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<br />t~~3•-- ~~7u~,,22 <br />9, CatNeatnntioa. The prods of any award or claim far siantatcts, dit'~t or eottsegttential, in connection with any <br />riandensnasion or other taking of the Property. or part theneaf, or for ctmvtyanee in tieu of condemnation, arc hereh}' assigned <br />and shall be paid to Ixader. <br />in the event of a total taking of rhr Propem. the proceeds shall he applied to the sums secured by this Deed of Trust, <br />with the access. if any, paid to Botzawer. In the event of a pania# taking of the Property, ankss Borrower and Lender <br />othtuvist agree is writing, theta shah lx appiieti to the sutras secured by this Deed of Trust such proport[an of iht proceeds <br />as rs egtml m that propnrnan which the atttaunt of rise wtrts secaral isy this Deed of Trust imsstedistely prior to the date of - _" <br />iatdag brats to the `air ma:itci value of eta.: Property immtdiaiety prior to the date of taking, with the balatsce of the procceds <br />paid to $orrvwer. , <br />ff the Proptxt}' a aban&arrtd 3y Bnrrouer, ar if, after natieC by Landis to Barrow•er ihai the ~aadeataor afl2rs us tttakt <br />m aware! or settle s da±m for damagex. Harrower faih to respond to i,andu within 30 days afar the date such notitx is <br />ttaaATtd, I.ettdtr a aut[toritxd to cofixt and apply the pres.-eels. at i.endec's ap[ion. either to restoration or repair of the <br />Property ar to the sutra soured try this Decd of Twat. <br />,,,~#ess Letsder ate Btarrowtr ;M1eherwise xgrer in ,vrrimg. any such 3ppiicatian of pmxods to principal shall not extend <br />w the disc date of cite tttunthly ttsstatltnents rcftrted to in paragraphs !and ? hector ar :hanspe the amount of <br />ittstalittatstta. <br />I!. ienoarer 1Na/ Aehyaeii. Esitnsian ~ the *.ime tar payment ar mttdifitation of atttottizanon at tht-sums seaitrtd <br />by tlsss feed ~ Tutu gtamed 6y t_ttader to any sna-esn=r in inttrext of Borrower shall trot opernte fo rclattse, In any rtssnner, <br />tIx iiahihtc of ttx ongusai Barnwtr acrd Borrower's stu:ccsscsrs an inserts, l.,eud^s shall not 6t requited to +xsmttxntt <br />ptsx~ia$s agatttst such statxassior ar trfusc to utend utnt for paytnent sx c therwtst mcxiify arttnrtizatinn of the sums <br />settetrtl by this i?eezi of 7rtm fir srasott of any dt;rtartd asade br she ont;mal Borrower and Borrower's suctxssars in intrrest. <br />il_ ~F'aerDeae>necr b- i..rairr Nat a Walser. Any fnrttearanct by I.eadtr m exetristng any right or tetisedy heteusNirr, or <br />vbersviat a8arded by appiicabk• law, xiaaU taix iae a waiver , i or prtrlude the tzerciu of any suds tigiu ar trmedy. <br />The preicuretomt of ansurattar ar rite payrsxnt :~ tasex or other tuns or cisrges cy !..ender shah toot t,e a wairer of Lendt~ s <br />tight to acaxJtsatr t!x matttnty of rise intiebsed±sess ,a~ured hr ah:_i teed of Truss. <br />F2 Rraedits fost~lds^e_ Ali rcrsttdxx pravzdtd rn th;s Deexi ai 7zust arc dixurrt rand cumulative to any other right <br />c+r ttentt:dy ttndes the ~ u Trim or sfTrtrded ?