran_c fac:rmfits, Lrnder
<br />;s authttsaitti L:*. cctla>x stxi appi} sib :+. ss: ar+ ~ F' ~*v`ar:i, ::. ~,.:=ide: ~; .>pr..=c: e>ttxcx to ren?.,rnu>rs+ .. ; re6rarr .a<_ me Pmprrt}
<br />sYF to the 3iFilty sr.'+:xrrtrit }9Y triLy hlt}rtg{t$~2`s ,
<br />i.nttaa Lcn+lcr sad bcuta•t.er ot;tcr+.stst 5grte ,n -.+r,t,r:,; zn~• cv_h n}ry±r~s~ +: =f ~.r;f..ixais t:: ,,: atais;3:s3 =hat! sot e<tr.-nd
<br />an }+-~at~*~rtse ittt dtr,c daCs -s x~ s *=et--,.- ors .~: s c ~'c. :. ~+..a;, -4/+ -~ r -t ~ htty~ ,ha ur~.unt of
<br />sai..h ~~~IS -St ;aide, puf'aq,-x .a tuaect£ a..e :'n g ~ .~ ac~u r>,.S ;, i..~nu.. ~u; r slit, ufr ~a. d .-isre5t of Bntr.uer
<br />sit acrd ec: au) +~ut za:x pn»n~es grsi sr. sxtd *, r.c }rt +;:ce nc c.. - ru* s- rg -t - ers,aye t he Ir -pets r ,., r t: ~x s~_e
<br />>a.:acgtiiszt^a shalt Busy to Ltncter v., atu t~sen. .f rtx . u,t.,, w>.uru3 ra thu \!;:rtgagc : ;s:ncdrate } nrrur ,,. s.rc., ,- :c .,r
<br />~-
<br />k ~rtatiaa and lts+aaenanrx s~f Ptt+pert); C~taaelwils, toadaanaiotrts; planned unit tleze3optncoiy. t5::,t r,rucr
<br />s.}salt Iuetp t.Y?e grispettt itt gu..,,f zex~etr ,xnd sisali •,:a :~ctrxrrrn3E '»asu nr pt-rntxt :r.}-.sxr oxeru ,x r.c~terr•:.ratcut, n, the pr.,~rr_r
<br />Bost yksat ^t"'l? +-sh t4sc pt:'",s-~r..,ns ;r= :~€ti +e+FSe -t t!'s-> tic-riga3 -an ~ t r --i:? t t tier ti. ti :_ nu ;~~ .:
<br />~.oradututitiuan eu a ptti€'€a>~•t un.t dovz::+pararsad. I3v.r;.,.r. sisai3 {+or.~+rnr n7! c; iti++sr.~::r'n na.gat~x.. ._,uler t3 e ,s;aa:uat;c,n
<br />ct s:ewenarita etrattt'~ +'tr ;tx:,vetnstr~ t3te =ca•.dt'Kixraa„nr .*t i::asned ?==-nrt arvtit,{+ttnc++at. +he by-laws arsd roga,daux+r„ .u the
<br />tdxrk4l(trntrrnU~fi yr ~IantM~ rkn8 ~'«etugti'ta~tW~t..as~3 c.ir~tt-tz .t .a~. u,tt~, r, i[ a °:,d,?.rxanrunz a, x,;,t,.: .u' .,., : a octal+~aen~[
<br />ini4t" t~ 4~.eE"+~itci bg' iS€rrrcasr~iat mzad :xu. Yrr'iwat i.rgtif~t •h,;h Snrs :'4!+?rtgage, ifx ~:>.-enlist. era ,sgr ~ruerass .,ach r~air
<br />_~ ;~~~ shall atn4ttisi :tss<: w:xptihrt~;nt fix ,.=~~.cnarty sits agr+.^esrotients at c3 ,a ,,;Arrtgagc as s! ifte rrilci
<br />ss+tats a part itertttt'-.
<br />I. #raMclinat.ai I.eriat's Serstrify. if t'3uszor~tx atLr to gerr<;rrr. rite e?vcnaush atNS agtcttner,tx s.~:~nra rrd :r, th;,
<br />Iayiartg a; if any as~txras ur ;<sxtt~retsltnd r ttamtnse~c-tf whxctr ~x aria3 y art ets f ra de'r „ trrc.r er. h t r a°rr9,
<br />iudmg, trot r,~'E kttr'ittai tFS„ vmixgr-d d+:ar:?n.+rt, trsc_risKinp. ; +r.t,.u's.cmert? x~e;tngcnrcrEr-, ,~r t c~ccd:ng~ rrv+z~a~ntt ..
<br />ifw.~RXrstN rzr ,Irz:~i, ttaere ! a.:+'at Le~d>_a x -}'Mat;. ,s s-n ;ter=az~g. r_. Ilxt::•~~ ~ - a} naa~v u~'r; a pe~rentea, 3 s x,r+< +:.::i<
<br />tl ~md e ~ ~ ra se ~y ~ ,grtxr~=a Lstx#ra ntsrc~. +ttc:x,.ltrg. beet a;~*1 rsnt>s.c x :c, d::*+utara~nr>av ,t
<br />->t`ta atitxbv~•"s ic~rx arrt# r,±airy ;tpi}ra t?at 3*a+ern;; in Haase rc}~.~ax n. +~ a~<:;rrdr.; ,znyusre.f r.,=rtitatve r~ ,ra%;c ,. ,
<br />tit~tl[fitAia'r>et izf. -pt:alCtit~ t+-tC .tt?ari 4~2+i:3irGd 11~} ittt4 ,'+'IS7fttca.~E, bPY.r tY+z•xa :salt t a1 EIN.' pre r.,+:• xqw- -eel Fx~ n.a tr s -,-,
<br />z~ranctt err ~e xtxt3t %sss tenrt as ttx rsuazrstcni fns =cF.ta its:tazx~s : ..,:ate= ,, ~.:.~.r€iaa.. ~.ci, I# a , wsr, .,. .,
<br />