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~0-~~~= <br />UxtFrast C'ovrx.xrs. Borrower attd Lender covenant and agree as follows: <br />i. Pnytnen! of Yrinclpal nab Interest. Basra+wer shat! promptly pay taken due the principal of and interest an the <br />:ndebtednrss evidenced try the Mote, prepayment and late. charges a. provided lit the 1VOtc, and the princrpai of and interest <br />an any Future ;ldvarccs s: Uured by this 'bfartgage. <br />2. Faede far Tasee awd (aaurttnee. Sttfsiect to applicable law at' [a a written waiver by ixnder. $orrawer shat) pay <br />ro Izndas an the day monthly ttssYaUments of pnncipa! and ameres[ are payable tinder the (`late, until the Note is paid in full. <br />a snm €hrrein "Funds"} equal to one-tweifift of the near€}• taxes and a;~essments wfiich map attain priariry over this <br />Mortggage, and gmund rents nn the Property, if any, puss one-iwetfih of yearly premium installments far hazard insurance. <br />plus one-to^rltth eel yearly premium instailttxtents for mongage insurance, if any, all as reasanabiv_ estimated initially and from <br />tirnr to time by Tzttder on the isasts of assessmems and hills and reasnnahie estimates thereof. <br />Ttte Funds shall Ile held in an rnstiiutinn the depoxits or accounts ui wttiet: ase insured er guaranteed by a Federal or <br />stag a~ttcs fsnchufiny I,.entlrr tf Lender :s such an institunan+. Leader ;hail apply the Funds to pat said tames. assessments, <br />ttuurancu pramtums and gronnd rents. I-ender rata} oat charge [,x so holding and applying the Funds, anahrzing said account, <br />ar verifying and compiling said assessments and hilts, tmfess fender pays Bamwer interest on the Funds and applicable taw <br />pernits L.endrr to make Bach a charge. Borrower and Lender :ray acme 3n writing at the time of execution of this <br />Mortgage that mtrrest yen the Funds shall br paid tr. $arrow~er, and unless each agreement i, made or applicable law <br />reciuirt~t such vnterest to he pard, Lender shah ao[ tx rryta[•ed so pa} Borrower any interest or earnings on the t='tnds. I_endrr <br />aftatf give tr_a Borrower. +vitftaut ;.hatg<, an annua3 auaunt:rap <'i the Funds shou~rng credits apd debits to ttte rands and the <br />purpose far which yactt drbi*. tie the Futris +aa.s rrta:fc Ltte Funds art pied;`rd as addttionnl sreurity for the sums secured <br />'+':' this 4lortgagr_ -~ <br />#f the amount of tits Ftrnds held Ay Izndcr, together anh z?te suture manthig' ms[aiiments of Fttnds payable prior ?a <br />the dtae dates of taxis, assessments. ;naurancc premtut:ss slid hround rants. shag exceed tits an'aunt required to pay sold taxes, <br />assessments, tnxuran:,e premiums and Erotsixd acnis .:s ±h,:y iw;i dui. such excexs shall ier, at Barrorver's optron, either <br />promptly repaid to $nsrowar .:r : refined f.? $:xrc;.vrr .