+. taw v ttiuvy, and may tr tctretsed :ancurrcnGv, itrdependetttiy az <br />ssi~.•YrssvrS7. <br />f3. 5~cst+.aner aed ~ Betsw: !neat aettf 5exrral 1.ieiiWst Captions. Thr o,Tnsnu and agrcrnxntx herein <br />:,~rttsatsed stsail fund. asd the -.ghrs htteurrsier +ha;l =orate st zNt *tsprct=,c wcCrxcsrrti .foci autgns of i_rnder and Bormwtr, <br />>.aeiritct to toe provtsiatu of iara~ai'sa nerscr .t ~- z-r, n»n . ~ ats,~ ~ :_ ~ ii:~•'~" rs;r:# tn, u_: ~ ~.sE_r~1. <br />1''he ca}sra~ ami ixadi>z$ of fix paragraphs at tn:,~rIhcii , t Trust~;;x tc,•~ontemcrae anip and art not»to he used M <br />ataterpsta rat dt:l'wc tar p+ovsaiottt htxmf_ ` <br />ii. vafks- £zapt irx arty nM.tcY acgmtrad ardsr a;xtsla~hle .sa :.+ x gaarn :n another manner, !aJ any notice to <br />t3arr~~ttrr pmraded f>n :n mss i]ten at Trust shall lac gt:-rn 4. maatang .tac#t aanx'`t ,rrttficd mote addcesstd to Harrower s[ <br />the PtapenF .idtirea or at aw^h atirr address ss Blur,~tw,tr :tray ~n:gnats by axsttar ;o Lcndrr as pnivtded hereto. and <br />eb; ana• tssstAat tv i~^ncier sftai3 i,e gt.rn by ctrt;=.iod mata.:etw't ra•t:pr rrgttrstai_ is Corder"s addrtse xtazed herein nr to <br />stirs :+thG adtirs$ as Lender ^naa~ ;kesrgtutr by =ar t:::r :~= Bo^.-n»er as ;n es tiled hcrtan .3ni roti;nc provided {nr =n this <br />~ Trent xissli f±e dtettaed 'o iaav-e eaten gtvct tc+ kkuro.»e=. .,e t ender ••+~hcn utven in the mamxr destgoatrxi heron. <br />LS. C`afisrt• Uret sf 7esr~ C„wetaarg E.ass`; lraerriitity. ;?tr. tavm .af .fees? .+t tr.t+t xmtxtncs i:atts~+m :, acttaau fa; <br />nalriatsai use noel tAen-umfistas :c•,•enata x:th ;;m:zrd .artat:~+r.. •-~: =urzsdl.t,an .o ~ernsntute a vanff;tm si+:urtts' instrument <br />aaverttss real prapet^=y The Demi cat Ttusr shoe" he ¢c=:e*Q,eai ~ he ~sw~ +t 'ist cars+lr elan :n wh n .ht Pmptrty- +s lo:.aitd. <br />Da tic SxYatf cost asst pmvtsson K :laiase of ah., i Year , i-cast isc !site .otttitc*.. ,a =h,tr :eta-. Guth r.ngict ,halt <br />a:~ s~.+et ~catactax ~=a rho L'leed ~ l-.+,:; _~ <ix tirrie .c htch can hr etrtn s*.Iect wntsnui .tae ei±m8~ttng t:m aeon. <br />r <br />acid m :ions etas fix provtstnm of the 7yects et ::tort :anti :tar ti,,tr etc .stciatrl :; ~s aeverahk. <br />tfi. .1Marrswsr`s i.:aR7t. 9.,rrawer s}tati 's 'sate=surd a ..+rt,arrrard : npp .,t <hi. vote ,:end ,'t ants Llet~.1 .sf Tru>t at the time <br />.•t tz~aas'Aas x after tswrdattun aivstst <br />t7, Tfaoiw of tie TtwlreiY: Aiarapfoa. 3t .ar, .,_ an+ p++.t •c ~hc £'r,prrzti .=r .n :ntrn:± :hctrlr: " .,,id at c;ansittred <br />era 8arsaaMer w;tiR+ut i.ztidera ;Danz w'r:ten .o+.;sc=+[- ss.itiatag ,.t^ '.ist ,rcannn :+i ~ fscr. ,+r cncumhranrr •ut,+vdinatt is <br />taus 'Dente of Ttaai, abp the arxtn*ea ~a a t+un-!tssr -..ere. ur::nn!y :pttztse tx:r houart+.,x£ ~,^-;+t;anets, _. a ,. irsmiar ey aev[se. <br />+y„ <br />.fescent ar M .,petatsatt of la+ upon ;itr :~att+ of ::. , toztattt :=r <br />e ruder !nav .,, i ~arxicr-, .