- - 4. C'undemnation. The proceeds of any award or claim for damages. direr:-ar consevuzntiat. in connection :vith-art
<br />-- _ condemnation or other taking of the Property, car part-thereof. or fer zameyance.i,? lieu. of condemnation, are trerehy assigned
<br />- and shall be paid mLender. - -
<br />- In [he evznt of a total taking vi the Property, the };roceeds snail be applied to the slims secured by this Iced o4 Trust.
<br />- - - whir the excess. if any, paid to Borrower. In the evznt of a par fiat taking of the Prapery, oat-ass t3orraa•er and i Winder- '
<br />otherwise agree in writing, there shall he applied tv the sums-secured by this. i)ezd of Trust such pratxsriion of the proceeds _
<br />'- - - as is equal to thae proportian which the amoun[ of the sums secured by this Faced-af-Trust immediately prior fo-dte date of -
<br />- taking bears to [he Fair market value of the Property immediately prior to the slate of taking, wdh t he ba(arce of the proceeds
<br />_ - _ paid.to Borrower. - - _ _
<br />- If the Properh• is abandoned by 3orrawer, ar if. after notice Irv Lender to Harrower that the condemnor o3crs to make
<br />- - _ an award nr settle a claim for damages, Harrower fails to respana-to ismicr within 3fl dacs after the date such nonce is-
<br />- maned. Lender is authorized [o collect and apply the proceeds. at Lender's option, either [o resroraticn ar rcoair of the
<br />- P:opern• or to the sums secured by this Deed of Trust. - -
<br />Uniess Lender :md Borrower o[henvise agree-ir. writing. ;m}• such application of proceeds m principaF shaft not extend
<br />- ar postpcme the due date of [he manthty installments referred tv in paragraphs i and 2 hereii. ear change the amount ai - - '
<br />such installments. - - -
<br />- t6. Borrower Nut Released. Extension of the time ivr payment or maciiiication a,i amoruzativn of the sums secured - '
<br />- i,v this Deed of Trust granted--hy i_cnder to any successor in inures[ ei Aorrower shalt nm operate [c rcle;esc, ir* any :Wanner. - -
<br />- _ _ _ _ the iiaililiry of fie art gloat Borrower and Borrowzr's sneczssors in interest, t_cnder shstlt net be. requtred.ty comrnencz -
<br />proceedings against such successor ar refuse to extend time fv-r--P symeat or ,nhentiae t sully am -rtizatfct. of .F.e sum;
<br />- - • - -secured by this-Deed of Trus[ by reason bf ;nn' dem:md rrlacte. by the anginal Borrower u~ti 3urrower s successors in interest. -
<br />~' t i. F'orlrearance by Lender Nut a !'v'elvet. Any forbearance by i_endzr in exercising any right or rcmzdy heretmder, or
<br />-otherwise atfarded by applicable law. shall not i?e a. waiver alt -ar preeiudz the exercise of any such right or remctlq. -
<br />- The procurcrnznt of insurance or the payntcnt of lases ar viher liens or -charges h}~. Lender ,ha1i not-Le ;t ,araivcr of I_cnder i
<br />- - right to accelerate the maturity of the indehtedness secured by this Deed .of Trust. - - -
<br />t2. Remedies Cumulstive. Ail remedies pnivided ir, this Deed of Trust aro distinct anti ctrmu':aiive iz+ strty niher rg};t
<br />ar remedy under this-Deed Trust ~- rffor„zd br''::w ar utuitt~•, -id .. „t eser=>_a, aoacu- -utlen" . - -
<br />- successively. - ,. ~ a., r. - -
<br />!3. Successors and ,issigus-Bound: 3ointand Several LiahiiitF; Captions. The ~irvznan[s:md sgrzements herein