+r t;~t~nthiy :naaLments of Funds. tf the amount of the Funds <br />held i~y i..-ettd~r shalt oar `ac~ sufl3etttat to pity tr~-s, ,,;vessrtents= uasurane~ prom€imvs sod ground teals as they fail due, <br />Borrawrr sttafi pay to f.rnder any amount nrce,san' , maki^ tz;n [hc' .te}:encv wttfim 30 dav> tram [he daFe notice is mailed <br />ht' ? trader ie Barr:rwrr regx;wsttng partner; tfa•rr:?i - . <br />L'pon payment in tuff .~! soli s<tms >r: urrd t,i €'-:s .lf.,rt;taue . cnorr snail pran:ptl}' retunci to Barre:aer any Fonds <br />held by I_rttdrr. If tandcr raragr+qth i E heesoi €ite P:iiperxt r, sesgd f~, e ,z i'ropern a otherwise acqurr*id by (.ender. Linder <br />'~f? a~s~ .._:._.., ,,..a,..,, -... - ._ ,,.z -. - ..-, r.,- . r„y:c>'z ,- as :acg;rstiton _ (.ender. any i~unds held by <br />I.endxr ;=t~ti?t ifs'+reapphcatie~sr. as a ,~rettit .~ga.nst`the;rcd h: t?t:i ttrsngage. <br />3. A~tieatiaa of Yapmewts. [_r=less apia9rc~ahie Ic,u- fe , t„ics mth:`.nar<C. xii payments recctv°ed by (,ender uadar the <br />emote and I>at'agraphs i ..rid s hcres}! v.aii isr app?ied ;±s f ender ii r<t :~, p+t ment :~t an:xxrnts pavahic to Lcndrr by Boraw°rr <br />under ?aragraaia 2 itct~ti_ then tv sn[>:retit par-at-~ic :,;t t,.>• ~'x,;c. .^. z-e :,, ire prrnctpai ei the Rote. and then io interest and <br />r_n;ipai c_a anti Future ~dvarce€. <br />s. t"htr;es: Liens, Fka-ra~r ~t;xii pa- ~i, +.:.c-, ~_ tFent a~ .:zh .hatges s .;net ~=rat l+nsutans attnbuta6!e t.? <br />lac Property w:tuzh titay attaxn a pnenty ±ve; t'ts. 4f aria;:,-;c. -,:u3 :a:.ja?t+.:>d ;ravments ,+r I;rorr-zd :solo, if env, in the manner <br />prrs-tc7ed sander ;raragraph_ hetr~i .r . >`=t n-,-~ :-- ;flan <•aann. F t3.;rrr;tver mz%rrt~ t.:avment. '-.+'ften due. dzsrctfy to the <br />;tayee t:siir:.s Br-~re*svr. s«hai: premrtt~,'t,.~nr,r: t,. ; c:acv:.r ;,... .,..s ,:, .>ru.,;;rta :,,...-€,<ier ..,,, as:acraph. „nd iu the event <br />Bttrnt>vrer +#ta]'s nature par'mert , a r , ..,.=s,rr-; „,, 1 . , s~:n„n (.. t.: -- tp€> a~tdtn.=r.>; >;.ctr payments. <br />BarnrKrt' «.;s7i p:^:mpti} ••jisr:hat~c .+ ..« -_., ~-•,x -. ,nit 15-- ea~_. ,. ~-',JC:3. .?:aS B~:; seta°er .tia:I :ter: ix <br />"estu:rd t,r dts.:taacge aav wsth 3 _a.~xg .. lh«rr,.•~~a. ',:v..eji. c_ s: 3=,r-s .. ..e DauaP.e^t ,•• lac ,+hlrean. ut .e~,u-ed by <br />>:nIl ;-i+n as a m.a;r:>~r auex tasai^:. x d_?zuscr. -- _ s! is± c •~>u ; aeth .r:, as . ,~s7 :.. t' ,~..:. ,;rtrn.t z,f+o*,semen q <arc;t !ten rn. <br />se~$ai pTD'i' ~:7F~'-y e. J4s~~: ~#+tf.~*tC t'rc xYnt ,_. :~etne:': a -. .__v ... .r4t,l,s`.