+[+t:,.n, ur.iize alt rhr Suavs . rc utrci ?,s tha> ih:ral :*z Trust to ist <br />=~ttl:d due assli isayatde i.endct ,hat tyyse w -r' .~u:4: - t- s r. let ate ~;, prtat ~t'1F. aaiC ~sip;!U1'tr. LetWtd <br />rai! a4sc tta.xn .+-- a-ixtn ttsc Pr pr, .. > •,r ;c ans!rrzcd ra f~ ,,~ Y. •art:t fl w leant tltu,.,opdit ,,,.ouch parson <br />si satnta,ar: tc• itader .:tn; .ha _Y :.e,c tai ;.a, ati:c : .s .hr ixa.ts .•. «tt4 'hs> S~{Y'ca' ~! T'rta[ +ha~ ;?C ai stt:'~ :ate as <br />i.cndcs stwt' .^rtueu it t. ^araer '?as va,,r*:f t!te ,s ,am ?.+.;..rkcf a:r •, -..ic^ _: sh~:. ;,g.*nph ' itfid iT !'~lrrcwzrf w~.rssa: <br />.a tis~tat cxtiutC+3 s w`:tttr= xsxum3•rts,n agscrmtnt .€..: ciHati :- »..:;rsg ^: :-s:ar;. i.znttrr ,tsa ~s ~s,.-.+at &,rn;we; :ram <br />aiF ,t<its+res c - as Ifs>;-i -.. T r'.:.:.fsr *+.stt <br />.f laOSlet r1M?<?%G fti.' P N_.= i+.YtCF.11a', [ ~tl~; .+ .= it.,=r- wr` .... `+ ..CrrTat.:`ar .. ,. ,.~:Fat3.>iY N:nN <br />iayrr~_„a~tN ; A 7.rtt'cs:^3 'su_9 -+it..~Y ahai# t,.,ra .clz :s ,"rr a,:; ~'.. ._.. rhr ~'atr +}xr rns:,c =, • :al'uat urthtn <br />~. , r~,, <br />astir $+t,r?~+w ct ~:,ap :sa, :iir snacks drr.;aieul out '.i #3... .,... ..=r"a.~ .. ~ttr -at.^,tair,r::.-i much ;,rrai,u. <br />Lesd~ ena;, cotta.=et te>?zhcr ~att4 ;,: de:un.~ nn ;}„:;,=. r. - xt .rat= -..aas-, xr- _rt ! r f~~rsgra,^" _ ~ f:ereoi <br />:+i+:e.-t '+xe-csc*r (: _~.rxaaw &'asrrw,-r! atn. i ~i+d~e* a~-F,hr~: _,.+rr~.~;:! _ a.-~ ~x+rr .,, t,=e[r»n <br />ti. ~s-=daitN[arC dies. kacrblf r prwsiief +vt prraerwpi z' hrravt, npo+t Bswrrrwer'x Mrtrc6 ,et rwy .srseaaM rw <br />wf larrvwev t• tttti. eked wf Tttwrt airtAAtnC rtes sv.rwaswa to ttty rhra dat• ant cawts xa'wett ic} dais fkhtd <br />wf Lowe, lraaAet rrfar to acstitrMisr +=iril aseg Rwtarr in ~tatru»r+ as pnrrtArd lit pwitprrpi iJ hn. rut y+rctf}iR`; t [i tlar <br />awtri: #'~ Nr art6ett eaitprra~ to :'art aa.rA tMrtaali: +tt s tatee. rw an» ciao .W fins, troea rhr firer :it auwitr iv aiei7ed to <br />>taanawrs, b +ritatb sxtr! Iarees'tr coast ie ciarii: are tit titan fntitatr to .nrt srusa Meat'it em or ttriorr iir flare sptci6tN <br />tr air a.ftee AiU ur,rtlt a atc~sftatttiwrt at ttte +awtrr. as^rwd Nx rid tisad .d 7rww awd ,Ne ut ttre Ynvprrsy. -iM tttMh'r <br />slsar IsrtnJMe+ iefwer isei3arsrer id fir etg+it to rav.ssetr afro xrritrtrtw acrd LtK eu Greats a cunrt svtiup to avert <br />tie atr,a^>tilawtt of s ielaait cu aa+r tieiad tttitanr e.i iessu..rr to ac~erdrratiirrr acrd ,air. tl tkre twracN o. tarty currd <br />ar >~ irrdirtr #it Aaw *?e ae fir aaa9ct. i..sarfez st i.~@ca'> _ axst flralarr ~ aN iix~ «urtr± a~snrrd Gy this [)ertd <br />of Terrsi M ie titre tatty pnsiNr erilitnta lartltar drwward crawl twat' iR,relc tGe pa»si ref oft and ;tan otitcr rrmtSits <br />i ire t!~p4tatlt ~. i.