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<br /> <br />CJwtPOaar tCovttnara^rs, Borrower altd L+endtt covenant and agrt'c' as f'bBows~ <br />t. Payment of f'rlncipsii aaA [Merest. Borrt~wtr shall promptly pay when due the principal of and interest on rte <br />mdebtedttesa evidenced try the Nrxe, prepayment ;nd late charges as prrnrded in the Note, and the principal of and intemt <br />on any Future Advances secured by this Mortgage- <br />Z Faada for Ttaas arsi fsarattaetr. Subject to applicable law or to a written waiver by Lender, Borrower shall pay <br />to Lendtr on the day rnonthty installeents of ptincipai and interest are payable under the Note, until the Note is paid in fuU, <br />a sum therein "Funds") equal ro one-twelfth of the yearly taxes and assessments which rttay attain priority over this <br />Mortgage. and ground rents on the Property. if any, plus ono-rwelfth of yearly premium installments for hazard insunnce. <br />plus orle-twelfth of yeuly premium installmenn for mortgage insurance. d any, ati as reasonably estimated initially and from <br />time ro tittle h}• Lender on the basis of aaseasmcnts and hills and reasonable estimates thereof. <br />The Funds shall tee held m an institution the deposits or accounts of which are insured ur guuanteed by a Federal or <br />state agency 1 incitlding Lender rf Lender rs such an institution 1. bender shall apply the Funds to pay said taxes, aesessntents, <br />rnsurarrca premiums and ground rents. Lender may not , barge tnr sn holding and applying the Hands, analyzing sa+a account, <br />or venh•Ing and compiling wiA asaeystrlenu and htlis, unless Lender pays Borrower interest on the Futeds and applicable law <br />permds Lender to make such a charge. Bclrrnwer and Lender may agree in writing at the time of execution of this <br />Mortgagt that interest an the Funds shall he paid to Borrower, and unleu such agreement is made or applicable law <br />requires stt.h interest to tie paid, Iznder shall oat he reyuired to pay Borrmver any inttreat clr earnings on the Funds. Lender <br />shall give to Borrower, without charge, an annual accounting of the Funds ,hawing credits and debits to the F'ur~s attd the <br />"purpose for which each debit ul the Funds was made. -Rte Funds are pledged as additions! security for the sums secured <br />fly this Mortgage. <br />1f the amount (u the Funds held by Lender, together .vtth the tttturc monthly mstallmtnts of Funds payable prior to <br />the d+le dates of razes, assessments, insurance premiums and ground rents, shall exceed rite amount required to pay said taxes, <br />aaetlamenis. insurance premtums and ground rents as they tall due, such excess shall he. at Borrower's option, either <br />promptly repaid m Borrower or credited to &lrruwer on moiuhty installments of Funds. If the amount of the. Funds <br />he-d by Lender shall not he sufficient to pay taxes, assessments, :nsurance premtums and ground rents as they fall due, <br />Bnrrowtr shall pay to I_cnder any amount neccssarv rt+ make up the detiarncv within 3(} days tn/m the date notice is mailed <br />by Linder to Borrower reyuesung payment thereat <br />llpun payment to full tit ail sums secured by this Mortgage. 1 finder shall promptly refund [il Borrower arty Funds <br />held by l.enfltr. If under paragraph t8 herrot the Pmptn} ,( suW or rhr Propene is nthetwisc acgwrcd by Lender. Lender <br />shall apply, co Later than rmtnediatciy pour ro the ,ale ~.~t rhr property or its acquurt+on by Lendtr, env Funds held by <br />Letulet tit the amt of appliiattlxt da a .