$0-= ~t~
<br />Lender's written agreement or applicable lave. Hortower shall pay the amount of aR mortgage insurance pretniums in the
<br />manner provided under paragraph Z hereof.
<br />Atry amounts disbursed by lender pursuant to [his paragraph ?, weth interest thesenn, shn11 become additional
<br />inclehtedness of Berrow•er secured by this Mortgage. Un}ets Borrower and Lenc}er agree to other terms of payment, such
<br />amuums shat} be payable upon nottcc from [.ender to Borrower requesting payment ther°of. and shah bear }nterest from the
<br />late of disbursement at the rate payable froth time in time an outstanding p:incipai tender the Note vn}ess payment of
<br />interest at such rate wetdd he conIrarv to apnlicab}e isw, in which event such amounts shag bear interest at t}te highest cafe
<br />permixtiMe under applicabte }ave. Nothing contained in .his paragraph 7 shall tY[jvire Lender to incur any expense nr take
<br />any actian hereunder.
<br />S. lotgperfiew. }_entier may make or cause to he made reusanab}e entries upon and insoectians of the Praperty. provided
<br />that Lender shag give Borrower natice prior ro aay such inspeczinn specifying rcasanah}e cattle therefor relaxed to Lender's
<br />interest i.n the Praprrry.
<br />9. CatWemapioa. 7"ne proceeds of ant• award ar c}aim for damaees. direct or consequcntia}, in connectian with-any
<br />condemnation a+r other taking e€ the Prn=,.rrt~•. ;?r {^art thereof, of f;:r cortvey_ancc in lieu of condemnation, are herehy assigmd
<br />anti shat} ~ pain is Lznckr.
<br />In the want of a toia# taking of [tse Pr?petty. the prxecds she![ he aep}ied to the sums cecttred by this Mortgage,
<br />with xhe czcess, if am', Paid to Barrow^cr. }n the c,•ent of a parr6ai tai:ing i~f the Pmpern•, unlecc Bottower and Lender
<br />trtherwdse agree in writing. there shalt Fe applied s.+ the crtms urured by this Mortgage cttch prop+?rtion ^` the proceeds
<br />as is equal so that prot>ortien which the amoum a~i the soar: cecnred ba this Riorigar`e tmrnediate}y prio. to the date of
<br />taking hears to the fair market c-a}ue nt the Property ,mmedia.tely p+rior to i}te date of taking, with the balanoe of the proceeds
<br />paid ;o Borrow=tx.
<br />]f the Property is a!>andrtncci t+y Borrower. ar if. after notice by Lender to Rorr?war that the candemnor offers to make
<br />as award or sett}e a cla=.n; for damages. Brrn,wcr fai}s tt respcanct rt Lender w:thin 1p drys after the date such noti::e is
<br />mailed. Ixt+dee is authorized *.n cnllect acrd apph• the prtv-erds. at Lender's option. either to res2eration nr repair of the
<br />Property ar u+ the sums srx:tred M- <.hi.4 Siorteage
<br />Lalecs l rrder and Botrou=er otherw stc ar,rcc rr. ~.. titir,g. any: <v~h arptr_atton of [ra aeds to p;inci}+al +ha1} not extend
<br />ar pcxrpe:ne the dtm date ttf the mortrtste iasailments referred [o in paragraphs I end ~ t+creaf or change the amount of
<br />ttxh +ns:aitrez+t :.
<br />18. Uorrtrwrr NtN Reha+ted_ E.+ctcm;on of tae t,rrte f.?r p.t+n.enr :,: mndificats, a of amr,rt+zation r1' the sums severed
<br />b tttxs 4ie:rtgage granted ry L.enrer to ens' cucexsss+r sn tnrerest ,,t R,ryrrr.wer shad zt.~t c potato u, release. its any manner,
<br />the l:alti#ity <cf the +x'iginad Rorrowtr att6 Rorrnwer'c s,.~crss+t;c :., interest . ender -hall urn },i• rt:cuired to cammcncc
<br />prcertr3ingx aeainsi c;trh stn::cssnr :~ refuse t:+ encrtd trine f„r p;n'mcna ,_r orhetu'rsc n;odiiv am,~,rtiratr.?n ~F the sesms
<br />cecv:ed by this Morgage by reax?n ;>f an;' de:na!zd r.:ade hs the ,-rsins': $,x-:,wer a;til S;trnwers <..ticessors in intc;est.
