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<br />SQ-~i2122 <br />U~t~oaat Covt;:a+:ris. Saritnx=er and Lendrr :ovrnant and agree as iolluws: <br />1. Payment of Prlaciptd slot inteeeq. Fk,rre,wer Thai{ promptly pat w•ltrn dtte't{a: princtpa! of and interest on the <br />andobtcdnecs caadrncrd by tht Natt, prrpavment and late charges as provided in the Nate, and the and. interest <br />,,n env Future Aah'ances secured t+v this i~rcd c,f Trttt. <br />i Fps for Tisua ttatd imvrance, Suhjett to app{icable lase ar to a ,.Tifton waiver by Leader, tiatrower shelf pe}' <br />t., Lender on the day manthiy irastallrirems ref r,rncipai sad interest ate payable under the Nate. anti} the Nate is paid in foil. <br />'t start therein "Furtds°} equal to alto-tear{ftta .,t t{xr }"early taxes and as~ssments which may attain priarity over this <br />!)etd ,rf Trus[. and gtautxt rents nn the praprrt}', if anp', zlus ant-tw'c{fth of yoar#y premium installments far hazard iasurante. <br />glus :xit+>m=t!fth of ytarly pttmium ins*,ai{m::.^.ts fi,r ma:.teagr ;nscirsa~r, if xey. z{l aa'rcasa~nah{y estimatcdiaitia{{}. stir! from- <br />tiritc ra sane by i..eatdtr an ihr basis of acsrssnteau and hilts and re:tu,nahle estimates rhetrof. <br />Tht Fzrnds sits!! bt hefd in eta ;itstitu[ion the taepasitt or ara,unts of which are insured er guaranteed 6y a Fedtmi ar <br />stare agency (it>tlttditag Lendes if Lersder is suth an tnsinutinti. Lander sba!1 appi}'the Fonds to pay said tares, asstssmenis, <br />:nstirantt pirraitrms and ground rents. t_rndrr may rnx .barge for so halditac and apglying the Panels, anntyzing said actauni <br />or rani}°irtg ens' tnmpilittg seed assrssmcnzs and 6ti{s. +tnit:s Lrnak•r pays Bauraw^er intetasi on the Funds and applicsbie law <br />pcrmns E.crtder to rnakt sta°#a a charms 13orr,wer and ixt'>;t.; rosy ague ;n writing at ihr time of rxetution of this <br />{acr,i ;-t Tzust that imtirSt an the Funds shall he patd n'• llorratx'er- and un{rss strch agreement is made ar applicabit law <br />irgtuzxw uzch entered sa bo paid- Linder shalt n,?! itt regatred to pat 9arrewrr :tn}^ tnierest or earnings an the-Funds, bender <br />Thai{ prat .,, &srrow~s, wit{mett :itatge, an annus[;mting at for Funds choweng ct'edits and debit. to the Funds and tht <br />ptttpcwe for which each debit to flit Furtds ,:vas tn::ie. The Funds are