[edit againx[ the sums secured try thu Mortgage. <br />J. Apgiitatiow tit Paymeta4. tiniess appbcaflie law prncufrs taherwisr, .dl payments received by lender under the <br />'.Vint erui paragraphs I and Z hereut ,hall tx applzed h} Lcniier tint m payment of amounts payable to Lender by Borrower <br />under paragraph _' hercoL then ru interest pa}abk on rhr Vute, ,hen to rhr pnnclpal of the Note. dnd then to interest and <br />pn nctpal un any Parrot Advallcsa. <br />~. (~htlstRes; fJe~. &trrower ,halt pay ril raves, .rssessrnents anti ,tsher shares. tines and rmpus+urns attrrbutablc ro <br />the Propertn• which may attain a pnonty over this Siurtgage..,nd Ica-Behold payments .~r ground rents, if env, m the manner <br />toy, ~d .,.,.., pa ::graph ..z,. , -... ,,, i;a ...,. ..... H:+rr;l•.=., ..,ak:rg pa^:er... ;.her ~„,l,. to th. <br />payee ~herta~i. Borrower shallyprllmpU} rurmsh to I xnder all •nouces,ut emnunts (tor under this paragraph. and in the event <br />Burrower shuil male paynunt dlrn~uy. Horn+wrr ,hall pntmptiv iunusil !. I.enller receipts rtlderl(:mg such payments. <br />Burrower .half promptly discharge env aen ahrch hss pnnnly .,err !his Mortgage. pntvrded, that Borrower shall not tee <br />reyuued to dlsihargr any .uch hen. ,o %ony; ~xs Bortewcr ,hail dgrrr +n ,+nunyt r„ the patmrnt ,rt the rrhitganon ucured by <br />c+trrh Ern in ,( manner acceptable to Linder. „r ,hail to gwt(I tdrth f.uniesr .uch uin hy, or detrnd tntarccment of such hen m, <br />legal proii`edmgs whtf:h ~.lptnuc to prevent the cob+rcemrnt ,H the lien r,r [orttuurr of the 1'mperty .,r .uty part thrrcut <br />~. Huard taaaraecr. Burrower .hail keep the ,rrpr:,•.cntrrt, sox ,~tonng „r hereat[er erected on the Prnpenp insured <br />agawat lelsa by flee. hutards mchlded wnhut !tx stern e ueridiu c.-=vcrage .utd ,uch v,thtr hazards as i ct}die ,nap rryuire <br />and .n such amounts .end tar wth Iten.nit .,, ! ensile met rryuArc^. ~•rmrdefi. 'Rai 1 coder ,hull our tryucrr ttwl tnr .unount of <br />uiCtt ,ovei age esertil zfwat amouru .•t t,rr aft[ rcynarl z, r'dt attr .ant, .-unrd I,v t,lts \iottgaKe- <br />1}tt prllYldlll}{ ift( i1t1U1ail,t +ildli t>< .nlrM:lt !tt B1trflt:.t'r ,ttr,Iril ! , Approval I,V I i'ndl'r. prll.l4lCd. <br />that su+-h appnlval shall neN rlt ,;titles-fzlant -wzttet++=t,f a€ _---- .... r..., _ ._,, _ ~haE; ^t ,.:sz ~ ..: rn4 ?natutir <br />provided under paragraph F tttreii ,=t, " °ut ;std as ,txh nl ~t -r, ~v it ~n.wrr tr atrg l,tamrnt, tihsn slur, .?retth to the <br />itlsuratx~ .ytn¢t. <br />All Nuunul.~t ~4tcies ~tA renew cis ix•ev! .n,.lr !x u, ,anu ,,«cit hti +o i , .~_ ,tf~ J ti ~n~t.fJu ,, ,t..ufz..Fu efarteagc <br />ciaust m tasar of and .n rotor dsctplahre !,, i traier i cnJet ~nati i,dy the ngtu ,:,a,i ht lull^.ie, .,n,l trncwdA ahereur- <br />alNl BotY!,w@r shalt prutttptly Rutltah rt, Lcndrt ,:ii ;cu_asi r..,n.r, ,+n,t .,ii t:,rrlt;~ ,a ,,;ud ~ rirni:na•. !r. ufc eani ,+i !,_,,. <br />BIN rIIW et shell g1YC plttmpl ntYllft it, :he itUUY eallr .dt t:il f ltLt 1 code( 1 t'n,iy'1 ,ri_,t ;t1aAr j=1 ,,, t1 r't t. tt, if It.=1 :rt.llil' fir r,f if pill <br />fly Biltl (FwCi. <br />Unless Lendtr And Bon,twrr „t htrw.,i .(grrr .n .. rn.n}t. r •.un,unc pr.~s ird, ,nail ?Y •rpphed t., ;r,h,raut a. ripau =4 <br />the phlptlty .tan+agcd, pntYidcA ,ash rrstarauou =;. rrfm;l •, wnornt, ally dstt=ii utd ±hr tea.. u:?n ,,; tfu, Vortgagr ., <br />nsN thtlleb} unpautsi U -fnh !rstuutn•a or !rpetr •n :;•i r,f wvua_eiR irav:,!r ,_, the ,rs ur :Ft ,. !tu, \l ortkngc ,,.