<br />- - -contained shall hind. and the righ[s hereunder shall inure tv. the respec!ive suece,•sars csn<j _„sirs a:' Lender and Sarmwzr_
<br />- subject ?a the provisions ni p2ragraph .' tc co C.:?I! ~otenatvst~d.grce~n ns .-+f Ilcr -_. ,nai ~ _:-:.t-.la-_ erai_
<br />- .the captions and headings of ttte paragraphs of this Deed of Tnrvt se 'or _Cn eaiena:' ..h• „1„ :. - :o ! ezd u. -
<br />interpret ar define [he provisions hereof.- - - - ~ - -
<br />23. iVofice. Except for airy notice reyuirod under appiica$ie :au to be siren in :mathcr -narner_ `at ant' n=?ace nr
<br />- - - -- Borrower provsded icr in this Lead of Trust shall Se £iaen bt'- n?aiiing such Weber by ::crtric:i n:;eli addr cssed t> 43or.*.~wer at -
<br />the Property Address or st such other address ns Horrowzr may designa[e by nati.-e u> Ldrzder s ~mra3cd ha'rein. ;end
<br />- - - (b1 any natter to Lender shall 6e given try certified. atoll; return reczipt rzyuesud_; r~ I_encizr?.:ad4re`~ state) =crein er
<br />,t.,
<br />_- -such niher ;ddre;ss as Lender may dessgnate `ny -notice iv Bnrntvcr cs orovsdcd herein. -rot -~- .:, •~ `i :cd --: .``^.i~
<br />- Deed of Trust ,hail 6z dzemed m have been -given tv Bormwzr ur Lender when ;*rvan :n-the snarrncr of esignated herein;
<br />t5. L?nitorm i)eed of 'Frost: Governing Law: Screrahilih.Phts (arm t>f deed ~,L ton; aerrhste:+ untt;trWt :n: erants fur
<br />- national use and ;ton-umforn covenaus with limi[cd cariaticros by iurisdicnan to cansutute a undorm T•~curi t;' rtsstrumeat
<br />- - covering real propert}•. This reed of Trust snail he gocernzd h}- tt[e~Iaw v! the ku-isdiction in •a'hici? rho Prpperc- _, _?ocatcai. - in the evem that any provision or clause of this. i,>ced of Trust ar the 1~e[c aonfticts tsi Ca npphrahk (:nv ,vnfiict r.hali
<br />- --- not nifect niher previsions of this Dead nF l'rust ar the ~tva whtch aaa be i'en c(fett ~t itno.u asc c _. ~o •tsian.
<br />- :md to [his end the nrovisians of the Deed-nf Trust :md the \ote are dedsre~ u. fsc aeverahie.
<br />__-__ _ _ IA. Borrower's Cop}•~ Ilorrott ershai( he turni.shed. a_~untamt d_~opv~ ,•i h -. V?[e _;uJ ~,. rhrs.;] - ;-; _:,.. v ;,sna
<br />- - of esecurion.or ,tf[er recardatian hereof.- - -
<br />_ _ i7 "z'i-ansfcr`ai=the i'rapcrty;-issumpuon.-:: ail c t '.n.:art ,..nt--1 ,onttt ~.-.,ti Sat... ,r :n;..-~ -`.~Iv :~: n :c.. v<: - -.
<br />- - .fv ~n_rrou°er wnhvut Lender's prior writron a:onseut anduding (teY the erearnn ,i a lien o an:nmb ~rcz ~n^orai:n:ae t- -_ -
<br />- this Decci of Trust, ; bl thecrcativn oP a purchase mane} .~cwrip' :novel[ for HnuxhoYd appr-anccs. -- tr~n;far .?t: devke_- - - ~, - - arxuu ,a by ,>pztstic, t,: ,a,w .aan the den ~t tti „ - ,t t7;-ax .... ~ .. - , ...
<br />- .. .. t..cn¢et u..t .,[._n t . •. ._, _. s.l..t.---; .aEa.z- t,~_..'--,: ..~ :: ..,. . ..~ -.
<br />-. ---._; ,nrcia.L ,..we .W1 ..,, a-lire. - 3._, _- . .:.1! ..., v ~ -;,, -s._ s, .:: ..:... :.::........_ ,.' , ..... -. .:. :_... .: _... _s - -
<br />- - -and the persan tcs whom the Prop sty i,- tv is ,asv nr te3iuier n•u re :.h ,tgrecutaat ;n ~a~n ine i rhz. , .>f rct~cn -.
<br />_:°` . -:osier i- ; . :.e._:: - - ~ ` - - _.
<br />- - -~..ondcr ,hull ecyirzst. tf l.suder } is w;iived th spites,. i , Lc r eta , r .r.i! d ..r hts _:n sett .p ~ --o_tcs ` u'u=sot
<br />_ _ __-:_.
<br />--,,-- _.__ - - --.~,.r -.