pledged ss additions{ security far tht stmv sccutEd <br />b}' this I]serd a,f TrtsL <br />If the ameuat ;,f the Faerais held A} (.ruder, ±agtttrrr with the iuttirc month{} imtai{irtcnts of Funds payable prier to <br />the drx dells of tixrs. arsesxmrnuti, :ruurattrt pzrnaium. and ground rents, oils!! txi..erd zhe amount trquired to pay card taxes, <br />as~.ssns,-ntc irtsarat~ grcm:urns and ^--,trnJ =ours :;,t °h, i- ;alt a?tn:-. ,.~h c ~..s ,hat? hc, at &+.rroa•er's ipitan, rit{ter <br />f ra.,mpth' trpaid to $am,wer x crcditrd u, }3a,rmwer a,a momhty :nctailrnrnts nt` Fttnds- U tht aminint of the Ftmds <br />iudd ha' Lrrsakr sfaati txu lac sutTir.ttnr i, nay rear?. assrivntats, in>urattr premiums and gmtmd rents :vs they fsi! due. <br />fiarrovxr .hall peg is Lorelei an}• arru,unt s,a~~san- ic, risa;.r up the delicirnc)~ witiun 30 days fn,m the date tawitt is mailed <br />Lrndtr to litsrixwxr rtgt>estnag payment therrof_ <br />l:peva pa}Trxirz in full ai a:{ yams ae..arril ha this fkrai : ? ~i'ru.t, i cndrr ~hsit promptly refund to Barmax"tr an}' Funde <br />;ir3d isc l.ersdtr. !f utadtr paragra{zit iti htrm! !3x Pm{rrn ., weld nr ?ttc Pr„~riG~ is ,t:^,rrw'rcr xa~Yi uirivi Fy l.:;ndcr. t.ertder <br />s'talI anr3a a. na t=+.-r titan .,+,a„»a'„av .t„_. ,~i... ,b, Fn <br />izmder at ttte ttttac ,~f a~licatu:n c:x~tit*, agatac; ,hc ,ums +rcurrd ~hs ihtc~i]ee,i„ty7rusta . • ..,~.,,~,, _ , .,.,,~, „v.a+ _ <br />.~- ad Ptt}sreaees. ai.~nle,x ap{,Yr ar-+c !., , r.,vidr, .+titttu,sc. a{i psvmant:.ecrsarat ha l.ctador under the <br />ea,tr ud+. ;wragrsphs t sail ~ herxxu theft "r appitrd ~a t outlet tir,d n ;+asrivnt of amounn navahle to i.rnder by Bnttawer <br />soda ptrragtt~a ' hermf. ;his ti, rattYrxY iaal atsic _xs t;x \<,tc. :z±eo ;., tha• )•rittc tpai ,.f t!zc vale. and then n, totem t and <br />t,rs'.nc:iu{ ~ anx F,uute ida'an:.ts <br />~. t1at71,es: Lien. ~,rr;rwbr dtai; ,aa_ti raaca..,,scsmern, an.i .,;hcs charges. fines- =ant .m{+asitioax annhutable to <br />the Pna{tee±~y w'3prSt rtu} attain s prtarn, ; v,zr :hex fk,ed .,t Trutt, and fczsrhaid payments or raund rtnu- if any, in the <br />:stat~cr pru,'rdtxt s<axier }raragraph ? lxrexzi .>a. sf :xs, x=std sn .u~!