<br />I1. Farfieaeaecr 6r Lrader aiat a Wsicer. im' !:~r:rearan=.;° h,' 1 cn<rr in rtertsrrc an+' riltht ,r remedy hcrettnder, er
<br />.~the[v°i:e atfr=ritid h•> xpp#icab}c `aac. she}# et,t ,c a wartii-r ,, ~•. ;rec!ude +he c-strr:ze cif an. <uch rihi or remedy.
<br />Tltc procurtrne*tt of i-assurance i>r nc~ {,avmrnt ,~. ..~;e< ;,r :=ihz-r •._-., ... : ^argt~s '~i' } c;ader .«al' n.>z he a H,.. s~~~r of Lender"s
<br />ri¢Itt tr, -=.^elcrare the maturity ne .d-. ~ttdrsr c . -. __t ?,,. i< cis
<br />l3.a l2ewtedtixs CwaaluF«e_ {}i ,;_ ,, ~.~, p ~ : ?rd ?~;• ~a .p=,ge u., . scan„ a .-! c,.n+=tlasec to any ether .might or
<br />-emev~r ~ ry~ rh=~ Aiort'Ea..e or a3e~rded ^r ', -.... :.l ..._.. _. ,. ~ role >3:t~-;3s-ndentts c,r snc~essivety
<br />l3. Srcces'strrs aad .~atfgws 1laurtd: 7oiat and` 4r. oral I iat+itiip-. fnpfiam,,,, i?* _. rr;ac:s and acttY tzxnts herein
<br />aorta _~+! shall ?>ind• and t='sc riaht, hest:n>?er :ha.' ":ore ., .-.~ ,ecrctc-e sec:--:.,us a-..:" as,ry:v+`a .'t [ ender and Bcrmwcr.
<br />s;rt?:r•t :a ttse pray is!rai .«€ sra£racta ? `~t,rctt Ail :,,ernaats a ;.: 3e;sr;rr::rni: :,! B::,rn,;+er ~^,aii he ?.,~n: .and srvera}
<br />i rte ca,^.t*o;ts and hcati`tngs :•. t}se F araEr_n!t~ ,•. ,~^-x *<Icrrag' ~. - ._ . ... _.^.'r:- ~ ,•~n':~ <t .ire n;=; I: t+r ,.;ud m
<br />=at@rt,r.;4 _,< d^.~irtL t}+e f"rOCtL4iPP,g tseref'€
<br />li. \miee. En-':t*r ',•t ans• :mtr^e rr.;t::: rat tinder ., i,p?i.-shac €:a'.+ ~:. . _ ., ano: her manner. ,,. sn4 notice h~
<br />~irrc)w[t nrortdcd jo' ,n this '41,,-rax~e~ s:.dl ^r x=*~ .:.a- n,a - sg ' , .. _ t-c h,y~ -~~€ied ^.,a} 3.1.1resn•d to Rorrr~+ser at
<br />tlse Prrorm, 4d.'Ft ~tr,s i-~r ar +~h :=t{tr+ ~ drt•>• ,a+ R.•r-;=.. r= ~r^as .lti-.,>,r.,•t ;,, ^:,,:.r t ~ } rne'scr ~s pr„i-i,1e.l herein. .rod
<br />fbl Ant i2t71'l't" `_,~ 1 .°. 4Y„_ s.,a{' ~'[ s-:.`II 3`, :2, r .~nL ,s .- ~.i'R ~'r.i-f! v-.K tc:'. `-, ..`;:itG~ , +~'ti~FC1> <t;t'ed tat h'Jn ,+r SST
<br />such t;thr~ a;7drn. ,es }.~xr• ;+-.a: sr•eg•,a.. , ..r .:. t3i,t ~«,=e* ae ~ ~-. :.,. ., •t:cc P'~ ';3e.f 4.u in this
<br />'`ia:tgagc xbaii !?c daenri,l t." ^s.r tyre g .. t;- I#.= ... cr =~; i ~;;citr :. r,c^ ~ ~~. cs, .hc r.sa+xrrr - - c,ated herein