~ ux :r`SC f'ro(3C..1 ., sill Pia! `her2af. <br />~'". Iisord Irsartnsire. 13II*,rrn C' '-.^,•31r f, cr - .~ ."T ,. ".:r1er,1 _ •, i 1. -- i. '. - .cr *..'t,:'c aJ ixn !~^.L` f'r~,~ l'r[~ :nSniCd <br />... <br />s~'aYi:1E i<ri2 ^t +t:'C r}at:3e 5.S. ,^.a:3Lri.:: }a istS~r!i xt -..., +irt;rjC.r ... c >taE a . -.Et : ,.-_ .',, nCt t`.173t1S~ :i~ i eftdet ina4 t£Vmte <br />a ~-d .n sat ".- ~:..:v.s anal `„s sus. `r ,'. r,.+sz. ... r ..av ° :- ;..,,uctc ,- ;:. ;dcu- -.:,; i i.r:~_ .-,, -...hilt 7 <br />..-- he amcr;nt . <br />.s:~lt :-armtsg= ex:.~~~,s t a, ,vxr..^:a . , _.,. c' z ., ..d ,- 7•ip i ....., _., .,... 44 . =agr <br />€'?st snsureae _arrt - .,-, xt: 'ie -,=s.....:.,~, .. _ ...u.t~ ~v B,>r-...e ..f: (:.€ ., ;„+aa s,~ i ± ,ale r-. i*rnttded. <br />4 ~ <br />°'€as ~ruw^t ~~:~, aY ^.arti :. tit. _ _,x. ,....., - all:ne3 c , _ ~-,t,_., _t• ,n,ar asz~c w a- ._ ,,. t e manner <br />ror,rdrri atnict pzragrapP .. _:. . z ,. ,,.. .. , ., , ..rarrr<,- . t3nz rs;<., er r.:xaf ;i. tar.tte'lt, .e:. d.u..:;tc~tf ;- +:, the <br />saasttrats..~ is it'rirf. <br />'1.`: i*ij-v~ xa .-:?+a:,.~, ~7u ` ass :,i^.r ..~,, ,,.. _,..._-.t £ !. ....,. , . a,. ~.t .,.,,. .. .ar..i.:ru °rt„ttl;aKe <br />~3xL•xe .', ix: 4. .. .;a •,. „,rg; o_- r`•i6 ?. _.. t1..; _-. ,3_, .:.r, :. .,.~, - ., ,t. .,. -. ., ... ,..5 •ii- the tLP";. <br />- .~._... ...,. . ,_,t.,;, . ..r,~ ,, r ~r~-c. ... _;~. _ i, ..... _ ,, .. :_. .. , ,- roes,... ... ,..c . --. ra:€ . , 3., <br />r`setT~xt'-r `;3 .: k e , s~.7 : .'sC _,ju '., ,__ , s, _ , .~= I c.f.__ _ ,~ ... ...mss- , t . , is .. ... ,. ,r <br />vi , , <br />L.:~':rsu -::*_~x un.i 3.arr:.>,:rt .+tficr ase _«~-ex.:.- ~ n,; _~,u s.-. ,_._ - .: -sa .. u,re7 -, ..: t:+r a:ta,.x . :r.4+a n- , . <br />:x Prr,.ptrt) c:at:~grs jxC«v,wco . ~a riot, rat -:... ,. .., ,. <vr.: ,:i. s.; . _ :a --r..f,svs , , -- :a!'~iteaec .. <br />-~ rfF; 4<az,a_,rra: 3. -.x;.r, rL:r..rr.. t...r c{+:z;r-.:., - ._.....,:n:.~',. ~s*: , .. 4..._... ..... ,~f ,a4,v,..v~.u,:d <br />~+° rtS#~'abi~C'ac. :3r .,~.3.t+t 3'M:t ;+: c1l C'C4_ kPall `"t -Y;-itL~: .._ ~„a3.k ~_i ,: _3 _ ,. ;~s~P, ~, s~i,C- .• - .c rx_ Y s a..a ^3td <br />. #ix'?tz+:w°e•. f' ?ills t'rrpertx .:w4.r~-:,,,.~r3 , ..i,.., ., we: t3.,t ...., ~s sin ,. , _,.a-c. weir,: ; - da_.. ....m the <br />a=nte rst.'isttr . - toile°~: t*: 1,c.n.,et ;~, tf., ~.:wet ...z, .rx. ~ ._;rFC -, .. -ar , .>cr, ~. .. ,~ « .. , ., . .w,,,a,',.. .:z.ez~r.. i.c::u~:r <br />'b z. ?::k'~rr,icx, t.. ..fl:~ti.. ~,.^~:. w;,t,< -._~ ..,,,..s._ ~..ccus ., ,..::;,ar~> ,., .:..trr .. _ .._..... ~ps:r - . ,hz f'a,te£r't <br />.: ic? ztx sutas. s.s-.utitl "'w ~r.s !si;;; s.,~tt+-" <br />~. <br />~r'.dS -`ii`' :.i81 l3c>rt., as .,., ~c a~"ec .. .. .,_.. - ,-~._. .