~ aaanner. ht Sarrcwtr :aai+ng }+:x:ttmnt, when dot. directly <br />to flit r~s}'ce t+atrta,3. $cv~raas~ .a, _,i t,zi'>rnpt3v turr-tafa te, Lrna!cr -_ii :a~a.::c= i.i artx,unt, ,iur audit this },aragraph. and in tht <br />=sszst ~a'crcrwrM stead{ :'tsaitr paYancz.; .lir+r`tf1. $rsrrc,axt shsl3 ~.mmnity t:,rnxah to t-rider :rcespts evt.irnctrg sut}t pavmentc <br />ik+r:=,*cx•.t shalt pr:,mpz}} t6x3+az'gr arz,~ !a.n what, 7a;, pr:nt~t:i .,t,: ih;. 3k*rd ,+t 1 rota: nr,, t„{r.i. !hat Nc,r ra,'.ser ,ha{I nor t+c <br />trrq:.stra:^tz =,, ,ti+?xargt an} au;^ tc .> i.,ng ft -. t +fi _,,,- r in ,.n utr, .., :bc :`a)mrnt .•'. ,ha..,hitc_it +n arcurrd i,) <br />,u.-1e rtes: r. a enaazxa ac.^quat+ke t;- t caadrr .. a>•<,a tai: .x..nect ,t t s rn '~a. ,•r ticten:l rn;:~rcemenc a-t tier is. <br />:egai~ a,,~in~s 'hu-h .aptrazt to p+ra~m .r -ors.. rnu',.t ..,; -,ex.:. icn :=r - itenutc t is r n>ax ris .,r an)' !,art titrirat <br />~Ises~i Sumuarcc, 2Snrrc+„rr ,hn ~ - erp srsr my ~ a: nyr ti ;04 ca'st+n}, wr he as rr _.rctt n hr pr+,ptrts insured <br />ag?itaxt },~ "n}' Sit, hazards ram?udrti ast^> ~hr scan "e,Srr'xXC-u •,.rri}~r r3 t,. t: 't?,c. ^sra o: :e, t ;ndri n,a?. rrgncrc <br />zrc'i :n araeh arr~,aam ;and facer w:h tacr::ri: ,,, t.e?a.irr ~n a) ,rautrr. , t;,,;ard. • [ rn,?rr --.n-,:i ;': t rr:tunr ^hat the amcauni of <br />sir.-S ~barragc txirzd ebar ar~,unt '.. ~ arrr:.,~a: •c~,,,. rci ~~ *nc >,vm, ,.. a:rd TM 'i:--, [k-td .,. { r.,.t <br />iRx araxrtan.^r carrxa ptoc'sJtrey iix' m±a,ranae ,riart t+r~.u~.rtr+ ne t~,rs•a+arr s,ih;a•.; a„ .pr,r,a, .ii hs t cmict nt,,, adeai. <br />dept sleets ttjapttn'mi stead set he ^•nreaoa-.raa-h}a' utthtarid _lit ;xrtmturm .zn .e,xuranrr m~,arri >hadl he ysatd m the matatett <br />{aetsvsde6 erodes pa+syrtpft = herxxst :ar. a -,cx paw :n ~st;rs aanrtrt t,a Ha,rr.,,.rr ^.ia#;+ett past-tiro. Nhn=. out. darnti) to tht <br />:aewaaa+cr :arrest. <br />'1<{ +.rnk-t"iriUC j1R"~ii:tC1 att11 ,C:irti a3s :.I,y;rLhl' . rya}il !*C ': t: t x~:: i'Ptlt,i: -, i r1+e3e`! .toot , n. itii3C ! •[andltit rrt{,r1~AKC <br />_iasrse m :ax'isr at sod :n :.tiro a,':cg. ai,a- .,. I. rraclr; ; a-t=carr ,nett t+a,r 'i .got =.. ti:,:.t !tar y,:,ia,srs anti tent a;,;• tnerrat. <br />1st Sa ~ixwrr stash ,^ranprt3' :t.~nur; ; , czsdrr ..;t ;rx~« -w,t a- r :;d .,tl c.... cept> ,•! ....' r-. i;, one es•c°nt , It>a., <br />~orrcz+un rlsaii gxxr }±tx,rryrt use r ;;x +:?ssurara:r ._ _,... , rs,ata-= i en,vKr a,.e. ^,-..=,ir ;,a,+,,; ,zt :,.+s, s ;,taa9r ;,t.mtptF} <br />~- tiamcnaatx - <br />Lsaipa. l:casdtr «...