<br />13. UaifMwt lion=tgtt; i,:.irrrrtirtk iAr.; Srsrribilit}. - ., .. .t*.,.rs ~..- ,_; rr . -. .t, t.. ::'st•:,n;ti
<br />rts%se .'s;i,` n. as 4rif..:r^. ~.. e.a;, a ; , smrzr.i .... eau , , .. .-. r-, t... s„s. ., .,, ..st-:. +e - ...,. .. ,- .. ..z^:~t ; -,~ee;ne
<br />tea} p'a;,rrar Fhrz !41t+:tgagr s~!+c ~ _.=rd. hi M: :. -, , . !?c -_rn . ,:at ~.,. .'-,c } ,;x,rtr ...s.xrl I^ tMe
<br />event than a.,s _ ..,sr,.t _ ~..~ .. r ; 'wi.,-•+a-r `+r '..~.: , ,,. . r , ;r,a[+iN sa .h _..r,'i , :}! n," a=rest
<br />xther r+x. :a.v.r, ., -y !k4^:+~ag._ , ,.,. \,.. ....._. . _.. *,. . -:3r_ ..-,. ,.. ~+e .. _-r - .,,r,. - n ~.x! :c thts
<br />end the €H' --_Y ?lV .~- ht: ii,?trg3CC - ~• - it ~ ---_~"r -.
<br />16. !farro»axs tops. B..,e:~r, .tsa., i ,., .. ,rE.., .. ~.t .tit .: t * , .; *.~+tc .,nd . ,na ~{+~-ttayi~a:~h~~-trine
<br />,. s l'RCL4=ttLir '7 after -.i°=i#a'If.. - nttCrtt ,-
<br />t?. Ttaasitp tat tke pt+rprrt}; ~srianrplwa. tt , . - .,; ,t.,e 1 ,ikrti' -.~: ,r. •rtcrc~.; t:'+ersant+ soldtzrtrxYw~~t!
<br />h4' BO: ri+;rtsr -»rxhn~:t I.c*rsdtt> -rt«:..-. u~;t°:c....rt,i: , ,:'. ~..t,'-, i ~. ne~ ~r... ;. ;~ •r .:; ,.i .:.. t?ran~. ..~M,~;iin:tie t„
<br />th!.s \'l;+r.ga.$e. '3t~i t`te .seat:,-rr Pr;st~-.ax' ,•t..rc; -o..= .. .. , . <-.d +, r .:.s.er:;, ;, a..r. c:~. e>. _ --i.' ht dti~tse.
<br />des;:rnt err ,s .-+~rauc+r at ia'w ': ~,, a:^,e < rsth ' i .::. r - ~ --
<br />I e.ntc. raai .. ! ..~,er. ni,i 4. ,,. :^t+ .e .. ._3 h'. .,.. 1t',r,; acre ire
<br />anstrstalistelc dire <:z:d ~+a.'st+%.r L~rct~t ._ a "-,u,e ~`s ^c:~.. ~; ~n , 1,.,,. .. .,.~e,r-, ,. - , t ,. ., ,.,- ~.~ .. 3s -.£e,- ! ~t,der
<br />a:ra} t":e Iterx^ c,.r .. h;vta :.`~ l'. +rr+s:r t: „ . _. ,;.s-.'- .. .<cv ,a.. _. et ;K:r„ .,.. ,< ! -u. :, . _.r ti .h ;,r~rei•r;
<br />is sa£staet.~ t,ti?a:n~t and f~.z-...r t*=~tc,r....>..i^r-_ ~rK" , _~-_+5 ^, :'a, ti._ ~a~c •~ ,_, , -a.t v, terdsr
<br />- -ail rrcttsr::. ,f- I z-,<ie.. raa w s .. ,.: -- r'. z -,. ,,. ~ - ~ a ,- - - ~ _,.
<br />nterrst h,~ esar,rted a s.t,ttctt Hsu,. , -~~n uc._e.. cr a_ - ,. ., , •r,t^ ? ~.f.'.c; ....._.. . a - tau, h •..,, .. - ;.m ~.