- - eCLi -. , ....., -,Ct tt<'nit <br />,'; tm-'a~*'P.."sst ;raz ::..u~ .!rte' •t •r~ ... ~.~ ..r. a<t - .,; ~ . , ~ : <br />s.~A r.}=°wz+*~+r....?. ..;>irer issik~ _ -.k txt. ... _ -^c : -.i7c-?•, .- -. „.., r.~ _ . a.w-. -rt.. [ic =c, , -.( t3: ,.., w <br />a <br />-tea,. a: n.' -„ <br />,., a=su t: :.... .. wr ;axt::r+ «-~ _.-.s ~_<.._ -_.E.c:. - - , <br />k_ =t:y3x'-ir~zsF. w~: o-;4:( ,'YM."i2 :t a«Ft:3,~, -.- i"F2 C'_C.'. ..i"C -.,: .5 .._,...tx.u - ., - 5~-.r 1,4'e~, -',t;.lx:t4k ,l t., ..~.I, w.x,U , <br />°~. °..F: .e.... <br />~ f"grerraSwte aril ~'twrtc~aratn.,• .af Ptsr{trrtr. te:~eo*:irk; L:-raddoawasnnn; Ptnaard # nit lilt riopctsrms. .~ ,. +.rr <br />sal ~ Fr,rty .~ k3,z~'s; 7 z=+s? i eEa c; ..:.:rut m.kvt i~'ex n,:. -:rr..;tns ea =. .~r.,r~z=~r.., a, r,z ~ d.e I r:~}xtY: <br />a-~3 s-ratt . „pis ast~. ._ _ _- ._.~ -., ~..'se _. _,. , ;tic .., .. .... ,+~. , ,. ., < ... , <br />. ~x4xs~><x., ,, r?.Yxsrxt+u ~,-u:. ,,. r... .°sa.. .~t~ .. „_,, h..._., ., „aM„,. ,,, -:,runt d... za, 4t:,-.; <br />,_ , ~ _,r,r _ -_..~._:g .',ram, ~ ... -- . , ..,,~. .x , , , ~ -a <br />~. _' iYa.S~~tF!!:?k~'S .,~iSY!"-aGa. '.::f4. ,.yz•e €34'}'MS~!"`.r ,..a. ... s..,. .. -.S;'tYi- - s...4 .ea .. i.,,.. •l.-S C't~ . . a i ri _,:f <br />'tv.ES ;. ti'~#~y:x.3iW3}, kY'r t~rarr:,~59'~.. dlt: t~x.t ;]su ,, .jai-TSZ',' .:.. t wla;dp`.K, 4: ,..".Y:tai's=~ ..,!. of„a .s. ii ... , <br />aSi ~ nr+.rx~.ars~ci &a3_, ustd a.6nri aucm a .,. -:~xlhea ,c.a, ;its ~ v„.~_,,. u,;>f ~~.,rr.r s.n ._. ~ii<~ '~ t , e , <br />~a=sa ~ fr* w Eaexr.raf. <br />7. 1'MeC'#fw xrE i-:Earil+r's 4t~cittfFj. ., ~..~ .mow.[ ,, .. -.r., the „ arr,a ..rsf sr,r.'c:ra=,a€< . ..rrf r: ,,,.. <br />'?'s#!C+ii;~:i~.', .. .t :sr+~ a~fvtyt .<r t;t?saxJ:n~. ..: tasrra. s. tt i ,. a:u~t cam,. :-,ta..: ~='iaier s :. _., €~~: .r b>,„p£r: a.. <br />>s -..,. <br />lttd#At~ff~', f}3 ...,- aTnih"d :: £4rss-xGY;t uLY-kSair .-,.., ,,. _ .::x}y"i ... -c::; ii.eit:. .1 r7::;'i~,-i:$i.'tt3*. -°t~.,7i;5p. .~ ,,, ~, =1'0~ , <br />=a:~itt'z-»Sa .~ '>:saylcsts, ,Ae«e t.rt±;ic,-: rs .f.a: a#e3 s .,. ~.. t :.: n<:t;.• m.-, .,,,;.;. ...,z -t . g ~. ,<e: e....-~ .,.u~,~. ,._., <br />sc~ais arsd ta#rc~''=t~:a acatsxr ,s ~, a;t,:~acxrt '<•tr, -.ric't a +a..~r - :;tg._ i~,F _z .. ~-,.-,a., - ¢-, ,'.at - <br />:~ivA[~r~"sddS at5itr~v"v s #~rs arxi cit.?} sr'r*,.°n e,C s•,... r„:. ., fc~ e,sak€ >'•.. -::, -',+i::.a +,_.:-..: .-.::,lass ~ -. ,..,-~.e .. <br />•, <br />.i*rk~eyiit;. :rf Z;...ayskC~ S: ri: i?'.#as s:W,.-,C-,. ': Reh S;. t".3 {Ca ;a-':trt.z_ .a.. ,-<,. , f,i,. .., ... ., .s., t~.r.. :-. <br />~.atSdiS #?$~.9,: cn tc~1y-'* ..~t . e,rk #i tr5ns r- *Yp rit*rfifl`. { < , s _.. ~ .. xst ,.. .,..f it t ,. .. ,. ., <br />