<br />- - - - - .n tmCt_]l i,.ta ..C_t:tt.....t t..ie:t S.,l...Y (.af ., £1 CC.1.. ;t, .t..v S,.L '=I .r, [..i=.: _' F :,.c.r~, , ~.4 ji .z. •t ,. ,r.r , - -
<br />:all obligatuvns under thi, Deed of ieust ;utd Cite `~iou.
<br />_ I1 Lcador aserc es corn ap,it 't re ,:eCC.tct etc. 1 atuu .ts,.ii :t-an rt,~rn.tt ,-.- r.t vt,: allot..,! ~ .: .__oru~n~e with
<br />p:aagraph 14 Itcreol. Such ,totter aitnH ;rr;,v v • ;. ,'zrtrC „r .a t ~c.,, ,nsa +t' J r; .: ,:. ~? tkl_ ~t ,~,c ., , .-tancd :,-Whin
<br />- which I3orrotver nta}' pay the >utnt atea_:r.-at utir. i lion uu t• t i, t:, -_rn, ~uois coon ant, tl:c „ni r3..•at ~.tf -,uaa , t ~!<tai.
<br />Lender may_ without tanner nonce •!r <rc ^:,~tu , 0 3,;r tr r, -,_ .oar :w} cc: nedie ~ ptcmut„ .. _ a ' , _._._u.
<br />- - 'v, rw.C vu~t~la tt 1'ucrvnv rs e3urmwct and Lendcv vunhcr c~,'ta-count and agree s. i<,?lna.
<br />IR. .tceeleruiiun; Remediea. 4t:xcept eu pruvitled 'vn pan?gniph t7 hereof. upon Burnn+ct's hunch ut a+ny- vutcauni ar
<br />- ;igreenreni ut" iiurrua er in this I>ecai aI "Crust, indudiag the cuvenapts is nay when Sue an}~ soon ~cc'ured tar thy. 'ileud
<br />' "nt Z'nts4 Lender prior tar accctenetiaa xhaYl mail native to ftarnnt cr :tt protiduii in paragraph Y•Y hereof ,itccit+ing; it7 the
<br />- - breach; [2) the action required !o cure ouch breach; 13Y ti dote, oat lass [ham 3p d:t t-. irvm the aaic the iurtice 53 sttaiicti is
<br />_ BorroneG hY trhich mrh breac4 :uusf be currd; anil f~11 tiuri f:1_ilure to rare +ua~;i h_feac_it :tu_ :rr_ 3tai,nre Wte ,tote saerrfied
<br />- in the notice uup- result in acr:cYvraticsu ,ti fire lion. ;ucun•d by thYt Y)ucaY ut 7"lust fold rsdc oY the Propertt-. 9~Ptr nm{rc
<br />shall tip't Yler iUlarm li9funr-lT ni IhC rlg Yit to R'llhtale :rYler nceclerllllult and the nt;lsl fU P'tiitt$ a ctntt7 ~i'liUO iU ii.RSerM
<br />die nnu-etiseencr of a dcY:udt ur nay other defense +,i 'Bornnaer to ut•eeleraiion and sale. ;d' the breut-is i+ not rsucd
<br />- - - - on ur hefirrc ibe dare specified fn dre. tuceia•, Letalct at t.avtdcr', uphou-;our deciure ail :,1 the >um.t -...~cuicd ixt :his ?eert
<br />- 'n('Crust ru 6e iuuncdiareiy dur unJ payuYeic tt iihufu furtbFr ¢em:nut nnii utuc intone tifi• pint er of sdt: :nu! :v.} ,.Wiser-ecmedie>
<br />- -- _ -penniih•al It} app{irtbie-fart. Lnedei sYiuYl he cntitkiY ttr ruileci sit rcaaupabla• cotta ;toil rspc~urr. lnrurrnei io ponPiuk the
<br />remedies punided in Iliir pamyntpir [$, iachsdink, but uni tiudl 4i ia, rcniunsiit}e stuorney'+ tees.
