S.hS7Dr"'R IL3AN NO. 97532-34
<br />THIS htdRTGRGB is made thy.... , . , 29th da of.......... ?'?~X . ..............
<br />..................
<br />R>!Sa !~%+1TN I~"iCIAIT and TitiJOY A Hta.Gband an3 Wife
<br />.....
<br />14. ~;beiweta the Mart r ..............:.............t............... .. ......
<br />(heron "Sartower"1, and the Mortgagee, . Tom. Ot~r3and.... , .
<br />Naticxlal,Bs-flt of.Grand Islandr, fraud.Tsiand.,. Nebraska , a corporation oreanized and existing
<br />underthzltwsof......... ,k~$ .................... . .. uvhc~e address is..~44.F"~t .'I,!}i~,Stz'eet,
<br />C~C;;fid _I87.E~f+d,. ~€~Sk% .f$@QL ..................... . ................ .therein "Lsndei').
<br />WRettK;cx Horrovwer is ittdebtsd to I.tttder in the principal snm of ...1F!~4+e 43 . Se(!PSS .?~ Fiy~-.... .
<br />d;lca 0~--""'-°°'....... -~kiliars, whieh indebtedness is evidenced by Borrower's note
<br />qj... , .MSy.29,. X980. , . .... , ihtrein "!v'ata"}, pravidinr for maa#hly installments of princinat and infirest,
<br />with the twtance of the indebtedness, if trot sooner paid, due and payable on... ~~ 1, 2f710 - - .. ....... .
<br />TitS>vCtttrE to finder fa) the. repayment of ttte indebtedness evidenced by the Note. with interest thereon, the
<br />patyment csf art attar stints, wish interest thetton, advanced in accardancc hcrewitfr to protect the security of this
<br />Moagage; aril the performance of the covenants aasd agreements tit Borraww€r herein contained, and (b} the repayment
<br />z>f.atty future advaocrs, with interest thcrcon, maz9e-to Borrawcr h7. finder pursuant to paragraph 22 hereof (herein
<br />Advatteea"1, Earrow^er date hereby martrage, grant and convey to Lender the following described property
<br />loaned ie the Conn[y af .............Ii311........................., State of Nebraska:
<br />Tat (:11 ist t4nid¢etm S~tt;.h :,ddition #b ~he Gym, c€ Grand
<br />IBYatid, Aaii ~, 2~4+bza.Ska
<br />+!s'itl'eit a3r3t~ts eat.. , . , ... I27 °.:~ifi~clrtial S3riVtt, . GZ33jd , Is1aa[1
<br />iArsreit ~t~zrt
<br />. , .-:~, .......{.herein `Yropctty %1d,3r' i;
<br />ir.s .'ti~Csfl~'v
<br />~'#x".8:~itaJt+l~4-tilt the-;t~rr~r~tsts ,~-vn ~,s his ~#.~t Lr~r„,~d i;zz t }. =ixtty~ a;FU" alt ::a~rttcarts. rights.
<br />ag~ptuu,s+a~rxs, zxylrta. tay~]lias, zninetal. ;ail sru3 gas righ#s atu£ prtirftfis, enter, wat;~t rzgitts, :tzd water c:tx;k, acrd ati
<br />'auvtr err ht~E~ itk3flC~#tm1 #s+ the Lstsrtx:;t~, all trt va~r:h, ittc.ur3irtg replaccis;ettte attd trJdtttratts~ thereto, shad txa
<br />dsrnt to C+t artai.te~naitt ;x part sxf #hc titopgrtk r~v:rc~d 3ry this ~fortgagx ; :anti at! c+f the f<rrc:~ yang, rc3gether with sai.3
<br />i~tx t#rs: tic ~wtat~ r*autsc iE ltr~ '+~[or#, zs cm ~ Ira~litt#d1 ar~_ Itt'rz in rcft`.tr~el tz'! as ?Ire "1'n>perty'".
<br />YN'v+vrr ~3v~a*tlit€ Yhati !f#rtcaw~.r-]~s Ittwftt#fp sett cat: ih,:. €~taie :zexeby ~isn4~cs~ect an}i has sl?e rtght to ntcr3igc,
<br />;Mari +~_~iuz the ~rttper#y, tlrutt the t't'~apest} s tzue~aa:.a3sttbrm.~i, ay¢d zhaz Botts;wcr will tsarrattt :sztd defend
<br />~:=tptrss'+yly the.titt~ u. ; F'ttrtty a~utt¢t af! s:iti#trror azrd dstzstzds. atataji:~:z 3er;taty z±car-iittatasan.~, =~:?s;erncr{ts era retittrctitzns
<br />at:r~l rr , -~nedw:,::if srsc~su}ap tst c~~crags: 7*x tat}° €tsle :rz~urtxnc:c _~s~t ;ttb~,rsttg t ;retie: ~t;t.r~c ir::tt #'n~ect}.
<br />';t~'.t'#' 1t'h£1
<br />