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80-=+~~ MORTGAGE <br />THIS htOR'TGAf.aE is made this....... ,27th , . ...... .day af.... ~.X ..................... <br />14, $~., between-the Mortgagor,, 7t.D.. c .a. s2nq~.PexsoPt; _3nd_At~d ~. C7I'!'M9N, a .... <br />f Yi3c+ VVl~IV~R'11w~ <br />.~~.~ ~~ .......................therein "Borrower"j, and the Mortgagor ...... . __ ....... , .. . <br />,L~T~(L .. ~? GF~11i!m, ISEJU+IDr . C~arx3 Ssi.afldr, riPbrasFra.. , a corporauan organized and exiattog <br />umtet the laws af....... ?`??~t?t ............... .....,whose address is.. 3f)4 _S~t, 2liird Sts+eeti; <br />..... <br />.GI's zsX3gd,. PI~rALaSka .......... . .................................. (hereia...Lender„~ - <br />Wpatte~s, Bortowes is irtdtbted to Lender in the princilmi sum of.'LWEN7Y 'ifl E.'~ .`. <br />.NO.(I.. .. ...... -`l~ct}lats, whicfi indebtedness is evidenced by Betroaror'S't-Me <br />dated, . 1'"$X .27, 198t5 , ... . i herein ".Tate'"), providing fur monthly installttierats of rincipat and interessi; <br />with the balance of the indefatadness, if not scanner paid. due and payable an....Jt?i?. 1...2f3ffQ .......... . . . <br />Ta Sectntt; to f,eader (al the repavmeu of t2te indrbtedness etYdcttc~c3 by-the Nita, with interest thereon, tha <br />pavmetu of all other sums. with interest thereon, ad.~artecd in accardantx herevc~th to protect tha security of this <br />1vSortgage, and tlse gerLarmance of the csn~ananrs and agrzsments o! Bartowcr herein contained, and (b) the repayment <br />cif any future advantts, with interest thereon, made to Barrcwe;r by Lender pursnant to paragraph 21 hereof fhereia. <br />"f5rtnte Advances"l« BortowYr Macs hereby >~-.~ceage. gnat and ron3ey to Lender the following deacrihed Property <br />located in the County of........ ~~ ...... ....... . ............. .. State of Nebraska: <br />Tvt '.Sine (9? ist 3lo~k Suit; ~ {fit} . E+?teeler attd Perufett's Adc3.ititat 1b <br />the (:itgr cf G~az~ ?~iars3, bail ~xutt5*. ;~lebraska <br />h has the aek3rr.~s cit.. - . - - . X16 t :~~; SL,*.'eet txraxzd, islarx~ <br />.. - sue,. - , : +zr; <br />. - - .. l~Z~:ii[8. ,$8JI .. ; ~reitt "f~rc~rty :idi#r~s ' i <br />t~+er .na Aas toM.] <br />Tooe€ttrta rt"L' tftY }mpt`rts,ett- ttrr~t ;sr }as=r<sS.=_= cr.~etCii e?n thr }^tta}at=cry, :srxf ai"i cauemencs, right, <br />ap~rtestanc., rcart#t, tayaiti~r tnincnL ,ail 3xr1 g-as rights asn; ;stei€ets, water. wtttrx nlhi+, .s:rc3 water itncP;, attci a; <br />fizrures t xst #e~:ltcr attaelzt~d t;a titr tst;*prr[v, as.u .~S w{taii,. i;x;t<~trs~ xxptas:r:ae+rts ar_d r3clditzs±akti ttscre?e,, rhal3 ire: <br />.lratm~+.E ta, lire n~i rcitiatn a part cif tlsc ~rc~s~trty t=wc:re~ h~ 1"ttes 1%ltart~n:~t, atn~{ x{3 ~,t ;hc t=.sst~?ltc~r with +at~ <br />try t rite leatehoidestate it t#tis ~'a't~ai~;r' :~ ere a krasAhaltl3 a*r tzcr~ aya qtr*rrl to ~s ;h; f'xogsexte•' <br />F~tirttew+rr cc+xe4aiHts kttat B~utcturt'x cs lav.'Ltr}S. scr~ei #at the e~l:rSt casks! .=~rve-rcii oriel ha. z{a~ re~ttt ses mUrigagc. <br />gtacrtt and ecnrveyr #2se Prrspertg, t3tat s i*rert~ la r3rat:rs~zthcrr~:< .ae,~i zhas l~caxriawcr +r.iil warrGnt :.asst da<3rt*a: <br />a-tTic ti~tSe i~ t~ Pnr~pyrty agt~tf- S ~'t clairtt~ a==x; dtt8±a€,c3~. ~~a{~K -:.v ..ira'{aratirn». a+enx:;at,: ac vratnsztztra, <br />;rtt;~ iris ~Fceix sac~.€l+`~?:axs t~s c.4>eraegs i[a z=e~ ; ~r~s~~: g r~+ .r,<.sez r,~, i- r_#- _ ;ntcre.d ir; .fir 1~re,~rt4 <br /> <br />