* 2ii=+n-wit :itac:=, ,.:sc sg<a^r :r. ..:n~,- ...,,a ;,t.,,xsvs ~-riat. r,c .sgm,ea t., : _.,•; att,rn .,r ,rpair .~t <br />., it <br />mss} cta.~ayexl_ ?ra:-nirs =.~_^ ~ess<xra:,,wz+ ,n ;ei*a,_ , -.,=rx~nt+.:.~di, ':. ,.e?~=?e° ,.:Y.X `-t+c ,~+a't+?a :a #~~•,t ::! frost ;, <br />xtp[x}xrdtF''-r7tFa:rcx3 iF >tf..~!^ t'rW,~.ants.ra ,.v :rd,q;. .s . _r+: ;~txr.ai3s ,en,¢::z ,. 3 ;nr - a;7 ~.,t ~:t to-- ik`eeS .,: 7 :,ter a.,a:id <br />t+r flit tea-nratrr»ds •:pa:i3 tr ap1°'+r.: ' '.t - s, .,:ct :,1 -Rn SiTra-a1 ~.,e i-r.sit. :-.'+ . ..t, •, i ant. i,.rs.: <br />, iii:. t# .At Prs,pieri, e:.tesu-ss+utc-.. ,. i'k.,r.3 s. .t~'i .:, :, er '- , ,. rr,~,.,it ., , ;fit -„s.h,-. 1 :tla, 'ta.°rt tri: <br />5~ tatttKT t!'itiat{t:,i taF : rtydr{ :ii itt'ut~w{. -h:s r .:: n. ~ ' ieir. - _fi ",~sa'i35; .:q'-err i ~.'. ai:.i ~:'K `ten*. 1 Cncart <br />:x as:+e~+r~csi ii+~naicri gild 4' ;#. tttw,ax t ~aziard, .,. . _ndee>..•ef n•s; 2;wrn-t t,.:r,-, ..,: =eM; rt :nps.i .,a liar Frc,penn <br />,xr tat flee 6tataa sa-rrrtzd !>• ton 23tet ,:,f ir,.,-t- <br />~'» dram., sae i9aTn7w,en ,'>=fltt±rarr .agrrr :. _ ._ r}: .- , . ~rR't-, _.._ - .. ..- _ : t trirrw <br />~ pesupesat itsr ]ssr .late .at tttr :rt,.~azta?, tines,{narxea -r'r rear - +.sra>;rep*t '.. '..n i xt',-: t nge :` .s.rx+•aut ,^ <br />~ ~s tt caster #vus~rai+b ~ r hln motif: rhr f -,{rite, -a,a~t -n (.i-sae; ., . -s'iit ;it buy ',x;rrcatt~,•r @at+.,a r- <br />'is tstlµi sa ass' <axsurtazrr '{a,#aa'tP arw a srz+i .., ,'~ ~ ar:.;t*u, •hr;-. '1 ,~tsic€ne ';~„e, da+~'ns~+r .~ ';sr i't:,p><Yax ;,3.i=r ra, the ,a <br />.x ~'rrm sinn{t ~s> to !».r,+irt :.. sr+c rrz -, .isr ya~-., ,c'x-s:.ra •,, ,.~.>; f)rcu ,~: 4. ,_. ;-es,~u izi, ~-r t, _ccb :ate . , <br />aai~satsua <br />C ilnri~•asisw grid 1yiNOe~cs +d 3+aarpesss; ! `auto, t, artdassanrume: PtasisrA {nit ii+zr itprtnrat- b - =.»ri <br />email #.ri',g .ht Praalsrn, .;; gw>as r ,af ~ - - s s ,p, a, <br />:tod s$xdt '-`t'tttStt!t v.:tt#t tHr }srrM ~ m -• leer a t'.w 3rt, ' _. + _. , i _~ - <br />.~-k { <br />~m car a gisactod rgaa .u -c , ~+xsct,t.. }kwrr, rr •- .,cam ,~ ci,. r ~s .. ,:.n: -- i£ ~ 'v { ! t.,t~„n <br />,X .` McRts -9asxary~ "ar }tc~cr-w.sag lac , zu4:+an-at:v ,,.:a=+. _t ~: c~~. nt sr_ F_ - .-,.i .r sr- snr <br />piasantsi uaf~ aieaelcgztrrm. .,d ,-.'a -u, 3a ttt, ta.. ',nit rt i - '~~pist tt - n ,ete.