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<br />the sums secured by this Decd of Trust shah continue unimpaired. Upon such payment and cure by Borrower, this Deer{ af, ' <br />Trust and ttte atdigaritxrs secartetl hereby strafe remain in foci fares and cHetzi as i€ no aeeekratian had ocevrrid- <br />2d. A~smea/ td Reaves Appainemeai of Rcrerver, Leader Fn Peaaes~oe. As additional security hereunder, 8arrower <br />hereby assigns 1o Lender the reran of the Property, Qravided chat Borrower shall, prior to acceleration undo paragraph IS <br />Aereaf ar abandonmenf of the Property, bare etx right ro correct and retain such rents as they become due- antl.payaple. _ <br />Upon acca&ration tinder paragraph F8 bcreaf or abandonment e€ the Property, Lender, in -person, bY'ageni qr by <br />;wlseia3}y spposrated receiver. steal be entitled to inter ttftetr, take poszessian of avd tnanagc the Property and to catiece the. <br />tents of ttre-Property Gr~hrdst~ these pass due. Al rrnts co#lected by Lent~r ar tt~ receiver ltat! be ap~trcd f4tst-ta payment <br />of the roses of mafrgemeat of tYta:. Property atsd-eo4lc.~ibn at~rcnta, irwiudm&, tsar not limittd to, recerver't fxs, premituns <br />an receiver's bonds std reax+aname attorney's fees. arai then ra ttte watts secured by. this LSecd of Trust,,.,Leadet atrd- the- <br />tecriv°er-sue trc-i-"_"_ m account Y f+tr chase-rtntc-acuu~3y recztred. - - - - - - - - - <br />2I. Form Adsawers. Upcas roquact of 8orra'ner, Lender, at Lender s option, prior to foil reconvtyartce of the Property <br />by Trt» to Horravrer, may makes Fuarrc .Wvat~c to Harrower. S1Th Future Advatttxs, wins intetrst theteott, sfialf tx <br />secured b}. this Deed of Truss when evidenced try'pr amissary natex stating that said notes arc secured hetaby. At na tint! shalt <br />du paeipa3 amsutni of the ~ tecuied by this Lked of Trt~t, trot snctudiag stems sdtar~ 'n teasewitb <br />tt+ prosa-= the sccurirY a# tba Died of Trust, excel ttte angina! atnaett of tftc Aioco plus US S.. ~~t~a~e <br />22. Raemesepaaee. L'poa p:yvneat taf all sutra secured by this Decd of Treat, Lender shall rcgr>est Ttttstte to recatrvey- <br />the Pmperty and shs31 sterreadet this Decd of Trust and aU notes tvideneitt++gg att#btedttass soured by tleis Deed of Tnrst <br />is Trtsree. Trustee cruel rtcaavey the Property witttaut warranty sad wirtront charge to the perstra or persnas Iegaly <br />etrtide+d thsueta Such pttsm ar petsans shalt ppaay af3 ~ of rawtdatian, d asy. <br />23. S~lat)ti4 Ikvatee. 1_ra3er, at Lrndrr's aptstm, may from time to time remove Trustee axed ap ant a successor <br />.~K to say Trustee trereuader #ap za rrLS[ltrralSit rxattkd en the etwnty in wtrich this Deed of gust is temtdedt. <br />N«irluwt cctr+Ftyattae of t~Propertr, the suecrssur t€vstx rhali succeed to aA :1ee tick, pov.-er sad duties ~tferrrd upon <br />roc Trs>:ta tsttti~i sot! try appii~btu law. <br />2t, Regesest for rake. Bcrctaater nstgaestx thx .v}ves of tix ruxett of defauh and nate~ of safe be roar to ilatrowec's <br />addrsss vtbich u the Pzaperty Address. <br />Ix Wtrxess WitsttYr,€: Btrr:cwer tress esecuted thts Deed s'af Trust. <br />,2-_ 1 ' <br />-~~~ ~, "t7t,,n~,, t . .. . .......... . ......... . <br />Hetr~er --~a...ow.. <br />v <br />sr;,s~ ~ teffis3tsttta~ <br />ss. <br />;9te *ar~gaiarq tnatsrnaett2 ran acknavledgod 3»fare are Ibis _ r~~k} .day a#, <br />. .fix _ ., is.~,.; ~}~ _ .;.'_~.,T. asu- sai~ _T.• Aets~er -•?~usbsizd~azsd iYife <br />ltiz=•aesa :y .`.sad arsd axstar.;3 ±~ea;. at. ~T3j''y :St4n~r ~c"bT,BS$3. , <br />in sa>.~ ~ottszy, *_fte Sate afc+resaid. <br />t t <br />~~~ <br />tafAtritoat4-f~fift~ tiaza[y gsslxc <br />ray 'traaaias:.cxr e><Fxras: <br />2CfR 7lOL°84'Si°; <br />'~5'r" g"ilR btEtS1MYEYAtiCE <br />Z~ UArdl3e:•grMd :s the twl:nez c.f t.sso soxa r ac~tea secured o_; c.':.s :iced ^;` :"r-.:at. <br />$al.i~ agate r3z ~'~e#. tuapet4er vz ~~ all suer isde~tedtmss seCt:red ..,, this weed v_ ""rust, <br />fseMt 3asaat pa;:,•d in fztil_ You are :teraetay directed era satt~si >az4 r:~te oz and t,Zxa <br />' ~E Xzrao't, lt9YCtt are do3sroredt `teeetry, anti t.~ rec~ntrey, ~xtraut s:arrarty~, aS.i ibc <br />eezeto mast tse.d icy Ysu wttdez rhos Dtaed of ?Taaez *_a r-re garcon -ar peracsra ltgalix ants tied <br />tAaaCe2e>, <br /> <br />