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whieh hux the adt{ress af.. , .. ... ,'13 Cbnurr Court: Aids <br />snFra . - "r ...... _ . <br />Nebraska 6881Q - ..t{,eLeir. 'Pcnpcrt~;lddress"?; <br />- . , -liters and Z+sa Caue! - - - <br />Ta(:GIHEtt wiCh nil thr iutprrw~-miln~ now ~x hr_realtar crcctctl .m the i~x'upcrt~~. and afl ra+4 rnrn*,•, n~;iu~, _ <br />- =-a~purtununc~s, :ciiFS-isu6ject howevrr to ;ha rirhla uuti authurlbc~-~!n-ctlherctn to l.cndcr to ~,~iieit .uci :~~t-sI~ wit<it <br />rents7, Fuytlltizs, ntin~ril,~dif-Mind g~}s righis and tZionts, crates, utter Icitts.:itlu ?vntct~ sct~ek, ntd aiLn.?te~r~~. ol~?4r :-~r <br />- __ hercwCtet ltTtttrhed u? the,peppcet.y, aft ut which, iuuludinF re~l:termcnts and atdditi~n~.ehcecR?, ~h~{t hc~ dsemcci-ir. ~+c <br />and temnin a pttr~ oittlr{?i~opcrty covered fry-this {;9tictiol' Trtl?t; ;utd .III cil' the-Poi ,oink, .o~;c[hcr tirith sltii;- k~[u{?ert5 <br />- - ?.l?fithcieiiie?}utdfsT;[ir-:(-!nz~-~s_-ua. I7'IESi--ik,.?.s t~.i~.:itt3~c{. --3:--.ier~r ~ .F.~eti.ct ec ..-z.,,- ri)-z~-t-t-', --- -_._- - - <br />1'o ST'SC~URC to L end8e I a~ the Fe{rwntent of the utt{ct~t~tinis,-~~vld nc~cd by 3orrou4r's .ut~ .iite.~d o G =t~eePr d~:c~i <br />herewcb, .: thcecitt "T+tate"3~ in-thy t~tnciptl coop oil . Ik:PNTY. FCl~lk'..`L't[ill;:~<~..1) -r,.~ta ..,ia.J.i.t)U~--, n...-.-:..,_ <br />- _--- - _: -----.^--~° -- - - .=:,:Z?Qllnrs, ;vittf futcr~•si-thci~e~nt. nro~ldiut-[ul ~it.~ntht~-;ti;hditncnt~- - <br />ut pnnciput and mteicu, ?atth the halttncc of Uu nxlebtedn~'s, i( noc rtaumt p:ud, due and pav tb{ . on <br />-_ - - -.. , . ~s5: ~: ~~~~. , , - - _~ -. ~ _ - . ._ . ~ ilx^ payn~cnl-ntldl other sllin~. ~rttl? i ttet air t(u~ ~e -tu..ul~4~si - in aiccorciance hare'a~itfi as pi'otoct the .ccurity X16 this C?ec~1 0l 77usC and the parR~nttau~ .rl the °~tvailaut. ,ui<i <br />- agtecroants qf-Borrovuet hcrci^ contained: and lbl the repayn?eilt ni altt tutl,u~r cx Jana.-,, sa~itit ~rrecrc>t ihrnv,n, n,:uir <br />to l~ntroWcr by l.cnder-jliirsuani to p uttgraph 21 Ita'coi i h~i ,ir; °!~uttlta~,-tilvundcs"1 <br />_ _' P3gtrU+vlcr cavct~ants that-Tiorrpw;:r i~, iaiatahti ~riwdil u_1 ae eaatc he~4:,w-c~,}rv<kc~i ~erad ~ , i ~ rivti -. t;rult .E^<6 -. <br />- c.~~tx~~1.,{. the'?ruj tl ., if'ixp ihc- Y-rol3.;r y-:, .zu~iz4nnzz ~ri.u..zz~ z _=bnz €3c7ri z,tittz ,~iei w:u Cttui ,itut ,~i i~r;o cen ci ail~~ vile <br />iit1~ t~ the i'r~~t_t y-against aif ~iainn arrct dcntar.tds. ~tll7icct , ,eu~ ,,.; art,tz, ,, .t,imrnts .. ,ccu~. u~=,~. ;nt,~i rn ~,~ <br />•- ick2<':?t,.a ai w ar y ttz t _~,-~ ,~,~- ~a a ~U :~a _ r_:rz,_ ~ ~ 4 iz. "~, .. ,.. ~. _.. ...ta ~i. ., z - z - <br />N~ir'F° ~/IIt, <br />