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_ {r NIPORh( CavsN,iNTS. BORUW'Cr :tad LZn(ter'eaVt'Raitt elltd :tgrCC a!' iOf{aWS: - ~- <br />- I. Payment of Principal and interest, Borrower shalt -pranxpriy pay when due bite principal- of and lnteretit or, the - <br />indehtedness z:'idenced by the ;tiote. prenaym n[ and late charges as pravidect t;t the \ot and the pnnc(pai of red ineerec_t <br />~' i on an} Future -?tlvances se;:ured by this Dc t eit "Cru~t. - - _ ' <br />ii Z. Ponds 9or 'taxes and 4nsurance Subject to applecabie iaW or itr a wretch oral Ja.r ;,y Lender, iorrower shalt pay <br />- to Lenuzr en the day monthly insta{]ments of principal Ord Imertnt are fxayab+c zanier IRe :sate. and; the `Jo 4 s p-xd !n-Yafl,~ <br />7 a shin (herein- "Fupds'") equal to one-twelfth of the vearty [arcs. and assessments '.vhtch may attain priasny ,7ver this <br />- - -- Ueed of Tntst, and ground rents nn the Prnoerr,. =.f any, spins i~ae-nvelith ;it eearfy premntm iiistatimcnts far hazard insurance. _ - - <br />;~ - ,rius one-nvzltth-uf yzady nremium installments far nmrigage'fnsurance: if any, all as reasonably es[i nFrard iniEiafly toad frem <br />- time to nine by Lender an the basis at assessments and hilts anti. rcasmxa6le estimates thereof:. - <br />' - - The Funds shall 6e held-Sn :ut insti[n[ion the deposits ar occ~urts of whieit are insured or guannzeed qy a Fcdcrat ur <br />- - state agency finchtding Lender if Lender is such tin insu[uffon'r. f_cnder shtdl apply the Funds to pal`said-taxes, risessmcnts, <br />j` _ - insurance premiums :md ground rents. Lender may nui charge for so hc,Jding and :tpph'fng the i=ands, anrtyztng said azcount <br />e or veraying and comniiing said-assessments and-hdls. uaicss Lender pays Boroower interest on the Funds and a~phcabie 'saw _ <br />- perm us i ruder to make such -t 4harge. 9orroarer and Lender may agree in Wrn ing .u the ti__*ne u[ ~acumi>n of; this <br />- Deed of Trust that inerest nn the Funds shall be paid to Borrower.:mtt-nnlcss such agreement s made or apoficable law. _ <br />_ regw res snch misrest to 6e p t I '3 ender shall not. 6c required a pay Burro v t - ny intertst r aarnin~s tw [h 1 itttd , t. znucr <br />' shall give to Borrower. withrnrt charge, au annual tccountint; of the Funds sr o-=ing a drts and stet ns ib-tFt t : id- and ii:e - <br />- - purpose Far wh€ah each deoit to the-Funds Was mm.le.- i"he Funt!s_are picdge3-zs aadEUOrai~-.ecurt.y for ,ne 'sitat_. secured-- - - <br />`~ 'hy this Decd op Trust - -- _ _ _ <br />- - !f the amount oc the Funds held by Lender,''cgether •aith-ahe future mamhiv tnstal?metrt. .a 7 [.rd>' 43:7°Fnie-pyior: tc= - <br />tlte due darts of taxes'. assess-ncuts, incur mcz prcrmunts anti ground tents -.hal 't cud ti 4 amount tegmreu p t - vd taxes, ~ - <br />assessments, insurance premiums :mti „: sand rde[s ea lhey° ,a11 iue. ,uch s..ccv .hail he. tt dorrrncer upti_un, either <br />_. -- - - promptly repaid io Barrow tr or crcdtt£d to Borrotti t 'in monthly iitstallmenis of Funds. if ha mnannt i- ti' Furdx - <br />- held by Lender shall not ! - suL'~ieient a pat' tttw.,. a7s4smcnis. 