<br />Y[ tltc power of s:de ie innvokgd, fnrsiee Shall tvcnrd a naiin• of dkiunh [ii curb es'xanty in .rhiclx the- i'rupea tc ar ~eutc
<br />p4r1 tltcrc f is tatraictl anil 31suYi maxi aupius ai rich nutter Yu the nuuiufir' prescribed i?r uppticablc tort -3nrroatcr sad it) tltc
<br />- _- ,filter per. inrpn•+cnbe~ 6p :y?pYiurids-`racy= tlYe~rhk iapw za nacli i tae-tr+-Witty ter regnitti -irr •xF'PEu mi ;arr. ? rf-rim ,r,uf_-
<br />- -_ _ - _givc puhiic notice art s•dk-io iiie perauns and in tit R. manner {~rcprridt[i br aapurahie ixtr. - runic i, -t+-dhatu_i kur.uuY-,Wi.
<br />- - -Borrower, situp >cll the #'rvperty~ al public aucthrn tai the highkr[ Bidflcr ;tE ink bate anil plac>+-tu} nudge the ;ertiss atv_vign:rictl
<br />-in-the-notice ui sale in one ur noire parcels and Yn such ssr}ler ae 1'aistee maF deicnuiuc. -:"rtsstye east Intc(Puuc -ale of st}I-
<br />- - - or su>w~ parcel at the I'Snpv=rtr by pulnc~ amxeuucemeri ai -ifie tiUic =uni place ,i--2nj` etc =a stsyi}~ -tics`airhurel-snit,- - c:adEr ter
<br />L.endei's cfesiguec maY Purchn c iha I'ropzrir at tuty sate.
<br />- €ipuu receipt at payusent of the Price isid, 'ituslce shnil dahcr he dsv pur'ciutscr '1"russre"a dre(f rnur'r}enq itec F'nrymrit
<br />-- - sold. 9'he-recitals bi ilre ~1'rmtce s r1eeA .digit-iv pirmu t i iu rildenca oY' iha trrrth srf the *iuiesucui_s =trattr ihrrc'rr, 'hru tca~
<br />- shall ulgdt ibe pruu-vds 1' iha sate iii ih¢ itdlo 's1'r~ terrier: tar! esali ran uutrbfk t>--ara> :. Yr a a.' a' tti ir, inaiseumt?, t•ut
<br />- ant liusitcd io, -Frusle Ins of uvl atilre thmi - D~ t ', c,Y Y6a yso-t.~ .:dt ps aa, rcasvuanir ;u Wraua., a Ct•t~+: Yad att.th »t
<br />title ur-idcacc; ib) io silt sums >eanred by this I>eeei ref Y'nnr; anil (cl_ihe a•xceys: iI ;iuy, ~rt Yhc pgs~bu of itatsoas ia•guil t~ eutitterF
<br />- thereto. - - - -
<br />29. Atrrnnr ae Right to ticinetatr. ~,*r..;ih+rt,:,7u ri {.crnictA t,.t,u tat. , tc *tvr , t `7a^e
<br />- - Ban,rwcr shall it;rcc the r'aghl tt. h,,'c ley t`r.,~t'tJiu>,> Isapt,n Iw , vn,ter in nt oi'JC tit .ta,l -• -t ~:.
<br />- ury' tutu prit,r io the can her to ,:coot o!' ui iha uuu : _le c cst .,ir . a Y'u tau ly r , „ tt:e 1 ,.
<br />- n ihra t3cad tq i rota m u Icurry , ,eh;utc t ..arc...: n}, to :):,. n! ? st it' (..t tie : .. ,.n ~., in.n '
<br />' c tht:n ,lac nuaicr title , tt c.at : , r t s, nc~ tit is ,tau n.t is t-o at r,n~; `~t tet..e acta r .... - ..n e, , .
<br />h) !la: rvaar t items :,i xcs.t :tt •..tas .. artist.: . , 5a r srr , ., - .In ., -
<br />- tai lien at t t,:ry .uY ,.il~l~ < s tunas na,u.r..; iw t ,,;.t .and - 1 ,, ...t ,t
<br />- - i-> - i,i:ttnc`,I .n i..t ~?l'Cti „ t' i`.I lt, +:n'c .~ i x,14?~, c t 't ~ r - „t t tt
<br />_ ,..,t. tchu . eta, t 1i nu.d n !c -,t[, ,ct o t' .t,,,- .. .. a t, ., „ -..
<br />-itt .. . urn. If,at itta' ls~„ t ( III:• (?uw ,t i, , , ~ fist,,, c.,, , t i, , ~f+' t, , - i • .,•
<br />