•.:id <br />Fw tmpa,led, the u~aurans pnxcesls ,Halt t+t .=pplte.f r.. utc ,wru ,r. utrJ ;•t ~,hi, Atongdgr, ., nn ;hr ,°t. c,,, .' ., r,t. Jmui <br />til ItoiR1W¢r 11 rtw phtptlnl rl .N,wtfioimd t,~ iklnowir..a ~t fialrtnwri t u!_, rt rrnpruu to i e'uUrt wetfuu ~u da}l ir„nt iht <br />daiC IxtltiC sa ma+hsl by Le rKltr to Ftc+t tf±wrr 'teat rftc , .dl Ftr r .=Ifrh ro ,rtttr ,: .i.ttr it t!=r ~t,sutatr,c hcnrntl t r,txlcr <br />zs authortZt~l let ~o11ba and apply ttR ,u.utanct i,i nectars .ti f ,a~ii , .,piton cQhrr br :CSr f,t,n nxr , i rrpau ==t the Pn+}~n, <br />(lr u: the Bunts ,s_lued ?,} thu Mortgage <br />t.iMetwx Lcrnkt .uni iictrrowrr ,>thr+wt,e ,,{{tit .n ~,tnitng. ,tot ~a.P ..pplwannn .+I ler,trcda nr t'inr~ipal ~it.ill n,=a r,a,ud <br />fll ItatatpttflC IfK dtx aisle ,?t [fit iFl(rrlltlit 1lili illnlctiit rc'l ttir({ ic, t'i (rdi;igf •Ypll. - fit„ ',iliol .•! .hen Hf' itil .text. rtnn r~l <br />,...-k tnatad}mtnta. Ii tinder pirugratuz ,>• nttto[ eht i'rottut „ ,ayustc,t I~•. i cudn i_, ;,gilt. '.tit ., n,t :,.trust .4 Ho; r,"Hfi <br />rr slot iu ant naur attar plJrata ant! as and ^a the pi o. resin !htrcfir tc+ut!ulg tt.+;a .tealagt t., rhr r'«:,i>katt ,, . ,-~ :hc ..r _ <br />of a:yWNUaa shaf? fvw eft Lceplii to t.hC event .d ,ht ,unu ,tsuFf>J '-t :fn, \t„t t?a+d}tr -.rtrnr.Ita!elt ;,nett ~~,_ .,r,-h ,ale ., <br />a4yYi111tl11i1. <br />(/, f~r-l>Ytiflt+ aO~ ~~atNttl~Hl't r11 Nt1t~1~r1): (.rasthtit~a: t fNldUpilplUi~li ptabnelt t n!t IkIeEU~tiltr»i>,. Ir„f t„Nat <br />atwll ia2Cti ttw Ptupeti) in rtpeu and [hail not , orunw „asP. f ><•t nut ou}winntr,z ,u ,iefrt tozat.iatt rltas i'n •ih tit <br />slid iLiail ~eiliipi} wrill !fit lVtly+s+una .~. .reel ken -i tilt, 4i±+z;i;a*i !, ~'itt=t.i tf i ;r, ii,~; zy y -, -.r .. t, , <br />.:ctf)x-gmdlt4ln or d plauur:d :lnaC arl,htpnhlli, klt,n,=w rr =lt iii ;ttl,~:t a . .~1 H-_ta~"++rr , ,-hirgatt=rus ., d.t Bert ,t fs az,:~n <br />t,r 1tiYCA+lnts ,reatrng =u gavtfuutg Hx: ~x:ndpn nntunl +. t+tertf*:°J --ut -.x-c1,°I zzt€r„- the. by-;awl ,:-gnral r.,n, -. _t, <br />..(NitlotlUnlUln fai pisuneA amt dttctiopnln+u. .end .a,+t+ttntc ut .xw utuai;s. it r ,,,,J.~r,unturn .n rr,uc,l r.-t .,, u.•1~•r:+c~n6 <br />tidal cats.uieal fay ttot/awet a+tti n:.:uAi.1 a.ftathel =,ah ...m \fuu µatz=. ...f .: ,.,,att.. .ni .tgi, un.rt. •,. ~.n ,ri., <br />ct;-,iB t% ttK(tt~rrataa ,nto atlJ shall amind ant! wPP'ernu^ttt !etc ., etas :t~ ,t u.. _~t coif„tl -.p rh~, V1,~?t~,fatc , - _ ,-„ <br />watt d hectuf. <br />7. Pt+MSChsa let l,drtdtr`s 4carity. It Ba, :a.9 _.i~."fm znc .,:IC,ua*., .,tut agticti;ct:ts .:r: tt at n:d __, ~, <br />!-fortg~t, „t if stay .nttvat ~.,t pt e.,rl+ei±ug ,. .ons+'s'1a~?lac,'- .,_..,i r,tdzcztatt± •tle.?. ~u,zri ~ .uce.;t +.; t y .~,'<,"_, <br />miilNimg, t1Lit rAat ilin+i@it itt, tlillill nl tl8rrfat+t. .. ,ter, iOt: _i.tnfi SsY{rtti, 3Y'pittlC nl± I •w c'f fitsE` ,., a <br />fish-rtlpi ar <tpralWtt, lfieii l.rutirrf az tcndrt', ,•pt,f,xt. -tirEVt ;., i,c ~., ihat:, r,.• ta, ~.tAr ,,. .. pet'-d:an: rs nr,e; ,. ..... <br />sulllb~ enci tairr itp.h e..t hkl as .f tua.estary t.= Fai otcw c ! c^ ~.# ~, , r.,c ~ ~- .,_ _ "v~ '..t :_ t _ .tole' -- -._ : __._ ..? <br />Ftdtal[t$iliit :ltrxtrtttll Y '. t!C9 ,trtd rr, in ~u:t, •i'~ }r?, f,rv S.t .nt. ~ ', ~•'"" ,:t~"! t , <br />:.uedtt,.=u •ti ,tc,aknyt the isu: 1cr<z.tre! 'sy tttta tif„rtaav.f. ii. r , wf. , ,,,•, a, : :,;n .,,. .~.1:, e,t ,. t.,,.r ..., <br />,tlaAiriiri4ti tat tLLaf.t ,Nltti aµ.h ?.lt15i .et ti tt.+i:ixfifieCai, ...rt .:. t: •~,~. ~.,~, ...x _. x1d,... xr,-' fi., ~ .~ _, <br />