'nsn.ut:.c ptemmms and ur4.:nu- =ants a_ -h_- ;eft due. _ <br />- Borrower sh:di pay to t_cnder any amutmt necessary ut make .:p life flee"ciencc within ?t) days rrom die dniz notice is m:iited - <br />- by Lender to Borrower requesting payment thereof- <br />- - - - - - _ part-p.Frmeat irr rutl of .dl sttmms -- : by D cu-t - -[- r. e-nn -i p - p y ct ; ~ ~ - - urr --.u i - - a - - - -- _._ <br />( held by Lznne r- [f unner partgrttnh In hcrwt the f orcr[p : solo fir tht t I~ „crtt n alh4, .t~sa ,natair4,.t h. ! utder,~t 4udcr <br />- - shall apply. no-tutor than immediately-pn:+r-to Ih4 .lie-~f the Pmnert}' or-9rs-acgdsnion by tender. any Fn,zds he°i! hT -- - <br />i' - fender at the lima o1 application as acredit-against the sums secured by :his-C)eed ~; Trust. - -- - <br />i` - ~;..:~pplicaticn-ttf pap'menis, l;nt,..a--,prlic-tu{.: ,r t'- ,,rtr: itizs atne. ,n;..-;,1 ,a.,t.....c-:w::,.. ,.., ... :-._„1<.-, ,,€.cr-the - -. <br />_ Aote and naragetphs ;and '_ :>nrctsf sn ~ik- .e applied by t,cntier nr t in pa imam of ,mt+atm:, na^- 71 ; t:_• ° hc~ Y ;tro~.ver <br />~ under-paragaph-~ hemoT, ther. is inrcrest fxayabfc -in ;he emote •ttetr ra the prinu;n t _' the ti .c- - td sh4 a intcrevt rand <br />principal on any Fuuvc rldcanxs. - - - <br />- - S. -t'harEes; =,iens.- Bc re ~r sou " : x _ .,xsam : .- ~ : - tot `--n.rrg .- t - . , r : _-.:in - 'o taSle t:, <br />- the Property W-bite may attain ,i priori[} .i7~, .ins Deer3 ,rf it rst. and icas4hofd payments n- ants, :t an„ t^ the - <br />manner provided tinder paragraph '- he;Gaf er, if not pant-in st:eit nramter. Icy Bor:awcr raaF:;nepr. ingot. °aten dttc. ciirectip' <br />- - m the payee thereof. Burro e. ,.;loft ptnrriptiy t arm=n to LChth.f all noucas of amounts t;zte aru t .his paragraph. ,md in tRc <br />_ venF florm7ver shatf make papmem dfretaly, Bormwer sitaf! ,", ronxpriv- ;urnish to Lender ucetpts cviaznu nz s;is`: pavmeats. <br />i. .Borrower halt premeHv ,+ise arge nv ..:.... i~ ,.~n -a: ,-rFt. 1.T :.. a. -.hs Dc_d ;;! .F t~ .: ,. ,t '_:~_ --ra.-_it rt.. ;.: ::::i! -..•, .-,c - <br />: -rzgmred to drocharge any sneh {ten a; 'r. .. Bo. a is, hall .ierae nt ~.i.:dn, :~t th r tpmuFt t t.,.c ae tg.a,, u; vc.: =4 ' ?, <br />such iieR in a manner aceeptabie to l_vno4,. ; , s.hnll =.t ;soli lash eonlesi au~h 'inn h} . ; _4.enti ,tC,:. rn: t 'r' vault j.s ~, ut~. <br />_ _ Izeat praceedins_s which operate to prexent ,hz cnlir etnent it the im;: or rarfciture ,x the P t .:rtt~ i+ vrr: IlrRrtcsi <br />5. Hazard Insurance. Borrower <haif keep [nt-linen: notnen[s uuw costing ,tr a r .tt:u :~rcc.t-~1 ..n ,.te : --.~icrt}~ uistred~ _ - <br />' .z`luinst foss h} fire. Ytazards inch:ded ~ ithSn die teen 'extended .overage' and su,!? ~ ,+cr tat.v f' a> ?.=t ~c. nay reaw:z <br />-amt :y =uci• ,mcettis sad. t`r :: a*:_,ds ~ .. .. . ro: , !. h.. 1. ,. {„ ,. .. ... ., <br />=.t i. <br />such -~ ~•raea exceed that-setoff tit t€}_= ~Gras,t, ;'cola r,.ci , ,:vot, r_v. eti n7 -i~ ~:.~_ti- a _:st. ~ - .. <br />-._':-- - `..._ -r dt. If[561'an~L ~1fFi2~ Pr IU fiOC-nu rn\IL ail CC. „tan-liu i.ic :~.. F- nt rrcr.