<br /><~isptrax~ a-aurth::'~i~'hg,c a~rr<i she A~~e
<br />1# ' ^det -+.u_.~, •,. ptr.., __,e+t 'a._ , . r ,,, li... ,., __„ v(,.. ., r.', n. -ih
<br />ztnragra~-': Y. rrrra. ',.;-~:, tt,.rtr~--_ hsis ~ , -.s'+e ~ -~.. - ": -s•..,-a-• ~ ::.,,.:.. c cs _ .. -_ -ae: - ...„i;eJ " .-...~
<br />. .
<br />~.: Trsrn tx,tr;~+x ca' ma. ,a+. tr+e ~ ,a ..,.;:._ _,., -..;,z ., ~ ,.~.,. <~~ -.., - - -~.:.;. , : .. ~. ,r.. ... _.
<br />.,~_ . - _ , , « ,. s
<br />t.erru:?,cr m.v, wttt+txst tz:rther t ..!.._ ,.. ,._ ..s-,... .:, r ,.... .,. ..,rd=e~ . _, r:. , _ , - .. ..,.re.,r
<br />:4t?*--I!4i+`: i4tt ".t f.C4t:4.++tS Ci ~a't++u_. !.? ._C~ 1 ..,+nC: , ..,a. , 'ist ,dre'r ., .. :«„k's
<br />314 :~rrsite'tlitsw Rrrrediess. Eirtpt ar+. pre+idtd ix ptrarprapt+..t; htrev..t, aprart 8ttrr..xer'c hreaah a?€ an} iurratat err
<br />agse!arErtt cif` Rrrt'rxwtr ht ttrir tiltrgaEts:, is:rlYtlieR girt cxsa>?rx~tft t<~ ~# rfb<n r#at sa+• •un-....rit!rrd ir. this tturtg~r,
<br />l..ew~er }tjrr ra teorltrtstiaa stsr8 sash aufier to 8atrawtr :n pro.wded =n par>sgrtplt 3A herr..t spex'iSwena: ztt the hreu-tr;
<br />tT.t tier x'rtiw ieyMiaad M et>;rr ctcir trrssrit: tap t dart, trex Fes thaw Jn rtsptt ftvnr fan dart inr tx>ti.a u. rntuk-d to &xro+.rr.
<br />~7 winic- arch tMt~ri1 aNKt Me cwek tad tilt fora faillarce ter cram xsas.A 6reseh r.n str tte{err tfte Bute aperiiied #n the m.ticr
<br />ertwtrl 1rr tresttrtpiaR of itrr ngts sax~urrrfi 8y tills StetrfpsrYt, trwrcknarr #y yrrdirisr# prs-w eeri3att and vale at the Fraprrty.
<br />1'M tstt~ice stud{ }+nf4t 1rt(wws I<attrt+rrs al 26r riEkt fr+ reinstate +s{Yrr trot tlertriua sod tht risCht taw a.+.ert in the tcrrrctrxrurr
<br />prttcaiilt8 tills err-tsiwrwrz ~f a dttarth to ant +rthttr detevsr of 8arrrtrarrr in mu-crkrtiart. amt f;.re.*,.~k»are. ft the bran-h
<br />!* rtes ca.ed an ~r #ttcter the Qtte yrtriUt+t ~ rnr twicr_ l.rmdrr at 1 r:n4er's option roll declare -ell of the :um* ceiarr# hi
<br />tNs ~r b bt 3rawttdiattfl drrr trtd pajtttit s-hbawf Eartt~r xk-rrx~d tad mny tarrcu><sr b+ juria'rsi prrx•.eadlx*• i.et:zivt
<br />strati lee ettiltrC t~ x=+8rrx ie ++sck I-rrrctrWfgtE aU rxpestse* ai frrrtclu+rtre, iarixt t~tt, hen w+,.i itmitrd tr*. i'.?ats of drx-un:eatery
<br />esidespcr, stt.utsctr std tuir mpmrts.
<br />£9. Mtw+.rrr`s Itj81p1 an Wd,~tsfr. m~.rar~t -'~<s,;t „ ~_. ., - .-rs-.,,: .- .-„ "~ .aa .-. .t,z•. s-3.. :c.y.=
<br />tcra =.tu, a, .. x 'r>j, ,.r_ i' +?..~,.+ , , , ,s... „ ,..,. .. ... ~. .. „ t;.,,., r.u .: ,
<br />