~Atisa ~ it eadflrA ha cS+Nss°t aN rraarr .iatx nand ev¢rnarx stn"urrrd iu t«ntxrirtt2 ttx <br />+ettnaifes. !r'a"sliaoi At 8tte, lwilff~ t[. urn. sAr out tLaNrd iu, rr-aauwtMr 3tturary'k trrr, <br />R Air ~!afwsr wi wit » iwa+elaai, 2i~raar wig rxx-ard r tttiirr of Asfaittt iw raxN rnurs} to »#tii-N nc~ Yrttitrriy or .amr <br />fWti ~tf is tnrardl trwf sits trace ewpica d xwcit arliar 4a fir coroner prz+eribid Nr app~ttit:sYc taw to tioiruwcr woe! to fir <br />rtttila g!aaeaess pttt# lea foss. !liar fir al iwdt recce six ,laity tie A>Eyi:hrd M ayrpiirriir eau. Trttsrs~ >NaH <br />grille rttttliee rf rtk ~ lie i si iw fir raswsrr ~ Gs tiatagRr few. ern.+irr, +s tthswr dr+ernd csa <br />rtawr. ±~ wdi !!tt " as }ni'~Ys rarEiw err Nrt kitit•+t hider ~ fir tirart and parr and Rrthrr tit srrwti drstyaatad <br />k iatt rattNrar d cafe iV weer ar iaere ores asrei srifrr ~ Trtrixi entry atrttriaiat. i rn+trr spry pustiriaiar ,sit sat nit <br />rf awl !~ *d Nee ~) i! irtatiit aitrrraarrara~t ri rir iiatr aarA plii:r -d zn, 7iss•~f<ruats ,~txduic+i +:.k. ! radEr >rs <br />laertieri tirwipat t~.laaritrc Nat lopuvta rr aa_r its. <br />1;~SA rt4.r~t ai ~S~ sd'^~s i fae4. Iiysaae > 9t~srr itr tt4t q+ursaxxrr irustar + dtsd :atavrfisal' rir Prwpeny <br />rwfA. #'11r rr.9aaia sea ilrt lawerr's- 3ani atr791 it itnrr #rtit r, idewxr of cis trveN ,et tit ,t»trstarwn tnrdr thrfr4R. i ru.ree <br />rya!#/Ntly ~~ tt[ Nrt grit r tit fiip~ utlt~t: art ru ~ rrseawtaik .cws sad sxprwsss ea rhr .air, im~tudina• brat <br />Ana tllawflrri sn, ertaae^s fetes rf wt wet claw -: < ~+2' . 's rrt fir Nro!a sate pt'ir r, *ra+naaidr :aaerrwrr'. trra atRd rastx st! <br />i1tlr fitl In a1M tends awwiai i'! ties i}rd d irrxx; wad set tit raar+s, ti nay. to its perw» ur t*+a+sra* irgslia ratitirai <br />lstc R'~iA is Rsirtetr. ^++,,c»,t?tatxn,#tr~ ! e=rac_ ,. , ,. - . >c. _ ,. t. -.e.i ,-. [,,s. <br />$ta't~:+astr s~tsaat itaxi~ tNt tt}9at t~ hs-•€ .,as4 -..;•r.,«tz;rrvg, 'erg,. ,=.rzr ... _ `-1~: ,... .- •zt;r!,.;:J ar <br />aw} iraew #r err to #{e4s t ~..-+r •W -= t rat r,-.h . .r ~. ,nc !'r+. r ~ - .. - •- <br />~ t!W C3sa~ ~ vt 7 r.n,i ae ,rot rrk y ~,€ e =e.raic-td , r.,t., , ,a s.,,. t'rrESt .,,t b,~~., ,.... _ _.. ,... _ -, r•=_ ,,,~t:4 <br />etc t 'uux. ~<rgrt taxes rye a~ 'itsna t§c ''•,NC ,+-a :w=+r+ •c. .+ag t U t4,n.,. :-, ,_. _.,. .. ...r ., at <br />iRr isrr:--wrrx ct.crca a:i !atc.+.M:a ,.r:y +rtrrt ...r rr,rrra, ,*. g t'z- e-!,t- - i -ctr.,x< .,: ... 7..,~.r (~:'1.a <br />eye ~r ~"ae.~ +.#e- w 'eds..~11a#s4r z'=~ ia.^+- aC-~r[ck i c:,,;u. - .v - „ .ril.~ _ .. _ <. z!, ,}, .. r ~,t <br />iFrru~resrr :,erxa~ +Ry« i]~er;.? ,! Yt,a*t ~= t::t.~l, tat t. ,.s~, ..._::.. .+. r,sc ., - . . :.>.'e F'[ , <br />ixriK*. lti.rl z-r ~. "bat ~ set ::ia,.itt7 a<,»r aFre4.. s'Cm ..., 1#, . - x , , .., . ,. _, - -, ~.; a=t, <br />•tst.....: x.~,.rr .ts ~hr :xr; -~€ ten. L-era[ -~i I.:,,. [ t-..:Sc= ...,, t-~ , . ~+: ..,. ~ ; f-s~:. , .,, <br />