}+mcu' <br />sa t3ta'4itaal L`t i;4ait":~..rr ~ rsacxzn~4- sr~= ~.-= t'tCx T ~ - ~ . - -, ,~,r-a , . . , ;,.h . - <br />5tta€'P ba :7arzti'{teRiiai anet? and tw'ute! att,a^:,;ct .grad F"r?,a.u, t~ ,, s.a.;.,.. _z,_ ,gr ,-. .<. - -..- : t .i . , . rhr rn,:; <br />tacit a flit! ~C7104,t. ... . <br />?- 7tlisas'~/i taf f.rwtlr-°s 3ise°tssst} $t°t :.-e : - .. •.c 't c ar - cis r z .s. ..>rsa:.'..1 ~_; ;!ts. <br />{lsrtat ~ 7t'aig4. a-r + s'. atst,r . _ ~resxx,s,_=,a ,, ,.,-sz,F:ea7 .ht,+h "- ,.e: , _,-. e.-- cn;.,<. - a,... ,s :. , i r..}+rati <br />~, bst nvt ltna~ni,{ ra, rr~tactr: ii,ih,aac., r rd ra - at qa '- - Fac ,; r r s a <br />t>9X~,r4r~t. tea X101"N1'~i. t~Ifsi jt+lktGe mY l..cttclC{~b yttr. e, , H_,.__. ,t, -_ ~- ~. !! .. .. ,., -.... <br />~ wd ad'z' ~.b €:'fa,rt xs :s tus'~atnt't~ ?n rn~rota. lsre<srr~ :n-,rt-._ - ~ , <br />r~. aCrKll'ilti+"i flat r,f. 1.n93+~ dt ,n .t ~ ,f - ?t <br />a+sd taarr> uprm iAt Prt+ptx ~ ,s.+ar it-. t. r1s:c s.s ., <br />,, <br />a'att~,tsvri :...t' ~ 'yt>Q, i6xail ;rsaaar~°+ 8k fleet. ftpal ~ aS.. a~ t - n" ., :.. c. f^ <br />aAR1N'iIM;X' +$ t;'t a'akt.ti aAtc'A ti{rte Ci ;tilt ;pyaitStrfa>t±., ,-: -,a¢i t' i „ c.,.c rRr .:aa Y. ,,. ~(l:t i ~i ,'t six , ,: cf', .~.:.7 <br />i:eadar s tlaYSica aE.RGraalC::l ~ 6~ijt:~(ar+#€,` +aM i{d'*r'fY' -r +f4at.i (VI, -ir .si4' ., ... s, ra}<e :..s i1,te,1i +n fT},' <br />~R~YAa LXtfY Sliitd ',~ ~ iar~t-`a?t <br />'<' ~ !st- 1:rt;.tt€ t++urrxwxt it- Y~atag~.5 [dt ' -r . ~, '+a ~ ~ e a i <br />n+1~;+4 $psxsw~c: ,~a+rtid -3 .izr. zia~.i -,t 1;ats -zttxn dr*rr',a.' ~~ i - ,c.-s.•: -~•., > <br />aawstwts ~raii !,r ,~t}raitu€ ash rKx,cr YTe,nss l,en.ira t= it,a.++aea .mss -t.g ,,a=,t,z rt rsetx. a .ittr . ~ t ., -~.x .a>, , i, h; <br />tllpNt cd $~tt+'sr>f tN sliC tie j';a sdk ?rx~+t~r r : isn+r" .+n ~, =:rt t ':1*g e+r tx .t4.xi ::rr;}t.r ...,, 's; ;~e,: s ~{ t=.i,.ia"+ <br />tit MCC# iiltt '+trlW~l biC ::1fHr±#3~' 3ar a4p{+dAi>b{E :tile *N ktHCh s','CdE ~, .ai°x+-/in= o. 'hc .thch t,tti <br />yi~SEB +Atwat»e `a:a~. 9Vae as.,nf.x,sm.:::, 'h:s ,=slap, ar~a~' .. - t-arc• ; +s rte ". ,,~,st ~,.. -x}+rn.e ,^.o la4t <br />flat actszi <br />~• ! r.+1ds3 t~.~ nttd~ c: a rsw a.£ l~ r~xrds' r -mss. s x -~-o t ss ~ i tx• - :~, Yi., r -;:1E~,i <br />?~ i.c .h~tN btnlrsnwrn tacatue ~„ t€' ~,;x =a+s_h = znycc; >?„ k. ers<„r.a. <br />tsaaiwp zn silo lsettptns us: t=s t -, _-~ .,- ,. , <br />