~..t -sR c.., a :(,1 t.u ,,, -.:--i .-u_ ;- ,:In .Ur,i. - <br />---- --- iha[ such approval shall not hz uhreasonad?v w;tttiictd.--,~(L premiums an' 9tstirarc - ~s sn tf ~ ,=riz-,a rite madrter - <br />,:r . <br />-- - .provided under paragraph-~ - _. - .. -. - - - - - - ~-~ti2 is :kle - <br />fttireot or, ~t riot paid ;n Such ma:uter, hi- t3unocvcr €nanr -_as~rnr t.: .hen riu - i <br />- - _ , insurance. earriei: - - -.- ... ... _ - ~ -. - -. <br />- --: .,r -msuran .,-pal.~:cs-oat. ~..4.rz,y ,.,4,~zi. -:. e, .v-..,-,o i', ,tt~4ttr,., :t .~ -:.Gm,s;r ,t ..:.~_- ..,E.~-a ~ t,.~~.,-, ,i. ,..a At <br />- -il3itsi ctt iaiur of anti in ;iri'tt Kssept:tf -- _ - <br />- 'ru.. , l'Ilt:er ~h.lil fl:l"e~ .f14 ~ 4[t[ ~:a ll. ill .nl' }" -'- 4ntl- -SRI-.i StI1 :t1t'I CVI ~ ~~ . <br />. ~~ <br />~~nd Borrower shall orontptlp tarnish h f ,.r.; ,ill i ~s4ui t€uucca and .iH ,'clef. , ' ~ i -~'sC ~e[ <br />.. ~~ -. <br />~arr~ Ur `+.ts.n-~. L p ii ntp2 nc..L..--.~ '~ t. . .:.-.: t t.-..n(. t ...lU~. ..ti .L. :,:}~. ..._ I..~P, r_.::-:.. <br />- -- _- - _ [_[nlesv-i_enac, and i#or,aw4r ainetw s4 avrce .n _ nuitg, t.~nt.m~c f io.ccus .u~,.n nt :p.{rn[ _, a :1 , r' e •pcW ,-~? - <br />the Properly damaged. praadcu:_cn o.. .cu - .ananrir:d:7 i 3mk~ :.Itt ~t: +eu , C ., <br />- not dtareb}--- Impaired It ;nth r~nxraaun or :cpmr .c a~,t ~,.4:'r ,micad)` tcslh,t.:t ~.i n ,, ,r,' ~ -hn '.;;u - .Aunt <br />- - _ be :mpaired, the insurance prt,4eeds sh-11 he spells ~i , tnf: solos scutrc.! h} ihts !?red !-~_,;at. r,.,+_ -k,~ rt _ - _,ett.t <br />to Horrower. fi the Property a .ibandoneu i,p {3urn:wer, '.ri' lE t3i~I umrt i.rils tc c.,{ ,ei to ._::...a Lit_wt~ t x .~ :, rn ti- <br />data notice i, m,aited h}- f sndrr to Barra -cr Urat ;he nt;u t:tacc ~arncr at,ci :.o xe•tdv r ,..u:.I s ,_„. .. - ~ - <br />- - - is autluvi~ed to i:, !!vv-t sect =t~tti-ahe ;`D~n., atrv-.. i.t .7 i.svdv, ...:}±riu, :r,RVr , _s ...r.o . , ,. <br />or ro the souls secm~zd by thw Deeit e,ti 'f~resn~t, - <br />_ Lhtlcss t attdcr and-Berrcwcr eft:;; ':grce a ct;ting, cut nu~u .,ppu,.-.m.~n .. - ~"ts , __ .. , -.~, _~:_€;d - <br />..- _- ar nas[pan-t the due date oC -h~ mrnih,t7° rest alinta<ati Ici et rca _ lxurayia,!hs i s.. .- .tcrsa i r -,za,t .. .rm:,n:i ,-, <br />- sac}i insta'llmenr:- 'f :utdea' aaragrapn - ^I .tE[ctst ? f x p,x+v , .+cyutred , sett.. , 4IxL _ t s. ~. .d =-.. _ -, >3,; <br />w :mef M .ury tnsusnnee nui t.r, a,id .n -z etil ~,._ ;hc f € zt4ds ;bust I Fruit a t-,tin. u,n a7„ t, th~ = i+e_ a -Fe -,.. <br />_ nr aa.,uix[iar, s1.e,l-s-a,,.: ` +: "~ ...-, ~.,. .',: ,n~~ .~~., ~u '., I s ~1Lt,. ~-. _ ~zzu~„sa., ,; ,:.- ., .. - <br />. acquisition. c <br />- fi. Pr~yeruatimt and Jlainteuunce of i'rnpGrtyz C.c~ttaaitotds; x .indnmf[iiunrot- i'fanned r'atit ~Ucr~utapntem,+'. :it:rs.=t.,~t <br />_ _ ~hitlf kss•p rho P opvrc~ !-a _ -a „-pL(t < 1-u - -..u~= t ~ f. < €ur_:I :~r a t _ _ <br />- - - ;tad allall etnupty rr-ith the pn +I.,us ast nt gook i~t rt , xst'~ t . _ - ..t,r-a _i.r , 1 4 .. - - - `- <br />- - t-Wtd©flllnillln aE ., rfa PenEd ,lee[ 'ii t't.'?€ l,tttnl. .>-. by ,{e: ; ~t '! 1,f.1['1 tt 4e. t',11 ka1 t , - ..._ - <br />' - _ - 'llr t:llyeflailt5 krE sling i4' 3'.(t}7-erlnng iii4 1. {.nLt.l.St Hitt Fit 4:i ;ri.lmt4.v ~,t{f: - ~: e„11?mC.)I., ; \-~i 3\. ..n.A =- ,t, E.-. , t„ _ - r,_ <br />zemdermiuium or pY:utucd ern[ ;evgktprttent. sad , .u+ut,=ui+- a€,- -t -_ c.=zzthrmnturn ,_t- ,unucei ~ f <br />--_ -- rider iv e.ezcutcd try i3urro7Y+..r tad reach dGtt ~-sz_u;h4 --..-:.S tht. °7te~d c=, eI r..h:;-,,,,tn:um~: sz, t -.:,rt =zc~[ Irh :+{°~ - - <br />,halt b. ~ _,-s ~t-_h._ ti _ <br />_~ - 4 ttt4i11'tttir l Ld SF7t.l-a.~-..2= +l aSn _.d ~.u _,1< -3 ..~... _F__ 4" 1u1*-!- - .<S~ ;i~~__,. ..~_ . e..~. -.. .,.< . ?•,. <br />- - - > l'rttlecieutt-,ri' f.ettder s-'ret:urit7 - .: ti- - t ..-r; c t ~ t I-v v-_ - - <br />- - _ Dead a[ `C`,~uat, xt i( anY =ia. tau ar pr ,4~ev:n{: i+ sx--ni,t~(r~.s.-~ lit .,t --xt ,, ,, tt.T Attu .~ .. rr - „ --_ ~€t- <br />t <br />_ _- incitrding, but trot IimVted ta,-nmtuent t3,ntas`at, iriv„a_wr,,,,, ~.tur .,is,.:,::mc te', -u .z + -. - <br />- - -- banhi'u p[ or dccedevt, then L4ndir at (.und4"'s opu. n. ?Csz,it.u~. L.:r ra.rn xsl, xitt ~~ , a c,t , - - - 1~ - - -- <br />- - - tiutns and utkz sorb :coon cis is necessary n+ arc reel 7.:ar,G:r .ntel cat ~.zs.udt n., ` ut -, t: .ant iii :,, _; ,ht: r c., , <br />reasanttfde atuorney°s fees and entry upon dtc frgpzrry' a. s!t,d.e r' - ti i. andrt ,r~yunta-i nmt'ty.,ttic .Lin d~:se ~„ . <br />- - -uondinan-v€nrakiitg Ftte loan raottred km'ihxs i7ec~-~i -iftr,+. r_;crr-cn Ia. ire t+t.-inu„t re,virt ti-. ,~-,. ~ - <br />-i;tSnrangc m ciR-et hind such iivtcas the rcqusmtau.r r'or su-I -,tstraau tz„untlrt ti -.,eni x;.nc_ -l,;n t#~ n -- . - <br />_ I.C[tlieri lV l'iltL'n aj;l eer174nf clr' appliGablt" I:tW. ili7r11N~i'i. it'l iiti Ixu\ ;ill' :I nl,.ri€!n ,)` 111 't; .I t~~V' .- t'.: nS-~: }ic -1-'.,tl~si ~ti 'Rt~. <br />_ - manner ptuvacied under paragraph '2 ht estP. - - <br />- ~ - ?ny amamis dtshursed by l..zudc.t pursuant Ur t ;' t i{it ift t'c e h s -• dt ~ t. G <br />- - indeotedne+s,if Got rower secusec[6y-the Dee}i ,.+t +, utst--uuL.s.durJ luvct aai t-c_i4t ,u,.~..=,ths°t t,:: n„ i::uu. na:~~ <br />- ~ amounts shat! hu payable,upon notice from i_aucfer to Bahr c•a ar r~i;ueavoy, a±a)n1un: lit. s„' sea t,u, .~rar rt4: zsi : inn '8,r <br />I.ftllC tri' CflSha[tientetll :It tilt; faiepllyahfe front itinz tU [ift~e .?it •~:11'+t:tnstntn (1 lit ~'i p,l1_ (nldrr ~ S _. nt~nt r`i lnir't c'+2 <br />__ - - ar such rote would be-contrafy [a apPficab{fl ht)s, in ,dtucll ''vi-•x[ such z.nuunti •n _ '_.u-_ :e.. . h;~iic.i <'aiz <br />- }xrntisaihfe wtd4,q appficabte la+v. K~oBung t.,onuu ntu ~n this;i,tragra pit h A c+lui ~ 1,..dtr ~ :..ic tS'Lnec- nr take <br />- - arty action hereunder. - - - <br />g~ I~ecttsxa. L>_+,uiu_ tt~y _tak=_ xr :, ;cis'i iti} .~ :.dt -e.t,,.-. .kstf,t... :re,:.., --.. --<-la_ - FV. ,,..,-_.t__t <br />tlxu l,anJet :.hall {.tot $arr ,wet etgticc , -t to -sn .a __ . on .E_s '1 , .a,n.; _-,ur- -. - t4. --_. : , <br />intcresl ar the ProtRarty, - <br />